1 soft squadron
ракетная эскадрилья, базирующаяся на не защищённых от действия ядерного взрыва стартовых ( пусковых) комплексахEnglish-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > soft squadron
2 MS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc. -
3 Ms
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc. -
4 mS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc. -
5 ms
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc. -
6 SS
1) Общая лексика: Start to Start Начало-Начало, зависимость между работами в сетевом графике, кк правило используется для работ, идущих параллельно (Одна из четырех возможных логических зависмостей между работами), (suspended solids) ВТЧ (взвешенные твёрдые частицы) (в биоочистке), Юридический термин, ставится в конце документа (показаниях, прошениях) и указывает на территориальную принадлежность процесса. Эта аббревиатура несёт значение фразы statement of venue. Её следует произносить to wit. Дан2) Компьютерная техника: Script Source, Super Sport, Super- System, Systematic Search3) Геология: Stone Size4) Медицина: suspended solids5) Американизм: Shifting Standards, Social Services, State Statute6) Спорт: Skid Snap, Soft Standing, Split Squad, Sport Sheath, Super Sports, Super Sportsman7) Военный термин: Sakura Station, Secret Service, Side Story, Silent Strike, Silver Star, Single Source, Sinking Ship, Slave Select, Smoke Screen, Special Shot, Subordinate System, Sustainable Site, System Specification, System Supervisor, System Support, Systems Summary, satellite system, sector scanning, security service, security squadron, selective service, sensing system, service school, service squadron, service support, sharpshooter, shelf stock, shell shock, ship station, ship system, ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, short service, shortstop, signal security, simulation system, single-seated, single-shot, smoke shell, sound system, source of supply, source selection, space system, special service, special staff, special strike, special study, spin-stabilized, stabilized system, staff sergeant, staff specialist, staff surgeon, station supervision, steering system, stock status, strategic study, submarine, submarine scout, subsystem, summary sheet, supply sergeant, supply service, supply station, support services, support ship, support squadron, support system, surface-to-surface, surveillance station, system sensitivity, system simulation, system specifications, дизельная многоцелевая подводная лодка, дизельная ударная подводная лодка8) Техника: Structure Server, Super Sleeper, safe shutdown, safety significant, safety supervisor, sample sink, sample station, samples-per-second, sampling system, satellite spectroscopy, secondary station, security subsystem, shift supervisor, side slope, sight setter, signal service, signal strength, single sideband, single signal, single-sided, site safety, site specific, site suitability, sliding short, slow speed, slow-speed relay, solar spectrograph, solar spectroscopy, solid-state, space track sensor, special source, spheric strokes-per-second, spread spectrum signal, standard specification, standard-frequency station, star scanner, stellar sensor, stellar spectrograph, stellar spectroscopy, subscriber set, sun sensor, superheater section, system software, system survivability, system synchronization, systems specialist, обозначение для радиостанций службы стандартных частот9) Сельское хозяйство: Salmonella Shigella, supersensitiveness10) Шутливое выражение: Sad Suburban, Sneaky Snakes11) История: эсэсовский12) Математика: выборочное обследование (sample survey), подсистема (subsystem), сумма квадратов (sum of squares), объём выборки (sample size)13) Религия: Service Sundays14) Железнодорожный термин: Sand Springs Railway Company15) Юридический термин: Sadistic Site, Saturday And Sunday, Self Strip, Slimy Stalker, Straight Shootin16) Бухгалтерия: Sum Of Sales17) Автомобильный термин: speed sensor (Honda)18) Астрономия: Shooting Stars, Spherical Symmetry19) Грубое выражение: Sadly Stupid, Sexy Sandy, Sexy Swimsuits, Shit Stained, Somewhat Stupid, Spirit Sluts, Super Stupid20) Музыка: Sweet Sixteen21) Оптика: single scattering22) Телекоммуникации: Supervisory Center, Switching System (SMDS)23) Сокращение: Attack Submarine, Saturday, Sunday, Search Unit (China), Secretary of State, Shot Sensor, Simulator System, Single Shot, Social Security, Spread Spectrum, Sunday School, Sunset, semisteel, service sink, ship service, slop sink, smokestand, solar system, space sciences, space shuttle, space station, special services, standard frequency station, steamship, straight shank, submarine studies, summing selector, supersonic, illuminating (projectiles), spin-stabilized (rockets), Sjogren's syndrome24) Театр: Sidestep25) Текстиль: Short Sleeves, Single Stitch, Stocking Stitch, Super Size, Super Stout26) Физика: Secondary Structure27) Физиология: One Half, Sacrosciatic, Signs And Symptoms, Sitting And Standing, Sjogrens Syndrome, Sore Shoulders, Surgical Steel28) Электроника: Small Signal, Steady State, Super Slim29) Вычислительная техника: single sided, stack segment, Spread Spectrum (WLAN), Single Sided (disk, FDD), Stack Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)30) Нефть: diamond core slicer, reflected wave, sands, self sharpening, semisubmersible, slow set, small show, string shot, subsea, subsurface, инспектор по технике безопасности (safety supervisor), медленно схватывающийся (о цементе, slow seize), небольшой заряд взрывчатого вещества (взрываемый для ослабления резьбы находящихся в скважине труб в случае их прихвата), одноточечный (об инклинометре; single shot)31) Иммунология: Serum Seed32) Космонавтика: КС33) Картография: saints, side of stream, substation34) Транспорт: Semi Slick, Steam Ship, Sterling Silver, Super Sensor35) СМИ: Screen Shot, Separate Screen, Sesame Street, Simple Syndication36) Деловая лексика: Smart Source, пароход (steam ship)37) Бурение: sandstone, медленносхватывающийся (slow set), небольшой заряд ВВ, взрываемый для ослабления резьб труб, находящихся в скважине (string shot; в случае прихвата)38) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Synthetic Surfactants, sanitary sewer (system), единственный подрядчик (sole source)39) Образование: Standard Score40) Планирование: Начало( этапа) после начала (другого) (Start to Start - описание взаимосвязи двух этапов в графике выполнения работ)41) Сетевые технологии: Server Side, Shared Server, speed switch42) Полимеры: sliced sheet, smoked sheet, solid solution, stainless steel, superheated steam, superqensitive, supersensitive43) Автоматика: single-side44) Ядерная физика: Sodium Salicylate45) Контроль качества: sample size, sum of squares46) Сахалин Р: sole source47) Океанография: Six Shoe48) Сахалин А: safety switch49) Химическое оружие: Selector switch, safety shower50) Молочное производство: Shigella Agar51) Безопасность: System Security52) Расширение файла: Screen Saver, Seconds, Splash Bitmap graphics, Screen saver (DN)53) Нефть и газ: sanitary sewer54) Каспий: sub surface55) Электротехника: steam station, supply system, switching state, switching surge56) Имена и фамилии: Scott Simons, Stuart Surridge57) ООН: Short Story, Social Studies58) Должность: Sleazy Sister, Sprocket Specialist, Staff Secretary59) Чат: Same Subject, Single Sounds, So Sweet, Special Someone60) Программное обеспечение: Source Safe, Style Sheets61) Федеральное бюро расследований: Search Slip62) Международная торговля: Short Supply63) Базы данных: Spread Sheet -
7 Ss
1) Общая лексика: Start to Start Начало-Начало, зависимость между работами в сетевом графике, кк правило используется для работ, идущих параллельно (Одна из четырех возможных логических зависмостей между работами), (suspended solids) ВТЧ (взвешенные твёрдые частицы) (в биоочистке), Юридический термин, ставится в конце документа (показаниях, прошениях) и указывает на территориальную принадлежность процесса. Эта аббревиатура несёт значение фразы statement of venue. Её следует произносить to wit. Дан2) Компьютерная техника: Script Source, Super Sport, Super- System, Systematic Search3) Геология: Stone Size4) Медицина: suspended solids5) Американизм: Shifting Standards, Social Services, State Statute6) Спорт: Skid Snap, Soft Standing, Split Squad, Sport Sheath, Super Sports, Super Sportsman7) Военный термин: Sakura Station, Secret Service, Side Story, Silent Strike, Silver Star, Single Source, Sinking Ship, Slave Select, Smoke Screen, Special Shot, Subordinate System, Sustainable Site, System Specification, System Supervisor, System Support, Systems Summary, satellite system, sector scanning, security service, security squadron, selective service, sensing system, service school, service squadron, service support, sharpshooter, shelf stock, shell shock, ship station, ship system, ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, short service, shortstop, signal security, simulation system, single-seated, single-shot, smoke