1 small business loan
1) Банковское дело: кредит для малого бизнеса2) ЕБРР: кредит мелкому предпринимателю -
2 small business loan
3 small business loan
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > small business loan
4 small business loan
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > small business loan
5 small business loan arrears
Банковское дело: просроченная задолженность по кредитам, предоставленным клиентам малого бизнеса (англ. термин взят из репортажа агентства Thomson Reuters; контекстуальный перевод)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > small business loan arrears
6 small business banking
банк. !"Small Business Banking (""SBB"") provides a full compliment of loan and deposit products to small businesses located throughout Connecticut."проверить (часто названия конкретных компаний/подразделений/программ). Возможно, достаточно в примеры куда-нибудь запихатьАнгло-русский экономический словарь > small business banking
7 loan
1. nзаем; ссуда; кредит
- accommodation loan
- active loan
- adjustable mortgage loan
- advance loan
- agency loan
- agricultural loan
- amortization loan
- asset-based loan
- back-to-back loan
- bad loan
- balloon loan
- bank loan
- banking sector's nonperforming loans
- bank-to-bank loan
- below-market loan
- big loan
- bilateral loan
- blank loan
- borrowed-pledge security loan
- bottomry loan
- bridge loan
- bridging loan
- broker's loan
- building loan
- bullet loan
- business loan
- call loan
- callable loan
- capped floating rate loan
- cash loan
- character loan
- cheap loan
- clearance loan
- collared floating rate loan
- collateral loan
- collateralized loan
- commercial loan
- committed loan
- commodity loan
- compulsory loan
- concessionary loan
- consolidated loan
- consumption loan
- corporate loan
- Crown loan
- currency loan
- customer's loan
- daily loan
- day loan
- day-to-day loan
- dead loan
- dealer loan
- defaulted loan
- delinquent loan
- demand loan
- development loan
- direct loan
- disbursed loan
- discount loan
- discount interest loan
- distressed loan
- dollar loan
- domestic loan
- downstream loan
- droplock loan
- dud loan
- emergency loan
- emergency reconstruction loan
- Eurocurrency loan
- Eurosyndicated loans
- excess loan
- export adjustment loan
- external loan
- farm loan
- federal loan
- fiduciary loan
- fixed loan
- fixed-date loan
- fixed-interest loan
- fixed rate loan
- floated loan
- floating-rate loan
- forced loan
- foreign loan
- free-limit loan
- frozen loan
- funded loan
- funding loan
- gold loan
- government loan
- hard loan
- hedged loan
- high-interest loan
- home loan
- home finance loan
- home improvement loan
- housing construction loan
- hybrid loan
- indexed loan
- industrial loan
- industrial and trade policy adjustment loan
- installment loan
- interbank loan
- intercompany loan
- interest bearing loan
- interest-free loan
- interim loan
- intermediate loan
- internal loan
- inventory loan
- investment loan
- jeopardy loan
- jumbo loan
- large loan
- limited recourse loan
- local loan
- lombard loan
- long loan
- long-dated loan
- long-period loan
- long-sighted loan
- long-term loan
- long-term mortgage loan
- low-interest loan
- low-interest-rate mortgage loan
- lucrative loan
- margin loan
- market loan
- medium-term loan
- money loan
- morning loan
- mortgage loan
- multicurrency loan
- multilateral loan
- municipal loan
- national loan
- negative amortization loan
- net loans
- nonperforming loan
- on call loan
- one-off purpose-oriented loan
- outstanding loan
- overage loan
- overdue loan
- overnight loan
- package loan
- parallel loan
- participating loan
- participation loan
- past-due loan
- performing loan
- permanent loan
- permanent government loan
- perpetual loan
- personal loan
- pledge loan
- poorly performing loan
- precarious loan
- prematured loan
- prime-rate loan
- problem loan
- programme loan
- public loan
- purpose loan
- real estate loan
- receivable loan
- reconstruction loan
- recourse loan
- redeemable loan
- redemption loan
- rehabilitation import loan
- reimbursable loan
- renegotiated loan
- repaid loan
- replacement loan
- resetter loan
- seasonal loan
- seasoned loan
- sector loan
- sector adjustment loan
- sector investment and maintenance loan
- secured loan
- securities loan
- securitized loan
- self-liquidating loan
- self-liquidation loan
- senior loan
- short loan
- short-dated loan
- short-sighted loan
- short-term floating rate loan
- short-time loan
- sight loan
- signature loan
- simple-interest loan
- single loan
- sinking-fund loan
- small business loan
- soft loan
- sovereign loan
- sovereign-risk loan
- stabilization loan
- stand-by loan
- state loan
- sterling loan
- stock exchange loan
- straight loan
- street loan
- subsidiary loan
- swing loan
- syndicate loan
- tax-exempt loan
- technical assistance loan
