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  • 1 שחל II

    שָׁחַלII (v. חָלַל, חֲלַל II; cmp. Assyr. סחל to perforate, Del. Assyr. Handw., p. 49 3) to move in a hollow space, slip.Part. pass. שָׁחוּל a) slipped. Y.Sabb.XV, beg.15a בחבל ש׳ היש מתני׳ the Mishnah speaks of a rope drawn through a loop (not knotted). Ib. חבל שהוא משוחל בפסיקיאוכ׳ if a looped rope be meant, (of which the Mishnah says,) ‘you may tie up the broken rope with a fascia, but not with a rope, but R. Judah allowsthis would imply that the Rabbis do not allow it (and why should they not?).b) v. שָׁחוּל. Hif. הִשְׁחִיל to pass through a hollow space (חַלּוֹן) or groove; to slide. Bets.35b (ref. to Mish. V, 1 משילין) חד תני משילין וחד תני מַשְׁחִילִין one reads mashshilin (fr. נָשַׁל), and another reads mashḥilin, you may let fruit slide down through an aperture in the roof (אֲרוּבָּה) ; מאן דתני משחיליןוכ׳ he that reads mashḥilin is not wrong, for we read (Bekh.VI, 7), v. שָׁחוּל. Y. ib. V, beg. 62d היה … משחילין דרך חלון if there is an aperture in the roof, you may let the fruit down by the aperture. Y.Yoma II, 39c מַשְׁחִיל ותורם he lets the wood slide (down the altar), and then removes the ashes. Y.Kil.IX, end, 32d חוט שהִשְׁחִילוֹ במחט (not למחט) a thread which one threaded through the eye of a needle; Y.Sabb.VII, 10c bot. Midr. Till. to Ps. 18:41 ה׳ עשו עצמווכ׳ Esau threaded his way through and went into the cave; ib. ה׳ וצףוכ׳ ed. Bub., v. צָפַף. Yalk. Ruth 606 שאלו הש׳ לה קללה אחתוכ׳ (later ed. התחיל, corr. acc.) for, if he (Boaz) had let down a single curse on her (Ruth), how could 1 (David) have risen?; Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63a> שאלו השאיל … מלמטןוכ׳ (corr. acc.) for, if he had let down on her a single curse from above (‘below euphem. for ‘above) ; Pesik. R. s. 17 התחיל (corr. acc.); Ruth R. to III, 10 (s. 6. beg.) החיש לה (corr. acc.).Part. pass. מוּשְׁחָל. Lev. R. s. 36 (ref. to Prov. 11:21) וזרע … שמ׳ מבין … נמלט ‘the seed of righteous men that slips through between two righteous men (like Ahaz between a pious father and a pious son) escapes; (Y.Snh.X, 27d זרע שהוא מוטלוכ׳). Pu. שוּחָל to be looped; part. מְשוּחָל, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > שחל II

  • 2 שָׁחַל

    שָׁחַלII (v. חָלַל, חֲלַל II; cmp. Assyr. סחל to perforate, Del. Assyr. Handw., p. 49 3) to move in a hollow space, slip.Part. pass. שָׁחוּל a) slipped. Y.Sabb.XV, beg.15a בחבל ש׳ היש מתני׳ the Mishnah speaks of a rope drawn through a loop (not knotted). Ib. חבל שהוא משוחל בפסיקיאוכ׳ if a looped rope be meant, (of which the Mishnah says,) ‘you may tie up the broken rope with a fascia, but not with a rope, but R. Judah allowsthis would imply that the Rabbis do not allow it (and why should they not?).b) v. שָׁחוּל. Hif. הִשְׁחִיל to pass through a hollow space (חַלּוֹן) or groove; to slide. Bets.35b (ref. to Mish. V, 1 משילין) חד תני משילין וחד תני מַשְׁחִילִין one reads mashshilin (fr. נָשַׁל), and another reads mashḥilin, you may let fruit slide down through an aperture in the roof (אֲרוּבָּה) ; מאן דתני משחיליןוכ׳ he that reads mashḥilin is not wrong, for we read (Bekh.VI, 7), v. שָׁחוּל. Y. ib. V, beg. 62d היה … משחילין דרך חלון if there is an aperture in the roof, you may let the fruit down by the aperture. Y.Yoma II, 39c מַשְׁחִיל ותורם he lets the wood slide (down the altar), and then removes the ashes. Y.Kil.IX, end, 32d חוט שהִשְׁחִילוֹ במחט (not למחט) a thread which one threaded through the eye of a needle; Y.Sabb.VII, 10c bot. Midr. Till. to Ps. 18:41 ה׳ עשו עצמווכ׳ Esau threaded his way through and went into the cave; ib. ה׳ וצףוכ׳ ed. Bub., v. צָפַף. Yalk. Ruth 606 שאלו הש׳ לה קללה אחתוכ׳ (later ed. התחיל, corr. acc.) for, if he (Boaz) had let down a single curse on her (Ruth), how could 1 (David) have risen?; Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63a> שאלו השאיל … מלמטןוכ׳ (corr. acc.) for, if he had let down on her a single curse from above (‘below euphem. for ‘above) ; Pesik. R. s. 17 התחיל (corr. acc.); Ruth R. to III, 10 (s. 6. beg.) החיש לה (corr. acc.).Part. pass. מוּשְׁחָל. Lev. R. s. 36 (ref. to Prov. 11:21) וזרע … שמ׳ מבין … נמלט ‘the seed of righteous men that slips through between two righteous men (like Ahaz between a pious father and a pious son) escapes; (Y.Snh.X, 27d זרע שהוא מוטלוכ׳). Pu. שוּחָל to be looped; part. מְשוּחָל, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > שָׁחַל

