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  • 1 slang

    [slæŋ] 1. noun
    (words and phrases (often in use for only a short time) used very informally, eg words used mainly by, and typical of, a particular group: army slang; teenage slang; `stiff' is slang for `a corpse'.) slengs; žargons
    2. verb
    (to speak rudely and angrily to or about (someone); to abuse: I got furious when he started slanging my mother.) lamāt; gānīt; lamāties
    * * *
    slengs, žargons; slenga, žargona; izlamāt, nolamāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > slang

  • 2 bombshell

    1) (a piece of startling news: His resignation was a real bombshell.) satriecošs jaunums
    2) ((slang) a sexy woman.) seksbumba
    * * *
    bumba; negaidītas nepatikšanas, satriecoša ziņa

    English-Latvian dictionary > bombshell

  • 3 grass

    1) (the green plant which covers fields, garden lawns etc.) zāle
    2) (any species of grass, including also corn and bamboo: He studies grasses.) zāle
    3) ((slang) marijuana.) ´zālīte´ (marihuana)
    - grasshopper
    - grassland
    * * *
    zāle; zāliens; ganības; ziņu pienesējs; hašišs, marihuāna; apsēt ar zāli, noklāt ar velēnām; aizaugt ar zāli; ganīties; izlaist ganībās; atgulties zālē; nogāzt gar zemi, nogāzt no kājām; nošaut; izvilkt krastā; pienest ziņas, nodot

    English-Latvian dictionary > grass

  • 4 hustler

    1) (someone who tries to obtain money dishonestly; a swindler.) krāpnieks; blēdis; spekulants
    2) (a prostitute.) ielasmeita
    3) ((informal) someone (especially in business) who is determined to succeed.) (uzņēmīgs) darbonis
    * * *
    uzņēmīgs darbonis; blēdis, krāpnieks; ielasmeita

    English-Latvian dictionary > hustler

  • 5 one-night stand

    noun ((slang) a one-night sex partner; sexual intercourse with a one-night partner.) dzimumpartneris/partnere vienai naktij; gadījuma rakstura dzimumattiecības
    * * *
    viena viesizrāde

    English-Latvian dictionary > one-night stand

  • 6 rubber

    1) (( also adjective) (of) a strong elastic substance made from the juice of certain plants (especially the rubber tree), or an artificial substitute for this: Tyres are made of rubber; rubber boots.) gumija
    2) ((also eraser) a piece of rubber used to rub out pencil etc marks: a pencil, a ruler and a rubber.) dzēšgumija
    3) ((slang) a condom.) prezervatīvs
    4) (a rubber band.) gumijas gredzentiņš (apsaitēšanai)
    - rubber band
    - rubber stamp
    * * *
    gumija, kaučuks; dzēšamgumija; galošas; gumijas izstrādājumi; masiere, masieris; beržamais, skrāpis; ripa; gumijot, pārklāt ar gumiju; ziņkārīgi aplūkot

    English-Latvian dictionary > rubber

  • 7 son of a bitch

    noun, interjection ((slang) an annoying and nasty person; an unpleasant task: The son of a bitch tried to cheat me!) kuņas dēls
    * * *
    kuces dēls

    English-Latvian dictionary > son of a bitch

  • 8 sucker

    1) ((slang) a person who is easily fooled or is stupid enough to do something: Who is the sucker who bought your car?) stulbenis
    2) (a person or thing that sucks: Are these insects bloodsuckers?) sūcējs; sūkātājs
    3) (an organ on an animal, eg an octopus, by which it sticks to objects.) piesūceknis
    4) (a curved pad or disc (of rubber etc) that can be pressed on to a surface and stick there.) piesūceknis
    5) (a side shoot coming from the root of a plant.) atzars
    * * *
    zīdējs; sūcējs; cukurgailītis; stulbenis; atzars; piesūceknis; iesūkšanas īscaurule

    English-Latvian dictionary > sucker

  • 9 cunt

    ((vulgar slang, offensive) a woman's vagina.) (sievietes) maksts

    English-Latvian dictionary > cunt

  • 10 junkie

    (a slang word for a person who is addicted to drugs, especially heroin.) narkomāns

