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  • Skep — Skep, n. [Icel. skeppa a measure, bushel; cf. Gael. sgeap a basket, a beehive.] 1. A coarse round farm basket. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.] Tusser. [1913 Webster] 2. A beehive. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skep — /skep/, n. 1. a round farm basket of wicker or wood. 2. Also, skepful. the amount contained in a skep. 3. a beehive, esp. of straw. [bef. 1100; ME skeppe, late OE sceppe < ON skeppa half bushel; akin to G Scheffel] * * * …   Universalium

  • skep — [skep] n. [ME skeppe < OE sceppe < ON skeppa, a measure, bushel < IE base * (s)kep > SHAPE] 1. a round, wooden or wicker basket 2. a beehive, esp. one of straw …   English World dictionary

  • skep — c.1100, from O.N. skeppa “basket, bushel.” …   Etymology dictionary

  • skep — n. large round wicker basket …   English contemporary dictionary

  • skep — om·pha·lo·skep·sis; skep; skep·sis; skep·tic; skep·ti·cal; skep·ti·cism; skep·ti·cize; skep·ful; skep·ti·cal·ly; skep·ti·cal·ness; …   English syllables

  • Skep — Dry measure in the 13c equivalent to a half *bushel. There were eight skeps in a *quarter, though the bushel was the unit most frequently used. The skep itself was orig. a basket which came to hold half a bushel. The Latin form of skep is eskippa …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • SKEP FC — Skills Enhancement Program Football Club (SKEP FC) is a football club in the Philippines, based at the Cuenca Stadium in Muntinlupa City and is arguably the most popular football club in Alabang. The club is a member of the MLPFA.The club is the… …   Wikipedia

  • skep — noun /ˈskɛp/ a) a basket , 1977: He prised a skep from its stool and held it out, inverted, showing the dirty wreck of combs, with the vile grubs spinning their cocoons. Patrick OBrian, The Mauritius Command b) a beehive made of straw or wicker …   Wiktionary

  • Skep — This interesting surname with variant spellings Skip, Skep, Skypp(e) etc., has two possible origins. Firstly, it may have originated as a metonymic occupational name for a maker of baskets from the Medieval English skipp(e) , itself coming from… …   Surnames reference

  • skep — /skɛp/ (say skep) noun 1. a basket or hamper, as of wicker. 2. a specific quantity such as would be contained by such a basket. 3. a beehive, especially one made of wicker or straw. {Middle English skeppe, late Old English sceppe, from Old Norse… …  

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