1 slag bucket
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > slag bucket
2 slag bucket
3 slag bucket
Техника: ковш для шлака -
4 slag bucket
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > slag bucket
5 bucket
1) ковш; черпак; грейфер2) бадья; ведро3) метал. короб4) люлька ( слитковоза)5) сосуд, ведро ( осадкомера)6) носок ( водосливной плотины)9) возд. створка ( реверсивного устройства двигателя)10) вчт. участок памяти, адресуемый как единое целое11) пищ. гонок ( в рассеве)•-
bottom-discharge bucket
bottom-dump bucket
cableway bucket
cactus bucket
charging bucket
clamshell bucket
concrete bucket
conveyor bucket
corner wear guard system bucket
crane bucket
crop end bucket
crop bucket
demolition bucket
ditching bucket
dragline bucket
dredger bucket
ejector bucket
electric grab bucket
excavator bucket
flip bucket
front dump bucket
general purpose bucket
grab bucket
guide bucket
high tip bucket
hook-on bucket
hot-coke bucket
light materials bucket
loader bucket
multijaw grab bucket
multipurpose bucket
orange-peel grab bucket
placing bucket
power grab bucket
rack-back bucket
ripper bucket
rock bucket
roller bucket
rope grab bucket
rotating buckets
runner bucket
scale bucket
scrap-charging bucket
shaft bucket
shovel bucket
side dump bucket
sinking bucket
skeleton bucket
ski-jump bucket
slag bucket
slotted bucket
solid bucket
solid-bottomed bucket
submerged bucket
tipping bucket
tooth bucket
trajectory bucket
trapezoidal bucket
two-leaf grab bucket
upcurved bucket
upturned bucket
weigh bucket
wheel loader bucket
wrap-around ribs bucket -
6 ковш для шлака
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ковш для шлака
7 ковш для шлака
8 wall
1) стена; стенка; перегородка || обносить стеной; устраивать стенку; разделять стеной3) горн. забой4) экран5) оболочка6) доменная граница, доменная стенка7) пересылать сообщение другому пользователю ( в операционных системах)•to analyze the retaining wall for bearing on ground — рассчитывать подпорную стенку из условия прочности основания;to analyze the retaining wall for tension in joints — рассчитывать подпорную стенку из условия прочности соединений;to mud off the hole wall — глинизировать стенку ствола скважины;-
abutment wall
adapter wall
adiabatic wall
air-checker wall
air-slag wall
anchor wall
approach wall
apron wall
auxiliary lock wall
back bridge wall
baffle wall
bearing wall
blank wall
Bloch wall
bottom wall
brattice wall
bridge wall
bubble domain wall
bubble wall
bucket lip wall
buttress retaining wall
buttress wall
cantilever tee retaining wall
cantilever retaining wall
cavity wall
cell wall
checker bearer wall
checker wall
checker bridge wall
checker false wall
checker front wall
common wall
composite core wall
concrete core wall
converging wall
core wall
counterfort retaining wall
crib retaining wall
cross wall
curtain wall
cutoff wall
dead wall
diaphragm wall
diathermal wall
diverging wall
divide wall
division wall
domain wall
drop wall
embankment wall
enclosure wall
end wall
energy storage sun wall
exterior wall
face wall
film guide wall
fire wall
flat car side wall
flexible wall
flood wall
foot wall
foundation wall
frame wall
free-standing sheet-pile wall
front wall
furnace-enclosure wall
gable wall
gas slag wall
gravity retaining wall
gravity wall
ground wall
guide wall
hanging wall
harbor wall
hard domain wall
hard wall
head wall
hearth wall
heating wall
hollow wall
hot front wall
ice wall
impact wall
intake bulkhead wall
interior wall
intermediate lock wall
interstitial-stiffened cell wall
jacketed wall
key wall
land lock wall
load-bearing wall
long wall
lower-ring wall
low-water training wall
L-shaped retaining wall
masonry wall
middle lock wall
mold wall
nonbearing wall
pack wall
panel wall
partition wall
