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См. также в других словарях:

  • Soft computing — refers to a collection of computational techniques in computer science, machine learning and some engineering disciplines, which study, model, and analyze very complex phenomena: those for which more conventional methods have not yielded low cost …   Wikipedia

  • Soft Computing — es un término empleado en informática que engloba diversas técnicas empleadas para solucionar problemas que manejan información incompleta, con incertidumbre e inexacta. Tal es el caso de la solución a problemas NP completo, para los cuales no se …   Wikipedia Español

  • Soft computing — est un terme appliqué à un champ dans l informatique qui se caractérise par l utilisation de solutions de calcul inexact , pour lesquels une solution exacte ne peut être dérivée en temps polynomial. Introduction Soft Computing est devenue un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Soft Computing — Sammelbegriff für Techniken der ⇡ Künstlichen Intelligenz zur numerischen Ermittlung von Näherungslösungen. Ausgeschlossen sind damit Techniken, bei denen es um harte Fakten und exaktes Schließen geht. Das S.C. umfasst v.a. die Bereiche der ⇡… …   Lexikon der Economics

  • Soft science — is a colloquial term, often used for academic research or scholarship which is purportedly scientific however it is not based on reproducible experimental data, and/or a mathematical explanation of that data. The term is usually used as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Soft — Business* Adventure Soft, UK based video game developer which was established in the 1980s by Mike Woodroffe * Cocktail Soft, Japanese H game manufacturer * Hudson Soft, Japanese publisher and developer * Illusion Soft, company from Yokohama,… …   Wikipedia

  • Computing with words and perceptions — In computing with words and perceptions (CWP), the objects of computation are words, perceptions, and propositions drawn from a natural language. The central theme of CWP is the concept of a generalised constraint. The meaning of a proposition is …   Wikipedia

  • Soft sensor — or virtual sensor is a common name for software where several measurements are processed together. There may be dozens or even hundreds of measurements. The interaction of the signals can be used for calculating new quantities that need not be… …   Wikipedia

  • soft error — UK US noun [countable] [singular soft error plural soft errors] computing a mistake caused by software that is very difficult to find because it only appears in particular situations Thesaurus: parts of computer …   Useful english dictionary

  • soft return — noun (computing) A line feed which is inserted by a word processor or text editor to justify the text and which can be moved or deleted • • • Main Entry: ↑soft …   Useful english dictionary

  • soft-sectored — soft sectˈored adjective (computing) (of a floppy disk) formatted by means of software (cf ↑hard sectored) • • • Main Entry: ↑soft …   Useful english dictionary

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