1 solitary unit
Военный термин: отдельная часть -
2 solitary unit
3 unit
организационная единица; боевая единица (напр. корабль, ЛА танк); подразделение; часть; соединение; расчетно-снабженческая единица; секция; орган; элемент; комплект; агрегат; установка; см. тж. elementbulk petrol (transport) unit — Бр. часть [подразделение] подвоза наливного (бестарного) горючего
counter C3 unit — часть [подразделение] подавления системы оперативного управления и связи
Fleet Marine (Corps) reconnaissance unit — разведывательное подразделение [часть] флотских сил МП
multisensor (AA) firing unit 3PK — с приборным комплексом из нескольких систем обнаружения и сопровождения
photo (graphic) reconnaissance unit — фоторазведывательная часть [подразделение]
surface-launched unit, fuel air explosive — установка дистанционного разминирования объемным взрывом
surface-launched unit, mine — установка дистанционного минирования
tactical (air) control unit — часть [подразделение] управления ТА
war (time) strength (TOE) unit — часть, укомплектованная по штатам военного времени
— air unit— ASA unit— BM unit— border operation unit— car unit— depot support unit— dry unit— EW unit— GM unit— host country unit— HQ unit— logistics support unit— manpack radio unit— marksmanship training unit— mechanized infantry unit— missile-armed unit— nuclear weapon unit— provisional unit— QM unit— Rangers unit— supported unit— TOE unit— transportation unit— truck transport unit— van unit— wet unit* * *1) часть; 2) единица -
4 solitary
5 unit
6 individual
1. a личный, индивидуальный; предназначенный для одного лица2. a отдельный, частный3. a воен. часто одиночный4. a характерный, особенный, присущий отдельному лицуСинонимический ряд:1. characteristic (adj.) characteristic; diacritic; diagnostic; distinctive; distinguishing; idiosyncratic; peculiar; proper; typical2. discrete (adj.) discrete; lone; secluded; separate; solitary3. own (adj.) own; personal; personalized; private4. several (adj.) respective; several; singular5. single (adj.) definite; distinct; especial; particular; single; special; specific6. human (noun) body; creature; human; life; man; mortal; party; personage; soul; wight7. person (noun) animal; child; human being; one; person; self; unit; woman8. thing (noun) being; entity; existence; existent; material; matter; object; something; stuff; substance; thingАнтонимический ряд:collective; common; general; group -
7 pulse
1) импульс || генерировать импульсы; работать в импульсном режиме; посылать импульсы2) пульсирование; пульсации || пульсировать; вызывать пульсации4) всплеск излучения || излучать всплесками5) пульс•- advance pulse
- alternating-current pulse
- anticoincidence pulse - bell-shaped pulse
- bidirectional pulses
- bipolar pulses
- blackout pulse
- blanking pulse
- brightening pulse
- call-indicator pulse
- carrier-frequency pulse
- carrierless pulse
- carry pulse
- channel pulse
- charge pulse
- chirp pulse
- clamp pulse
- clock pulse
- cloud pulse
- coincidence pulse
- comparison pulse
- compressed pulse
- constant-duration pulse
- convolved pulse
- dark-current pulse
- delta light pulse
- dial pulse
- digit pulse
- digit synchronizing-pulse
- disabling pulse
- discharge pulse
- disturb pulse
- disturbing pulse
- drive pulse
- driving pulse
- edit pulse - enabling pulse
- end-carry pulse
- equalizing pulse
- erase pulse
- error pulse
- execute pulse
- fast pulse
- feedback pulse
- field blanking pulse
- field-synchronizing pulse
- firing pulse
- flat-topped pulse
- frame pulse
- frame-synchronizing pulse
- front-porch pulse
- fruit pulse
- gate pulse
- gating pulse
- Gaussian pulse
- ghost pulse
- giant laser pulse
- giant laser-emission pulse
- half-drive pulse
- half-select pulse
- horizontal blanking pulse
- horizontal-retrace blanking pulse
- horizontal-synchronizing pulse
- ignition pulse
- inhibit pulse
- initiating pulse
- input pulse
- insert pulse
- intensification pulse - inverted pulse
- key pulse
- killer pulse
- linear FM pulse
- line blanking pulse
- line-frequency blanking pulse
- line-synchronizing pulse
- lockout pulse
- long pulse
- make pulse
- mark pulse
- marker pulse
- marking pulse
- microwave pulse
- nanosecond pulse
- narrow pulse
- noise pulse
- Nyquist pulse
- output pulse
- overflow pulse
- partial-drive pulse
- partial-read pulse
- partial-reading pulse
- partial-select pulse
- partial-write pulse
- phasing pulse
- picosecond pulse
- picture-synchronizing pulse
- postwrite disturb pulse
- preread disturb pulse
- priming pulse