party wall
periphery wall
piling wall
pit wall
planar domain wall
planar wall
porous wall
port end wall
prefabricated wall
quay wall
rear wall
regenerator wall
retaining wall
rider wall
river lock wall
roadway wall
sea wall
seacoast wall
sealing wall
self-supporting wall
semigravity retaining wall
shadow wall
shank wall
sheetpile retaining wall
short wall
silt wall
skimming wall
slurry wall
soft domain wall
soft wall
solid wall
spillway guide wall
splitter wall
stepped retaining wall
structural wall
sun wall
symmetrical domain wall
symmetrical wall
T wall
toe wall
training wall
transition wall
trick wall
Trombe wall
tuyere-breast wall
twin wall
twisted domain wall
twisted wall
wall of dislocation
wave wall
wharf wall
window wall
wing wall -
9 blower
1) воздуходувка; нагнетательный вентилятор, нагнетатель2) конвертерщик4) полигр. раздуватель5) стеклодув•-
agitating blower
air blower
air-sand blower
auxiliary blower
axial-blow blower
blast-furnace blower
bucket-wheel blower
cased-in blower
centrifugal blower
chalk blower
chip blower
core blower
delivery blower
displacement blower
edge blower
exhaust blower
fan blower
feed blower
flue gas blower
forced draft blower
front blower
gas-engine blower
glass blower
grain blower
helical blower
hot blower
ice blower
induced-draft blower
jet blower
long-lance retracting blower
methane blower
multiple-nozzle rotating blower
multistage blower
paint blower
piston blower
positive displacement blower
positive blower
powder blower
pressure blower
reciprocating blower
rotary blower
seed blower
side blower
single-stage blower
single-suction blower
slag blower
snow blower
soot blower
steam jet blower
tank car blower
traction-motor blower
turbine-driven blower
two-lobe blower
vane blower
wall blower -
10 conveyor
1) конвейер, транспортёр2) метал. шлеппер•-
above ground conveyor
accumulating roller conveyor
accumulation conveyor
aerial conveyor
air bed conveyor
air tube conveyor
airslide conveyor
apron conveyor
armored conveyor
armored flexible conveyor
auger conveyor
auto-load-unload conveyor
automatic part loading conveyor
bag conveyor
baking conveyor
band conveyor
beam conveyor
belt conveyor
belt-driven live roller conveyor
belt-on-roller conveyor
bidirectional tool storage conveyor
bleeding conveyor
board conveyor
boom conveyor
bottom conveyor
breeze-and-sinter fines conveyor
bridge conveyor
bucket conveyor
buffer store conveyor
bulk conveyor
cable conveyor
cable-belt conveyor
canvas conveyor
carousel conveyor
carrier conveyor
car-type cooling conveyor
casting discharge conveyor
catching conveyor
chain conveyor
chain-driven live roller conveyor
chip conveyor
coke-collector conveyor
coke-transfer conveyor
collecting conveyor
cooling conveyor
crops conveyor
cross conveyor
cross-pit conveyor
curved conveyor
decline conveyor
disk conveyor
distributing conveyor
double-strand drag conveyor
drag conveyor
dual-duty overhead conveyor
entry coil conveyor
extendable conveyor
face conveyor
feed conveyor
flat pallet conveyor
flat-belt conveyor
flight conveyor
floor conveyor
freezing conveyor
gallery conveyor
gathering conveyor
gravity conveyor
gravity roller conveyor
gravity wheel conveyor
haulage conveyor
helical conveyor
helical screw conveyor
helicoid conveyor
high-angle conveyor
horizontal belt conveyor
hot conveyor
inclined conveyor
incline conveyor
inclined belt conveyor
incoming conveyor
indexing conveyor
infeed conveyor
ingot mold conveyor
input conveyor
jigging conveyor
kiln conveyor
lapping conveyor
live roller conveyor
loading conveyor
longwall conveyor
loop conveyor
magnetic conveyor
mesh-belt conveyor
metal-belt conveyor
mixing conveyor
mobile elevating conveyor
mobile transfer conveyor
monorail conveyor
mother conveyor
multistrand chain conveyor
