1 singular spectrum
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > singular spectrum
2 singular spectrum
Математика: сингулярный спектр -
3 singular spectrum
4 singular spectrum
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > singular spectrum
5 singular spectrum
мат. -
6 spectrum
1) спектр2) спектральная характеристика; спектральная зависимость•- spectrum of matrix
- spectrum of operator
- absorption spectrum
- acoustic spectrum
- AM spectrum
- amplitude spectrum
- arc spectrum
- atomic spectrum
- audio spectrum
- autocorrelation spectrum
- background spectrum
- band spectrum
- band-limited spectrum
- baseband spectrum
- bounded spectrum
- Brillouin spectrum
- canonical spectrum
- characteristic spectrum
- complex spectrum
- connected spectrum
- continuous spectrum
- correlation spectrum
- cosine rolloff spectrum - degenerate spectrum
- direct-sequence spread spectrum
- discrete spectrum
- eigenvalue spectrum
- ether spectrum
- extended spectrum
- direct spectrum
- displaced spectrum
- Doppler-broadened spectrum - electromagnetic spectrum
- electron spectrum
- emission spectrum
- energy spectrum
- energy-density spectrum
- exchange-coupled spectrum
- exciton spectrum
- ferromagnetic-resonance spectrum
- finite spectrum
- flat spectrum
- FM spectrum
- folded spectrum
- frequency hopping spread spectrum
- Gaussian spectrum
- generalized spectrum
- group spectrum
- hyperfine spectrum
- IBOC spectrum
- in-band/on-channel spectrum
- infrared spectrum
- inverse spectrum
- joint spectrum
- line spectrum
- log spectrum
- luminescent-emission spectrum
- magnetic hardness spectrum
- magnetic-permeability spectrum
- mass spectrum
- maximum-entropy spectrum
- microwave spectrum
- mixed spectrum
- Mössbauer spectrum
- optogalvanic spectrum
- paramagnetic-resonance spectrum
- perturbed spectrum
- phase spectrum
- phonon spectrum
- power spectrum
- power-density spectrum
- pulse-train spectrum
- pulse-train frequency spectrum
- quadrature spectrum
- quasi-discrete spectrum
- quasi-line spectrum
- radio spectrum
- raised-cosine spectrum
- Raman spectrum
- Rayleigh spectrum
- recombination-radiation spectrum
- rectangular spectrum
- reflectance spectrum
- regression spectrum
- regular spectrum
- required response spectrum
- RF spectrum
- rotation spectrum
- rotation-vibration spectrum
- sferics spectrum
- singular spectrum
- smoothed spectrum
- spread spectrum
- stochastic spectrum
- ultraviolet spectrum
- uniform spectrum
- vibration spectrum
- white spectrum
- X-ray spectrum
- ε-spectrum -
7 spectrum
1) спектр2) спектральная характеристика; спектральная зависимость•- absorption spectrum
- acoustic spectrum
- AM spectrum
- amplitude spectrum
- arc spectrum
- atomic spectrum
- audio spectrum
- autocorrelation spectrum
- background spectrum
- band spectrum
- band-limited spectrum
- baseband spectrum
- bounded spectrum
- Brillouin spectrum
- canonical spectrum
- characteristic spectrum
- complex spectrum
- connected spectrum
- continuous spectrum
- correlation spectrum
- cosine rolloff spectrum
- cross-correlation spectrum - direct spectrum
- direct-sequence spread spectrum
- discrete spectrum - Doppler-broadened spectrum
- eigenvalue spectrum - electromagnetic spectrum
- electron spectrum
- emission spectrum
- energy spectrum
- energy-density spectrum
- ether spectrum
- exchange-coupled spectrum
- exciton spectrum
- extended spectrum
- ferromagnetic-resonance spectrum
- finite spectrum
- flat spectrum
- FM spectrum
- folded spectrum
- frequency hopping spread spectrum
- Gaussian spectrum
- generalized spectrum
- group spectrum
- hyperfine spectrum
- IBOC spectrum
- in-band/on-channel spectrum
- infrared spectrum
- inverse spectrum
- joint spectrum
- line spectrum
- log spectrum
- luminescent-emission spectrum
- magnetic hardness spectrum
- magnetic-permeability spectrum
- mass spectrum
- maximum-entropy spectrum
- microwave spectrum
- mixed spectrum
- Mössbauer spectrum
- optogalvanic spectrum
- paramagnetic-resonance spectrum
- perturbed spectrum
- phase spectrum
- phonon spectrum
- power spectrum
- power-density spectrum
- pulse-train frequency spectrum
- pulse-train spectrum
- quadrature spectrum
- quasi-discrete spectrum
- quasi-line spectrum
- radio spectrum
- raised-cosine spectrum
- Raman spectrum
- Rayleigh spectrum
- recombination-radiation spectrum
- rectangular spectrum
- reflectance spectrum
- regression spectrum
- regular spectrum
- required response spectrum
- RF spectrum
- rotation spectrum
- rotation-vibration spectrum
- sferics spectrum
- singular spectrum
- smoothed spectrum
- spectrum of electromagnetic radiation
- spectrum of matrix
- spectrum of operator
- spread spectrum
- stochastic spectrum
- ultraviolet spectrum
- uniform spectrum
- vibration spectrum
- white spectrum
- X-ray spectrumThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > spectrum
