1 skin balsam
Парфюмерия: бальзам для кожи -
2 skin balsam
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > skin balsam
3 balsam
1. n бальзамbalsam of fir — хвойный экстракт; канадский бальзам
2. n утешение3. n сл. деньги4. v применять бальзам, смазывать бальзамом5. v успокаивать6. v редк. бальзамировать -
4 balsam
5 Canada balsam
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > Canada balsam
6 copaiba balsam
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > copaiba balsam
7 beetle
жук; pl жуки ( Coleoptera)- alder flea beetle
- alder leaf beetle
- alfalfa snout beetle
- alleculid beetles
- Alleghany spruce beetle
- ambrosia beetle
- American seed beetle
- ant beetle
- antelope beetle
- anthribid beetles
- antlike beetles
- antlike flower beetles
- antlike stone beetles
- aphodian dung beetles
- Arizona pine beetle
- ash-gray blister beetle
- Asiatic garden beetle
- asparagus beetle
- aspen leaf beetle
- atlas beetle
- bacon beetle
- banded cucumber beetle
- bark beetles
- barley leaf beetle
- beaver beetles
- beet tortoise beetle
- belladonna-flea beetle
- Betsy beetles
- black beetles
- black blister beetle
- black carpet beetle
- black flea beetle
- Black Hills beetle
- black lady beetle
- black larder beetle
- black pine beetle
- black pine leaf beetle
- black-legged leaf beetle
- blister beetles
- bloody nosed beetle
- blossom beetle
- blue willow beetle
- bombardier beetle
- bone beetle
- brassy willow beetle
- brenthid beetles
- broad-horned flour beetle
- broad-nosed bark beetles
- brown scavenger beetles
- brown willow beetle
- bumble flower beetle
- buprestid beetles
- burying beetle
- cabbage stem flea beetle
- cambium beetles
- capricorn beetles
- carabid beetles
- cardinal beetles
- carpet beetles
- carrion beetles
- carrot beetle
- cedar beetles
- cellar beetle
- cereal leaf beetle
- checkered beetles
- cherry leaf beetle
- chrysomelid beetles
- cigarette beetle
- clambid beetles
- clematis blister beetle
- click beetles
- clock beetle
- Colorado pine beetle
- Colorado potato beetle
- Columbian timber beetle
- comb-clawed bark beetles
- common bean beetle
- common stag beetle
- cone beetle
- confused flour beetle
- corn sap beetle
- cottonwood leaf beetle
- cranberry-tree leaf beetle
- crawling water beetles
- crucifer flea beetle
- cryptophagid beetles
- cucujid beetles
- cucumber flea beetle
- cylindrical bark beetles
- darkling beetles
- death-watch beetle
- dermestid beetles
- diving beetles
- Douglas-fir beetle
- dressed flour beetle
- dried-fruit beetle
- drugstore beetle
- dryopid beetles
- dumble beetle
- dung beetles
- dust beetle
- earth-boring dung beetle
- eastern Hercules beetle
- eastern larch beetle
- eastern spruce beetle
- echo flea beetle
- eggplant flea beetle
- elephant beetle
- elm leaf beetle
- Engelmann spruce beetle
- engraver beetles
- European blister beetle
- European elm bark beetle
- European ground beetle
- European musk beetle
- European spruce beetle
- eyed click beetle
- eye-spotted lady beetle
- false darkling beetles
- feather-winged beetles
- fire beetles
- fire-colored beetles
- five-dotted tortoise beetle
- flat bark beetles
- flat grain beetle
- flea beetles
- flour beetle
- forked fungus beetle
- fourteen-spotted asparagus beetle
- fringe-winged beetles
- fringe-winged fungus beetles
- fruitworm beetles
- Fuller's rose beetle
- fungus beetles
- furniture beetles
- furniture carpet beetle
- giant stag beetle
- gnawer beetles
- gnawing beetles
- golden apple beetles
- golden spider beetle
- goldsmith beetle
- Goliath beetle
- grape flea beetle
- gray blister beetle
- great diving beetle
- green june beetle
- ground beetle
- hairy fungus beetles
- haliplid beetles
- handsome fungus beetles
- hazel flea beetle
- hazelnut flea beetle
- heather beetle
- helodid beetles
- Hercules beetle
- heterocerid beetles
- hickory bark beetle
- hide beetle
- hister beetles
- hop flea beetle
- horseradish flea beetle
- house longicorn beetle
- hygrobiid beetles
- hygrobiid water beetles
- imported willow leaf beetle
- Japanese beetle
- Jeffrey pine beetle
- lady beetles
- ladybird beetles
- lagriid beetles
- lamellicorn beetles
- lamellicorn scavenger beetles
- larch bark beetle
- larder beetle
- large flax flea beetle
- larger Mexican pine beetle
- leaf beetles
- leaf mining beetle
- leaf-horned beetles
- leather beetles
- leather-winged beetles
- lighting beetles
- lizard beetles
- lodgepole cone beetle
- lodgepole pine beetle
- long-horned beetles
- long-horned leaf beetles
- lycid beetles
- malachiid beetles
- mammal-nest beetles
- margined water beetle
- May beetle
- melandryid beetle
- mimic beetles
- mite beetles
- mould beetles
- mountain pine beetle
- mud-loving beetles
- museum beetle
- musk beetle
- mustard beetle
- native elm bark beetle
- net-winged beetles
- Nuttall blister beetle
- oat leaf beetle
- oedemerid beetle
- oil beetle
- old-fashioned potato beetle
- one-dotted tortoise beetle
- onion lily beetle
- oriental beetle
- ostomatid beetles
- passalid beetles
- patent leather beetles
- pea beetle
- peach black beetle
- peach-tree bark beetle
- pear blight beetle
- pear twig beetle
- peppergrass beetle