shell, sound system, source of supply, source selection, space system, special service, special staff, special strike, special study, spin-stabilized, stabilized system, staff sergeant, staff specialist, staff surgeon, station supervision, steering system, stock status, strategic study, submarine, submarine scout, subsystem, summary sheet, supply sergeant, supply service, supply station, support services, support ship, support squadron, support system, surface-to-surface, surveillance station, system sensitivity, system simulation, system specifications, дизельная многоцелевая подводная лодка, дизельная ударная подводная лодка8) Техника: Structure Server, Super Sleeper, safe shutdown, safety significant, safety supervisor, sample sink, sample station, samples-per-second, sampling system, satellite spectroscopy, secondary station, security subsystem, shift supervisor, side slope, sight setter, signal service, signal strength, single sideband, single signal, single-sided, site safety, site specific, site suitability, sliding short, slow speed, slow-speed relay, solar spectrograph, solar spectroscopy, solid-state, space track sensor, special source, spheric strokes-per-second, spread spectrum signal, standard specification, standard-frequency station, star scanner, stellar sensor, stellar spectrograph, stellar spectroscopy, subscriber set, sun sensor, superheater section, system software, system survivability, system synchronization, systems specialist, обозначение для радиостанций службы стандартных частот9) Сельское хозяйство: Salmonella Shigella, supersensitiveness10) Шутливое выражение: Sad Suburban, Sneaky Snakes11) История: эсэсовский12) Математика: выборочное обследование (sample survey), подсистема (subsystem), сумма квадратов (sum of squares), объём выборки (sample size)13) Религия: Service Sundays14) Железнодорожный термин: Sand Springs Railway Company15) Юридический термин: Sadistic Site, Saturday And Sunday, Self Strip, Slimy Stalker, Straight Shootin16) Бухгалтерия: Sum Of Sales17) Автомобильный термин: speed sensor (Honda)18) Астрономия: Shooting Stars, Spherical Symmetry19) Грубое выражение: Sadly Stupid, Sexy Sandy, Sexy Swimsuits, Shit Stained, Somewhat Stupid, Spirit Sluts, Super Stupid20) Музыка: Sweet Sixteen21) Оптика: single scattering22) Телекоммуникации: Supervisory Center, Switching System (SMDS)23) Сокращение: Attack Submarine, Saturday, Sunday, Search Unit (China), Secretary of State, Shot Sensor, Simulator System, Single Shot, Social Security, Spread Spectrum, Sunday School, Sunset, semisteel, service sink, ship service, slop sink, smokestand, solar system, space sciences, space shuttle, space station, special services, standard frequency station, steamship, straight shank, submarine studies, summing selector, supersonic, illuminating (projectiles), spin-stabilized (rockets), Sjogren's syndrome24) Театр: Sidestep25) Текстиль: Short Sleeves, Single Stitch, Stocking Stitch, Super Size, Super Stout26) Физика: Secondary Structure27) Физиология: One Half, Sacrosciatic, Signs And Symptoms, Sitting And Standing, Sjogrens Syndrome, Sore Shoulders, Surgical Steel28) Электроника: Small Signal, Steady State, Super Slim29) Вычислительная техника: single sided, stack segment, Spread Spectrum (WLAN), Single Sided (disk, FDD), Stack Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)30) Нефть: diamond core slicer, reflected wave, sands, self sharpening, semisubmersible, slow set, small show, string shot, subsea, subsurface, инспектор по технике безопасности (safety supervisor), медленно схватывающийся (о цементе, slow seize), небольшой заряд взрывчатого вещества (взрываемый для ослабления резьбы находящихся в скважине труб в случае их прихвата), одноточечный (об инклинометре; single shot)31) Иммунология: Serum Seed32) Космонавтика: КС33) Картография: saints, side of stream, substation34) Транспорт: Semi Slick, Steam Ship, Sterling Silver, Super Sensor35) СМИ: Screen Shot, Separate Screen, Sesame Street, Simple Syndication36) Деловая лексика: Smart Source, пароход (steam ship)37) Бурение: sandstone, медленносхватывающийся (slow set), небольшой заряд ВВ, взрываемый для ослабления резьб труб, находящихся в скважине (string shot; в случае прихвата)38) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Synthetic Surfactants, sanitary sewer (system), единственный подрядчик (sole source)39) Образование: Standard Score40) Планирование: Начало( этапа) после начала (другого) (Start to Start - описание взаимосвязи двух этапов в графике выполнения работ)41) Сетевые технологии: Server Side, Shared Server, speed switch42) Полимеры: sliced sheet, smoked sheet, solid solution, stainless steel, superheated steam, superqensitive, supersensitive43) Автоматика: single-side44) Ядерная физика: Sodium Salicylate45) Контроль качества: sample size, sum of squares46) Сахалин Р: sole source47) Океанография: Six Shoe48) Сахалин А: safety switch49) Химическое оружие: Selector switch, safety shower50) Молочное производство: Shigella Agar51) Безопасность: System Security52) Расширение файла: Screen Saver, Seconds, Splash Bitmap graphics, Screen saver (DN)53) Нефть и газ: sanitary sewer54) Каспий: sub surface55) Электротехника: steam station, supply system, switching state, switching surge56) Имена и фамилии: Scott Simons, Stuart Surridge57) ООН: Short Story, Social Studies58) Должность: Sleazy Sister, Sprocket Specialist, Staff Secretary59) Чат: Same Subject, Single Sounds, So Sweet, Special Someone60) Программное обеспечение: Source Safe, Style Sheets61) Федеральное бюро расследований: Search Slip62) Международная торговля: Short Supply63) Базы данных: Spread Sheet -
8 ss
1) Общая лексика: Start to Start Начало-Начало, зависимость между работами в сетевом графике, кк правило используется для работ, идущих параллельно (Одна из четырех возможных логических зависмостей между работами), (suspended solids) ВТЧ (взвешенные твёрдые частицы) (в биоочистке), Юридический термин, ставится в конце документа (показаниях, прошениях) и указывает на территориальную принадлежность процесса. Эта аббревиатура несёт значение фразы statement of venue. Её следует произносить to wit. Дан2) Компьютерная техника: Script Source, Super Sport, Super- System, Systematic Search3) Геология: Stone Size4) Медицина: suspended solids5) Американизм: Shifting Standards, Social Services, State Statute6) Спорт: Skid Snap, Soft Standing, Split Squad, Sport Sheath, Super Sports, Super Sportsman7) Военный термин: Sakura Station, Secret Service, Side Story, Silent Strike, Silver Star, Single Source, Sinking Ship, Slave Select, Smoke Screen, Special Shot, Subordinate System, Sustainable Site, System Specification, System Supervisor, System Support, Systems Summary, satellite system, sector scanning, security service, security squadron, selective service, sensing system, service school, service squadron, service support, sharpshooter, shelf stock, shell shock, ship station, ship system, ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, short service, shortstop, signal security, simulation system, single-seated, single-shot, smoke shell, sound system, source of supply, source selection, space system, special service, special staff, special strike, special study, spin-stabilized, stabilized system, staff sergeant, staff specialist, staff surgeon, station supervision, steering system, stock status, strategic study, submarine, submarine scout, subsystem, summary sheet, supply sergeant, supply service, supply station, support services, support ship, support squadron, support system, surface-to-surface, surveillance station, system sensitivity, system simulation, system specifications, дизельная многоцелевая подводная лодка, дизельная ударная подводная лодка8) Техника: Structure Server, Super Sleeper, safe shutdown, safety significant, safety supervisor, sample sink, sample station, samples-per-second, sampling system, satellite spectroscopy, secondary station, security subsystem, shift supervisor, side slope, sight setter, signal service, signal strength, single sideband, single signal, single-sided, site safety, site specific, site suitability, sliding short, slow speed, slow-speed relay, solar spectrograph, solar spectroscopy, solid-state, space track sensor, special source, spheric strokes-per-second, spread spectrum signal, standard specification, standard-frequency station, star scanner, stellar sensor, stellar spectrograph, stellar spectroscopy, subscriber set, sun sensor, superheater section, system software, system survivability, system synchronization, systems specialist, обозначение для радиостанций службы стандартных частот9) Сельское хозяйство: Salmonella Shigella, supersensitiveness10) Шутливое выражение: Sad Suburban, Sneaky Snakes11) История: эсэсовский12) Математика: выборочное обследование (sample survey), подсистема (subsystem), сумма квадратов (sum of squares), объём выборки (sample size)13) Религия: Service Sundays14) Железнодорожный термин: Sand Springs Railway