8 spectrum
1) спектр2) спектральная характеристика; спектральная зависимость3) спектральная плотность; спектральная функция•- purely discrete spectrum - purely point spectrum - spectrum of linear operator -
9 сингулярный спектр
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > сингулярный спектр
10 process
1) процесс2) процедура3) технологический процесс || технологический4) приём, способ5) обрабатывать; перерабатывать•process with independent increments — процесс с независимыми приращениями, аддитивный процесс
process with nonstationary increments — процесс с нестационарными приращениями, неоднородный во времени процесс
process with stationary and independent increments — процесс со стационарными и независимыми приращениями, однородный процесс
- absorbing barrier process - basic oxygen process - direct reduction process - discrete process - discrete-time process - linearly singular process - locally integrable process - locally stable process - multistep process - multivariate process - N-dimensional process - partially mixing process - process of hidden periodicities - steady stochastic process - temporally homogeneous process - weakly ergodic process - weakly stationary processprocess with stationary increments — процесс со стационарными приращениями, однородный во времени процесс
11 kernel
1) зерно, зёрнышко2) керн3) матем. кернфункция4) сердцевина; ядро•kernel on the left — алг. ядро слева
kernel on the right — алг. ядро справа
kernel with a summable square — алг. ядро с суммируемым квадратом
- intrinsically singular kernel - kernel of a linear operator - kernel of a singular integral - kernel of a summation method - kernel of integral operator - kernel of integral transformation - locally finite kernel - nonpositive definite kernel - proper covariance kernelkernel with a weak singularity — алг. ядро со слабой особенностью
12 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
13 analysis
1) анализ; исследование; изучение2) разбор3) анализ, состав•analysis in time domain — матем. временной анализ
analysis is in control — хим. состав попадает в анализ
analysis situs — матем. топология
14 point
1) пункт
2) запятая
3) кегль
4) острие
5) острый конец
6) очко
7) расшивать
8) расшить
9) точечный
10) шпицевать
11) деление
12) <topogr.> мыс
13) точка
14) место
15) указывать
16) ставить знаки препинания
17) заострение
18) наконечник
19) предмет
20) <engin.> балл
– accessible point
– accumulation point
– adherent point
– altimetric point
– ambiguous point
– amplitude of a point
– anchoring point
– antipodal point
– at a point
– at point
– attaching point
– attachment point
– automatic set point
– barometrical point
– base point
– bending point
– binary point
– boiling point
– boundary point
– branch point
– branching point
– breaker point
– brilliant point
– burble point
– cardinal point
– center point
– check point
– chisel point
– compass-card point
– condensation point
– conjugate point
– contact point
– continuous at a point
– contraction to point
– convergence point
– corner point
– cultivator point
– Curie point
– cuspidal point
– cut point
– cutter point
– data point
– datum point
– dead point
– decimal point
– degree of point
– departure point
– dew point
– diacritical point
– diamond point
– diramation point
– discontinuity point
– divider point
– dividing point
– double point
– drill point
– east point
– enclose a point
– entry point
– equilibrium point
– equivalence point
– evaporating point
– extra-axis point
– extreme point
– finishing point
– firing point
– fix point in position
– fixed point
– flash point
– flex point
– floating point
– form point
– freezing point
– fusion point
– generic point
– glass-transition point
– glaziers' point
– gold point
– grid point
– half-power point
– hinge point
– ice formation point
– ideal point
– ignition point
– image of a point
– indication point
– infinite point
– inflection point
– initial point
– intersection point
– inverse point
– isolated point
– junction point
– labile point
– lattice point
– limit point
– linkage point
– load point
– lubrication point
– main point
– mark a point
– marker point
– mass point
– material point
– measuring point
– melting point
– mirror point
– movable point
– multiple point
– nadir point
– Neel point
– neutral point
– nodal point
– north point
– null point
– operating point
– pitch point
– point approximation
– point at infinity
– point bar
– point brilliance
– point cathode
– point conic
– point contact
– point contacts
– point corrosion
– point diode
– point disturbance
– point eikonal
– point focus
– point force
– point harmonic
– point hologram
– point in time
– point joints
– point lock
– point locking
– point mass
– point of application
– point of break
– point of connection
– point of contact
– point of control
