121 однорукий
one-armed* * ** * *one-armed, one-handed* * *one-armedone-handedonehandedsingle-handed -
122 יְחִידָאָה
1) lonely; only one. Targ. Ps. 25:16 (ed. Lag. יְחִידָאִי).Targ. Y. Deut. 32:50 (ed. Amst. דָאֵי … incorr.). Targ. Job 14:4 Ms. (ed. חד). 2) single authority, opinion of one. Pes.103b לא יחידאה אנא (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) I do not report the opinion of one man. Y.Ter.VI, beg.44a אתיא די׳ דהכא כסתמא דתמןוכ׳ the opinion of the single authority here agrees with the anonymous (editorially adopted) one there ; Y.Ned.VII, beg.40b. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. לית אנן … לי׳ we need not consider the opinion of a single authority; a. fr.Pl. יְחִידָאִין, יְחִידָאֵי, יְחִידָיִין. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:10 (v. יָחִיד 2).B. Kam.81b bot. בי׳ לא אמרינן we do not speak of single authorities. Y. Ḥag.II, 77b top י׳ single-handed, each for himself, v. טְעַן II. -
123 דָאִי …
1) lonely; only one. Targ. Ps. 25:16 (ed. Lag. יְחִידָאִי).Targ. Y. Deut. 32:50 (ed. Amst. דָאֵי … incorr.). Targ. Job 14:4 Ms. (ed. חד). 2) single authority, opinion of one. Pes.103b לא יחידאה אנא (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) I do not report the opinion of one man. Y.Ter.VI, beg.44a אתיא די׳ דהכא כסתמא דתמןוכ׳ the opinion of the single authority here agrees with the anonymous (editorially adopted) one there ; Y.Ned.VII, beg.40b. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. לית אנן … לי׳ we need not consider the opinion of a single authority; a. fr.Pl. יְחִידָאִין, יְחִידָאֵי, יְחִידָיִין. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:10 (v. יָחִיד 2).B. Kam.81b bot. בי׳ לא אמרינן we do not speak of single authorities. Y. Ḥag.II, 77b top י׳ single-handed, each for himself, v. טְעַן II. -
124 יְחִידָיָיא ch. sam( יְחִידִי m. (v. preced. wds.) matsebah),
1) lonely; only one. Targ. Ps. 25:16 (ed. Lag. יְחִידָאִי).Targ. Y. Deut. 32:50 (ed. Amst. דָאֵי … incorr.). Targ. Job 14:4 Ms. (ed. חד). 2) single authority, opinion of one. Pes.103b לא יחידאה אנא (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) I do not report the opinion of one man. Y.Ter.VI, beg.44a אתיא די׳ דהכא כסתמא דתמןוכ׳ the opinion of the single authority here agrees with the anonymous (editorially adopted) one there ; Y.Ned.VII, beg.40b. Y.Sabb.III, 6a bot. לית אנן … לי׳ we need not consider the opinion of a single authority; a. fr.Pl. יְחִידָאִין, יְחִידָאֵי, יְחִידָיִין. Targ. Y. Gen. 22:10 (v. יָחִיד 2).B. Kam.81b bot. בי׳ לא אמרינן we do not speak of single authorities. Y. Ḥag.II, 77b top י׳ single-handed, each for himself, v. טְעַן II.Jewish literature > יְחִידָיָיא ch. sam( יְחִידִי m. (v. preced. wds.) matsebah),
125 ayuda
f.1 help, assistance (asistencia).acudir en ayuda de alguien to come/go to somebody's assistancenos fuiste de gran ayuda you were a great help to usno me sirvió de mucha ayuda it wasn't much help to meprestar ayuda to help, to assistayuda en carretera breakdown service2 aid.ayuda al desarrollo development aidayuda humanitaria humanitarian aidpres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: ayudar.* * *1 help, aid, assistance2 (lavativa) enema\ir en ayuda de alguien to come to somebody's assistanceprestar ayuda to help (a, -)ayuda de cámara valet* * *noun f.help, assistance, aid* * *1. SF1) (=asistencia) help, assistance más frmayuda a domicilio — home help, home helper (EEUU)
ayudas a la navegación — aids to navigation, navigational aids
ayuda compensatoria — ≈ income support, welfare (EEUU)
2) (Med) (=enema) enema; LAm (=laxante) laxative2.SM (=paje) page* * *1) ( asistencia) helpnadie fue or acudió en su ayuda — nobody went to his aid
2) (fam & euf) ( enema) enema* * *= aid, assistance, guidance, help, helpfulness, support, relief, enhancer, helper, facilitator, bursary, good offices, jump-start [jumpstart], helping hand, succour [succor, -USA].Ex. Indexing may be conducted entirely without the aid of a computer, or may rely to varying extents upon the facilities for the manipulation and ordering of data offered by the computer.Ex. Most information about terms and their relationships that could be of assistance to the user of the index will be transferred from the list to the index or catalogue.Ex. The command function 'HELP' is used to obtain guidance online when in difficulty.Ex. The entry is first located with the help of searching.Ex. Sometimes, in the interest of comprehension or helpfulness, modifications to the standard pattern are desirable.Ex. BSO was prepared by the International Federation for Documentation with the support of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), and was published in 1978/79.Ex. The report concluded that the problems of rural populations 'do not differ greatly from those of the urban population though the difficulties in obtaining help and relief can be exacerbated by isolation'.Ex. The low regard