1 single encryption
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > single encryption
2 single encryption
Безопасность: однократное шифрование -
3 single encryption
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > single encryption
4 encryption
a) прибор шифрования (обозначение в схеме)b) (encryption)1) шифрование; зашифрование; операция (за) шифрования2) криптография; криптографическая защита; криптографическое сокрытие информации3) шифротекст- hardware encryption- hardware assisted encryptionАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > encryption
5 single-valued encryption
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > single-valued encryption
6 single-use pad encryption
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > single-use pad encryption
7 single-acting engine
encryption engine — блок шифрования; шифровальная машина
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > single-acting engine
8 single key encryption
Безопасность: одноключевое шифрование, традиционное шифрование -
9 single-valued encryption
Безопасность: однозначное шифрованиеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > single-valued encryption
10 single key encryption
одноключевое (традиционное) шифрованиеАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > single key encryption
11 single-valued encryption
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > single-valued encryption
12 key
1) (криптографический) ключ2) ключ к замку или запирающему устройству, механический ключ- base key- candidate key- card key- code key- data key- DES key- fake key- file key- good key- hex key- host key- link key- lost key- node key- numeric key- numerical key- pass key- PRN key- safe key- seed key- test key- true key- used key- user key- weak key- work key- zone key -
13 device
прибор; аппарат; устройство; (техническое) средство- wireless bugging device -
14 algorithm
алгоритм (cryptoalgorithm) криптографический алгоритм, криптоалгоритм; алгоритм шифрования (криптографического закрытия)- private cryptographic algorithmАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > algorithm
15 system
- computationally secure system- abuse-free system- algebraic code system- analog system- asymmetric system- asymmetric key system- authentication/secrecy system- binary system- block system- broadcast system- broadcasting system- cipher-feedback system- classical system- common-key system- communication system- compromised system- computationally secure system- conference system- conventional system- DES-based system- DES-like system- deterministic system- DH system- Diffie and Hellman system- discrete-exponentiation system- discrete log system- E3 system- effectively unbreakable system- elliptic curve system- endomorphic system- end-to-end encryption system- error propagating system- factorization system- finite system- finite automation system- Galois field system- general system- generalized system- Goppa-code system- hardware-implemented system- hidden key system- high-grade system- high-speed system- hybrid public-secret key system- hybrid stream/block system- identity-based system- system immune to cryptoanalysis- indecipherable system- intractable system- iterated system- key escrow system- keyed system- key escrow system- key-minimal system- knapsack-based system- knapsack public key system- matrix system- McEliece' system- Merkle-Hellman system- MH system- microprocessor based system- minuend system- multiple access system- multiple destination system- multiplicative knapsack system- network system- non-linear system- number theoretic system- one-key system- one-master-key system- one-time-key system- one-time-pad system- one-time-tape system- perfect secrecy system- practical security system- private key system- proprietary system- public key system- public key distribution system- public key signature system- rapid system- reciprocal number system- residue system- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman system- rotor system- RSA public key system- r-th residue system- secret-key system- secure system- shared key system- shift register system- single-key system- sophisticated system- split key system- strong system- subtractive system- symmetric system- theoretically unbreakable system- threshold system- transposition system- trap-door-knapsack public key system- transient key system- threshold system- two-key system- unbreakable system- voice system -
16 key
1) ключ; кнопка, клавиша; переключатель2) ключ, шифр, код; указание к решению3) переключать, работать ключом, коммутировать6) ключ (в управлении базами данных - идентификатор записи или группы записей в файле данных)7) снабжать ключом (для правильной пространственной ориентации, напр., микросхемы)8) ключ (папка в левой части окна редактора реестра (registry); может содержать подключи и значимые элементы)•- key in- key off