Company15) Юридический термин: Sadistic Site, Saturday And Sunday, Self Strip, Slimy Stalker, Straight Shootin16) Бухгалтерия: Sum Of Sales17) Автомобильный термин: speed sensor (Honda)18) Астрономия: Shooting Stars, Spherical Symmetry19) Грубое выражение: Sadly Stupid, Sexy Sandy, Sexy Swimsuits, Shit Stained, Somewhat Stupid, Spirit Sluts, Super Stupid20) Музыка: Sweet Sixteen21) Оптика: single scattering22) Телекоммуникации: Supervisory Center, Switching System (SMDS)23) Сокращение: Attack Submarine, Saturday, Sunday, Search Unit (China), Secretary of State, Shot Sensor, Simulator System, Single Shot, Social Security, Spread Spectrum, Sunday School, Sunset, semisteel, service sink, ship service, slop sink, smokestand, solar system, space sciences, space shuttle, space station, special services, standard frequency station, steamship, straight shank, submarine studies, summing selector, supersonic, illuminating (projectiles), spin-stabilized (rockets), Sjogren's syndrome24) Театр: Sidestep25) Текстиль: Short Sleeves, Single Stitch, Stocking Stitch, Super Size, Super Stout26) Физика: Secondary Structure27) Физиология: One Half, Sacrosciatic, Signs And Symptoms, Sitting And Standing, Sjogrens Syndrome, Sore Shoulders, Surgical Steel28) Электроника: Small Signal, Steady State, Super Slim29) Вычислительная техника: single sided, stack segment, Spread Spectrum (WLAN), Single Sided (disk, FDD), Stack Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)30) Нефть: diamond core slicer, reflected wave, sands, self sharpening, semisubmersible, slow set, small show, string shot, subsea, subsurface, инспектор по технике безопасности (safety supervisor), медленно схватывающийся (о цементе, slow seize), небольшой заряд взрывчатого вещества (взрываемый для ослабления резьбы находящихся в скважине труб в случае их прихвата), одноточечный (об инклинометре; single shot)31) Иммунология: Serum Seed32) Космонавтика: КС33) Картография: saints, side of stream, substation34) Транспорт: Semi Slick, Steam Ship, Sterling Silver, Super Sensor35) СМИ: Screen Shot, Separate Screen, Sesame Street, Simple Syndication36) Деловая лексика: Smart Source, пароход (steam ship)37) Бурение: sandstone, медленносхватывающийся (slow set), небольшой заряд ВВ, взрываемый для ослабления резьб труб, находящихся в скважине (string shot; в случае прихвата)38) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Synthetic Surfactants, sanitary sewer (system), единственный подрядчик (sole source)39) Образование: Standard Score40) Планирование: Начало( этапа) после начала (другого) (Start to Start - описание взаимосвязи двух этапов в графике выполнения работ)41) Сетевые технологии: Server Side, Shared Server, speed switch42) Полимеры: sliced sheet, smoked sheet, solid solution, stainless steel, superheated steam, superqensitive, supersensitive43) Автоматика: single-side44) Ядерная физика: Sodium Salicylate45) Контроль качества: sample size, sum of squares46) Сахалин Р: sole source47) Океанография: Six Shoe48) Сахалин А: safety switch49) Химическое оружие: Selector switch, safety shower50) Молочное производство: Shigella Agar51) Безопасность: System Security52) Расширение файла: Screen Saver, Seconds, Splash Bitmap graphics, Screen saver (DN)53) Нефть и газ: sanitary sewer54) Каспий: sub surface55) Электротехника: steam station, supply system, switching state, switching surge56) Имена и фамилии: Scott Simons, Stuart Surridge57) ООН: Short Story, Social Studies58) Должность: Sleazy Sister, Sprocket Specialist, Staff Secretary59) Чат: Same Subject, Single Sounds, So Sweet, Special Someone60) Программное обеспечение: Source Safe, Style Sheets61) Федеральное бюро расследований: Search Slip62) Международная торговля: Short Supply63) Базы данных: Spread Sheet -
9 SL
1) Общая лексика: single line diagrams, Second Life ( virtual alternative universe)2) Компьютерная техника: Source Statement Library3) Американизм: State Library4) Спорт: Sport Light, Sporting Lisbon, Starting Line5) Латинский язык: Sine Loco6) Военный термин: Sea Launch, Security Level, Sensitivity Level, Silenced Liberators, Slow Loader, Sniper Lords, Staged Loading, Steel And Lead, Strategic Logistics, System Layer, safety level, safety limit, sea landing, second lieutenant, section leader, service letter, shelf life, ship-launched, shoulder-launched, signal level, skill level, sound locator, squad leader, squadron, squadron leader, start line, stick leave, stock level, stock list, storage location, structures laboratory, sub-lieutenant, supplementary list, supplier letter, support line, surface launch7) Техника: Self Locking, Subscriber's Lines, satellite link, satellite-borne laser, semiclassical linearization theory, shrinkage limit, slew rate, slightly soluble, space laser, square-law, stationary low, straight-line depreciation8) Шутливое выражение: Spirit Lady9) Химия: Short Lived, ВК ( водорастворимый концентрат) (название препаративной формы согласно коду GIFAP)10) Математика: символическая логика (symbolic logic)11) Религия: Satan's Lovers12) Железнодорожный термин: Salt Lake City Southern Railroad, Short Line13) Фармакология: под язык14) Грубое выражение: Sexy Lady, Sexy Lookin, Slow Loser, Sucker Love15) Политика: Sierra Leone16) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Slovenia), Salvage Loss, Slovenian, Slovenian/Slovene, Soft Landing, Source Level, Space Launch, Space Launcher, SpaceLab, Streamlined (boat-tailed), safe locker, sand-loaded, sea level, slide, sliding, south latitude, sublingual17) Университет: Student Life, Student Loan, Swift Lecture18) Физика: Super Lattice19) Физиология: Sensation Level, Sensory Level20) Электроника: Specification Limit21) Вычислительная техника: Space Launch (Space), SpaceLab (Space)22) Нефть: liquid saturation, section line, sonic log, south line23) Транспорт: Same Lane, Spoiler Lover, Sport Luxury, Steam Locomotive, Superstar Limo24) Холодильная техника: suction line25) Экология: sea level observations26) СМИ: Scottish Lass, Small Letters, Spot Light27) Деловая лексика: Sold28) Бурение: южная граница (south line), южная линия (south line)29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: scattering layer30) Образование: Supervised Learning31) Полимеры: space laboratory, straight line32) Программирование: Save Layout, Short Length, Source Language, Speak Language33) Сахалин Ю: steam low, steam low pressure (3-5 bar)34) Химическое оружие: site location35) Авиационная медицина: sluggishness36) Расширение файла: S-Lang language source code file37) SAP.тех. системный журнал38) Нефть и газ: scale low limit, seal liquid, seismic log, AL39) Алюминиевая промышленность: spent liquor40) Электротехника: separately leaded, stability limit41) Фантастика Sith Lord42) Должность: Service Learning, Skill Less, Software Laborer43) Чат: Scots Lass44) NYSE. S L Industries, Inc.45) Программное обеспечение: Second Life, Standard Library, System Library46) Единицы измерений: Step Length -
10 SSM
1) Компьютерная техника: Screen Saver Machine, Soft System Methodology2) Спорт: Sport Study Model3) Военный термин: Midget Submarine, Silver Star Medal, Simulation Support Module, semisubmersible minehunter, ship simulation model, ship-to-ship missile, space station module, squadron sergeant major, staff sergeant major, subsystem manager, surface-to-ship missile, surface-to-surface missile, system support management, РЗЗ (ракета "земля - земля")4) Техника: single-sideband modulation, spacecraft systems monitor, spread spectrum modem, stellar seeing monitor, support system module, system status monitor, system support manager, Sealed Switch Module5) Шутливое выражение: Sonic Super Mop7) Автомобильный термин: special service message8) Дипломатический термин: ракета класса "корабль - корабль", (surface-to-surface missile) ракета класса "земля - земля"9) Музыка: Solid State Music10) Оптика: stage scanning microscope11) Телекоммуникации: Single Segment Message (DQDB, SMDS)12) Сокращение: Sea-Skimmer Missile, Singer Sewing Machine, Small Stamp Machine, Software Structure Model, Soldier System Modeling, Squadron Sergeant Major (British Army), Staff Sergeant Major (British Army), Turkish Defence Industries Undersecretariat, satellite system monitoring, single-stage missile, сообщение о текущем состоянии синхронизации (syncronization status message)13) Физика: surface stress measurements14) Электроника: Single-sideband Signal Multiplier, Strategic sourcing methodology15) Вычислительная техника: Set System Mask, Simplified Storage Management (HSM), Source Specific Multicast (IETF, WG, Multicast)16) Онкология: Superficial Spreading Melanoma17) СМИ: Sunbonnet Sue Mystery18) Деловая лексика: Shared Savings Mechanism, Supply Side Management19) Сетевые технологии: SAA Service Manager, Service Session Manager, Simplified Storage Management, Super Simple Multicast, упрощённое управление хранением информации, Source Specific Multicast20) Программирование: Source Support Module21) Химическое оружие: system safety manager22) Макаров: spread-spectrum modulation, surface skimming mode23) США: Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan24) Чат: Sex Starved Marriage25) Правительство: Sault Ste Marie26) Аэропорты: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan USA27) НАСА: Standard Solar Model -
