1 solemn as an owl
шутл., ирон.Hope looked at the three middle-aged men, who were as solemn as owls... and shook with laughter. (J. B. Priestley, ‘Let the People Sing’, ch. IV) — Хоуп взглянула на этих мужчин уже не первой молодости и залилась смехом: все трое глубокомысленно таращили глаза - ну точь-в-точь филины...
2 (as) solemn as an owl
шутя, "мудpый кaк coвa", c умным или глубoкoмыcлeнным видoм'But I'm serious underneath it all, you see.' 'Yes, you look it. Solemn as an owl, that's you.' 'I didn't say that. I said serious. I mean every word I say' (K. Amis). The child picked up the spectacles and put them on. 'Now you look as wise as an owl,' said his father affectionately -
3 owl
4 (as) wise as an owl
см. (as) solemn as an owl
См. также в других словарях:
Owl Woman — Owl Woman, Cheyenne Princes (Mis stan stur). Drawing by Lt. James Abert. Source Colorado Women s Hall of Fame <http://www.cogreatwomen.org/> Owl Woman (Cheyenne name: Mis stan stur) (died 1847), was a Cheyenne princess.[1] She married an… … Wikipedia
Owl — (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous circle of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Owl monkey — Owl Owl (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Owl moth — Owl Owl (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Owl parrot — Owl Owl (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Owl train — Owl Owl (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
owl´like´ — owl «owl», noun. 1. a bird with a big head, big eyes, and a short hooked beak. Owls have very soft feathers that enable them to fly noiselessly. Some kinds have tufts of feathers on their heads called “horns” or “ears.” Most owls hunt at night… … Useful english dictionary
owl — [oul] n. [ME owle < OE ule, akin to Ger eule < IE echoic base * ul > L ulula, owl, ululare, to howl] any of a worldwide order (Strigiformes) of predatory night birds distinguished by a large, flat face, eyes surrounded by stiff feathered … English World dictionary
owl — n. 1 any nocturnal bird of prey of the order Strigiformes, with large eyes and a hooked beak, including barn owls, tawny owls, etc. 2 colloq. a person compared to an owl, esp. in looking solemn or wise. Phrases and idioms: owl light dusk,… … Useful english dictionary
Sea owl — Owl Owl (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
durukuli — Owl Owl (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English