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  • 1 Type

    Type f TECH frame size (Motor)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch Engineering > Type

  • 2 skriftstørrelse

    size of type.

    Danish-English dictionary > skriftstørrelse

  • 3 кегль шрифта

    1. type size
    2. type body
    3. size of type
    4. primer
    5. point body
    6. font size
    7. body size


    кегль шрифта
    Размер шрифта. Расстояние между верхней и нижней гранями литеры. Измеряется в пунктах (1 п. = 1/72 дюйма).
    [ http://www.morepc.ru/dict/]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > кегль шрифта

  • 4 кегль

    size of type имя существительное:

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > кегль

  • 5 Schriftgrad

    m DRUCK. type size
    * * *
    m (TYP)
    type size; (ESP COMPUT) font size
    * * *
    f type size; (Computer) font size
    * * *
    Schriftgrad m TYPO type ( oder font) size
    * * *
    type size (printing) n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Schriftgrad

  • 6 кегль шрифта

    2) Polygraphy: depth of letter, point body
    3) Advertising: body size, font size, primer
    4) Business: size of type

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кегль шрифта

  • 7 kirjasinkoko

    • font size
    • size of type
    • character size
    • type size

    Suomi-Englanti sanakirja > kirjasinkoko

  • 8 Schriftgröße

    f type size; (Computer) font size
    * * *
    type size (printing) n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Schriftgröße

  • 9 кегль

    point, size of type
    * * *
    * * *
    point, size of type

    Новый русско-английский словарь > кегль

  • 10 formación continua

    (n.) = continuing education (CE), continuous education, continuing training, continuing professional development, continuing professional education, professional development
    Ex. Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.
    Ex. This article points out the importance of continuous education and stresses that the completion of formal training is only the beginning of a life-long programme.
    Ex. Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex. Continuing professional development is necessary for librarians to anticipate and position themselves for the changing information field and changing client needs.
    Ex. Medical libraries have considerable potential as resources for formal continuing professional education.
    Ex. The first part of this article discusses motives for career choice and professional development.
    * * *
    (n.) = continuing education (CE), continuous education, continuing training, continuing professional development, continuing professional education, professional development

    Ex: Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.

    Ex: This article points out the importance of continuous education and stresses that the completion of formal training is only the beginning of a life-long programme.
    Ex: Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex: Continuing professional development is necessary for librarians to anticipate and position themselves for the changing information field and changing client needs.
    Ex: Medical libraries have considerable potential as resources for formal continuing professional education.
    Ex: The first part of this article discusses motives for career choice and professional development.

    Spanish-English dictionary > formación continua

  • 11 formación continuada

    continuing education.
    * * *
    (n.) = continuing education (CE), continuing training
    Ex. Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.
    Ex. Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    * * *
    (n.) = continuing education (CE), continuing training

    Ex: Staff development and continuing education must be considered a high priority as data bases change and proliferate in on-line, CD-ROM, and other forms.

    Ex: Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.

    * * *
    in-service training

    Spanish-English dictionary > formación continuada

  • 12 planeado

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: planear.
    * * *
    = planned, slated.
    Ex. Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex. Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.
    * mal planeado = ill-planned.
    * mejor planeado = best-laid.
    * salir según lo planeado = go off + as planned.
    * según lo planeado = as planned.
    * * *
    = planned, slated.

    Ex: Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.

    Ex: Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.
    * mal planeado = ill-planned.
    * mejor planeado = best-laid.
    * salir según lo planeado = go off + as planned.
    * según lo planeado = as planned.

    Spanish-English dictionary > planeado

  • 13 planificado

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: planificar.
    * * *
    = ordered, planned, staged, scheduled, formulated.
    Ex. Work in a duly ordered community should be made attractive by the consciousness of usefulness, by variety, and by being exercised amidst pleasurable surroundings.
    Ex. Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex. Long-range planning is essential and necessary as emergency measures, or as first steps in a staged plan of remodelling.
    Ex. Experiments using either a completely flexible approach or strictly scheduled library lessons show that a mixture of both is best.
    Ex. Budgeting in libraries, which is usually on a yearly cycle, is the primary means by which formulated plans can be carried out.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * planificado con antelación = pre-planned.
    * planificado previamente = pre-planned.
    * * *
    = ordered, planned, staged, scheduled, formulated.

    Ex: Work in a duly ordered community should be made attractive by the consciousness of usefulness, by variety, and by being exercised amidst pleasurable surroundings.