  • 3 חלק

    חָלַק(b. h.) 1) to be smooth, to be viscous. V. חָלָק. 2) (denom. of חֵלֶק) to assign, allot.ח׳ כבוד to honor, pay regards. Ber.19b, a. e. כל מקום … אין חֹולְקִיןוכ׳ wherever the desecration of the name of the Lord is threatened, no regards must be paid to a teacher. Zeb.102a; a. fr. 3) (denom. of חֵלֶק) to divide (by lot); to part; to take a share. Peah 3:5 האחין שחָלְקוּ brothers who divided an estate. B. Mets.I, 1, a. fr. יַחֲלֹוקוּ they shall divide the object (equally). Zeb.XII, 1 אינן חֹולְקִיןוכ׳ take no share Ḥull.65a אם חֹולֵק את רגליווכ׳ if the birds parts its toes (on the rope) so that there be two on each side Y.Sabb.VII, 9c bot. דבר … אינו חולק if a prohibition (included in a law) is specified again for a purpose, it does not intimate a division (that each single act of the class must be atoned for singly, v. הַבְעָרָה). Tosef.Dem.VI, 1 חֹולְקָן he divides the fruits with the landlord. (Ib. 2 החולק, read: החֹוכֵר. Y. ib. VI, beg.25a מישראל חולק if the property is farmed from an Israelite, he divides the produces (before separating Trumah); a. v. fr. 4) (with על) to differ with, object, oppose. Y.Sabb.XV, beg.15a מח חוֹלְקִין עלוכ׳ how is it? do they differ with ?Ber.27b החולק על ישיבתווכ׳וכ׳; Snh.110a הח׳ על רבו (Ar. הנֶחְלַק, Nif.) he who opposes (the school of) his teacher. Ber. l. c. כלום יש אדם חֹולֵק בדבר זה is there any one here differing from this opinion?; a. v. fr.Part. pass, חָלוּק, pl. חֲלוּקִים, חֲלוּקִין divided, interrupted; disputed; of different opinion. Mikv. VIII, 2 מים ח׳ interrupted flow of urin.B. Bath. 176a ח׳ היהר׳וכ׳ R. … differed Ib. IX, 10 (158b) על החֲלוּקִין ואתה בא … לחַלֵּק עלינווכ׳ we grieve over the divided opinions, and you come to assert a division for us on things on which they (the schools of Shammai and Hillel) agree?; (Y.Shek.III, beg.47b לַחֲלֹוק). Y.Keth.I, end, 26a ח׳ על אביו differs with his father; a. fr.Tosef. Yoma 5 ( 4), 6, a. e. ארבעה חֲלוּקֵי כפרה there are four persons under different categories as to atonement. Arakh.10b דחֲלוּקָה בקרבנותיה which differs (from other days) as regards sacrifices. Ib. חֲלוּקְיןוכ׳ the numbers of sacrifices are different each day. Nif. נֶחְלַק 1) to be divided, distributed. Midr. Till. to Ps. 27 (ref. to אחלק, Ex. 15:9) אֵיחָלֵק I shall be divided (plundered). 2) to differ. Ḥag.16b נֶחְלְקוּ בהוכ׳ the great men of the age differ about it. Ber.27b; Snh.110a v. supra. Keth.XIII, 1; a. fr. Hif. הֶחֱלִיק 1) to smoothen, make even, level; to improve the appearance. Maasr. I, 8 משיַחֲלִיקֶנּוּ from the moment that he smoothens the cake of figs (by rubbing it with figs or grapes). Ib. המַחֲלִיק בענבים if one uses grapes for smoothening.Shebi. IV, 4 במַחֲלִיק when one levels a field (by taking out plants); expl. ib. המח׳ ג׳ זה בצד זה levelling means taking out (at least) three plants next to each other, contrad. to המדל, taking out one or two plants.Peah III, 3, V. אֶחָד a. e.Trnsf. to close a tune softly (piano). Arakh.II, 3 (10a) ולא היה מַחֲלִיק אלא … מפני שהוא מחליק יפה (Talm. ed. ולא היה מְחַלֵּק … מחליקוכ׳) none but a flute solo was used for closing a tune, because it makes a pleasant finale. 3) to glide, slip. Erub.X, 14 בשביל שלא יַחֲלִיקוּ that the priests might not slip. B. Mets.VI, 3 אם הֶחֱלִיקָה if the animal injured herself by slipping. 4) to be smooth. Yeb.80b בשרו מַחֲלִיק his flesh is smooth. Hof. הוּחֲלַק 1) to be injured by slipping. B. Kam.47b הוּחְלְקָה בהן the animal was injured by tripping over the fruits. 2) to be smoothed. Part, מוּחֲלָק, pl. מוּחֲלָקִין. B. Mets. 103b קנים המ׳ smoothed (peeled) poles.( 3) to be divided up, v. infra. Pi. חִילֵּק to divide, distribute, part. Y.Keth.II, beg.26a בוא וחַלֵּקוכ׳ come and divide with me Y.Peah VIII, 20c top; Y.Shebi.VI, beg.36b שבע שחִילְּקוּ the seven years during which they distributed the land (among the tribes); Zeb.118b.B. Bath.IX, 7 המְחַלֵּק נכסיווכ׳ if one disposes (wills). by word of mouth; a. fr.Sabb.70a, a. e. לחַלֵּק, v. הַבְעָרָה.Arakh.II, 3 (10a), v. supra.Part. pass. מְחוּלָּק a) divided up, plundered. Yalk. Ex. 249 (ref. to אחלק, Ex. 15:9) מ׳ אני להם I shall be divided up among them, v. Nif.; Mekh. Bshall., Shirah, s.7 מוחלק.b) distinct, separate. Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 6 והן מְחוּלָּקִין זה מזה and they are different from one another (in the range of their intellects). Hithpa. הִתְחַלֵּק, Nithpa. נִתְחַלֵּק to be divided, distributed; to part, separate. Par. III, 11 היה מִתְחַלֵּקוכ׳ was distributed among Snh.34a, v. נִיצֹוץ.Sifré Num. 132 ליוצאי מצרים נִתְחַלְּקָהוכ׳ the land was divided up according to the census taken at their going out from Egypt. Ib. לא נתח׳ … לבל שנטוכ׳ the land was allotted to each tribe (in a lump), according to its population. Ib. לא נתח׳ … אלא בשמיון it was divided according to value; B. Bath. 122a לא נ׳ אלא בכסף.Midr. Till. to Ps. 18:2 היה מתח׳ מחיילותיו he separated himself from his armies (for prayer). Ib. וכשהיה המחנה שלו מתח׳ and because his camp was thus divided (some praying, others not praying); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חלק