- pump pulse
- pumping pulse
- punch pulse
- Q-switched pulse
- quench pulse
- radio pulse
- radio-frequency pulse
- raised cosine pulse
- read pulse
- reading pulse
- rectangular pulse
- reference frame pulse
- reply pulse
- returning-to-zero pulse
- RTZ pulse
- sample pulse
- sampling pulse
- sawtooth pulse
- select pulse
- selector pulse
- SFQ pulse
- sharp pulse
- sine pulse
- single flux quantum pulse
- single-polarity pulses
- solitary-wave pulse
- sonic pulse
- space pulse
- spontaneous laser pulse
- spurious pulse
- start pulse
- starting pulse
- steady-state pulse
- stop pulse
- strobe pulse
- stuffed pulse
- subtract pulse
- suppression pulse
- sync pulse
- synchronizing pulse
- tach pulse
- tail pulse
- tape video frame pulse
- timed pulse
- timing pulse
- tone-wheel pulse
- trailing pulse
- trapezoidal pulse
- triangular pulse
- trigger pulse
- triggering pulse
- ultrasonic pulse
- unidirectional pulses
- unipolar pulses
- unit pulse
- variable-duration pulse
- vertical blanking pulse
- vertical-retrace blanking pulse
- vertical-synchronizing pulse
- video pulse
- write pulse -
8 pulse
1) импульс || генерировать импульсы; работать в импульсном режиме; посылать импульсы2) пульсирование; пульсации || пульсировать; вызывать пульсации4) всплеск излучения || излучать всплесками5) пульс•- advance pulse
- alternating-current pulse
- anticoincidence pulse
- attention dial pulse
- back-porch pulse
- bell-shaped pulse
- bidirectional pulse
- bipolar pulse
- blackout pulse
- blanking pulse
- brightening pulse
- call-indicator pulse
- carrier-frequency pulse
- carrierless pulse
- carry pulse
- channel pulse
- charge pulse
- chirp pulse
- clamp pulse
- clock pulse
- cloud pulse
- coincidence pulse
- comparison pulse
- compressed pulse
- constant-duration pulse
- convolved pulse
- dark-current pulse
- delta light pulse
- dial pulse
- digit pulse
- digit synchronizing-pulse
- disabling pulse
- discharge pulse
- disturb pulse
- disturbing pulse
- drive pulse
- driving pulse
- edit pulse
- electromagnetic pulse
- enable pulse
- enabling pulse
- end-carry pulse
- equalizing pulse
- erase pulse
- error pulse
- execute pulse
- fast pulse
- feedback pulse
- field blanking pulse
- field-synchronizing pulse
- firing pulse
- flat-topped pulse
- frame pulse
- frame-synchronizing pulse
- front-porch pulse
- fruit pulse
- gate pulse
- gating pulse
- Gaussian pulse
- ghost pulse
- giant laser pulse
- giant laser-emission pulse
- half-drive pulse
- half-select pulse
- horizontal blanking pulse
- horizontal-retrace blanking pulse
- horizontal-synchronizing pulse
- ignition pulse
- inhibit pulse
- initiating pulse
- input pulse
- insert pulse
- intensification pulse
- internal electromagnetic pulse
- interrogation pulse
- inverted pulse
- key pulse
- killer pulse
- line blanking pulse
- linear FM pulse
- line-frequency blanking pulse
- line-synchronizing pulse
- lockout pulse
- long pulse
- make pulse
- mark pulse
- marker pulse
- marking pulse
- microwave pulse
- nanosecond pulse
- narrow pulse
- noise pulse
- Nyquist pulse
- output pulse
- overflow pulse
- partial-drive pulse
- partial-read pulse
- partial-reading pulse
- partial-select pulse
- partial-write pulse
- phasing pulse
- picosecond pulse
- picture-synchronizing pulse
- postwrite disturb pulse
- preread disturb pulse
- priming pulse
- pump pulse
- pumping pulse
- punch pulse
- Q-switched pulse
- quench pulse
- radio pulse
- radio-frequency pulse
- raised cosine pulse
- read pulse
- reading pulse
- rectangular pulse
- reference frame pulse
- reply pulse
- returning-to-zero pulse
- RTZ pulse
- sample pulse
- sampling pulse
- sawtooth pulse
- select pulse
- selector pulse
- SFQ pulse
- sharp pulse
- sine pulse
- single flux quantum pulse
- single-polarity pulses
- solitary-wave pulse
- sonic pulse
- space pulse
- spontaneous laser pulse
- spurious pulse
- start pulse
- starting pulse
- steady-state pulse
- stop pulse
- strobe pulse
- stuffed pulse
- subtract pulse
- suppression pulse
- sync pulse
- synchronizing pulse
- tach pulse
- tail pulse
- tape video frame pulse
- timed pulse
- timing pulse
- tone-wheel pulse
- trailing pulse
- trapezoidal pulse
- triangular pulse
- trigger pulse
- triggering pulse
- ultrasonic pulse
- unidirectional pulse
- unipolar pulse
- unit pulse
- variable-duration pulse
- vertical blanking pulse
- vertical-retrace blanking pulse
- vertical-synchronizing pulse
- video pulse
- write pulseThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > pulse