- pill beetles
- pinch beetles
- pine beetle
- pine-flower snout beetles
- plaster beetles
- pleasing fungus beetles
- ponderosa-pine cone beetle
- potato beetle
- potato flea beetle
- powderpost beetles
- prairie flea beetle
- predacious diving beetles
- pselaphid beetle
- ptiliid beetles
- pythid beetles
- raspberry beetles
- red flour beetle
- red pine cone beetle
- red poplar leaf beetle
- red turnip beetle
- red turpentine beetle
- red-legged ham beetle
- red-shouldered ham beetle
- red-winged pine beetle
- reed beetle
- rhinoceros beetle
- rhipiphorid beetles
- riffle beetles
- road beetles
- rodent beetles
- rove beetles
- rusty grain beetle
- sacred beetle of Egyptians
- sap beetles
- sap feeding beetles
- saw-toothed grain beetle
- sawyer beetle
- scarred snout beetle
- seed beetles
- sexton beetle
- shield beetles
- shining flower beetles
- shining fungus beetles
- ship-timber beetle
- silken fungus beetles
- silver water beetle
- Sitka-spruce beetle
- skin beetles
- smaller Mexican pine beetle
- snapping beetles
- snout beetles
- soft-bodied plant beetles
- soft-winged flower beetles
- soldier beetles
- southern lyctus beetle
- southern pine beetle
- southwestern pine beetle
- speckled oil beetle
- sphaeriid beetles
- spider beetles
- spine leaf beetle
- spotted asparagus beetle
- spotted blister beetle
- spotted cucumber beetle
- squash beetle
- stag beetles
- steel beetles
- stone beetles
- strawberry leaf beetle
- striped blister beetle
- striped flea beetle
- sugar-cane beetle
- sunflower beetle
- ten-lined June beetle
- three-lined potato beetle
- three-striped blister beetle
- tiger beetle
- timber beetles
- tobacco flea beetle
- tonsy leaf beetle
- toothed flea beetle
- toothed-nose snout beetles
- tooth-necked fungus beetles
- tortoise beetles
- tree fungus beetles
- true powderpost beetles
- tuber flea beetle
- tumbling flower beetles
- turnip blossom beetle
- twelve-spotted asparagus beetle
- twig beetles
- two-spotted lady beetle
- varied carpet beetle
- vine flea beetle
- wasp beetle
- water beetles
- water scavenger beetles
- water-lily leaf beetle
- western balsam bark beetle
- western black leaf beetle
- western pine beetle
- western potato flea beetle
- western spotted cucumber beetle
- whirligig beetles
- white-marked spider beetle
- willow leaf beetle
- wood tiger beetle
- wrinkled bark beetles
- yellow-margined diving beetle* * *• жук• жуки
См. также в других словарях:
balsam of Peru — balsam of Pe·ru pə rü n a leguminous balsam from a tropical American tree (Myroxylon pereirae) used esp. as an irritant and to promote wound healing called also Peru balsam, Peruvian balsam * * * peruvian balsam a dark brown viscid liquid… … Medical dictionary
balsam of Peru — noun dark brown syrupy balsam from the Peruvian balsam tree used especially in dressing wounds and treating certain skin diseases • Hypernyms: ↑tolu, ↑balsam of tolu, ↑tolu balsam • Substance Holonyms: ↑Peruvian balsam, ↑Myroxylon pereirae,… … Useful english dictionary
Tolu balsam — or balsam of Tolu (a variant of balsam of Peru) is the resinous secretion of Myroxylon toluifera. The resin, as well as the leaves and fruit, have been traditionally used by the people of Central America and South America to relieve coughs and… … Wikipedia
near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin — See also the preceding proverb (near is my kirtle, but nearer is my smock). Cf. early 14th cent. Fr. plus pres m’est char que n’est chemise, my skin is nearer to me than my shirt. c 1570 in J. P. Collier Old Ballads (1840) 99 Neerer is my skin… … Proverbs new dictionary
balsamof Peru — balsam of Peru n. The thick, brown, aromatic resin of a Central American tree (Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae) used medically in skin lotions, allergy testing, and cough preparations and in the manufacture of perfumes. * * * … Universalium
Statue of Liberty — For other uses, see Statue of Liberty (disambiguation). Statue of Liberty Locat … Wikipedia
Castor oil — is a vegetable oil obtained from the castor bean (technically castor seed as the castor plant, Ricinus communis , is not a member of the bean family). Castor oil (CAS number 8001 79 4) is a colorless to very pale yellow liquid with mild or no… … Wikipedia
COSMETICS — In Ancient Times Cosmetics, for the care and adornment of the body, were widely used by both men and women in the ancient Near East. The use of cosmetics was widespread among the poor as well as the wealthy classes; in the same way that they used … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MEDICINE — From the beginning of their history until modern times Jews have exercised a tremendous influence on the development of medical science. They have always been solicitous in their care for the sick and held the medical profession in great esteem.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Fraggle Rock — For the animated television series, see Fraggle Rock (animated TV series). Fraggle Rock Also known as Jim Henson s Fraggle Rock Created by Jim Henson … Wikipedia
Alfred Hitchcock — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock … Wikipédia en Français