that many publishers have shown for indexers as enhancers of book sales and profitability may well have been justified in the past.Ex. Once again careful planning pays dividends, and plenty of time and helpers are needed.Ex. Information technology may have acted as a catalyst or facilitator for some of the changes which have occurred.Ex. This article describes a 12 week study tour of the UK undertaken with the help of a bursary from the EU by a lecturer in library studies from Papua New Guinea.Ex. This enables the library to use the MPEs' good offices and contacts to influence the national government on projects which are important for the area.Ex. No hospital creates a healthier community all by itself but it can give its neighbors a jump-start.Ex. Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.Ex. The Government has vowed to provide 'all possible succour' to the people affected by the cyclone that has left a trail of death and devastation.----* ayuda a las víctimas de una catástrofe = disaster relief.* ayuda al desarrollo = development aid.* ayuda alimentaria = food aid.* ayuda con la declaración de hacienda = income tax assistance.* ayuda de asistencia = attendance grant.* ayuda de asistencia a congreso = conference attendance grant.* ayuda de cámara = valet.* ayuda de emergencia = emergency relief.* ayuda del gobierno = state aid, state support.* ayuda doméstica = domestic help.* ayuda económica = grant, financial support, fund assistance, financial assistance, grant money, cash grant.* ayuda educativa = educational aid.* ayuda en caso de catástrofe = disaster relief.* ayuda en pantalla = aid page.* ayuda estatal = state aid, state support.* ayuda familiar = family income supplement, family worker.* ayuda financiera = financial assistance, fund assistance.* ayuda humanitaria = humanitarian aid, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance.* Ayuda Internacional de Libros (BAI) = Book Aid International (BAI).* ayuda legal = legal assistance.* ayuda memoria = aide-mémoire.* ayuda mutua = mutual help, mutual aid.* ayuda para dormir = sleeping aid.* ayuda para el desplazamiento = travel grant.* ayuda para la memoria = memory aid.* ayuda para recordar = memory aid.* ayudas = monies [money, -sing.].* ayuda sensible al contexto = context-sensitive help.* ayuda social = welfare benefits.* ayudas para la escritura = writing tools.* ayuda visual = visual aid.* buscar ayuda = seek + assistance, seek + help.* centro de ayuda al empleo = job-help centre.* con la ayuda de = under the guidance of.* con + Posesivo + ayuda = under + Posesivo + guidance.* conseguir ayuda = secure + help.* dispositivo de ayuda a usuarios con necesidades especiales = assistive device.* hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.* herramienta de ayuda a la escritura = writing aid.* herramienta de ayuda a la lectura = reading aid.* herramientas de ayuda = helper utility.* herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda = searching aid.* instrumento de ayuda a la enseñanza = teaching aid.* material de ayuda = help pack.* mostrador de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk].* ofrecer ayuda = offer + guidance, offer + assistance, provide + support.* ojo humano sin ayuda de lente, el = unaided eye, the.* pantalla de ayuda = help screen.* pedir ayuda = seek + assistance, seek + help.* pedir ayuda a = enlist + the cooperation of.* política de ayuda = assistance policy.* prestar ayuda = provide + assistance, render + assistance, offer + guidance, offer + assistance, lend + a (helping) hand.* proyecto de ayuda = aid project.* proyecto de ayuda humanitaria = relief project.* recabar ayuda = solicit + help, solicit + support.* ser de ayuda = be of assistance.* ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.* ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.* servicio de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk], help facility.* servir de ayuda = be of assistance.* sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.* sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.* sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handedly.* sistema de ayuda = help system.* sistema de ayuda a la gestión = management support system (MSS).* solicitar ayuda = summon + help, seek + assistance, seek + help.* tecla de ayuda = help key.* teléfono de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk], help line, telephone help line.* * *1) ( asistencia) helpnadie fue or acudió en su ayuda — nobody went to his aid
2) (fam & euf) ( enema) enema* * *= aid, assistance, guidance, help, helpfulness, support, relief, enhancer, helper, facilitator, bursary, good offices, jump-start [jumpstart], helping hand, succour [succor, -USA].Ex: Indexing may be conducted entirely without the aid of a computer, or may rely to varying extents upon the facilities for the manipulation and ordering of data offered by the computer.