9 individual
10 sporadic
спорадический имя прилагательное: -
11 unitary
унитарный имя прилагательное: -
12 cooler
1. n тех. холодильник2. n тех. радиатор3. n тех. градирня4. n тех. охлаждающее устройство, рефрижератор5. n тех. охладитель6. n тех. спорт. скамья для удалённых с поля игроков, штрафная скамья7. n тех. амер. сл. тюрьма, арестантская камераСинонимический ряд:1. colder (adj.) chillier; colder; icier; more arctic; more chill; more chillsome; more freezing; more frigid; more frore; more gelid; more glacial; more shivery; nippier2. evener (adj.) calmer; evener; more collected; more composed; more cool-headed; more detached; more disimpassioned; more even-tempered; more imperturbable; more nonchalant; more unflappable; more unruffled3. more unsociable (adj.) frostier; more aloof; more distant; more insociable; more offish; more reserved; more reticent; more shut-in; more solitary; more standoff; more standoffish; more stand-offish; more touch-me-not-ish; more unapproachable; more unbending; more uncommunicative; more uncompanionable; more undemonstrative; more unsociable; more withdrawn; remoter4. jail (noun) bastille; bridewell; coop; freezer; guardroom; jail; jug; keep; lockup; pen; penitentiary; prison; reformatory; rock pile; skookum-house; slammer; stockade -
13 one
1. n единицаone level — уровень единицы; уровень "1"; единичный уровень
2. n один из3. n разone, two, three … — раз, два, три …
one! two! — раз!, два!
at one fling — одним ударом, одним махом; сразу
at one haul — одним заводом невода; за один раз
4. n один, одиночкаin one scoop, with a scoop — в один приём, одним ударом
5. n год6. n час7. n филос. идея, сущностьoh, you are a one telling that joke in front of the manager — ну, ты даёшь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего
the one about — шутка, анекдот
all one — всё равно, всё едино; безразлично
as one — как один, все вместе
at one — заодно; единодушно
we are at one in thinking that … — мы едины во мнении, что …; мы оба или все думаем, что …
in the year one — очень давно;
one up on — преимущество, перевес
a right one — дурак, «дубина»
the Holy One, One above — бог
8. a единственныйone only — единственный, уникальный
9. a единый; одинаковый10. a целый, единый, неразлучныйto be made one — пожениться, сочетаться браком
11. a тот же самый, этот жеone and the same — один и тот же; тот же самый
12. a одинаковый, неизменный13. a какой-то, неопределённый14. a некий, нектоany one — кто бы то ни было; любой
15. num число один16. num один; первыйone in ten — каждый десятый, один из десяти
Синонимический ряд:1. single (adj.) lone; one and only; only; particular; separate; single; sole; solitary2. unique (adj.) different; especial; individual; odd; peculiar; singular; special; uncommon; unique3. united (adj.) associated; coalescing; connected; joined; linked; related; united; wed4. single item (noun) digit; individual; integer; item; person; single item; thing; unit; whole5. unity (noun) entirety; oneness; solidarity; togetherness; totality; unity6. join (verb) associate; bracket; coadunate; coagment; coalesce; combine; compound; concrete; conjoin; conjugate; connect; couple; join; link; marry; relate; unite; wed; yoke7. someone (other) somebody; someone -
14 remote
1. n тлв. внестудийная передача; репортаж с места2. a отдалённый, дальнийremote ages — стародавние времена, древность
3. a глухой, уединённый4. a дальний, далёкий5. a имеющий отдалённое отношение; не связанный непосредственноa question remote from the subject — вопрос, не относящийся к теме
6. a отличный, непохожийthe principle of his actions is often remote from the actions themselves — его принципы часто расходятся с его поступками
7. a слабый, отдалённый8. a маловероятный9. a тех. дистанционный, действующий на расстоянии10. a отчуждённый; холодный11. v протягивать на большие расстояния; доводить до отдалённого пунктаСинонимический ряд:1. ancient (adj.) ancient; antiquated; archaic; forgotten; primeval2. back (adj.) back; frontier; outlandish; unsettled3. cool (adj.) aloof; chilly; cool; frosty; reserved; reticent; stand-offish; unapproachable; uncommunicative; undemonstrative; withdrawn4. distant (adj.) alien; distant; far; far apart; far off; faraway; far-flung; far-off; foreign; godforsaken; inaccessible; off-lying; outlying5. doubtful (adj.) doubtful; dubious; implausible6. indifferent (adj.) by-the-way; casual; detached; disinterested; incurious; indifferent; numb; pococurante; unconcerned; uncurious; uninterested7. isolated (adj.) isolated; private; secluded; solitary8. negligible (adj.) insignificant; negligible; off; outside; slender; slight; slim; small9. obscure (adj.) devious; lonesome; obscure; out-of-the-way; removed; retired; secret10. separated (adj.) abstracted; extraneous; irrelevant; pointless; separated; unrelatedАнтонимический ряд:actual; adjacent; adjoining; approximate; bordering; close; connected; considerable; contiguous; direct; essential; homogeneous; immediate; interested; intimate; pertinent; plausible; public -
