1 slow continuum
Макаров: медленный континуум (мгд) -
2 slow continuum
мгд медленный континуум -
3 time
I [taɪm]1) (continuum) tempo m.in o with time col tempo; in the course of time nel corso del tempo; as time goes, went by con il passare del tempo; at this point in time a questo punto; for all time per tutto il tempo, per sempre; the biggest drugs haul of all time — la più grossa partita di droga mai vista
2) (specific duration) tempo m.a long, short time ago — molto, poco tempo fa
in no time at all o in next to no time in un niente; in five days' time nel giro di o in cinque giorni; within the agreed time entro i termini convenuti; in your own time (at your own pace) al tuo ritmo; (outside working hours) al di fuori dell'orario di lavoro; on company time durante l'orario di ufficio; my time isn't my own — non sono padrone del mio tempo
3) (hour of the day, night) ora f.10 am Italian time — le dieci antimeridiane, ora italiana
this time last week, year — la scorsa settimana a questa stessa ora, l'anno scorso in questo stesso periodo
on time — a tempo, puntualmente
to lose time — [ clock] restare indietro
to be behind time — essere in ritardo o indietro
4) (era, epoch) tempo m., epoca f.at the time — al tempo, all'epoca
time was o there was a time when one could... ci fu un tempo in cui o un tempo si poteva...; to be ahead of o in advance of the times precorrere i tempi; to be behind the times non essere al passo con i tempi; to keep up o move with the times tenersi o essere al passo con i tempi; in times past in former times nei tempi passati, nel passato; it's just like old times è proprio come ai vecchi tempi; give peace in our time relig. concedi la pace ai nostri giorni; at my time of life alla mia età; she was a beautiful woman in her time era una bella donna ai suoi tempi; it was before my time (before my birth) non ero ancora nato; (before I came here) non ero ancora venuto qua; if I had my time over again se potessi ricominciare, se potessi ritornare indietro, se ridiventassi giovane; to die before one's time — morire prima del tempo o prematuramente
5) (moment) momento m.at all times — tutti i momenti, sempre
by the time I finished the letter the post had gone — quando finii la lettera la posta era già partita
from that o this time on a partire da quel o questo momento; when the time comes quando viene il momento; in times of crisis nei momenti di crisi; until such time as fino al momento in cui; at the same time allo stesso tempo; I can't be in two places at the same time — non posso essere in due posti allo stesso tempo
6) (occasion) volta f.time after time o time and time again continuamente, in continuazione; three at a time tre per o alla volta; she passed her driving test first time round ha passato l'esame di guida al primo colpo; from time to time di tanto in tanto; for months at a time per mesi interi; (in) between times — nel frattempo o intanto
7) (experience)to have a tough o hard time doing incontrare delle difficoltà a fare; he's having a rough o hard o tough time sta attraversando un periodo difficile; we had a good time ci siamo divertiti; to have an easy time (of it) cavarsela facilmente; the good, bad times i momenti felici, difficili; she enjoyed her time in Canada — è stata molto bene durante il suo soggiorno in Canada
8) amm. ind. (hourly rate)to work, be paid time — lavorare, essere pagato a ore
flight, journey time — durata del volo, del viaggio
10) mus. tempo m.to beat o mark time battere o segnare il tempo; in waltz time — a tempo di valzer
11) sport tempo m.12) mat. fig.••he'll tell you in his own good time — te lo dirà a suo tempo o quando lo vorrà lui
all in good time — tutto o ogni cosa a suo tempo
to pass the time of day with sb. — fare due chiacchiere con qcn.
to have a lot of time for sb. — ammirare o apprezzare molto qcn.
to do time — colloq. (in prison) stare al fresco
II 1. [taɪm]long time no see! — colloq. è un bel po' che non ci si vede!