– point of departure
– point of destination
– point of emanation
– point of inflection
– point of interpolation
– point of intersection
– point of junction
– point of lattice
– point of levelling
– point of observation
– point of osculation
– point of reference
– point of separation
– point of sight
– point of support
– point of tangency
– point of the compass
– point of tooth
– point of view
– point pile
– point radiator
– point resolution
– point scale
– point scatterer
– point set
– point source
– point spectrum
– point temperature
– point tool
– point wire
– position of a point
– power of a point
– precipitation point
– principal point
– radix point
– rail point
– ramification point
– reefing point
– reference point
– regular point
– ridge point
– saddle point
– sampling point
– saturation point
– sense point
– separation point
– sequence point
– share point
– silver point
– singing point
– singular point
– softening point
– solidification point
– spark-plug point
– spinodal point
– spiral point
– sputter point
– stagnation point
– starting point
– stationary point
– stock point
– switching point
– terminal point
– tooth point
– touch-down point
– transfer point
– transformation point
– transition point
– triangulation point
– triple point
– turning point
– umbilical point
– unit point
– up to this point
– valley point
– vanishing point
– work point
– world point
– yield point
– zenith point
azimuth of distant point — <topogr.> азимут направления на отдаленную наблюдаемую
bisecting point of a segment — <geom.> середина отрезка
control point adjustment — настройка точки регулирования, <engin.> задатчик
facing point lock — < railways> замок ригельный оконечный
fixed point computation — вычисление с фиксированной запятой
floating decimal point — <comput.> точка плавающая
including the point at infinity — включая бесконечно удаленную точку
phase separation point — <phys.> критическая точка расслаивания
point spread function — <opt.> функция аппаратная, <opt.> функция рассеяния точки
true boiling point — <phys.> температура кипения истинная
15 ASA
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
16 Asa
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
17 asa
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
18 kernel
1) ядроа) внутренняя или центральная часть объекта; сердцевинаб) базовая часть; существенная частьв) вчт часть операционной системы, программа или совокупность программ, контролирующая функции низкого уровняд) атомное ядро2) внутренний; центральный3) базовый; существенный4) ядерный; относящийся к ядру•- kernel of competence
- kernel of homomorphism
- kernel of integral equation
- kernel of propagation
- kernel of security
- audio video kernel
- autocorrelation kernel
- convolution kernel
- divergent kernel
- ergodic kernel
- Fourier kernel
- indecomposable kernel
- integrable kernel
- object kernel
- operator kernel
- operating system kernel
- organization kernel
- program kernel
- resolvent kernel
- secure kernel
- security kernel
- sequence kernel
- singular kernel
- spectrum kernel
- stochastic kernel
- structure kernel
- symmetric kernel
- system kernel
- technological kernel
- transformation kernel
- variation kernel -
19 kernel
1) ядроа) внутренняя или центральная часть объекта; сердцевинаб) базовая часть; существенная частьв) вчт. часть операционной системы, программа или совокупность программ, контролирующая функции низкого уровняд) атомное ядро2) внутренний; центральный3) базовый; существенный4) ядерный; относящийся к ядру•- autocorrelation kernel
- convolution kernel
- divergent kernel
- ergodic kernel
- Fourier kernel
- indecomposable kernel
- integrable kernel
- kernel of Boolean function
- kernel of competence
- kernel of homomorphism
- kernel of integral equation
- kernel of propagation
- kernel of security
- object kernel
- operating system kernel
- operator kernel
- organization kernel
- program kernel
- resolvent kernel
- secure kernel
- security kernel
- sequence kernel
- singular kernel
- spectrum kernel
- stochastic kernel
- structure kernel
- symmetric kernel
- system kernel
- technological kernel
- transformation kernel
- variation kernelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > kernel
20 analysis