    Ex: Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex: Long-range planning is essential and necessary as emergency measures, or as first steps in a staged plan of remodelling.
    Ex: Experiments using either a completely flexible approach or strictly scheduled library lessons show that a mixture of both is best.
    Ex: Budgeting in libraries, which is usually on a yearly cycle, is the primary means by which formulated plans can be carried out.
    * distribuir de un modo planificado = zone.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * planificado con antelación = pre-planned.
    * planificado previamente = pre-planned.

    Spanish-English dictionary > planificado

  • 14 programado

    1 programed; planned (visita).
    2 programmed, pre-arranged, scheduled.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: programar.
    * * *
    ADJ planned, scheduled
    * * *
    = scripted, programmatic, time-oriented, scheduled, planned, slated, programmed.
    Ex. A program consisting of readings, improvised scenes, and scripted extracts from the author's work is the kind of project I have in mind.
    Ex. Their experience to date has underscored the need for programmatic yet flexible strategies when planning, installing and maintaining library computer systems.
    Ex. All actions plans -- which are also measurable and time-oriented -- are tied directly to objectives.
    Ex. Experiments using either a completely flexible approach or strictly scheduled library lessons show that a mixture of both is best.
    Ex. Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex. Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.
    Ex. He says the evidence is overwhelming that we already live in a programmed reality.
    * actividad programada = planned activity.
    * enseñanza programada = programmed instruction.
    * programado cuidadosamente = carefully-sequenced.
    * tener programado su finalización = be scheduled for completion.
    * * *
    = scripted, programmatic, time-oriented, scheduled, planned, slated, programmed.

    Ex: A program consisting of readings, improvised scenes, and scripted extracts from the author's work is the kind of project I have in mind.

    Ex: Their experience to date has underscored the need for programmatic yet flexible strategies when planning, installing and maintaining library computer systems.
    Ex: All actions plans -- which are also measurable and time-oriented -- are tied directly to objectives.
    Ex: Experiments using either a completely flexible approach or strictly scheduled library lessons show that a mixture of both is best.
    Ex: Every library, regardless of size or type, needs a planned, continuing training program.
    Ex: Reservations are held for 20 minutes after the slated event start time.
    Ex: He says the evidence is overwhelming that we already live in a programmed reality.
    * actividad programada = planned activity.
    * enseñanza programada = programmed instruction.
    * programado cuidadosamente = carefully-sequenced.
    * tener programado su finalización = be scheduled for completion.

    Spanish-English dictionary > programado

  • 15 кегль

    ч полігр.
    point; size of type

    Українсько-англійський словник > кегль

  • 16 размер на кегел

    body size
    body sizes
    type size
    type sizes

    Български-Angleščina политехнически речник > размер на кегел

  • 17 atanasia

    1 costmary or alecost. (Botany)
    2 a size of type named English (14-point). (Printing)
    3 tansy.
    4 font type size fourteen points.
    5 atanasia.

    Spanish-English dictionary > atanasia

  • 18 Grad

    ( grade) umg. gerade
    * * *
    der Grad
    extent; degree; grade
    * * *
    m -(e)s, -e
    [-də] (SCI, UNIV fig) degree; (MIL) rank; (TYP = Schriftgrad) size

    ein Winkel von 45 Grád — an angle of 45 degrees, a 45-degree angle

    unterm 32. Grád nördlicher Breite — latitude 32 degrees north

    4 Grád Kälte — 4 degrees below freezing point or zero, 4 degrees below

    4 Grád Wärme — 4 degrees above freezing point or zero

    20 Grád Fahrenheit/Celsius — 20 (degrees) Fahrenheit/centigrade or Celsius

    um 5 Grád wärmer seinto be 5 degrees warmer

    null Grád — zero

    Wasser auf 80 Grád erhitzen — to heat water to 80 degrees

    es kocht bei 100 Grád — boiling occurs at 100 degrees

    in Gráde einteilen — to calibrate, to graduate

    ein Verwandter zweiten/dritten Grádes — a relative once/twice removed

    Vetter zweiten Grádes — second cousin

    Verbrennungen ersten/zweiten Grádes (Med) — first-/second-degree burns

    in einem or bis zu einem gewissen Grád(e) — up to a certain point, to a certain degree