1) (schedule) fissare, programmare [holiday, visit]; fissare [appointment, meeting]we time our trips to fit in with school holidays — programmiamo i nostri viaggi in modo che coincidano con le vacanze scolastiche
to be well-, badly-timed — avvenire al momento giusto, sbagliato
2) (judge) calibrare [blow, shot]3) (measure speed, duration) cronometrare [athlete, cyclist]; calcolare la durata di [journey, speech]2.* * *1. noun1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) ora2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) tempo3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) momento, ora4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') tempo5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) momento6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) volta7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) periodo, tempo8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) tempo2. verb1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) cronometrare2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) (scegliere il momento di)•- timeless- timelessly
- timelessness
- timely
- timeliness
- timer
- times
- timing
- time bomb
- time-consuming
- time limit
- time off
- time out
- timetable
- all in good time
- all the time
- at times
- be behind time
- for the time being
- from time to time
- in good time
- in time
- no time at all
- no time
- one
- two at a time
- on time
- save
- waste time
- take one's time
- time and time again
- time and again* * *I [taɪm]1) (continuum) tempo m.in o with time col tempo; in the course of time nel corso del tempo; as time goes, went by con il passare del tempo; at this point in time a questo punto; for all time per tutto il tempo, per sempre; the biggest drugs haul of all time — la più grossa partita di droga mai vista
2) (specific duration) tempo m.a long, short time ago — molto, poco tempo fa
in no time at all o in next to no time in un niente; in five days' time nel giro di o in cinque giorni; within the agreed time entro i termini convenuti; in your own time (at your own pace) al tuo ritmo; (outside working hours) al di fuori dell'orario di lavoro; on company time durante l'orario di ufficio; my time isn't my own — non sono padrone del mio tempo
3) (hour of the day, night) ora f.10 am Italian time — le dieci antimeridiane, ora italiana
this time last week, year — la scorsa settimana a questa stessa ora, l'anno scorso in questo stesso periodo
on time — a tempo, puntualmente
to lose time — [ clock] restare indietro
to be behind time — essere in ritardo o indietro
4) (era, epoch) tempo m., epoca f.at the time — al tempo, all'epoca
time was o there was a time when one could... ci fu un tempo in cui o un tempo si poteva...; to be ahead of o in advance of the times precorrere i tempi; to be behind the times non essere al passo con i tempi; to keep up o move with the times tenersi o essere al passo con i tempi; in times past in former times nei tempi passati, nel passato; it's just like old times è proprio come ai vecchi tempi; give peace in our time relig. concedi la pace ai nostri giorni; at my time of life alla mia età; she was a beautiful woman in her time era una bella donna ai suoi tempi; it was before my time (before my birth) non ero ancora nato; (before I came here) non ero ancora venuto qua; if I had my time over again se potessi ricominciare, se potessi ritornare indietro, se ridiventassi giovane; to die before one's time — morire prima del tempo o prematuramente
5) (moment) momento m.at all times — tutti i momenti, sempre
by the time I finished the letter the post had gone — quando finii la lettera la posta era già partita
from that o this time on a partire da quel o questo momento; when the time comes quando viene il momento; in times of crisis nei momenti di crisi; until such time as fino al momento in cui; at the same time allo stesso tempo; I can't be in two places at the same time — non posso essere in due posti allo stesso tempo
6) (occasion) volta f.time after time o time and time again continuamente, in continuazione; three at a time tre per o alla volta; she passed her driving test first time round ha passato l'esame di guida al primo colpo; from time to time di tanto in tanto; for months at a time per mesi interi; (in) between times — nel frattempo o intanto
7) (experience)to have a tough o hard time doing incontrare delle difficoltà a fare; he's having a rough o hard o tough time sta attraversando un periodo difficile; we had a good time ci siamo divertiti; to have an easy time (of it) cavarsela facilmente; the good, bad times i momenti felici, difficili; she enjoyed her time in Canada — è stata molto bene durante il suo soggiorno in Canada
8) amm. ind. (hourly rate)to work, be paid time — lavorare, essere pagato a ore
flight, journey time — durata del volo, del viaggio
10) mus. tempo m.to beat o mark time battere o segnare il tempo; in waltz time — a tempo di valzer
11) sport tempo m.12) mat. fig.••he'll tell you in his own good time — te lo dirà a suo tempo o quando lo vorrà lui
all in good time — tutto o ogni cosa a suo tempo
to pass the time of day with sb. — fare due chiacchiere con qcn.
to have a lot of time for sb. — ammirare o apprezzare molto qcn.
to do time — colloq. (in prison) stare al fresco
II 1. [taɪm]long time no see! — colloq. è un bel po' che non ci si vede!