    English-Latvian dictionary > junkie

  • 11 meanie

    noun ((also meany) (slang) a mean, bad and selfish person.) zemisks cilvēks, gnīda

    English-Latvian dictionary > meanie

  • 12 skinny-dipping

    noun ((slang): go skinny-dipping to swim naked.) peldēties kailam

    English-Latvian dictionary > skinny-dipping

  • 13 fuck

    1. verb
    (slang, vulgar)
    1) (to have sexual intercouse with someone.) drātēties, drāzties
    2) (to meddle; to make someone angry: Don't fuck with me!) kaitināt, tracināt
    3) (( interjection) used to express anger: Fuck you! Do it yourself!) atšujies! ej kārties!
    2. noun
    (slang, vulgar)
    1) (an act of sexual intercourse; a screw (slang, vulgar): I had a good fuck last night.) drātēšanās
    2) (a sexual partner.) kniebējs, uzšāvējs
    - fuck off
    - fuck up
    * * *
    drātēšanās, jāšanās; drātēties, jāties

    English-Latvian dictionary > fuck

  • 14 sock

    [sok] I noun
    (a (usually wool, cotton or nylon) covering for the foot and ankle, sometimes reaching to the knee, worn inside a shoe, boot etc: I need a new pair of socks.) (īsā) zeķe
    II 1. verb
    (slang) to strike someone hard with the fist: He socked the burglar (on the jaw). iezvelt
    2. noun
    ((slang) a strong blow with the fist: He gave me a sock on the jaw.) zvēliens
    * * *
    lemesis; kārumi, našķi; zeķe; ieliekamā zolīte; satriecošs notikums; iekraut; tieši

    English-Latvian dictionary > sock

  • 15 prick

    [prik] 1. verb
    (to pierce slightly or stick a sharp point into: She pricked her finger on a pin; He pricked a hole in the paper.) []durt; sadurt
    2. noun
    1) ((a pain caused by) an act of pricking: You'll just feel a slight prick in your arm.) dūriens; dzēliens
    2) (a tiny hole made by a sharp point: a pin-prick.) dūrums; caurumiņš
    3) ((slang, vulgar) a penis.) penis
    4) ((slang, vulgar) a nasty or contemptible person: He is such a prick!) maita
    - prick up one's ears
    - prick one's ears
    * * *
    ērkšķis, dzelonis; duramais; dzēliens, dūriens; penis; durt, dzelt; iedurt, iedzelt; izdurt; durstīt; durties

    English-Latvian dictionary > prick

  • 16 pussy

    1) (a cat, especially a kitten.) kaķītis, kaķuks
    2) ((slang, vulgar) a woman thought of as a sex object; a fuck.) kuce, slampa
    3) ((slang, vulgar) a woman's vagina.) vagina
    * * *
    incis, kaķēns; meiča; ārējie dzimumorgāni; pūžņojošs, strutains

    English-Latvian dictionary > pussy

  • 17 screw

    [skru:] 1. noun
    1) (a type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action: I need four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.) skrūve
    2) (an action of twisting a screw etc: He tightened it by giving it another screw.) skrūves pagriešana/pievilkšana
    2. verb
    1) (to fix, or be fixed, with a screw or screws: He screwed the handle to the door; The handle screws on with these screws.) []skrūvēt; skrūvēties
    2) (to fix or remove, or be fixed or removed, with a twisting movement: Make sure that the hook is fully screwed in; He screwed off the lid.) pieskrūvēt; atskrūvēt; pieskrūvēties; atskrūvēties
    3) ((slang, vulgar) to fuck; to have sex (with).) drātēt; drātēties
    4) ((slang) to cheat or take advantage of: They screwed you - these are not real diamonds.) piešmaukt
    - be/get screwed
    - have a screw loose
    - put the screws on
    - screw up
    - screw up one's courage
    * * *
    skrūve; gliemezis; propelleris; dzenskrūve; skrūves pagriešana; vīstoklis; cietumsargs; sīkstulis, skopulis; kleperis; alga; sīkumains eksaminētājs; pieskrūvēt, saskrūvēt; izspiest; griezt; griezties; skopoties; piešmaukt, piekrāpt; stingri pārbaudīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > screw