oscillating conveyor
outbye conveyor
outfeed conveyor
outgoing conveyor
overhead conveyor
overland conveyor
package conveyor
packet conveyor
pallet conveyor
pan conveyor
piggy-back conveyor
pneumatic conveyor
portable conveyor
powered conveyor
pressure-free conveyor
pusher-bar conveyor
reciprocating flight conveyor
reclaim conveyor
reclaiming conveyor
refrigerated conveyor
retractable conveyor
ribbon conveyor
roller conveyor
roller spiral conveyor
rope conveyor
sandwich belt high-angle conveyor
scraper flight conveyor
scraper conveyor
screened-coke conveyor
screen-feed conveyor
screenings conveyor
screw conveyor
screw-feeder conveyor
shaker conveyor
shiftable conveyor
shuttle conveyor
silvering conveyor
single-flight conveyor
single-strand conveyor
skid conveyor
slag heap
slatband conveyor
slat conveyor
slider bed belt conveyor
sock guide conveyor
sortation conveyor
spiral conveyor
stacking conveyor
stocking conveyor
suction conveyor
suspension conveyor
take-away conveyor
telescopic conveyor
tool-storage conveyor
track press conveyor
trailer conveyor
transfer conveyor
traveling conveyor
tray conveyor
tripper conveyor
trough conveyor
troughed belt conveyor
trunk conveyor
tubular belt conveyor
twin strand armored face conveyor
underground conveyor
underspoil tunnel conveyor
unloading conveyor
unpowered conveyor
vacuum conveyor
vertical conveyor
vibrating conveyor
wharf conveyor
wheel conveyor
wire rope conveyor
worm conveyor -
11 crane
3) операторский кран; студийный кран ( для подвески телекамеры или микрофона), кран-штатив4) мор. шлюпбалка; кран-балка5) мор. сифон, изогнутая трубка6) весы•to hand-slew crane — поворачивать кран вручную;-
angle crane
arm crane
automated stacker crane
automatic grab crane
automotive-type crane
bail ladle crane
balance crane
bar crane
beam crane
berth crane
block transport crane
block crane
bracket crane
bracket-swing crane
bridge crane
bucket crane
cable crane
camera crane
cantilever crane
caterpillar crane
charging box-magnet crane
charging crane
climbing crane
column crane
column-mounted jib crane
column-mount jib crane
container crane
crab crane
crawler-mounted crane
crawler crane
creeper crane
deck-mounted crane
deck crane
derrick crane
derricking jib crane
dock crane
dockside crane
dogging crane
double-cantilever gantry crane
double-girder traveling crane
double-girder crane
electric bridge crane
electric crane
erecting crane
fixed boom crane
fixed crane
floating crane
frame crane
free path crane
free standing crane
full-circle crane
gantry crane
Goliath crane
grab crane
hammerhead crane
hand-chain crane
hand-operated crane
hand-powered crane
hoisting crane
hot-metal crane
hydraulic crane
ingot charging crane
ingot-stripping crane
jib crane
kangaroo crane
ladle crane
lance handling crane
level-luffing crane
lift crane
loading crane
locomotive crane
lorry-mounted crane
luffing jib crane
magnetic crane
mail crane
manual crane
mechanical tower crane
ministacker crane
mobile crane
mold yard crane
monorail crane
monorail-wheeled column jib crane
motor-driven crane
overhead traveling crane
overhead crane
pillar crane
pipelayer crane
pit crane
pneumatic crane
pontoon crane
portable crane
portable floor crane
portal jib crane
portal crane
post jib crane
pouring crane
push-pull stripper crane
rail-laying crane
railway crane
revolving crane
rotary tower crane
rubber-tire crane
runabout crane
scrap yard crane
self-propelled crane
semigantry crane
semiportal crane
ship crane
single-girder crane
single-girder overrunning crane
single-girder traveling crane
single-girder underrunning crane
skid-mounted crane
slag-pot crane
slewing crane
space crane
stacker crane
stamp work's crane
stripping crane
swing crane
swing jib crane
switch laying crane
teeming crane
telescoping-boom crane