1) (schedule) fissare, programmare [holiday, visit]; fissare [appointment, meeting]we time our trips to fit in with school holidays — programmiamo i nostri viaggi in modo che coincidano con le vacanze scolastiche
to be well-, badly-timed — avvenire al momento giusto, sbagliato
2) (judge) calibrare [blow, shot]3) (measure speed, duration) cronometrare [athlete, cyclist]; calcolare la durata di [journey, speech]2. -
4 dynamics
динамика; динамические характеристикиacceleration to stick force dynamicsactuator dynamicsaircraft dynamicsaircraft-surface dynamicsaircraft/FCS dynamicsairfoil dynamicsairframe dynamicsaltitude dynamicsanalytical dynamicsattitude dynamicsaugmented dynamicsautopilot/actuator dynamicsblade dynamicsbody dynamicsclosed-loop dynamicscommand dynamicscompensator dynamicscomputational fluid dynamicscontinuum dynamicscontrol law dynamicscontrolled element dynamicscoupled dynamicscoupled flap-lag-torsional dynamicscrash dynamicsdisplay dynamicsenergy dynamicsengine dynamicsequation dynamicserror dynamicsfast dynamicsfeed forward dynamicsfeedback dynamicsfeel system dynamicsflap dynamicsflapping dynamicsflexural-flexural-torsional dynamicsflight dynamicsflight measured dynamicsflight path dynamicsflight path angle dynamicsflow dynamicsforced dynamicsfree dynamicsgame dynamicsgas dynamicsheave dynamicshelicopter dynamicshigh-alpha dynamicshigh-angle-of-attack dynamicshigh-frequency dynamicshigh-order dynamicshovering dynamicshuman dynamicshuman operator dynamicsimpact dynamicsin-plane dynamicsinflow dynamicsinteraction dynamicsinverse dynamicslag dynamicslanding dynamicslateral dynamicslateral-directional dynamicslead-lag dynamicslead-lag mode dynamicslimb/manipulator dynamicslinear regulator dynamicslongitudinal dynamicsmaneuver dynamicsmodel dynamicsmotor dynamicsmultibody dynamicsneglected dynamicsneuromuscular dynamicsneuromuscular system dynamicsopen-loop dynamicsphugoid dynamicspilot dynamicspilot-vehicle dynamicspitch dynamicspitch loop dynamicspitch to stick force dynamicspitch axis dynamicsplant dynamicsposition dynamicsproprotor dynamicsrarefied-gas dynamicsresponse dynamicsresponse disturbance dynamicsrigid dynamicsrigid body dynamicsroll attitude dynamicsroll-yaw dynamicsrotational dynamicsrotor dynamicsrotor system dynamicsrotor-fuselage dynamicsrotor-pylon dynamicsrotorcraft dynamicssensor dynamicsshort period dynamicsshort-period-like dynamicsshort-term dynamicssimulator calculated dynamicsslow dynamicsspeed dynamicsspin dynamicsstall dynamicsstate dynamicsstick dynamicsstructural dynamicstorsional dynamicstracking dynamicsunmodeled dynamicsvehicle dynamicsvertical dynamicsvestibular dynamicsvibration dynamicsvortex dynamicswake dynamicswing rock dynamics
См. также в других словарях:
Continuum (Album) — Continuum Studioalbum von John Mayer Veröffentlichungen USA: 12. September 2006 DE: 17. Januar 2007 Aufnahme Januar 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Continuum (John Mayer album) — Continuum Studio album by John Mayer Released September 9, 2006 … Wikipedia
Continuum (2006) — Continuum (album) Continuum Album par John Mayer Sortie septembre octobre 2006 Enregistrement novembre 2005 juillet 2006 Durée 50:00 Genre(s) Blues Rock Format … Wikipédia en Français
Continuum (Album) — Continuum Album par John Mayer Sortie septembre octobre 2006 Enregistrement novembre 2005 juillet 2006 Durée 50:00 Genre(s) Blues Rock Format … Wikipédia en Français
Continuum (álbum) — Continuum Álbum de John Mayer Publicación 9 de septiembrede 2006 (Australia) 11 de septiembre de 2006 (Filipinas) 12 de septiembre de 2006 (Estados Unidos) 16 de octubre de 2006 (Gra … Wikipedia Español
Continuum (Ligeti) — Continuum for harpsichord is a musical composition by György Ligeti composed in 1968, and dedicated to the contemporary harpsichordist, Antoinette Vischer. The composer describes the conception and result of its technique: I thought to myself,… … Wikipedia
Continuum (album) — Continuum Album par John Mayer Sortie septembre octobre 2006 Enregistrement novembre 2005 juillet 2006 Durée 50:00 Genre Blues rock … Wikipédia en Français
Phylogenetic comparative methods — When applied to comparative data, conventional statistical methods assume, in effect, that all species are completely unrelated. As if they descended from a big bang of special creation. Such a scenario can be depicted as a star phylogeny (left) … Wikipedia
Non-Newtonian fluid — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
Fracture mechanics — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… … Universalium