    in hohem Grád(e) — to a great or large extent

    im höchsten Grád(e) — extremely

    * * *
    1) ((an) amount or extent: There is still a degree of uncertainty; The degree of skill varies considerably from person to person.) degree
    2) (a unit of temperature: 20° (= 20 degrees) Celsius.) degree
    3) (a unit by which angles are measured: at an angle of 90° (= 90 degrees).) degree
    4) (one level in a scale of qualities, sizes etc: several grades of sandpaper; a high-grade ore.) grade
    5) (an extreme point or intensity: His anger reached such a pitch that he hit her.) pitch
    * * *
    <-[e]s, -e>
    [ˈgra:t, pl ˈgra:də]
    1. SCI, MATH degree
    2. GEOG degree
    3. PHYS degree
    ... \Grad unter null [o minus] [o Kälte] degree/s below [zero]
    ... \Grad über null [o plus] [o Wärme]... degree/s above zero [or freezing]
    Wasser gefriert bei null \Grad/kocht bei 100 \Grad Celsius water freezes at zero/boils at 100 degrees Celsius
    4. SCH degree
    akademischer \Grad [university] degree
    5. (Maß, Stufe) level
    ersten/zweiten/dritten \Grades MED first-/second-/third-degree
    Verbrennungen ersten \Grades first-degree burns
    eine Tante/ein Onkel etc. ersten \Grades an immediate uncle/aunt etc.
    eine Tante/ein Onkel etc. zweiten/dritten \Grades an aunt/uncle etc. once/twice removed
    bis zu einem gewissen \Grad[e] to a certain degree [or extent]
    im höchsten/in hohem \Grad[e] extremely/to a great [or large] extent
    der dritte \Grad (euph) the third degree fam
    um [ein]hundertachtzig \Grad (fam) complete[ly]
    die Regierung hat sich in Bezug auf ihre politische Linie um 180 \Grad gedreht the government has made a u-turn in respect of their policies
    * * *
    der; Grad[e]s, Grade

    Verbrennungen ersten/zweiten Grades — first-/second-degree burns

    ein Verwandter ersten/zweiten Grades — an immediate relation/a relation once removed

    in hohem Gradeto a great or large extent

    2) (akademischer Grad) degree; (Milit.) rank
    3) (Maßeinheit, Math., Geogr.) degree

    10 Grad Wärme/Kälte — 10 degrees above zero/below [zero]

    minus 5 Grad/5 Grad minus — minus 5 degrees

    Gleichungen zweiten Grades — equations of the second degree; quadratic equations

    sich um hundertachtzig Grad drehen(fig.) completely change [one's views]

    der 50. Grad nördlicher Breite — [latitude] 50 degrees North

    * * *
    Grad m; -(e)s, - oder -e, bei Gradangaben: -
    1. Temperatur: degree;
    bei acht Grad at (a temperature of) eight degrees;
    es sind acht Grad it’s eight degrees, the temperature is eight degrees;
    zwei Grad Wärme/Kälte oder
    plus/minus oder
    über/unter Null two degrees above/below zero;
    20 Grad Celsius entsprechen 68 Grad Fahrenheit 20 degrees Celsius is (the same as) 68 degrees Fahrenheit;
    39 Grad (Fieber) haben have a temperature of 39
    2. MATH, PHYS, GEOG etc degree;
    Gleichung zweiten Grades quadratic equation, equation of the second degree;
    40 Grad nördlicher Breite 40° (= forty degrees) north (latitude);
    sich um 180 Grad drehen turn through 180 degrees; fig do a complete about-turn ( oder U-turn)
    3. (Maß) degree; (Ausmaß) auch extent;
    ein geringer/hoher Grad an (+dat) a slight/high degree of;
    bestimmen/messen determine/measure the degree of maturity;
    in hohem Grade to a high degree, highly; (weitgehend) largely, to a great extent;
    im höchsten Grade extremely, highly;
    in dem Grade, dass … to such a degree that…;
    bis zu einem gewissen Grad(e) up to a point, to some extent
    4. (Stufe) stage; MIL rank; UNIV degree; TYPO size (of type), pointsize;
    Verbrennung zweiten Grades second-degree burn;
    Vetter ersten/zweiten Grades first/second cousin;
    dritter Grad bei Verhör: third degree
    * * *
    der; Grad[e]s, Grade

    Verbrennungen ersten/zweiten Grades — first-/second-degree burns

    ein Verwandter ersten/zweiten Grades — an immediate relation/a relation once removed

    in hohem Gradeto a great or large extent

    2) (akademischer Grad) degree; (Milit.) rank
    3) (Maßeinheit, Math., Geogr.) degree

    10 Grad Wärme/Kälte — 10 degrees above zero/below [zero]

    minus 5 Grad/5 Grad minus — minus 5 degrees

    Gleichungen zweiten Grades — equations of the second degree; quadratic equations

    sich um hundertachtzig Grad drehen(fig.) completely change [one's views]

    der 50. Grad nördlicher Breite — [latitude] 50 degrees North

    * * *
    -e m.
    degree n.
    grade n.
    order n.
    rank n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Grad