tie crane
Titan crane
tower crane
tractor crane
transporter crane
transshipment crane
traveling crane
traveling-bridge crane
traversing crane
truck-mounted crane
truck crane
turnaround charging crane
turning crane
walking crane
wall crane
wall-track jib crane
water crane
wheel-mounted crane
whirley crane
wreck crane
yard jib crane -
12 plate
1) плита; пластин(к)а4) жесть6) гальваническое [электролитическое\] покрытие || наносить гальваническое [электролитическое\] покрытие; осаждать [выделять\] на электроде8) металлизировать; плакировать9) гидр. стенка10) гидр., мор. обшивка11) обшивать || геод. алидада теодолита12) тарелка ( ректификационной колонны)13) обкладка ( конденсатора)14) амер. анод15) электрон. плата16) электрон. фотошаблон17) решётка ( волчка или мясорубки)18) шайба20) полигр. формная пластина21) гравюра; эстамп23) бтх плоская чашка; планшет (для клонирования, титрования и т. п.)24) табличка25) номерной знак•-
absorber plate
accumulator plate
adapter plate
additive plate
adjustable angle cam plate
advance plate
aluminum plate
anchor plate
anodic plate
anodized plate
antifiring plate
aperture plate
apron plate
aqueous-developed plate
armor plate
autochromatic plate
back plate
backed plate
background plate
backing brake plate
backing plate
baffle plate
barrier plate
base plate
bath plate
batten plate
battery bottom plate
battery plate
bearing plate
bed plate
bench plate
bimetal plate
bit breaker plate
black plate
black-edged plate
blade moldboard plate
blade retaining plate
blank plate
body bolster bottom cover plate
body bolster top cover plate
body bottom plate
body center plate
body front plate
bogie center plate
bolster plate
bottom plate
bottom pouring plate
boundary layer splitter plate
brake plate
brake pressure plate
brake support plate
brass plate
breast plate
bridge plate
brush-holder plate
brush plate
bubble cap plate
bubble plate
bucket top spill plate
buckle plate
buckler plate
buffer plate
bulb plate
bushing plate
butt plate
can body plate
can ends plate
cap plate
capacitor plate
catalyst flow plates
cathodic plate
caution plate
center plate
ceramized plate
chair plate
channeled plate
checkered plate
checker plate
choke plate
chord plate
chromatographic plate
chrome plate
circuit plate
clad plate
clamp plate
clamping plate
claw arm plate
claw plate
clean-out plate
clutch driven plate
clutch plate
clutch pressure plate
coke-wharf plate
cold plate
cold-hold plate
collection plate
collector plate
collodion plate
color plate
color process plate
color-blind plate
color-sensitive plate
composite plate
compound web plate
connecting plate
contact plate
continuous plate
convector plate
cooling plate
core drying plate
core plate
core support plate
core-retainer plate
corner plate
corrosion-resistant plate
corrugated plate
cover plate
crank plate
crown plate
curb plate
curved plate
cushion plate
cutoff plate
cutter plate
cutting plate
cylinder base plate
dam plate
damper plate
data plate
dead plate
deflector plate
descent plate
dial plate
diaphragm plate
die plate
diffuser plate
direct image plate
direct printing plate
distributing plate
distributor plate
dividing plate
double plate
drawing plate
draw plate
dressing plate
drive plate
driving plate
dry offset plate
dry plate
dual-coat plate
dull plate
duplicative cavity plate
dust protection plate
earth plate
eaves plate
edge plate
edge-forming plate
elastic plate
elastically connected plates
elastically restrained plate
electric griddle plate
electrode plate
embossed plate
embossing plate
end brake plate
end plate
etched plate
eutectic plate
exhaustion plate
extendible skid plate
extruder breaker plate
face plate
feed plate
female plate
figured rolled plate
filler plate
filter plate
fish plate
five-play plate
