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  • Social class in American history — Social class has been an important theme for historians of the United States for over 100 years. Colonial periodHistorians in recent decades have explored in microscopic detail the process of settling the new country and creating the social… …   Wikipedia

  • Social class in New Zealand — Class in New Zealand is a product of both Māori and Western social structures. New Zealand was traditionally supposed to be a classless society but this claim is problematic in a number of ways, and has been clearly untrue since at least the… …   Wikipedia

  • class system —    Social class has been seen as the main divide in British politics. The characteristics which determine class include occupation, income, material possessions, family position, breeding, accent, education, appearance, lifestyle and power.… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Social class — Sociology …   Wikipedia

  • Social class in the United States — A monument to the working and supporting classes along Market Street in the heart of San Francisco s Financial District Income in the United States Affluence in the …   Wikipedia

  • social class — Sociol. a broad group in society having common economic, cultural, or political status. * * * ▪ social differentiation also called  class         a group of people within a society who possess the same socioeconomic status. Besides being… …   Universalium

  • Social class in Cambodia — Social strata in precommunist Cambodia may be viewed as constituting a spectrum, with an elite group or upper class at one end and a lower class consisting of rural peasants and unskilled urban workers at the other end. The elite group was… …   Wikipedia

  • Open class system — An open class system is the stratification that facilitates social mobility, with individual achievement and personal merit determining social rank. The hierarchical social status of a person is achieved through their effort. Any status that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Social class in Haiti — HistoryAs a result of the extinction of the indigenous population by the beginning of the seventeenth century, the population of pre independence Saint Domingue (present day Haiti) was entirely the product of the French colonists slaveholding… …   Wikipedia

  • social science — social scientist. 1. the study of society and social behavior. 2. a science or field of study, as history, economics, etc., dealing with an aspect of society or forms of social activity. [1775 85] * * * Any discipline or branch of science that… …   Universalium

  • Social position — is the position of an individual in a given society and culture. A given position (for example, the occupation of priest ) may belong to many individuals. Social position influences social status. One can have several social positions, but only… …   Wikipedia

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