- term loan
- tied loan
- time loan
- time-slice loan
- underperforming loan
- undersubscribed loan
- underwater loan
- undisbursed loan
- unlimited loan
- unrecoverable loan
- unsecured loan
- upstream loan
- utilized loan
- variable rate loan
- viable loan
- watch loan
- weekly loan
- loan against borrower's note
- loan against goods
- loan against a guarantee
- loan against hypothecation of goods
- loan against payment documents
- loan against pledged bills
- loan against pledge of goods
- loan against a promissory note
- loan against securities
- loan against shares
- loan at call
- loan at interest
- loan at notice
- loan for a period of
- loan in sterling
- loan of money
- loan on bills of exchange
- loan on call
- loan on collateral
- loan on debentures
- loan on easy terms
- loan on favourable terms
- loan on goods
- loan on interest
- loan on landed property
- loan on merchandise
- loan on mortgage
- loan on pawn
- loan on policy
- loan on securities
- loan on the security of bills
- loan on short notice
- loans to customers
- loan without interest
- loan without security
- loan with participations
- loan with strings attached
- loan bearing no interest
- loan payable on request of the creditor
- accelerate a loan
- accommodate with a loan
- advance a loan
- allow a loan
- apply for a loan
- assess delinquent loans
- back a loan
- book loans
- call in a loan
- cancel a call loan
- complete a loan
- contract a loan
- cover a loan
- default on a loan
- disburse a loan
- downgrade a loan
- extend a loan
- finance a loan
- float a loan
- forfeit a loan
- get a loan
- give a loan
- grant a loan
- guarantee a loan
- issue a loan
- launch a loan
- liquidate a loan
- make a loan
- meet a loan
- monitor a loan
- negotiate a loan
- obtain a loan
- offer a loan
- pay back a loan
- pay down a loan
- pay off a loan
- place a loan
- provide a loan
- put out on loan
- qualify for a loan
- raise a loan
- recall a loan
- redeem a loan
- renew a loan
- repay a loan
- request a loan
- retire a loan
- retrieve a loan
- secure a loan
- secure a new loan
- service a loan
- sink a loan
- slash loans
- subscribe to a loan
- support a loan
- take up a loan
- warrant a loan
- write off bad loans2. v -
8 loan
9 business
n1) дело, занятие, специальность2) дело, работа, бизнес3) торговля, коммерческая деятельность; предпринимательская деятельность4) сделка5) компания, предприятие
- advantageous business
- advisory business
- agency business
- annual business
- arbitrage business
- backwardation business
- bad business
- banking business
- bankrupt business
- barter business
- big business
- bill business
- booming business
- branch business
- broker's business
- capital intensive business
- carrier's business
- carrying-over business
- cash business
- collateral loan business
- collection business
- commercial business
- competing business
- consignment business
- continuation business
- cooperative business
- core business
- credit business
- current business
- cutodian business
- defence business
- entrepôt business
- exchange business
- export business
- fair business
- farm business
- flat business
- flourishing business
- follow-on business
- foreign-exchange business
- foreign-owned business
- forward business
- forwarding business
- fresh business
- futures business
- general business
- good business
- government business
- illegal business
- illicit business
- import business
- incorporated business
- installment business
- insurance business
- joint business
- last-day business
- legitimate business
- liner business
- livestock business
- loan business
- local business
- long-term business
- losing business
- low-margin businesses
- lucrative business
- mail-order business
- margin business
- middleman's business
- new business
- odd lot business
- official business
- offshore business
- one-line business
- one-man business
- option business
- outsourcing business
- overdraft business
- paying business
- poor business
- private business
- produce business
- profitable business
- prolongation business
- proprietary business
- publishing business
- ready money business
- reinsurance business
- remunerative business
- retail business
- route business
- routine business
- seasonal business
- securities business
- shady business
- sharp business
- shipment business
- shipping business
- show business
- slack business
- small business
- spot business
- stock business
- subsidiary retail business
- thriving business
- tramp business
- trust business
- tug business
- two-way business
- underwriting business
- unincorporated business
- unprofitable business
- urgent business
- venture business
- venturous business
- volume business
- well-established business
- wholesale business
- world-wide business
- business in futures
- business on a consignment basis
- business through agents
- business to business