11 Sl
1) Общая лексика: single line diagrams, Second Life ( virtual alternative universe)2) Компьютерная техника: Source Statement Library3) Американизм: State Library4) Спорт: Sport Light, Sporting Lisbon, Starting Line5) Латинский язык: Sine Loco6) Военный термин: Sea Launch, Security Level, Sensitivity Level, Silenced Liberators, Slow Loader, Sniper Lords, Staged Loading, Steel And Lead, Strategic Logistics, System Layer, safety level, safety limit, sea landing, second lieutenant, section leader, service letter, shelf life, ship-launched, shoulder-launched, signal level, skill level, sound locator, squad leader, squadron, squadron leader, start line, stick leave, stock level, stock list, storage location, structures laboratory, sub-lieutenant, supplementary list, supplier letter, support line, surface launch7) Техника: Self Locking, Subscriber's Lines, satellite link, satellite-borne laser, semiclassical linearization theory, shrinkage limit, slew rate, slightly soluble, space laser, square-law, stationary low, straight-line depreciation8) Шутливое выражение: Spirit Lady9) Химия: Short Lived, ВК ( водорастворимый концентрат) (название препаративной формы согласно коду GIFAP)10) Математика: символическая логика (symbolic logic)11) Религия: Satan's Lovers12) Железнодорожный термин: Salt Lake City Southern Railroad, Short Line13) Фармакология: под язык14) Грубое выражение: Sexy Lady, Sexy Lookin, Slow Loser, Sucker Love15) Политика: Sierra Leone16) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Slovenia), Salvage Loss, Slovenian, Slovenian/Slovene, Soft Landing, Source Level, Space Launch, Space Launcher, SpaceLab, Streamlined (boat-tailed), safe locker, sand-loaded, sea level, slide, sliding, south latitude, sublingual17) Университет: Student Life, Student Loan, Swift Lecture18) Физика: Super Lattice19) Физиология: Sensation Level, Sensory Level20) Электроника: Specification Limit21) Вычислительная техника: Space Launch (Space), SpaceLab (Space)22) Нефть: liquid saturation, section line, sonic log, south line23) Транспорт: Same Lane, Spoiler Lover, Sport Luxury, Steam Locomotive, Superstar Limo24) Холодильная техника: suction line25) Экология: sea level observations26) СМИ: Scottish Lass, Small Letters, Spot Light27) Деловая лексика: Sold28) Бурение: южная граница (south line), южная линия (south line)29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: scattering layer30) Образование: Supervised Learning31) Полимеры: space laboratory, straight line32) Программирование: Save Layout, Short Length, Source Language, Speak Language33) Сахалин Ю: steam low, steam low pressure (3-5 bar)34) Химическое оружие: site location35) Авиационная медицина: sluggishness36) Расширение файла: S-Lang language source code file37) SAP.тех. системный журнал38) Нефть и газ: scale low limit, seal liquid, seismic log, AL39) Алюминиевая промышленность: spent liquor40) Электротехника: separately leaded, stability limit41) Фантастика Sith Lord42) Должность: Service Learning, Skill Less, Software Laborer43) Чат: Scots Lass44) NYSE. S L Industries, Inc.45) Программное обеспечение: Second Life, Standard Library, System Library46) Единицы измерений: Step Length -
12 sl
1) Общая лексика: single line diagrams, Second Life ( virtual alternative universe)2) Компьютерная техника: Source Statement Library3) Американизм: State Library4) Спорт: Sport Light, Sporting Lisbon, Starting Line5) Латинский язык: Sine Loco6) Военный термин: Sea Launch, Security Level, Sensitivity Level, Silenced Liberators, Slow Loader, Sniper Lords, Staged Loading, Steel And Lead, Strategic Logistics, System Layer, safety level, safety limit, sea landing, second lieutenant, section leader, service letter, shelf life, ship-launched, shoulder-launched, signal level, skill level, sound locator, squad leader, squadron, squadron leader, start line, stick leave, stock level, stock list, storage location, structures laboratory, sub-lieutenant, supplementary list, supplier letter, support line, surface launch7) Техника: Self Locking, Subscriber's Lines, satellite link, satellite-borne laser, semiclassical linearization theory, shrinkage limit, slew rate, slightly soluble, space laser, square-law, stationary low, straight-line depreciation8) Шутливое выражение: Spirit Lady9) Химия: Short Lived, ВК ( водорастворимый концентрат) (название препаративной формы согласно коду GIFAP)10) Математика: символическая логика (symbolic logic)11) Религия: Satan's Lovers12) Железнодорожный термин: Salt Lake City Southern Railroad, Short Line13) Фармакология: под язык14) Грубое выражение: Sexy Lady, Sexy Lookin, Slow Loser, Sucker Love15) Политика: Sierra Leone16) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Slovenia), Salvage Loss, Slovenian, Slovenian/Slovene, Soft Landing, Source Level, Space Launch, Space Launcher, SpaceLab, Streamlined (boat-tailed), safe locker, sand-loaded, sea level, slide, sliding, south latitude, sublingual17) Университет: Student Life, Student Loan, Swift Lecture18) Физика: Super Lattice19) Физиология: Sensation Level, Sensory Level20) Электроника: Specification Limit21) Вычислительная техника: Space Launch (Space), SpaceLab (Space)22) Нефть: liquid saturation, section line, sonic log, south line23) Транспорт: Same Lane, Spoiler Lover, Sport Luxury, Steam Locomotive, Superstar Limo24) Холодильная техника: suction line25) Экология: sea level observations26) СМИ: Scottish Lass, Small Letters, Spot Light27) Деловая лексика: Sold28) Бурение: южная граница (south line), южная линия (south line)29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: scattering layer30) Образование: Supervised Learning31) Полимеры: space laboratory, straight line32) Программирование: Save Layout, Short Length, Source Language, Speak Language33) Сахалин Ю: steam low, steam low pressure (3-5 bar)34) Химическое оружие: site location35) Авиационная медицина: sluggishness36) Расширение файла: S-Lang language source code file37) SAP.тех. системный журнал38) Нефть и газ: scale low limit, seal liquid, seismic log, AL39) Алюминиевая промышленность: spent liquor40) Электротехника: separately leaded, stability limit41) Фантастика Sith Lord42) Должность: Service Learning, Skill Less, Software Laborer43) Чат: Scots Lass44) NYSE. S L Industries, Inc.45) Программное обеспечение: Second Life, Standard Library, System Library46) Единицы измерений: Step Length -
13 ssm
1) Компьютерная техника: Screen Saver Machine, Soft System Methodology2) Спорт: Sport Study Model3) Военный термин: Midget Submarine, Silver Star Medal, Simulation Support Module, semisubmersible minehunter, ship simulation model, ship-to-ship missile, space station module, squadron sergeant major, staff sergeant major, subsystem manager, surface-to-ship missile, surface-to-surface missile, system support management, РЗЗ (ракета "земля - земля")4) Техника: single-sideband modulation, spacecraft systems monitor, spread spectrum modem, stellar seeing monitor, support system module, system status monitor, system support manager, Sealed Switch Module5) Шутливое выражение: Sonic Super Mop7) Автомобильный термин: special service message8) Дипломатический термин: ракета класса "корабль - корабль", (surface-to-surface missile) ракета класса "земля - земля"9) Музыка: Solid State Music10) Оптика: stage scanning microscope11) Телекоммуникации: Single Segment Message (DQDB, SMDS)12) Сокращение: Sea-Skimmer Missile, Singer Sewing Machine, Small Stamp Machine, Software Structure Model, Soldier System Modeling, Squadron Sergeant Major (British Army), Staff Sergeant Major (British Army), Turkish Defence Industries Undersecretariat, satellite system monitoring, single-stage missile, сообщение о текущем состоянии синхронизации (syncronization status message)13) Физика: surface stress measurements14) Электроника: Single-sideband Signal Multiplier, Strategic sourcing methodology15) Вычислительная техника: Set System Mask, Simplified Storage Management (HSM), Source Specific Multicast (IETF, WG, Multicast)16) Онкология: Superficial Spreading Melanoma17) СМИ: Sunbonnet Sue Mystery18) Деловая лексика: Shared Savings Mechanism, Supply Side Management19) Сетевые технологии: SAA Service Manager, Service Session Manager, Simplified Storage Management, Super Simple Multicast, упрощённое управление хранением информации, Source Specific Multicast20) Программирование: Source Support Module21) Химическое оружие: system safety manager22) Макаров: spread-spectrum modulation, surface skimming mode23) США: Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan24) Чат: Sex Starved Marriage25) Правительство: Sault Ste Marie26) Аэропорты: Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan USA27) НАСА: Standard Solar Model -