анализ; исследование; изучение; расчетaccelerated analysisaerodynamic analysisaeroservoelastic analysisbending analysisBode analysisboundary element analysisbuckling analysiscampaign analysiscanard-wing analysischaracteristic analysisclosed-loop analysiscovariance analysiscrack growth analysiscrack propagation analysiscrash analysisdecoupled analysisdeferred-time analysisdescribing function analysisdivergence analysisdynamic response analysiseffectiveness analysiseigenvalue analysiselastoplastic analysiselastostatic analysisequivalent plate analysisfatigue analysisfinite-element analysisflap-lag analysisflight dynamics analysisflight data analysisFloquet analysisflow analysisflutter analysisFourier analysisfractographic analysisfracture analysisfrequency domain analysisfrequency-of-maintenance analysisGalerkin analysisharmonic analysisheavy-rain analysishover analysishydroelastic analysisinelastic analysisJ-integral analysislateral-directional analysislifting-line analysisloads analysislongitudinal analysisMach box analysismaneuver analysismass property analysismatrix analysismission analysismission-area analysismixed mode analysismodal analysismodel-based analysisMonte Carlo analysisMyklestad analysisNeal-Smith analysisnonlinear analysisnonlinear flutter analysisNyquist analysisopen-loop analysisparabolized Navier-Stokes analysisparameter analysisparametric analysispilot-in-the-loop analysispilot-vehicle analysispneumodynamic analysispost-buckling analysispre-aerobatic analysispredevelopment analysisPSD analysisR-R analysisRayleigh-Ritz analysisreal-time analysisregression analysisrepair-level analysisroot-locus analysisrotor-body analysisrotor-fuselage analysisrotorcraft analysissecond-approximation analysissensitivity analysissignature analysissingle-degree-of-freedom analysissingle-sortie analysissingular perturbation analysissmall-perturbation analysisspectral analysisspectrum analysisstability analysisstatistical analysisstress analysisstructural analysisstructural dynamic analysistension analysistime dependent analysistime domain analysistradeoff analysistransient analysistrending analysistrim analysistrim point analysisV-g analysisvibration analysisviscoplastic analysisviscous/inviscid analysisWeibull analysisweight tradeoff analysiswind shear analysisX-ray analysis
См. также в других словарях:
Singular Spectrum Analysis — The Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) techniqueis a powerful technique of time series analysisincorporating the elements of classical time series analysis,multivariate statistics, multivariate geometry, dynamical systemsand signal processing. The… … Wikipedia
Singular value decomposition — Visualization of the SVD of a 2 dimensional, real shearing matrix M. First, we see the unit disc in blue together with the two canonical unit vectors. We then see the action of M, which distorts the disk to an ellipse. The SVD decomposes M into… … Wikipedia
Spectrum (homotopy theory) — In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, a spectrum is an object representing a generalized cohomology theory. There are several different constructions of categories of spectra, all of which give the same homotopy category.Suppose we… … Wikipedia
spectrum — spec|trum [ spektrəm ] noun singular ** 1. ) the whole range of ideas, qualities, situations, etc. that are possible: the parties at the center of the political spectrum wide/broad spectrum (=a large range): The course covers a wide spectrum of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
spectrum */*/ — UK [ˈspektrəm] / US noun [singular] 1) the whole range of ideas, qualities, situations etc that are possible the parties at the centre of the political spectrum wide/broad spectrum (= a large range): The course covers a wide spectrum of musical… … English dictionary
spectrum — [ˈspektrəm] noun [singular] 1) the whole range of ideas, qualities, situations etc that are possible 2) the complete range of colours into which light can be separated … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Decomposition of spectrum (functional analysis) — In mathematics, especially functional analysis, the spectrum of an operator generalizes the notion of eigenvalues. Given an operator, it is sometimes useful to break up the spectrum into various parts. This article discusses a few examples of… … Wikipedia
Essential spectrum — In mathematics, the essential spectrum of a bounded operator is a certain subset of its spectrum, defined by a condition of the type that says, roughly speaking, fails badly to be invertible .The essential spectrum of self adjoint operatorsIn… … Wikipedia
Hilbert spectrum — The Hilbert spectrum (sometimes referred to as the Hilbert amplitude spectrum ) is a statistical tool that can help in distinguishing among a mixture of moving signals. The spectrum itself is decomposed into its component sources using… … Wikipedia
electromagnetic spectrum — UK / US noun [singular] physics the complete range of electromagnetic waves from the shortest, which are gamma rays, to the longest, which are radio waves … English dictionary
Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) — In quantum mechanics, the Hamiltonian H is the observable corresponding to the total energy of the system. As with all observables, the spectrum of the Hamiltonian is the set of possible outcomes when one measures the total energy of a system.… … Wikipedia