  • 18 butt

    I verb
    (to strike (someone or something) with the head: He fell over when the goat butted him.) badīt; grūst (ar galvu)
    II 1. noun
    (someone whom others criticize or tell jokes about: She's the butt of all his jokes.) izsmiekla objekts
    2. noun
    1) (the thick and heavy end (especially of a rifle).) (baļķa) resnais gals; (šautenes) laide
    2) (the end of a finished cigar, cigarette etc: His cigarette butt was the cause of the fire.) izsmēķis; nodegulis
    3) ((slang) a person's bottom: Come on, get off your butt - we have work to do.) pakaļa; dupsis
    * * *
    muca; resnais gals; šaujlauka uzbērums; grūdiens, sitiens; sitiens ar galvu; poligons; laide; mērķis; izsmēķis, nodegulis; izsmiekla objekts; badīt, grūst

    English-Latvian dictionary > butt

  • 19 mug

    I noun
    (a type of cup with usually tall, more or less vertical sides: a mug of coffee.) krūze, krūka
    II noun
    (a slang word for the face.) ģīmis; purns
    III past tense, past participle - mugged; verb
    (to attack and usually rob: He was mugged when coming home late at night.)
    * * *
    vientiesis, muļķis; zubrītājs; krūze, krūka; ģīmis, purns; zubrīt, iekalt; taisīt grimases, vaibstīties; grimēties; uzbrukt, aplaupīt; fotografēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > mug

  • 20 ball

    I 1. [bo:l] noun
    1) (anything roughly round in shape: a ball of wool.) lode; kamols
    2) (a round object used in games: a tennis ball.) bumba
    3) (balls (plural) (slang) testicles.) pauti
    - ballcock
    - ballpoint
    2. adjective
    a ballpoint pen.) lodīšu pildspalva
    - start/set
    - keep the ball rolling
    II 1. [bo:l]
    (a formal dance: a ball at the palace.) balle; deju vakars
    2. adjective
    ballroom dancing.) sarīkojumu dejas
    * * *
    balle, deju vakars; kamols, lode; bumba; sitiens; beisbols; pilula; blēņas; savelt kamolā; savelties kamolā

    English-Latvian dictionary > ball

См. также в других словарях:

  • slang — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ current, modern ▪ common ▪ street ▪ The gang members use street slang. ▪ hip hop …   Collocations dictionary

  • slang — ► NOUN ▪ informal language that is more common in speech than in writing and is typically restricted to a particular context or group. ► VERB informal ▪ attack using abusive language. DERIVATIVES slangy adjective. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • slang — /slæŋ / (say slang) noun 1. language differing from standard or written speech in vocabulary and construction, involving extensive metaphor, ellipsis, humorous usage, etc., less conservative and more informal than standard speech, and sometimes… …  

  • slang expression — noun informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar their speech was full of slang expressions • Syn: ↑slang, ↑slang term • Derivationally related forms …   Useful english dictionary

  • slang term — noun informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar their speech was full of slang expressions • Syn: ↑slang, ↑slang expression • Derivationally related …   Useful english dictionary

  • slang — [ slæŋ ] noun uncount words or expressions that are very informal and are not considered appropriate for more formal situations. Some slang is used only by a particular group of people: army/prison/Internet slang Chow is a slang word for food …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slang — noun (U) very informal language that includes new and sometimes rude words, especially words used only by particular groups of people such as criminals, schoolchildren, or people who take drugs: schoolboy slang | a slang word/expression/term:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • slang-whanger — slangˈ whanger noun • • • Main Entry: ↑slang …   Useful english dictionary

  • slang|i|ness — «SLANG ee nihs», noun. slangy quality: »[The play] drew many a brickbat from critics…for its slanginess (Newsweek) …   Useful english dictionary

  • slang — noun the street slang was a bit rough for his uptown ears Syn: informal language, colloquialisms, patois, argot, cant, jargon See note at dialect …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • slang — noun informal language that is more common in speech than in writing and is typically restricted to a particular context or group. verb informal attack (someone) using abusive language. Derivatives slangily adverb slanginess noun slangy adjective …   English new terms dictionary

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