- be engaged in business
- be in business
- be out of business
- build up a business
- carry on business
- commence a business
- conduct business
- develop business
- direct a business
- do business
- enlarge a business
- establish a business
- finance a business
- get down to business
- give up business
- go into business
- go out of business
- handle business
- launch a business
- manage a business
- open a business
- operate a business
- participate in a business
- retire from business
- run a business
- sell out a business
- send on business
- set up a business
- settle business
- start a business
- stop business
- take over a business
- transact business
- transact a business
- undertake a business
- wind up a business
- withdraw from businessEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > business
10 loan-to-value ratio
сокр. LTV ratio фин., банк. коэффициент "кредит/стоимость обеспечения [залога\]"*, коэффициент обеспечения* (выраженное в процентах соотношение между основной суммой кредита и оценочной стоимостью актива, предоставленного в его обеспечение)Syn:See:
* * *
loan-to-value (LTV) ratio соотношение в процентах между основной суммой кредита и оценочной стоимостью актива, предоставленного в его обеспечение.* * *. The percentage a lending institution will loan to the appraised value of a property. For example, if the property is appraised for $100,000 and a bank will loan only $70,000, the loan-to-value ratio is 70%. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 . -
11 business
1) дело, занятие, специальность2) дело, работа, бизнес3) торговля, коммерческая деятельность; предпринимательская деятельность4) компания, предприятие• -
12 small
1. n узкая тонкая часть2. n собир. невысокие людиsmall hills which feature the landscape — невысокие холмы, характерные для этой местности
3. n собир. дети4. n собир. низкорослые животные5. n собир. простой люд; неимущие слои6. n собир. разг. мелочьsmall change — мелкие деньги, мелочь
small money — мелкие деньги; разменные деньги; мелочь
7. a маленький, небольшойsmall boy — малыш, маленький мальчик
her large small family — её многочисленные детишки, её многодетная семья
not so very small — не такой уж маленький, довольно большой
8. a малый, маленький9. a некрупный, небольшого размера, мелкийsmall lot item — изделие, поставляемое мелкими партиями
10. a тонкий, мелкий11. a малый, незначительныйa small matter! — неважно!, несущественно!, пустяки!
it is small wonder that … — не удивительно, что …
12. a второстепенный13. a ограниченный14. a мелкий, низменный, подлыйsmall men — мелочные люди; мелкие людишки
small fry — мелкая рыбёшка; мальки
15. a униженный; пристыжённый16. a недолгий, кратковременный, непродолжительныйof small duration — короткий, непродолжительный
17. a короткий, недлинный18. a немногочисленный19. a половинный, имеющий неполную меру20. a тихий, негромкийin a small voice — тихим голосом,
21. a скромный22. a скудный23. a плохой, неважныйsmall attendance — плохая посещаемость; мало посетителей
24. a узкийthe pipe was so small that the water could only trickle — труба была такой узкой, что вода едва просачивалась через неё
25. a редк. лёгкий, некрепкий, слабый26. a карт. младший27. adv мелко, на мелкие кусочки28. adv тихо29. adv в небольшом объёме, в небольшом масштабеСинонимический ряд:1. ashamed (adj.) abashed; ashamed; mortified2. bantam (adj.) bantam; petite; smallish3. insignificant (adj.) inconsequential; insignificant; shallow; trifling; trivial; unessential; unimportant4. little (adj.) bantam; base; borne; casual; diminutive; dwarf; ineffectual; light; limited; little; mean; miniature; minute; monkey; narrow; narrow-minded; paltry; peewee; petite; pygmy; set; shoestring; small-beer; smallish; small-minded; tiny; vulgar5. low (adj.) hushed; low; low-key; quiet; soft; subdued6. meager (adj.) inadequate; meager; meagre; scanty; short7. modest (adj.) humble; modest; pitiful; poor; unpretentious8. petty (adj.) inconsequent; inconsiderable; measly; Mickey Mouse; niggling; peanut; peddling; pettifogging; petty; picayune; picayunish; piddling; piffling; pimping; unconsequential; unconsidered; unvital9. puny (adj.) puny; runty; scrawny10. remote (adj.) negligible; off; outside; remote; slender; slight; slim11. selfish (adj.) illiberal; mean-spirited; parsimonious; selfish; stingy; tight; ungenerous12. under (adj.) dinky; inferior; lesser; lower; minor; minor-league; secondary; small-fry; small-time; under13. weak (adj.) diluted; faint; feeble; gentle; weakАнтонимический ряд:ample; broad; bulky; considerable; distinguished; excellent; extensive; famous; fine; generous; great; husky; immense; important; large -
13 loan commitment
банк., фин. кредитное обязательство (обязательство кредитора в будущем предоставить заемщику кредит в определенном размере и на определенных условиях)Syn:See:
* * *