Ex: Most information about terms and their relationships that could be of assistance to the user of the index will be transferred from the list to the index or catalogue.Ex: The command function 'HELP' is used to obtain guidance online when in difficulty.Ex: The entry is first located with the help of searching.Ex: Sometimes, in the interest of comprehension or helpfulness, modifications to the standard pattern are desirable.Ex: BSO was prepared by the International Federation for Documentation with the support of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), and was published in 1978/79.Ex: The report concluded that the problems of rural populations 'do not differ greatly from those of the urban population though the difficulties in obtaining help and relief can be exacerbated by isolation'.Ex: The low regard that many publishers have shown for indexers as enhancers of book sales and profitability may well have been justified in the past.Ex: Once again careful planning pays dividends, and plenty of time and helpers are needed.Ex: Information technology may have acted as a catalyst or facilitator for some of the changes which have occurred.Ex: This article describes a 12 week study tour of the UK undertaken with the help of a bursary from the EU by a lecturer in library studies from Papua New Guinea.Ex: This enables the library to use the MPEs' good offices and contacts to influence the national government on projects which are important for the area.Ex: No hospital creates a healthier community all by itself but it can give its neighbors a jump-start.Ex: Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.Ex: The Government has vowed to provide 'all possible succour' to the people affected by the cyclone that has left a trail of death and devastation.* ayuda a las víctimas de una catástrofe = disaster relief.* ayuda al desarrollo = development aid.* ayuda alimentaria = food aid.* ayuda con la declaración de hacienda = income tax assistance.* ayuda de asistencia = attendance grant.* ayuda de asistencia a congreso = conference attendance grant.* ayuda de cámara = valet.* ayuda de emergencia = emergency relief.* ayuda del gobierno = state aid, state support.* ayuda doméstica = domestic help.* ayuda económica = grant, financial support, fund assistance, financial assistance, grant money, cash grant.* ayuda educativa = educational aid.* ayuda en caso de catástrofe = disaster relief.* ayuda en pantalla = aid page.* ayuda estatal = state aid, state support.* ayuda familiar = family income supplement, family worker.* ayuda financiera = financial assistance, fund assistance.* ayuda humanitaria = humanitarian aid, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance.* Ayuda Internacional de Libros (BAI) = Book Aid International (BAI).* ayuda legal = legal assistance.* ayuda memoria = aide-mémoire.* ayuda mutua = mutual help, mutual aid.* ayuda para dormir = sleeping aid.* ayuda para el desplazamiento = travel grant.* ayuda para la memoria = memory aid.* ayuda para recordar = memory aid.* ayudas = monies [money, -sing.].* ayuda sensible al contexto = context-sensitive help.* ayuda social = welfare benefits.* ayudas para la escritura = writing tools.* ayuda visual = visual aid.* buscar ayuda = seek + assistance, seek + help.* centro de ayuda al empleo = job-help centre.* con la ayuda de = under the guidance of.* con + Posesivo + ayuda = under + Posesivo + guidance.* conseguir ayuda = secure + help.* dispositivo de ayuda a usuarios con necesidades especiales = assistive device.* hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.* herramienta de ayuda a la escritura = writing aid.* herramienta de ayuda a la lectura = reading aid.* herramientas de ayuda = helper utility.* herramientas de ayuda para la búsqueda = searching aid.* instrumento de ayuda a la enseñanza = teaching aid.* material de ayuda = help pack.* mostrador de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk].* ofrecer ayuda = offer + guidance, offer + assistance, provide + support.* ojo humano sin ayuda de lente, el = unaided eye, the.* pantalla de ayuda = help screen.