- key on
- key out
- accelerator key
- activate key
- actual key
- alphanumeric keys
- alphameric keys
- arrow key
- ascending key - authorization key
- autorepeating key
- backarrow key
- backspace key
- break key
- bucky bit key
- calculation key
- cancel key
- canceling key
- candidate key
- carriage restore key
- carriage reverse key
- carriage space key
- chained key
- change mode key
- character key
- check reset key
- chroma key
- clear key
- clear/entry key
- clearing key
- concatenated key
- confirmation key
- control key
- conversion key
- data encryption key
- dead key
- decimal key
- descending key
- diode key
- direction key
- duplicate key
- encryption key
- entity key
- entry and summation key
- erase key
- erase-all key
- escape key
- execute console instruction key
- extra key
- fast key
- foreign key
- front key
- function key
- generic control key
- generic key
- half-space key
- halt key
- home key
- hot key
- infinite random key
- initiate key
- interrupt key
- labeled key
- latch-down key
- lighted key
- load key
- major key
- membrane key
- menu-driven key
- minor key - one-shot key
- option key
- page-up key
- pass key
- primary key
- printscreen key
- privacy key
- private key
- product key
- programmable function key
- protection key
- public key
- qualified compound key
- release key
- request enter key
- reset key
- respond typeout key
- return key
- rubout key
- running key
- run-time key
- search key
- secondary key
- self-certified public key - session key
- shift key
- shifted function key
- shortcut key
- signaling key
- single cycle key
- single step key
- size key
- soft key
- sort key
- start key
- stop key
- storage key
- storage protection key
- switch key
- system key
- system utility key
- top key
- transaction key
- unlabeled function key
- unmatched key
- up arrow key
- user-definable key
- voice keyEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > key
17 SET
1) Общая лексика: Secure Electronic Transfer. с (A safe and confidential way of paying for goods which have been purchased over the Internet. Безопасный и конфиденциальный способ оплаты за товары, которые были приобретены через Интернет.)2) Компьютерная техника: Software Engineering Technology, Software English Typing3) Военный термин: Sensor Employment Teams, System Engineering Testbed, satellite experimental terminal, security escort team, sensor employment team, sensory evaluation test, simulated emergency test, small earth terminal, special engineering tests, split engine transportation, systems engineering tests4) Техника: selective electronics training, selective employment tax, space electronics and telemetry, special evaluation team, stepped electrode transistor, systems effects test5) Шутливое выражение: Set Evaluates Things6) Религия: Support Empathy Truth7) Финансы: протокол безопасности электронных платежей8) Биржевой термин: Secure Electronic Trading, Securities Exchange of Thailand, Significant Enough Transaction, Stock Exchange of Thailand9) Сокращение: setting, Single Electron Tunnelling10) Университет: Science Engineering And Technology, Simulation Engineering Technology11) Физика: Sound Emission Transmission12) Электроника: Single Electron Tunneling, Solid Electric Through13) Вычислительная техника: Secure Electronic Transaction, Single Electronic Transistor, Secure Electronic Transactions (IBM, Visa, MS, IBM, Mastercard, Netscape, Banking)14) Транспорт: Safe Effective Transport15) Фирменный знак: Sony Entertainment Television16) Деловая лексика: Service Empowerment And Transformation17) Сетевые технологии: secure electronic transactions, безопасные электронные сделки, защищённые электронные транзакции18) Программирование: Set Byte On Condition19) Полупроводники: single-electron transistor20) Безопасность: Secure Encryption Technology, Softcopy Exploitation Tools21) Расширение файла: Configuration Settings, Driver SETs created by Install, Setup data or information settings22) Нефть и газ: setpoint value input terminal, setpoint/setting input23) Должность: Safety Environment And Technology -
18 set