five plate
fixed friction plate
flange plate
flanged plate
flash plate
flat cold-rolled black plate
flat plate
flexographic plate
flitch plate
flush throat plate
foot plate
force plate
fore plate
forged rail car center plate
formed plate
foundation plate
foundation settlement base plate
fractionating plate
frame plate
frame splice plate
Fresnel-zone plate
friction plate
frog plate
fuel plate
geared plate
glass plate
grained plate
green plate
grid plate
ground plate
grounding plate
guard plate
guide plate
gusset plate
half-tone plate
Hall plate
head plate
hearth-cooling plate
heavy plate
heavy-duty flex plate
heel plate
helical plate
hinge plate
hitch plate
hooked sole plate
horizontal plate
hot plate
hot-rolled plate
hub plate
hull plate
hydraulically operated dozer plate
identification plate
image plate
inclined sole plate
indexing plate
ingot mold bottom plate
ink plate
inspection plate
insulating plate
jacking plate
jaw plate
jig plate
joint plate
junction plate
keeper plate
key plate
lapping plate
latch plate
leaded beveled plate
leveling plate
light plate
line plate
liner plate
lining plate
lintel plate
liquid photopolymer plate
load distribution plate
locking plate
machine swivel plate
magnetic holding plate
male plate
mallet plate
manifold back plate
margin plate
master plate
mending plate
mica plate
microchannel plate
modulation plate
mold bottom plate
molding plate
mottled plate
mounting plate
movable friction plate
multimetal plate
nave plate
needle plate
negative plate
nickel-clad steel plate
nog plate
nozzle-retaining plate
number plate
off-gage plate
offset plate
on-gage plate
orifice plate
outside studding plate
partition plate
pasted plate
patent plate
pattern plate
perfect plate
perforated plate
phosphor plate
photographic plate
photopolymer plate
pickup plate
piston base plate
piston cam plate
plate of shoe
pole plate
poling plate
positive plate
positive-electrode plate
presensitized plate
pressure plate
prime plate
printing plate
process plate
profiling plate
pump thrust plate
pusher plate
race plate
rafter plate
raising plate
rapping plate
rating plate
rectifying plate
reinforcement plate
relieving plate
retainer plate
retardation plate
reverberation plate
ribbed sole plate
ring plate
rolled plate
rough plate
rough-rolled plate
rubber plate
runner-shut plate
saddle plate
sandwich plate
Schumann plate
scrap plate
screen plate
scum plate
scupper plate
sealing plate
seeding plate
separable center plate
separating plate
shaft access hole sealing plate
shear cutting plate
shear plate
sheared plate
shoe plate
side plate
side-draw plate
signal plate
sill plate
skid plate
skimming plate
skin plate
slag plate
sleeper plate
smoky-edged plate
sole plate
solid photopolymer plate
solid plate
spacer plate
space plate
spindle plate
splice plate
spring plate
spring support plate
spring-loaded plate
stack-cooling plate
starter plate
stay plate
stealer plate
steam-distribution plate
steel backing plate
steel plate
step plate
stepped plate
stiffening plate
stockline-wearing plate
stonecast plate
storage plate
straight electrolytic plate
strike plate
strike-on plate
strip plate
stripping plate
substractive plate
support plate
surface plate
swash plate
switch plate
tank plate
tank shell plate
tapered plate
target backing plate
terminal plate
terne plate
theoretical plate
thermoplastic plate
thermosetting plate
thick-gage plate
thick plate
thin-gage plate
thin plate
throat plate
throttle plate
thrust plate
tie plate
tinned plate
top plate
tracing-up plate
track shoe plate
trimetal plate
truck spring plate
tube plate
twin fall plate
universal plate
upper flange plate
valve plate
vernier plate
wafer-developed plate
wall plate
warning plate
water-cooled plate
water-jacket plate
wear plate