15 social
1. n приём, встреча, собраниеsocial event — неофициальная встреча; встреча друзей
2. n разг. вечеринка3. a общественный, социальный4. a компанейский, дружескийsocial drinking — выпивка в компании, дружеская попойка
5. a общительный6. a бытовой, относящийся к повседневной жизниsocial director of a hotel — администратор отеля, ведающий культурным обслуживанием
7. a относящийся к положению в обществе8. a светский9. a биол. общественный; стайный; стадныйsocial plants — растения, растущие группами
Синонимический ряд:1. friendly (adj.) affable; amiable; companionable; convivial; friendly; genial; gregarious; neighborly; pleasurable; sociable2. human (adj.) common; cultural; human; political; public; racial; secular; societal; worldly3. humane (adj.) altruistic; benevolent; charitable; humane; philanthropic4. polite (adj.) civil; hospitable; informative; mannerly; pleasant; polished; polite5. sociable (noun) sociable; soiree; tea partyАнтонимический ряд:antisocial; captious; crude; cynical; disagreeable; discourteous; ill-mannered; impolite; morose; secluded; severe; solitary; stern
См. также в других словарях:
Solitary confinement — For other uses, see Solitary confinement (disambiguation). Solitary confinement is a special form of imprisonment in which a prisoner is isolated from any human contact, though often with the exception of members of prison staff. It is sometimes… … Wikipedia
List of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit characters — The cast of the thirteenth season (2011–2012). From left to right: Dann Florek, Danny Pino, Mariska Hargitay, Kelli Giddish, Richard Belzer, and Ice T. Law Order: Special Victims Unit, a spin off of the crime drama Law O … Wikipedia
Liste der Episoden von Law & Order: Special Victims Unit — Diese Liste enthält alle Episoden der US amerikanischen Dramaserie Law Order: Special Victims Unit sortiert nach der US amerikanischen Erstausstrahlung. Die Fernsehserie umfasst derzeit 13 Staffeln mit 280 Episoden. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Staffel 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Theodore Unit — Infobox musical artist | Name = Theodore Unit Img capt = Img size = Background = group or band Origin = Staten Island, New York, USA Genre = Hip Hop Years active = Label = Starks Enterprises Associated acts = Wu Tang Clan Current members =… … Wikipedia
Kombat Unit — X Fusion Logo von X Fusion Gründung 1988 Genre Elektro Website http://www.x fusion.com … Deutsch Wikipedia
control unit — American a cell for solitary confinement There is no inference that the other prisoners are out of control … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
individual behavior adjustment unit — American a cell for solitary confinement Circumlocution combined with evasion. It could refer to anything from a dose of medicine to a turnstile … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Marvin Comisky — (1918–2010) was a major figure in the Philadelphia legal community for decades. Chairman emeritus of the law firm Blank Rome and former head of the Philadelphia and state bar associations, he halted discriminatory hiring practices in Philadelphia … Wikipedia
Prison Four — Unit tag of Prison Four Prison Four (Hebrew: כלא ארבע, Kele Arba), officially Confinement Base 394 (Hebrew: בסיס כליאה 394, Bsis Kli a 394) is an Israeli military prison for Israeli soldiers, located in the military police compound in … Wikipedia
Warden Leo Glynn — Leo Glynn (played by Ernie Hudson) is the warden of the Oswald state correctional facility on the HBO drama Oz . Character overviewHe began working as a correctional officer (possibly Oz s first African American CO) in Oz in the early 1980s and… … Wikipedia
Tim McManus — is a fictional character on HBO s prison drama Oz, played by Terry Kinney. Character overviewMcManus, the idealistic manager of Emerald City, is unlike the rest of the staff members at Oz as he has never been a CO, has a college education, and… … Wikipedia