кредитное обязательство: согласие кредитора предоставить заемщику финансовые ресурсы в определенных масштабах и на определенных условиях; см. commitment fee.* * ** * *. A agreement by a lender to make a loan in the future if all the conditions in the agreement are satisfied. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 . -
14 loan
16 construction loan
банк. строительный кредит [заем\], кредит [ссуда, заем\] на строительство, строительная ссуда (краткосрочный заем, выдаваемый для финансирования строительства; обычно выдается частями по мере завершения отдельных стадий строительных работ, часто погашается за счет долгосрочного ипотечного кредита, полученного под залог построенного здания)Syn:See:housing loan, home improvement loan, HomeStyle Mortgage Loan, home extension loan, permanent loan, residential investment loan, mortgage credit
* * *
строительный кредит: краткосрочный кредит на строительство или реновацию зданий под обеспечение земельным участком и зданием; погашается после завершения проекта за счет поступлений от долгосрочного ипотечного кредита.* * ** * *. A loan intended only to finance the construction of a property. Usually must be converted to a term loan after construction is complete. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 . -
17 demand loan
банк. ссуда [кредит, заем\] до востребования, онкольный кредит (кредит, который заемщик обязуется погасить по требованию кредитора в любое время; в отличие от кредита, подлежащего погашению в определенный день)Syn:See:
* * *
кредит до востребования: кредит без фиксированного срока, который погашается по первому требованию кредитора; = call loan.* * *ссуда до востребования, кредит до востребования; заем до востребования. A loan with no set maturity date. The loan is payable whenever the lender chooses to call it. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 . -
18 standby loan
* * *. A commitment by a lender to make a loan on specified terms. Generally, neither the potential borrower nor lender anticipate the loan will be taken down. Instead, it's anticipated it will be replaced by a permanent loan. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 . -
19 real property loan
Недвижимость: кредит на недвижимость (англ. термин взят на сайте U.S. Small Business Administration) -
20 L/V
См. также в других словарях:
Small Business Administration — Seal of the SBA … Wikipedia
Small business — Small businesses on Dalrymple Street in Greenock, Scotland A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small businesses are normally privately owned… … Wikipedia
Small Firms Loan Guarantee — The Small Firms Loan Guarantee (SFLG) can lend up to a maximum of £250,000 pounds to UK companies trading less than 5 years with a turnover of less than £5.6 Million.If your business is under 5 years old and your turnover (revenue) is not more… … Wikipedia
Small Business Lending Index - SLBI — An index of business lending that is published by Thomson Reuters/Paynet. The Small Business Lending Index (SLBI) is generally considered to be a leading indicator of the economy. It measures the number of loans that are made to small businesses … Investment dictionary
United States Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship — The U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship is a standing committee of the United States Senate. It has jurisdiction over the Small Business Administration and is also charged with researching and investigating all problems… … Wikipedia
New York State Small Business Development Center — NYS Small Business Development Center Agency overview Formed 1984 Headquarters Albany, NY Parent agency U.S. Small Business Administration Website … Wikipedia
the Small Business Administration — UK US noun (ABBREVIATION the SBA) FINANCE, GOVERNMENT ► a US government organization that provides loans, advice, etc. to small companies: »If your application is rejected by a bank, you may still qualify for a loan guaranteed by the Small… … Financial and business terms
Business broker — A business broker is a person or firm who/which acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of small businesses. Business brokers, also called business transfer agents, or intermediaries, assist buyers and sellers of privately held small… … Wikipedia
Business plan — Corporate finance … Wikipedia
Loan guarantee — A loan guarantee is a promise by a government to assume a private debt obligation if the borrower defaults. Most loan guarantee programs are established to correct perceived market failures by which small borrowers, regardless of creditworthiness … Wikipedia
Business software — This article is about software made for business, if you were looking for the business of selling software, see Software business. Business software is generally any software program that helps a business increase productivity or measure their… … Wikipedia