14 SC
1) Общая лексика: schedules, Site Controller (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Screen Capture, Script Compiled, Select Class, Semi Compiled, Simplified Computing, Smart Card, Storage Control, System Class3) Геология: Saratoga Champlain4) Авиация: КК (Координационный коммитет)5) Медицина: п/к, подкожный, подкожно (путь введения инъекционного препарата), slice collimation6) Американизм: Special Collections, Support Contract7) Ботаника: Stem Clearance8) Спорт: Steeplechase, Stock Car, Street Competition9) Латинский язык: Senatus Consulto10) Военный термин: Air Force Communications-Computers Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for C4, Sanitary Corps, Screen Commander or Coordinator, Security Committee, Signal Corps, Silent Communication, Single Channel, Space Command, Specialty Codes, Squad Commander, Staff College, Structural Category, Submarine Chaser, Submarine Conversion, Superintending Cartographer, Supreme Commander, System Center, System Controller, Systems Command, satellite communications, screen commander, screen coordinator, searchlight company, section commander, sector commander, security classification, security code, senior controller, service ceiling (ЛА), service center, service certificate, service club, service command, service company, shaped charge, shipping container, signal center, signal command, signal communications, signal company, signal comparator, significant characteristics, simulation coordinator, single column, small craft, small-caliber, soldier capabilities, source code, spacecraft, spacecraft capsule, special circuit, special circular, specialty code, specification change, specified command, spot check, squadron commander, staff captain, staff car, staff command, staff corps, statement of capability, station, station commander, steering committee, stock control, storage capacity, subcontractor, summary court-martial, supervisor's console, supply catalog, supply center, supply column, supply control, supply corps, support chief, support command, support coordinator, survey company, switching center, system concept, Science Committee (NATO)11) Техника: Shuttle communications, safety class, satellite computer, satellite contact, scintillation counter, secondary confinement, sensor controller, sent-common, separate contact, session control, set course, shows of condensate, shuttle car, simplex circuit, site characterization, site contingency, situation console, software contractor, space charge, spacecraft communicator, speed controller, standard conductivity, stellar camera, superconducting, suppressed carrier, surveillance compliance, switched capacitor, switching cell, switching computer, synchrocyclotron, system control12) Сельское хозяйство: Scottish Crop, Specific Conductivity, КС (напр., в названиях гербицидов), концентрат суспензии13) Химия: Silicon Carbide, Solid Carbide, Suspendable Concentrate14) Строительство: Scullery15) Математика: достаточное условие (sufficient condition), последовательное исчисление (sequential calculus), сильная состоятельность (strong consistency)16) Религия: Second Cataclysm, Seraphim Call, Sources chretiennes17) Юридический термин: Session Cases, Striker Clan, The Supreme Council, Senior Counsel (старший адвокат, аналог титула “Queen’s/King’s Counsel” в ряде бывших британских колоний), NAFO Scientific Council18) Бухгалтерия: Simple And Cheap, share capital19) Австралийский сленг: School Certificate20) Автомобильный термин: supercharged engine21) Астрономия: Star Cluster22) Ветеринария: Society for Cryobiology23) Грубое выражение: Some Cunt, Sucks Cock, Super Crap24) География: Южная Каролина (штат США)25) Музыка: single coil26) Оптика: semiconductor27) Политика: St. Christopher ( Kitts) and Nevis28) Телевидение: sand castle29) Телекоммуникации: subscriber connector (optical fiber connector)30) Сокращение: Secondary Channel, Sectional Center, Security Council, Self-Cocking, Seychelles, Single Card, Sorting Carriage (UK, within RPO), South Carolina (US state), Staff Captain (British Army), Standing Committee (China), Supercavitating, Supreme Court, Systeme Combattant (Future Soldier programme (French Army)), same case, saturable core, self-check, self-contained, separate cover, shaft center, short circuit, single conductor, single-contact, smooth contour, special committee, special constables, subcontract, Supervisory Committee (термин в Киотском протоколе (КН)), Save the Children31) Университет: Scientific Community, Stevenson Center, Stockton College, Study Committee, Sub Campus32) Физика: Splat-Cooled33) Физиология: Sacrococcygeal, San Clemente, Scapula, Self Care34) Электроника: Sapphire Carrier, Semi-Conducting, Set Clock, Shaping Circuit, Slow Close, Socket Contact, Super Cell35) Вычислительная техника: SubCommittee, secondary cache, диспетчерский контроль, SubCommittee (ISO, TC, IEC), подкомитет, счётчик команд37) Стоматология: single crown38) Биохимия: Subcutaneously39) Онкология: Subcutaneous40) Космонавтика: КА41) Картография: South Carolina42) Транспорт: Scored Cylinders, Short Cut, Soft Conditions, Sports Coupe, Steam Catamaran43) Пищевая промышленность: Senior Cycle, Super Combo, Swiss Cheese44) Холодильная техника: subcooling45) СМИ: Small Capitals, Soft Cover, Story Collection, Subject Category46) Деловая лексика: Shopping Center, (subsidiary company) ДП(дочернее предприятие) (употребляется как сокращение при написании реквизитов компании)47) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РК (Steering Committee), руководящий комитет (Steering Committee)48) Образование: Sentence Comprehension, Short Course, Swimming Course49) Сетевые технологии: Same Context, Service Class, Session Counter, Set Cookie, Smp Cluster, Subscriber Connector, Swapped Controller, sequence counter, service channel, supervisory control, сервисный канал, служебный канал50) Полимеры: semicrystalline, slow-curing, standard conditions51) Программирование: Skip Conditionally, Special Character, Special Code52) Автоматика: superimposed coding53) Ядерная физика: Special Conventional-Alloy54) Сахалин Р: УК55) Океанография: Seabed Classification, Space Council56) Сахалин А: sealed closed57) Безопасность: Single Check58) Расширение файла: Display driver (Framework II), PAL script (Paradox)59) SAP.тех. подчинённый класс60) Нефть и газ: signal conditioner61) МИД: single crystal62) Гостиничное дело: большой ребёнок + 1 взрослый63) Лаки и краски: stripe coat64) Электротехника: single-core cable, static compensator, superconductor65) Имена и фамилии: Shepherd Clark, Stanley Cohen66) Должность: Senior Counsel67) Правительство: Silver City, Strawberry Creek68) NYSE. Shell Transportation & Trading, PLC69) НАСА: Stress Compensated70) Программное обеспечение: Shell Commands, Source Control, Spreadsheet Calculator71) Федеральное бюро расследований: Sacramento Field Office, Special Clerk -
15 Sc
1) Общая лексика: schedules, Site Controller (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Screen Capture, Script Compiled, Select Class, Semi Compiled, Simplified Computing, Smart Card, Storage Control, System Class3) Геология: Saratoga Champlain4) Авиация: КК (Координационный коммитет)5) Медицина: п/к, подкожный, подкожно (путь введения инъекционного препарата), slice collimation6) Американизм: Special Collections, Support Contract7) Ботаника: Stem Clearance8) Спорт: Steeplechase, Stock Car, Street Competition9) Латинский язык: Senatus Consulto10) Военный термин: Air Force Communications-Computers Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for C4, Sanitary Corps, Screen Commander or Coordinator, Security Committee, Signal Corps, Silent Communication, Single Channel, Space Command, Specialty Codes, Squad Commander, Staff College, Structural Category, Submarine Chaser, Submarine Conversion, Superintending Cartographer, Supreme Commander, System Center, System Controller, Systems Command, satellite communications, screen commander, screen coordinator, searchlight company, section commander, sector commander, security classification, security code, senior controller, service ceiling (ЛА), service center, service certificate, service club, service command, service company, shaped charge, shipping container, signal center, signal command, signal communications, signal company, signal comparator, significant characteristics, simulation coordinator, single column, small craft, small-caliber, soldier capabilities, source code, spacecraft, spacecraft capsule, special circuit, special circular, specialty code, specification change, specified command, spot check, squadron commander, staff captain, staff car, staff command, staff corps, statement of capability, station, station commander, steering committee, stock control, storage capacity, subcontractor, summary court-martial, supervisor's console, supply catalog, supply center, supply column, supply control, supply corps, support chief, support command, support