  • 4 חָלַק

    חָלַק(b. h.) 1) to be smooth, to be viscous. V. חָלָק. 2) (denom. of חֵלֶק) to assign, allot.ח׳ כבוד to honor, pay regards. Ber.19b, a. e. כל מקום … אין חֹולְקִיןוכ׳ wherever the desecration of the name of the Lord is threatened, no regards must be paid to a teacher. Zeb.102a; a. fr. 3) (denom. of חֵלֶק) to divide (by lot); to part; to take a share. Peah 3:5 האחין שחָלְקוּ brothers who divided an estate. B. Mets.I, 1, a. fr. יַחֲלֹוקוּ they shall divide the object (equally). Zeb.XII, 1 אינן חֹולְקִיןוכ׳ take no share Ḥull.65a אם חֹולֵק את רגליווכ׳ if the birds parts its toes (on the rope) so that there be two on each side Y.Sabb.VII, 9c bot. דבר … אינו חולק if a prohibition (included in a law) is specified again for a purpose, it does not intimate a division (that each single act of the class must be atoned for singly, v. הַבְעָרָה). Tosef.Dem.VI, 1 חֹולְקָן he divides the fruits with the landlord. (Ib. 2 החולק, read: החֹוכֵר. Y. ib. VI, beg.25a מישראל חולק if the property is farmed from an Israelite, he divides the produces (before separating Trumah); a. v. fr. 4) (with על) to differ with, object, oppose. Y.Sabb.XV, beg.15a מח חוֹלְקִין עלוכ׳ how is it? do they differ with ?Ber.27b החולק על ישיבתווכ׳וכ׳; Snh.110a הח׳ על רבו (Ar. הנֶחְלַק, Nif.) he who opposes (the school of) his teacher. Ber. l. c. כלום יש אדם חֹולֵק בדבר זה is there any one here differing from this opinion?; a. v. fr.Part. pass, חָלוּק, pl. חֲלוּקִים, חֲלוּקִין divided, interrupted; disputed; of different opinion. Mikv. VIII, 2 מים ח׳ interrupted flow of urin.B. Bath. 176a ח׳ היהר׳וכ׳ R. … differed Ib. IX, 10 (158b) על החֲלוּקִין ואתה בא … לחַלֵּק עלינווכ׳ we grieve over the divided opinions, and you come to assert a division for us on things on which they (the schools of Shammai and Hillel) agree?; (Y.Shek.III, beg.47b לַחֲלֹוק). Y.Keth.I, end, 26a ח׳ על אביו differs with his father; a. fr.Tosef. Yoma 5 ( 4), 6, a. e. ארבעה חֲלוּקֵי כפרה there are four persons under different categories as to atonement. Arakh.10b דחֲלוּקָה בקרבנותיה which differs (from other days) as regards sacrifices. Ib. חֲלוּקְיןוכ׳ the numbers of sacrifices are different each day. Nif. נֶחְלַק 1) to be divided, distributed. Midr. Till. to Ps. 27 (ref. to אחלק, Ex. 15:9) אֵיחָלֵק I shall be divided (plundered). 