web plate
weir plate
wheel parabolic plate
wheel plate
wipe-on plate
wiring plate
wobble plate
working plate
wraparound plate -
13 pot
I1) тигель3) метал. разливочный стакан4) метал. (изготовленный заодно) контейнер с матрицей6) валун в кровле ( пласта угля)7) лесн. приёмник живицы10) потенциометр11) геофиз. неполяризующийся электрод12) зарезервированная область ( памяти)13) герметизировать; заливать ( компаундом)14) пищ. чаша ( пресса)15) ловушка ( орудие лова рыбы)•-II сокр. от
annealing pot
boiling pot
bucket pot
casting pot
catch pot
centrifugal pot
cold catch pot
electrolyte pot
electroplating pot
flare pot
flux pot
fusion pot
galvanizing pot
glass-melting pot
glass pot
glue pot
ingot pot
king pot
ladle pot
linear pot
low-inertia pot
melting pot
paste pot
porous pot
reactor pot
remelt pot
rotary pot
scrap pot
slag pot
soaking pot
spelter pot
spinning pot
stationary ingot tilting pot
still pot
terne pot
tinning pot
tin pot
top-heated galvanizing pot
potential III сокр. от
potentiometer1) потенциометр2) резистор переменного сопротивления, переменный резистор -
14 dam
1) дамба
2) гать
3) запруда
4) запружать
5) запруживать
6) плотина
7) упрудить
8) упруживать
– arch dam
– back of a dam
– break of dam
– bucket of dam
– buttress dam
– concrete dam
– crest of dam
– crib dam
– cutaway dam
– dam beam
– dam flow
– dam location
– dam up
– earth-fill dam
– fill dam
– foot of dam
– foundation of a dam
– gravity dam
– heel of dam
– high-head dam
– hydraulic-fill dam
– intake dam
– irrigation dam
– low-head dam
– non-overflow dam
– rock-fill dam
– shaft dam
– slag dam
– spillway dam
– timber dam
upstream side of dam — верховая сторона плотины, <constr.> клин верховой
См. также в других словарях:
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
Electric arc furnace — An electric arc furnace (EAF) is a furnace that heats charged material by means of an electric arc. Arc furnaces range in size from small units of approximately one ton capacity (used in foundries for producing cast iron products) up to about 400 … Wikipedia
Oxy-fuel welding and cutting — Oxyacetylene redirects here. For the song, see Cubanate. Side of metal, cut by oxygen propane cutting torch … Wikipedia
Cupola furnace — A cupola furnace in operation at Wayne State University, in Detroit, Michigan A Cupola or Cupola furnace is a melting device used in foundries that can be used to melt cast iron, ni resist iron and some bronzes. The cupola can be made almost any… … Wikipedia
Fernald Feed Materials Production Center — The Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (commonly referred to simply as Fernald) was a uranium processing facility located near the rural town of Fernald, in Hamilton County, Ohio, about 20 miles northwest of Cincinnati, which fabricated… … Wikipedia
coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… … Universalium
technology, history of — Introduction the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… … Universalium
tin processing — Introduction preparation of the ore for use in various products. Tin (Sn) is a relatively soft and ductile metal with a silvery white colour. It has a density of 7.29 grams per cubic centimetre, a low melting point of 231.88° C… … Universalium
Codelco — Type Government owned Industry Mining Founded (1955) Headquarters … Wikipedia
Bank of America Tower (New York) — Infobox Skyscraper building name= Bank of America Tower caption=Future Bank of America Tower at One Bryant Park location= flagicon|USA New York City, New York, USA coordinates = coord|40|45|19|N|73|59|03|W|region:US NY type:landmark status =… … Wikipedia
Zinc — This article is about the metallic element. For other uses, see Zinc (disambiguation). copper ← zinc → gallium ↑ Zn ↓ Cd … Wikipedia