coordinator, survey company, switching center, system concept, Science Committee (NATO)11) Техника: Shuttle communications, safety class, satellite computer, satellite contact, scintillation counter, secondary confinement, sensor controller, sent-common, separate contact, session control, set course, shows of condensate, shuttle car, simplex circuit, site characterization, site contingency, situation console, software contractor, space charge, spacecraft communicator, speed controller, standard conductivity, stellar camera, superconducting, suppressed carrier, surveillance compliance, switched capacitor, switching cell, switching computer, synchrocyclotron, system control12) Сельское хозяйство: Scottish Crop, Specific Conductivity, КС (напр., в названиях гербицидов), концентрат суспензии13) Химия: Silicon Carbide, Solid Carbide, Suspendable Concentrate14) Строительство: Scullery15) Математика: достаточное условие (sufficient condition), последовательное исчисление (sequential calculus), сильная состоятельность (strong consistency)16) Религия: Second Cataclysm, Seraphim Call, Sources chretiennes17) Юридический термин: Session Cases, Striker Clan, The Supreme Council, Senior Counsel (старший адвокат, аналог титула “Queen’s/King’s Counsel” в ряде бывших британских колоний), NAFO Scientific Council18) Бухгалтерия: Simple And Cheap, share capital19) Австралийский сленг: School Certificate20) Автомобильный термин: supercharged engine21) Астрономия: Star Cluster22) Ветеринария: Society for Cryobiology23) Грубое выражение: Some Cunt, Sucks Cock, Super Crap24) География: Южная Каролина (штат США)25) Музыка: single coil26) Оптика: semiconductor27) Политика: St. Christopher ( Kitts) and Nevis28) Телевидение: sand castle29) Телекоммуникации: subscriber connector (optical fiber connector)30) Сокращение: Secondary Channel, Sectional Center, Security Council, Self-Cocking, Seychelles, Single Card, Sorting Carriage (UK, within RPO), South Carolina (US state), Staff Captain (British Army), Standing Committee (China), Supercavitating, Supreme Court, Systeme Combattant (Future Soldier programme (French Army)), same case, saturable core, self-check, self-contained, separate cover, shaft center, short circuit, single conductor, single-contact, smooth contour, special committee, special constables, subcontract, Supervisory Committee (термин в Киотском протоколе (КН)), Save the Children31) Университет: Scientific Community, Stevenson Center, Stockton College, Study Committee, Sub Campus32) Физика: Splat-Cooled33) Физиология: Sacrococcygeal, San Clemente, Scapula, Self Care34) Электроника: Sapphire Carrier, Semi-Conducting, Set Clock, Shaping Circuit, Slow Close, Socket Contact, Super Cell35) Вычислительная техника: SubCommittee, secondary cache, диспетчерский контроль, SubCommittee (ISO, TC, IEC), подкомитет, счётчик команд37) Стоматология: single crown38) Биохимия: Subcutaneously39) Онкология: Subcutaneous40) Космонавтика: КА41) Картография: South Carolina42) Транспорт: Scored Cylinders, Short Cut, Soft Conditions, Sports Coupe, Steam Catamaran43) Пищевая промышленность: Senior Cycle, Super Combo, Swiss Cheese44) Холодильная техника: subcooling45) СМИ: Small Capitals, Soft Cover, Story Collection, Subject Category46) Деловая лексика: Shopping Center, (subsidiary company) ДП(дочернее предприятие) (употребляется как сокращение при написании реквизитов компании)47) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РК (Steering Committee), руководящий комитет (Steering Committee)48) Образование: Sentence Comprehension, Short Course, Swimming Course49) Сетевые технологии: Same Context, Service Class, Session Counter, Set Cookie, Smp Cluster, Subscriber Connector, Swapped Controller, sequence counter, service channel, supervisory control, сервисный канал, служебный канал50) Полимеры: semicrystalline, slow-curing, standard conditions51) Программирование: Skip Conditionally, Special Character, Special Code52) Автоматика: superimposed coding53) Ядерная физика: Special Conventional-Alloy54) Сахалин Р: УК55) Океанография: Seabed Classification, Space Council56) Сахалин А: sealed closed57) Безопасность: Single Check58) Расширение файла: Display driver (Framework II), PAL script (Paradox)59) SAP.тех. подчинённый класс60) Нефть и газ: signal conditioner61) МИД: single crystal62) Гостиничное дело: большой ребёнок + 1 взрослый63) Лаки и краски: stripe coat64) Электротехника: single-core cable, static compensator, superconductor65) Имена и фамилии: Shepherd Clark, Stanley Cohen66) Должность: Senior Counsel67) Правительство: Silver City, Strawberry Creek68) NYSE. Shell Transportation & Trading, PLC69) НАСА: Stress Compensated70) Программное обеспечение: Shell Commands, Source Control, Spreadsheet Calculator71) Федеральное бюро расследований: Sacramento Field Office, Special Clerk -
16 sc
1) Общая лексика: schedules, Site Controller (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Screen Capture, Script Compiled, Select Class, Semi Compiled, Simplified Computing, Smart Card, Storage Control, System Class3) Геология: Saratoga Champlain4) Авиация: КК (Координационный коммитет)5) Медицина: п/к, подкожный, подкожно (путь введения инъекционного препарата), slice collimation6) Американизм: Special Collections, Support Contract7) Ботаника: Stem Clearance8) Спорт: Steeplechase, Stock Car, Street Competition9) Латинский язык: Senatus Consulto10) Военный термин: Air Force Communications-Computers Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for C4, Sanitary Corps, Screen Commander or Coordinator, Security Committee, Signal Corps, Silent Communication, Single Channel, Space Command, Specialty Codes, Squad Commander, Staff College, Structural Category, Submarine Chaser, Submarine Conversion, Superintending Cartographer, Supreme Commander, System Center, System Controller, Systems Command, satellite communications, screen commander, screen coordinator, searchlight company, section commander, sector commander, security classification, security code, senior controller, service ceiling (ЛА), service center, service certificate, service club, service command, service company, shaped charge, shipping container, signal center, signal command, signal communications, signal company, signal comparator, significant characteristics, simulation coordinator, single column, small craft, small-caliber, soldier capabilities, source code, spacecraft, spacecraft capsule, special circuit, special circular, specialty code, specification change, specified command, spot check, squadron commander, staff captain, staff car, staff command, staff corps, statement of capability, station, station commander, steering committee, stock control, storage capacity, subcontractor, summary court-martial, supervisor's console, supply catalog, supply center, supply column, supply control, supply corps, support chief, support command, support coordinator, survey company, switching center, system concept, Science Committee (NATO)11) Техника: Shuttle communications, safety class, satellite computer, satellite contact, scintillation counter, secondary confinement, sensor controller, sent-common, separate contact, session control, set course, shows of condensate, shuttle car, simplex circuit, site characterization, site contingency, situation console, software contractor, space charge, spacecraft communicator, speed controller, standard conductivity, stellar camera, superconducting, suppressed carrier, surveillance compliance, switched capacitor, switching cell, switching computer, synchrocyclotron, system control12) Сельское хозяйство: Scottish Crop, Specific Conductivity, КС (напр., в названиях гербицидов), концентрат суспензии13) Химия: Silicon Carbide, Solid Carbide, Suspendable Concentrate14) Строительство: Scullery15) Математика: достаточное условие (sufficient condition), последовательное исчисление (sequential calculus), сильная состоятельность (strong consistency)16) Религия: Second Cataclysm, Seraphim Call, Sources chretiennes17) Юридический термин: Session Cases, Striker Clan, The Supreme Council, Senior Counsel (старший адвокат, аналог титула “Queen’s/King’s Counsel” в ряде бывших британских колоний), NAFO Scientific Council18) Бухгалтерия: Simple And Cheap, share capital19) Австралийский сленг: School Certificate20) Автомобильный термин: supercharged engine21) Астрономия: Star Cluster22) Ветеринария: Society for Cryobiology23) Грубое выражение: Some Cunt, Sucks Cock, Super Crap24) География: Южная Каролина (штат США)25) Музыка: single coil26) Оптика: semiconductor27) Политика: St. Christopher ( Kitts) and Nevis28) Телевидение: sand castle29) Телекоммуникации: subscriber connector (optical fiber connector)30) Сокращение: Secondary Channel, Sectional Center, Security Council, Self-Cocking, Seychelles, Single Card, Sorting Carriage (UK, within RPO), South Carolina (US state), Staff Captain (British Army), Standing Committee (China), Supercavitating, Supreme Court, Systeme Combattant (Future Soldier