  • 19 диапазон кеглей

    ( набора) point size range, type size range

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > диапазон кеглей

  • 20 White, Sir William Henry

    SUBJECT AREA: Ports and shipping
    b. 2 February 1845 Devonport, England
    d. 27 February 1913 London, England
    English naval architect distinguished as the foremost nineteenth-century Director of Naval Construction, and latterly as a consultant and author.
    Following early education at Devonport, White passed the Royal Dockyard entry examination in 1859 to commence a seven-year shipwright apprenticeship. However, he was destined for greater achievements and in 1863 passed the Admiralty Scholarship examinations, which enabled him to study at the Royal School of Naval Architecture at South Kensington, London. He graduated in 1867 with high honours and was posted to the Admiralty Constructive Department. Promotion came swiftly, with appointment to Assistant Constructor in 1875 and Chief Constructor in 1881.
    In 1883 he left the Admiralty and joined the Tyneside shipyard of Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell \& Co. at a salary of about treble that of a Chief Constructor, with, in addition, a production bonus based on tonnage produced! At the Elswick Shipyard he became responsible for the organization and direction of shipbuilding activities, and during his relatively short period there enhanced the name of the shipyard in the warship export market. It is assumed that White did not settle easily in the North East of England, and in 1885, following negotiations with the Admiralty, he was released from his five-year exclusive contract and returned to public service as Director of Naval Construction and Assistant Controller of the Royal Navy. (As part of the settlement the Admiralty released Philip Watts to replace White, and in later years Watts was also to move from that same shipyard and become White's successor as Director of Naval Construction.) For seventeen momentous years White had technical control of ship production for the Royal Navy. The rapid building of warships commenced after the passing of the Naval Defence Act of 1889, which authorized directly and indirectly the construction of around seventy vessels. The total number of ships built during the White era amounted to 43 battleships, 128 cruisers of varying size and type, and 74 smaller vessels. While White did not have the stimulation of building a revolutionary capital ship as did his successor, he did have the satisfaction of ensuring that the Royal Navy was equipped with a fleet of all-round capability, and he saw the size, displacement and speed of the ships increase dramatically.
    In 1902 he resigned from the Navy because of ill health and assumed several less onerous tasks. During the construction of the Cunard Liner Mauretania on the Tyne, he held directorships with the shipbuilders Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, and also the Parsons Marine Turbine Company. He acted as a consultant to many organizations and had an office in Westminster. It was there that he died in February 1913.
    White left a great literary legacy in the form of his esteemed Manual of Naval Architecture, first published in 1877 and reprinted several times since in English, German and other languages. This volume is important not only as a text dealing with first principles but also as an illustration of the problems facing warship designers of the late nineteenth century.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    KCB 1895. Knight Commander of the Order of the Danneborg (Denmark). FRS. FRSE. President, Institution of Civil Engineers; Mechanical Engineers; Marine Engineers. Vice- President, Institution of Naval Architects.
    Further Reading
    D.K.Brown, 1983, A Century of Naval Construction, London.

    Biographical history of technology > White, Sir William Henry

См. также в других словарях:

  • type-body — typeˈ body noun A measurement of breadth of shank for a size of type • • • Main Entry: ↑type …   Useful english dictionary

  • Type 82 destroyer — The Type 82 or Bristol class destroyer was to be a class of four Royal Navy warships intended as area air defence destroyers to replace the County class destroyers, and to serve as escorts to the planned CVA 01 aircraft carriers. Eventually only… …   Wikipedia

  • Size Matters — Infobox Album | Name = Size Matters Type = studio Artist = Helmet Released = October 5, 2004 Recorded = March – June 2004 at Cello Studios in Hollywood, California Genre = Alternative metal Length = 39:38 Label = Interscope Records Producer =… …   Wikipedia

  • Type — Type, n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ? the mark of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the root of ? to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Type founder — Type Type, n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ? the mark of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the root of ? to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Type foundery — Type Type, n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ? the mark of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the root of ? to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Type foundry — Type Type, n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ? the mark of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the root of ? to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Type metal — Type Type, n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ? the mark of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the root of ? to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Type wheel — Type Type, n. [F. type; cf. It. tipo, from L. typus a figure, image, a form, type, character, Gr. ? the mark of a blow, impression, form of character, model, from the root of ? to beat, strike; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.] [1913 Webster] 1. The mark or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Type design — is the art of designing typefaces. Although the technology of printing text using movable type was invented in China, and despite the esteem which calligraphy held in that civilization, the vast number of Chinese characters meant that few… …   Wikipedia

  • Size-exclusion chromatography — Equipment for running size exclusion chromatography. The buffer is pumped through the column (right) by a computer controlled device Acronym SEC Classification Chromatography Analytes …   Wikipedia

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