* pedir ayuda = seek + assistance, seek + help.* pedir ayuda a = enlist + the cooperation of.* política de ayuda = assistance policy.* prestar ayuda = provide + assistance, render + assistance, offer + guidance, offer + assistance, lend + a (helping) hand.* proyecto de ayuda = aid project.* proyecto de ayuda humanitaria = relief project.* recabar ayuda = solicit + help, solicit + support.* ser de ayuda = be of assistance.* ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.* ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.* servicio de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk], help facility.* servir de ayuda = be of assistance.* sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.* sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.* sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handedly.* sistema de ayuda = help system.* sistema de ayuda a la gestión = management support system (MSS).* solicitar ayuda = summon + help, seek + assistance, seek + help.* tecla de ayuda = help key.* teléfono de ayuda = help desk [helpdesk], help line, telephone help line.* * *A (asistencia, auxilio) helple prestaron toda la ayuda necesaria they gave him all the help he needednadie fue or acudió en su ayuda nobody went to help him o went to his aidno quiso pedir ayuda she didn't want to ask for helpayudas para los proyectos de inversión incentives for investment projectsofrecieron ayuda económica a los damnificados they offered financial help o aid o assistance to the victimsorganizaciones de ayuda internacional international aid agenciesno tiene ninguna ayuda en casa she has no help at homeha sido de gran ayuda it has been a great helppoca ayuda no es estorbo every little helpscon ayuda de un vecino mató mi padre un cochino well, with a little help from my/your/his friends …Compuestos:( Esp) home-help service● ayuda audiovisual/visualaudiovisual/visual aidmasculine valethumanitarian aidmasculine aide-mémoireregional aid* * *
Del verbo ayudar: ( conjugate ayudar)
ayuda es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
ayuda sustantivo femenino ( asistencia) help;
ayudas para la inversión incentives for investment;
ha sido de gran ayuda it has been a great help
ayudar ( conjugate ayudar) verbo transitivo
to help;
ayuda al prójimo to help one's neighbor;
¿te ayudo? do you need any help?;
vino a ayudame she came to help me out;
ayúdame a poner la mesa help me (to) set the table
verbo intransitivo
to help;
¿puedo ayuda en algo? can I do anything to help?
ayuda sustantivo femenino help, assistance, aid: un joven vino en ayuda de los accidentados, a young man came to the aid of the injured people
ayudar verbo transitivo to help: ¿puedes ayudarme a mover la mesa?, can you help me to move the table? ➣ Ver nota en help
' ayuda' also found in these entries:
- abogado
- acudir
- asistencia
- balón
- beneficio
- blandengue
- colaboración
- confiar
- demanda
- espaldarazo
- estimar
- facilidad
- fortalecimiento
- goteo
- gratificación
- nos
- nunca
- ofrecer
- paliar
- prestación
- prioritaria
- prioritario
- recabar
- retirar
- sola
- solo
- urgir
- utilidad
- vital
- agradecer
- apreciar
- auxilio
- beca
- becar
- contar
- desechar
- desinteresado
- despreciar
- dispensar
- disponer
- espontáneo
- evaporarse
- favor
- gracia
- gritar
- implorar
- inapreciable
- inestimable
- material
- appreciate
- appreciative
- ask for
- assistance
- backing
- bat
- bird
- bootstrap
- by
- canvass
- contribute
- contribution
- deny
- do without
- dramatically
- foreign aid
- forthcoming
- give
- grateful
- greatly
- help
- hesitate
- immediate
- instrumental
- major
- navigate
- own
- quarter
- relief
- seek
- service
- single-handed
- summon
- support
- supportive
- unaided
- valet
- virtually
- volunteer
- without
- afield
- any
- boon
- deserving
- hand
- position
- public
- shape
- single