programme (French Army)), same case, saturable core, self-check, self-contained, separate cover, shaft center, short circuit, single conductor, single-contact, smooth contour, special committee, special constables, subcontract, Supervisory Committee (термин в Киотском протоколе (КН)), Save the Children31) Университет: Scientific Community, Stevenson Center, Stockton College, Study Committee, Sub Campus32) Физика: Splat-Cooled33) Физиология: Sacrococcygeal, San Clemente, Scapula, Self Care34) Электроника: Sapphire Carrier, Semi-Conducting, Set Clock, Shaping Circuit, Slow Close, Socket Contact, Super Cell35) Вычислительная техника: SubCommittee, secondary cache, диспетчерский контроль, SubCommittee (ISO, TC, IEC), подкомитет, счётчик команд37) Стоматология: single crown38) Биохимия: Subcutaneously39) Онкология: Subcutaneous40) Космонавтика: КА41) Картография: South Carolina42) Транспорт: Scored Cylinders, Short Cut, Soft Conditions, Sports Coupe, Steam Catamaran43) Пищевая промышленность: Senior Cycle, Super Combo, Swiss Cheese44) Холодильная техника: subcooling45) СМИ: Small Capitals, Soft Cover, Story Collection, Subject Category46) Деловая лексика: Shopping Center, (subsidiary company) ДП(дочернее предприятие) (употребляется как сокращение при написании реквизитов компании)47) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: РК (Steering Committee), руководящий комитет (Steering Committee)48) Образование: Sentence Comprehension, Short Course, Swimming Course49) Сетевые технологии: Same Context, Service Class, Session Counter, Set Cookie, Smp Cluster, Subscriber Connector, Swapped Controller, sequence counter, service channel, supervisory control, сервисный канал, служебный канал50) Полимеры: semicrystalline, slow-curing, standard conditions51) Программирование: Skip Conditionally, Special Character, Special Code52) Автоматика: superimposed coding53) Ядерная физика: Special Conventional-Alloy54) Сахалин Р: УК55) Океанография: Seabed Classification, Space Council56) Сахалин А: sealed closed57) Безопасность: Single Check58) Расширение файла: Display driver (Framework II), PAL script (Paradox)59) SAP.тех. подчинённый класс60) Нефть и газ: signal conditioner61) МИД: single crystal62) Гостиничное дело: большой ребёнок + 1 взрослый63) Лаки и краски: stripe coat64) Электротехника: single-core cable, static compensator, superconductor65) Имена и фамилии: Shepherd Clark, Stanley Cohen66) Должность: Senior Counsel67) Правительство: Silver City, Strawberry Creek68) NYSE. Shell Transportation & Trading, PLC69) НАСА: Stress Compensated70) Программное обеспечение: Shell Commands, Source Control, Spreadsheet Calculator71) Федеральное бюро расследований: Sacramento Field Office, Special Clerk -
17 FS
1) Общая лексика: For Sale (Продам, Продаю - в объявлениях), TEO, ТЭО, технико-экономическое обоснование2) Компьютерная техника: Field Separator3) Геология: Field Stones4) Спорт: Fantasy Schedule, frontside (в скейтбординге: способ подъезда к цели)5) Военный термин: Flight Service, Flying Screen, Force Support, Fort Smith, French ship, Friendly Status, factor of safety, far side, fast screening, fast slew, feasibility study, federal standard, female soldier, field security, field service, field station, fighter squadron, filler for smoke, fin-stabilized, final settlement, financial statement, fire support, fire switch, firing set, firing station, first stage, flame shielding, flashless, smokeless, flight safety, flight sergeant, flight simulator, flight surgeon, flying status, foreign service, foresight, forward scatter, forward support, frequency shift, frequency stability, frequency standard, future system6) Техника: Foot Stone, fail-safe, fail-soft, failure sensing, false signature, far field, fast forward, fast speed relay, fast-shear, fatal failure, fault sequence, fault signaling, feasible solution, feedback, stabilized, field size, field-of-vision stop, filtration fraction, fine fill, fine sand, finishing superheater, finite state machine, fishing for, fixed focus, fixed storage, flat face, flight software, flip-flop, focusing scale, focusing screen, follow shot, forward scattering, frac finder, frequency shifting, full of fluid, full scale, full shot, full side, functional selector, fusible link, ФС, функциональный стандарт, полная шкала (full scale)7) Шутливое выражение: Funny Stuff8) Химия: Free State9) Математика: Finite Size, Finite Sup, ряд Фурье (Fourier series)10) Метеорология: Forest Service11) Юридический термин: Florida Statutes12) Бухгалтерия: Fact Sheet, financial statements13) Ветеринария: female spayed (самка после овариэктомии, стерилизованная)14) Грубое выражение: Fat Shit, Full Screen15) Металлургия: Flat Slip16) Политика: French Southern and Antarctic Lands17) Телекоммуникации: Frame Status, File Services (SNA)18) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Corvette (guided missile; G), Field Standard, Fin-Stabilised, Fire Station, Firing Section for missile system, Full Standard, Sulphur Trioxide / Chlorsulphonic Acid Smoke (Chemical warfare mixture), female soldered, forged steel, full size, functional schematic, fuselage station, sulfur trioxide chlorsulfonic acid, finish specification (number), freight supply (vessel), free stock19) Физиология: Flexibility Syndrome, Frozen Section20) Электроника: Frequency Synthesizer21) Вычислительная техника: File System, file separator, Frame Status (FDDI, Token Ring), File System (LVM), разделитель файлов22) Нефть: float shoe, башмак с обратным клапаном (float shoe), запас прочности (factor of safety), обнаружение неисправности (failure sensing), обслуживание в промысловых условиях, передача сигнала о неисправности (fault signaling), техническое обоснование (feasibility study), федеральные технические условия (США; Federal specifications), федеральный стандарт (США; Federal standard), коэффициент надёжности (factor of safety), техническое обслуживание в условиях эксплуатации (field service)23) Биохимия: Free Sterols, Freeze Substitution24) Космонавтика: пм, Forest Service (USA)25) Картография: fixed station, flagstaff, fog signal station, fog siren, fundamental station26) Бумажная промышленность: felt side27) Банковское дело: окончательный расчёт (final settlement), полный расчёт (final settlement)28) Транспорт: Food Stop, Forward Seating, Freight And Supply29) Силикатное производство: flame spraying30) СМИ: Future Shock31) Деловая лексика: Four Star, Full Service32) Бурение: изучение возможности применения (feasibility study; стадия технического проектирования)33) Планирование: Завершение (этапа) до начала (другого) (Finish to Start - описание взаимосвязи двух этапов в графике выполнения работ)34) Сетевые технологии: de-facto standard, file server, разделитель полей, файл-сервер, файловый сервер35) Полимеры: Faraday Society, Federal Specifications, filmstrip36) Автоматика: file structure37) Контроль качества: Federal Specification, free slack, full-scale38) Медицинская техника: fractional shortening (ЭхоКГ)39) Химическое оружие: chlorosulfonic acid40) Военно-морской флот: French Ship (перед названиями военных кораблей ВМФ Франции)41) Велосипеды: full suspension.42) Расширение файла: File Separation43) Нефть и газ: flow switch, functional safety, (сокр. от) field dpecialist = полевой специалист (работник полевой партии/отряда, напр., в полевой геофизике, ГИС, обслуживании скважин)44) Электротехника: fast-speed, fuel scheduling45) Ebay. Free Shipping46) ООН: Firing Squad47) Общественная организация: Fabian Society48) Должность: Forensic Science, Fully Successful49) NYSE. Four Seasons Hotels, Inc.50) Единицы измерений: Fixed Scale51) Парашютный спорт: групповая акробатика (вид парашютного спорта) -
18 Fs
