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  • 1 egg

    I [eɡ] noun
    1) (an oval object usually covered with shell, laid by a bird, reptile etc, from which a young one is hatched: The female bird is sitting on the eggs in the nest.) ovo
    2) (such an object laid by a hen, used as food: Would you rather have boiled, fried or scrambled eggs?) ovo
    3) (in the female mammal, the cell from which the young one is formed; the ovum: The egg is fertilized by the male sperm.) óvulo
    - eggplant
    - eggshell
    - put all one's eggs in one basket
    - teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
    II [eɡ]
    * * *
    [eg] n 1 ovo, Biol óvulo, germe. 2 fig princípio ou origem de qualquer coisa. 3 sl bomba, granada, mina. • vt 1 cobrir alimentos com ovos. 2 coll jogar ovos. as sure as eggs sl com toda a certeza. bad egg sl mau sujeito. fried eggs ovos estrelados, fritos. good egg sl bom sujeito. hard boiled eggs ovos cozidos. old egg velho amigo. poached eggs ovos escalfados. scrambled eggs ovos mexidos. soft boiled eggs ovos quentes, ovos cozidos moles. the white of an egg a clara do ovo. the yolk of an egg a gema do ovo. to be left with egg on one’s face sl ficar com cara de bobo. to egg and crumb empanar: cobrir de gema e farinha de rosca. to egg on instigar, provocar, encorajar. to lay an egg Amer sl fracassar, falhar. to put all eggs into one basket arriscar tudo, colocar todo o dinheiro em um único jogo. to teach your grandmother to suck eggs ensinar o padre-nosso ao vigário. to tread upon eggs pisar em ovos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > egg

  • 2 marrow

    1) (the soft substance in the hollow parts of bones: Beef marrow is needed for this dish.) medula
    2) ((American squash) a large, green, thick-skinned vegetable, or its flesh as food.) abóbora
    * * *
    [m'ærou] n 1 tutano. 2 medula. 3 polpa. 4 essência, ponto capital.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > marrow

  • 3 paste

    1) (a soft, damp mixture, especially one made up of glue and water and used for sticking pieces of paper etc together.) pasta
    2) (a mixture of flour, fat etc used for making pies, pastry etc.) massa
    3) (a mixture made from some types of food: almond paste.) pasta
    * * *
    [peist] n 1 pasta, massa. 2 cola, grude. 3 composição vítrea empregada no fabrico de imitações de pedras preciosas. 4 massa alimentícia. • vt 1 colar, grudar. 2 revestir de, forrar com. 3 converter em pasta ou massa. puff paste massa folhada. short paste massa podre.
    [peist] n sl pancada, soco, murro. • vt sl esmurrar, socar, bater.
    [peist] n Fr patê.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > paste

  • 4 purée

    ['pjuərei, ]( American[) pju'rei]
    (any of several types of food made into a soft pulp: tomato purée.) puré
    * * *
    [pj'uərei] n Fr Cook purê. • vt transformar, amassar em purê.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > purée

  • 5 marrow

    1) (the soft substance in the hollow parts of bones: Beef marrow is needed for this dish.) medula, tutano
    2) ((American squash) a large, green, thick-skinned vegetable, or its flesh as food.) abóbora-menina

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > marrow

  • 6 paste

    1) (a soft, damp mixture, especially one made up of glue and water and used for sticking pieces of paper etc together.) cola
    2) (a mixture of flour, fat etc used for making pies, pastry etc.) massa
    3) (a mixture made from some types of food: almond paste.) pasta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > paste

  • 7 purée

    ['pjuərei, ]( American[) pju'rei]
    (any of several types of food made into a soft pulp: tomato purée.) purê

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > purée

См. также в других словарях:

  • Food mill — A food mill (or passatutto, or purée sieveFact|date=August 2008) is a food preparation utensil for mashing and sieving soft foods. Typically, a food mill consists of three parts: a bottomless bowl, an interchangeable bottom with holes like those… …   Wikipedia

  • Food additive — Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets or …   Wikipedia

  • Food Standards Agency — (Welsh: Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd) Non ministerial government department overview Formed April 1, 2000 (2000 04 01 …   Wikipedia

  • Food play — can have sexual or non sexual connotations. It often refers to Sitophilia , a form of sexual fetishism in which participants are aroused by erotic situations involving food. The phrase is also used to refer to non sexual play with food, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Soft-shell clam — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum …   Wikipedia

  • Soft power — is a term used in international relations theory to describe the ability of a political body, such as a state, to indirectly influence the behavior or interests of other political bodies through cultural or ideological means. The term was first… …   Wikipedia

  • Food processing — is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. Food processing typically takes… …   Wikipedia

  • Soft matter — or Soft condensed matter is a subfield of condensed matter comprising a variety of physical states that are easily deformed by thermal stresses or thermal fluctuations. They include liquids, colloids, polymers, foams, gels, granular materials,… …   Wikipedia

  • Food microbiology — is the study of the microorganisms which inhabit, create or contaminate food. Of major importance is the study of microorganisms causing food spoilage.cite book | author = Fratamico PM and Bayles DO (editor). | title = Foodborne Pathogens:… …   Wikipedia

  • Food chemistry — is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non biological components of foods. The biological substances include such items as meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk as examples. It is similar to biochemistry in its …   Wikipedia

  • Food contact materials — are defined as all kind of materials that can be in contact with food. These can be things that are quite obvious like a glass, a can for soft drinks, but also machinery in a food factory or a coffee machine. Food contact materials can be… …   Wikipedia

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