* * *♦ nf1. [asistencia] help, assistance;acudir en ayuda de alguien to come/go to sb's assistance;nos fuiste de gran ayuda you were a great help to us;no me sirvió de mucha ayuda it wasn't much help to me;prestar ayuda to help, to assistayuda en carretera Br breakdown service, US emergency road service; Informát ayuda en línea on-line help; Informát ayuda en pantalla onscreen help2. [económica, alimenticia] aid;un paquete de ayudas a la pequeña empresa a package of measures to help small businessesayuda al desarrollo development aid;ayuda exterior foreign aid;ayuda extranjera foreign aid;ayuda humanitaria humanitarian aid;un convoy de ayuda humanitaria a relief convoy3. [limosna]una ayuda, por favor could you spare me some change, please?4. [enema] enema♦ nmHist ayuda de cámara royal valet* * *I f help, assistance;assistance;con la ayuda de with the help of;prestar ayuda help;pedir ayuda a alguien ask s.o. for help;venir en ayuda de come to the aid o help ofII m aide* * *ayuda nf1) : help, assistance2)ayuda de cámara : valet* * *ayuda n1. (en general) help2. (cosa material) aid -
126 единолично
1) General subject: single-handed, (hold singularly-единолично владеть) singularly, solely, singlehandedly, single-handedly (e.g.: Rosneft has almost single-handedly raised the bulk of the cash. (The Fіnancial Times))2) Law: sitting alone (о рассмотрении дела судьей), at one's sole discretion, singly -
127 однозахватная рука
1) Engineering: single-gripper arm, single-gripper hand2) Automation: single-handed armУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > однозахватная рука
128 Ein-Griff-Bedienung
f <tech.allg> (z.B. von Hebezeug, Maschinen) ■ one hand operation; single hand operation; one handle operation; single-handed operation
См. также в других словарях:
Single Handed — can refer to the following:* Single handed sailing, sailing with only one crewmember * Single Handed Trans Atlantic Race, or STAR, is an east to west yacht race across the North Atlantic * Single Handed (1923 film), a 1923 film starring Hoot… … Wikipedia
single-handed — Ⅰ. single handed UK US adverb ► (also single handedly) without help from anyone else: »He turned the business around virtually single handed. »Google was almost single handedly responsible for making advertising on the internet successful. Ⅱ.… … Financial and business terms
single-handed — single handedness, n. /sing geuhl han did/, adj. 1. accomplished or done by one person alone: a single handed victory; single handed sailing. 2. by one s own effort; unaided. adv. 3. by oneself; alone; without aid: He built the garage single… … Universalium
single-handed — [siŋ′gəlhan′did] adj. 1. having only one hand 2. using or requiring the use of only one hand [a single handed sword] 3. without help; done or working alone; unaided adv. 1. by means of only one hand 2. without help single handedly adv. s … English World dictionary
single-handed — ► ADVERB & ADJECTIVE 1) done without help from others. 2) done or designed to be used with one hand. DERIVATIVES single handedly adverb … English terms dictionary
single-handed — sin gle hand ed, a. Having but one hand, or one workman; also, alone; unassisted. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
single-handed — [adj] unassisted alone, by oneself, independent, on one’s own, solitary, solo, unaided; concepts 577,583 … New thesaurus
single-handed — ADV: ADV after v If you do something single handed, you do it on your own, without help from anyone else. I brought up my seven children single handed... She changed the face of British politics almost single handed. Derived words: single… … English dictionary
single-handed — adjective (only before noun) done by one person without help from anyone else: a single handed voyage across the Atlantic single handed, single handedly adverb: She rebuilt the house single handed … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
single-handed — UK [ˌsɪŋɡ(ə)l ˈhændɪd] / US [ˌsɪŋɡ(ə)l ˈhændəd] adjective, adverb done by one person without help from anyone else a single handed boat race across the Atlantic Derived word: single handedly UK / US adverb She brought three children up single… … English dictionary
single-handed — I adjective 1. unsupported by other people • Syn: ↑unassisted, ↑unbacked • Similar to: ↑unsupported 2. without help from others a single handed accomplishment … Useful english dictionary