2) to differ. Ḥag.16b נֶחְלְקוּ בהוכ׳ the great men of the age differ about it. Ber.27b; Snh.110a v. supra. Keth.XIII, 1; a. fr. Hif. הֶחֱלִיק 1) to smoothen, make even, level; to improve the appearance. Maasr. I, 8 משיַחֲלִיקֶנּוּ from the moment that he smoothens the cake of figs (by rubbing it with figs or grapes). Ib. המַחֲלִיק בענבים if one uses grapes for smoothening.Shebi. IV, 4 במַחֲלִיק when one levels a field (by taking out plants); expl. ib. המח׳ ג׳ זה בצד זה levelling means taking out (at least) three plants next to each other, contrad. to המדל, taking out one or two plants.Peah III, 3, V. אֶחָד a. e.Trnsf. to close a tune softly (piano). Arakh.II, 3 (10a) ולא היה מַחֲלִיק אלא … מפני שהוא מחליק יפה (Talm. ed. ולא היה מְחַלֵּק … מחליקוכ׳) none but a flute solo was used for closing a tune, because it makes a pleasant finale. 3) to glide, slip. Erub.X, 14 בשביל שלא יַחֲלִיקוּ that the priests might not slip. B. Mets.VI, 3 אם הֶחֱלִיקָה if the animal injured herself by slipping. 4) to be smooth. Yeb.80b בשרו מַחֲלִיק his flesh is smooth. Hof. הוּחֲלַק 1) to be injured by slipping. B. Kam.47b הוּחְלְקָה בהן the animal was injured by tripping over the fruits. 2) to be smoothed. Part, מוּחֲלָק, pl. מוּחֲלָקִין. B. Mets. 103b קנים המ׳ smoothed (peeled) poles.( 3) to be divided up, v. infra. Pi. חִילֵּק to divide, distribute, part. Y.Keth.II, beg.26a בוא וחַלֵּקוכ׳ come and divide with me Y.Peah VIII, 20c top; Y.Shebi.VI, beg.36b שבע שחִילְּקוּ the seven years during which they distributed the land (among the tribes); Zeb.118b.B. Bath.IX, 7 המְחַלֵּק נכסיווכ׳ if one disposes (wills). by word of mouth; a. fr.Sabb.70a, a. e. לחַלֵּק, v. הַבְעָרָה.Arakh.II, 3 (10a), v. supra.Part. pass. מְחוּלָּק a) divided up, plundered. Yalk. Ex. 249 (ref. to אחלק, Ex. 15:9) מ׳ אני להם I shall be divided up among them, v. Nif.; Mekh. Bshall., Shirah, s.7 מוחלק.b) distinct, separate. Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 6 והן מְחוּלָּקִין זה מזה and they are different from one another (in the range of their intellects). Hithpa. הִתְחַלֵּק, Nithpa. נִתְחַלֵּק to be divided, distributed; to part, separate. Par. III, 11 היה מִתְחַלֵּקוכ׳ was distributed among Snh.34a, v. נִיצֹוץ.Sifré Num. 132 ליוצאי מצרים נִתְחַלְּקָהוכ׳ the land was divided up according to the census taken at their going out from Egypt. Ib. לא נתח׳ … לבל שנטוכ׳ the land was allotted to each tribe (in a lump), according to its population. Ib. לא נתח׳ … אלא בשמיון it was divided according to value; B. Bath. 122a לא נ׳ אלא בכסף.Midr. Till. to Ps. 18:2 היה מתח׳ מחיילותיו he separated himself from his armies (for prayer). Ib. וכשהיה המחנה שלו מתח׳ and because his camp was thus divided (some praying, others not praying); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חָלַק

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