1) Общая лексика: For Sale (Продам, Продаю - в объявлениях), TEO, ТЭО, технико-экономическое обоснование2) Компьютерная техника: Field Separator3) Геология: Field Stones4) Спорт: Fantasy Schedule, frontside (в скейтбординге: способ подъезда к цели)5) Военный термин: Flight Service, Flying Screen, Force Support, Fort Smith, French ship, Friendly Status, factor of safety, far side, fast screening, fast slew, feasibility study, federal standard, female soldier, field security, field service, field station, fighter squadron, filler for smoke, fin-stabilized, final settlement, financial statement, fire support, fire switch, firing set, firing station, first stage, flame shielding, flashless, smokeless, flight safety, flight sergeant, flight simulator, flight surgeon, flying status, foreign service, foresight, forward scatter, forward support, frequency shift, frequency stability, frequency standard, future system6) Техника: Foot Stone, fail-safe, fail-soft, failure sensing, false signature, far field, fast forward, fast speed relay, fast-shear, fatal failure, fault sequence, fault signaling, feasible solution, feedback, stabilized, field size, field-of-vision stop, filtration fraction, fine fill, fine sand, finishing superheater, finite state machine, fishing for, fixed focus, fixed storage, flat face, flight software, flip-flop, focusing scale, focusing screen, follow shot, forward scattering, frac finder, frequency shifting, full of fluid, full scale, full shot, full side, functional selector, fusible link, ФС, функциональный стандарт, полная шкала (full scale)7) Шутливое выражение: Funny Stuff8) Химия: Free State9) Математика: Finite Size, Finite Sup, ряд Фурье (Fourier series)10) Метеорология: Forest Service11) Юридический термин: Florida Statutes12) Бухгалтерия: Fact Sheet, financial statements13) Ветеринария: female spayed (самка после овариэктомии, стерилизованная)14) Грубое выражение: Fat Shit, Full Screen15) Металлургия: Flat Slip16) Политика: French Southern and Antarctic Lands17) Телекоммуникации: Frame Status, File Services (SNA)18) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Corvette (guided missile; G), Field Standard, Fin-Stabilised, Fire Station, Firing Section for missile system, Full Standard, Sulphur Trioxide / Chlorsulphonic Acid Smoke (Chemical warfare mixture), female soldered, forged steel, full size, functional schematic, fuselage station, sulfur trioxide chlorsulfonic acid, finish specification (number), freight supply (vessel), free stock19) Физиология: Flexibility Syndrome, Frozen Section20) Электроника: Frequency Synthesizer21) Вычислительная техника: File System, file separator, Frame Status (FDDI, Token Ring), File System (LVM), разделитель файлов22) Нефть: float shoe, башмак с обратным клапаном (float shoe), запас прочности (factor of safety), обнаружение неисправности (failure sensing), обслуживание в промысловых условиях, передача сигнала о неисправности (fault signaling), техническое обоснование (feasibility study), федеральные технические условия (США; Federal specifications), федеральный стандарт (США; Federal standard), коэффициент надёжности (factor of safety), техническое обслуживание в условиях эксплуатации (field service)23) Биохимия: Free Sterols, Freeze Substitution24) Космонавтика: пм, Forest Service (USA)25) Картография: fixed station, flagstaff, fog signal station, fog siren, fundamental station26) Бумажная промышленность: felt side27) Банковское дело: окончательный расчёт (final settlement), полный расчёт (final settlement)28) Транспорт: Food Stop, Forward Seating, Freight And Supply29) Силикатное производство: flame spraying30) СМИ: Future Shock31) Деловая лексика: Four Star, Full Service32) Бурение: изучение возможности применения (feasibility study; стадия технического проектирования)33) Планирование: Завершение (этапа) до начала (другого) (Finish to Start - описание взаимосвязи двух этапов в графике выполнения работ)34) Сетевые технологии: de-facto standard, file server, разделитель полей, файл-сервер, файловый сервер35) Полимеры: Faraday Society, Federal Specifications, filmstrip36) Автоматика: file structure37) Контроль качества: Federal Specification, free slack, full-scale38) Медицинская техника: fractional shortening (ЭхоКГ)39) Химическое оружие: chlorosulfonic acid40) Военно-морской флот: French Ship (перед названиями военных кораблей ВМФ Франции)41) Велосипеды: full suspension.42) Расширение файла: File Separation43) Нефть и газ: flow switch, functional safety, (сокр. от) field dpecialist = полевой специалист (работник полевой партии/отряда, напр., в полевой геофизике, ГИС, обслуживании скважин)44) Электротехника: fast-speed, fuel scheduling45) Ebay. Free Shipping46) ООН: Firing Squad47) Общественная организация: Fabian Society48) Должность: Forensic Science, Fully Successful49) NYSE. Four Seasons Hotels, Inc.50) Единицы измерений: Fixed Scale51) Парашютный спорт: групповая акробатика (вид парашютного спорта) -
19 LSS
1) Компьютерная техника: Local Scrapbook Store2) Военный термин: Large SICPS (Standardized Integrated Command Post Shelter) Shelter, Library Support System, Life Saving Service, Lightweight Shotgun System, landing ship, support, large space simulator, launch sequence simulator, launch signature simulator, launch support section, launch support system, life saving station, life support system, limited storage site, line scan system, logistics support squadron, logistics support system3) Техника: laser seeker section, licensing support system, long spaced sonic log, lower support structure, (low speed shaft) низкоскоростной вал (компрессор), low signal select4) Шутливое выражение: Less Smoke Smell5) Религия: Lutheran Social Services6) Автомобильный термин: linear shift solenoid7) Астрономия: Lunar Soil Simulator8) Телекоммуникации: Lucent Soft Switch9) Сокращение: Lean Six Sigma (2008), Loop Switching System10) Физиология: Left Side Syndrome11) Нефть: long spaced sonic (log), Long Spacing Sonic Log12) Космонавтика: СЖО, система жизнеобеспечения13) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: (long spaced sonic log) акустический каротаж с длинным зондом (АК)14) Образование: Local School System15) Сетевые технологии: Loadable Storage Systems16) Программирование: List Set Similarities, Load Far Pointer in SS18) Расширение файла: Spreadsheet (Legato - IBM Works for OS/2)19) NYSE. Lone Star Technologies, Inc.20) Аэропорты: Terre-de-Haut, French Antilles -
20 S
1) Общая лексика: воскресенье, имеющий форму буквы S, линия в виде буквы S (the river makes a great S - река прихотливо извивается), секция, суббота, улыбка, школа, юг, пика (масть в картах), S-образный3) Биология: Swedberg unit, serine4) Морской термин: Summer Seawater (летняя морская вода (отметка на борте судна))5) Медицина: Svedberg6) Спорт: Safe, Safety, Saved, Scrimmage, Senorita, Serve, Serving, Slant, Spoiler, Sport, Strike, Substitution7) Военный термин: Scenario, Shoot, Sir, South, Spineless, Submersible, Support, scout, seaman, seaplane, secret, security, sergeant, service, set, sharpshooter, shell, shelter, ship, squadron, staff, station, stock, submarine, survivability8) Техника: action, area, entropy, saturation degree, scattering coefficient, science, secondary electrode, sediment, sharp, shielded, signal, silicate, silt loam, simultaneous homing signal and/or voice, solenoid, solidus, sonar, sphere, spin quantum number, straight, sum of bases, supplementary, synchronism, synchronizer, гидравлический градиент, обозначение шестнадцатеричного кода, Ст ( стокс) (внесистемная единица вязкости, т.н. кинематическая вязкость 0,0001 м2/с)10) Шутливое выражение: Silly11) Химия: Saturating, сера12) Строительство: S-образная кривая, откос S-образного очертания13) Математика: Sin, значимый (significant), поверхность (surface), сторона (side)14) Религия: Sanctified, Sanctuary, Soul15) Метеорология: Sunshine17) Экономика: split18) Лингвистика: подлежащее, субъект19) Страхование: Shipping, Steamer, Summer freeboard mark, summer load line20) Биржевой термин: Sell, Shareholders21) Ветеринария: Snail23) Политика: South America24) Телекоммуникации: Subscriber, S reference point (ISDN)25) Сокращение: Saturday, Saxon, Scotland, Secret (security classification), Secret, Senate, September, Siemens (conductivity), Sierra (phonetic alphabet), Socialist, Sunday, Supplement, Time zone 82.5 W - 97.5 W (GMT +6), salinity, satellite, schilling, scientific, sea, search, section, senator, siemens, signor, silver, small, smiling, snow, soprano, sound, space, special, speed, stoke (viscosity), strategic, sulphur, supply, surplus27) Университет: Satisfactory, Scholarly, Student, Superior28) Физика: Short30) Вычислительная техника: switch31) Нефть: salite, saturation, shear wave, square, sulfur content, surface area32) Генетика: Единица Сведберга (характеризующая скорость седиментации частиц при центрифугировании), серин33) Картография: San, southern, spar, staging area, state34) Банковское дело: акционерный капитал (stock), акция (stock)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: study41) Инвестиции: seal43) Полимеры: secondary, shearing force, side, silicone, soft, solid, solubility, soluble, solute, steric, sulfur, surface, symmetrical, unit stress45) Контроль качества: spare48) Макаров: См (единица электрической проводимости; сименс)50) Расширение файла: Assembly language source code file, Modula-3 Foreign assembly Source file, OS/2 Spreadsheet, Temporary sort file (Sprint)51) Электротехника: shunt-wound52) Имена и фамилии: Santa, Socrates, Superman55) NYSE. Sears, Roebuck, & Company56) Единицы измерений: Seconds, Slice, Sagans (Billions and Billions)57) СМС: These58) Международные перевозки: surcharge (rate classification)
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron — Format Action, cartoon Created by Christian Tremblay Yvon Tremblay Developed by Davis Doi … Wikipedia
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Liste des shoot them up — Liste chronologique des shoot them up La liste chronologique des shoot them up répertorie les shoot them up. La date indiquée correspond à la première sortie du jeu, toutes régions et plates formes confondues. Sommaire: 1962 1971 1975 1977 1978… … Wikipédia en Français
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