1) Общая лексика: Secure Electronic Transfer. с (A safe and confidential way of paying for goods which have been purchased over the Internet. Безопасный и конфиденциальный способ оплаты за товары, которые были приобретены через Интернет.)2) Компьютерная техника: Software Engineering Technology, Software English Typing3) Военный термин: Sensor Employment Teams, System Engineering Testbed, satellite experimental terminal, security escort team, sensor employment team, sensory evaluation test, simulated emergency test, small earth terminal, special engineering tests, split engine transportation, systems engineering tests4) Техника: selective electronics training, selective employment tax, space electronics and telemetry, special evaluation team, stepped electrode transistor, systems effects test5) Шутливое выражение: Set Evaluates Things6) Религия: Support Empathy Truth7) Финансы: протокол безопасности электронных платежей8) Биржевой термин: Secure Electronic Trading, Securities Exchange of Thailand, Significant Enough Transaction, Stock Exchange of Thailand9) Сокращение: setting, Single Electron Tunnelling10) Университет: Science Engineering And Technology, Simulation Engineering Technology11) Физика: Sound Emission Transmission12) Электроника: Single Electron Tunneling, Solid Electric Through13) Вычислительная техника: Secure Electronic Transaction, Single Electronic Transistor, Secure Electronic Transactions (IBM, Visa, MS, IBM, Mastercard, Netscape, Banking)14) Транспорт: Safe Effective Transport15) Фирменный знак: Sony Entertainment Television16) Деловая лексика: Service Empowerment And Transformation17) Сетевые технологии: secure electronic transactions, безопасные электронные сделки, защищённые электронные транзакции18) Программирование: Set Byte On Condition19) Полупроводники: single-electron transistor20) Безопасность: Secure Encryption Technology, Softcopy Exploitation Tools21) Расширение файла: Configuration Settings, Driver SETs created by Install, Setup data or information settings22) Нефть и газ: setpoint value input terminal, setpoint/setting input23) Должность: Safety Environment And Technology -
19 device
устройство; прибор; аппарат- acoustic imaging device
- active device
- add-in device
- adjusting device
- airplane speaking device
- airplane tape recording device
- alarm device
- all-in-one device
- amplifying device
- analyzing device
- ancillary device
- announcer's device
- answering device
- antenna-feeder device
- antenna-matching device
- antipumping device
- arithmetic device
- arresting device
- attention device
- audible signal device
- automatic program input device
- automatic voice-alert device
- automatic-matching device
- auxiliary call-doubling device
- auxiliary loud-speaking device
- auxiliary radio communication device
- balancing device
- beam-processing device
- buffer device
- burglar-alarm device
- cable device
- calling device
- call-routing device
- central chain data device
- central-control device
- central-intranetwork device
- channel device
- channel-adjusting device
- charge-injection device
- clamping device
- color-imaging device
- combinational device
- combined safety-alarm device
- combined-measuring device
- command-execution device
- command-transit device
- command-transmission device
- compact device
- composite-optoelectronic device
- conditional-access device
- conditioning device
- connecting device
- connection device
- contact-switching device
- control device
- control-calling device
- controlled semiconductor device
- controller device
- counting device
- damping device
- data collection device
- data transmission device
- data-input device
- data-interface device
- data-recording device
- decoding device
- digital device
- digital signal processing device
- discrete control device
- dispatch device
- display device
- doubling device
- dual-tone ringing device
- duplex amplifier bypass device
- duty-reception device
- earthing device
- eavesdropping device
- edge device
- electrodynamical device
- electromagnetic device
- electronic device
- electronic-listening device
- electronic-relay device
- electronic-telegraph device
- electrostatic device
- emergency control device
- error-protecting device
- executive device
- facsimile device
- fast acting device
- fast action device
- fax machine memory device
- ferrite device
- ferrodynamical device
- ferrostatic device
- fiber-optic branching device
- fiber-optic interconnection device
- film optical-sensing device
- filter-matching device
- focusing device
- four-layer device
- four-terminal device
- frequency converting device
- frequency encoding device
- frequency-selective device
- full four-terminal device
- functional device
- gas-discharge device
- groove locating device
- heat device
- IC device
- image-display device
- imaging device
- independent device
- independent-calling device
- independent-telegraph device
- indicating device
- indicator device
- induction device
- in-line device
- input device
- input/output device
- input-isolating device
- input-output device
- input-protector device
- interface device
- interlocking device
- intermediate device
- isotropic device
- laser receiving device
- laser transmitting device
- level control device
- light alarm device
- light-sensitive device
- line HF-device
- linear device
- linear four-terminal device
- line-mounting device
- load device
- locking device
- lockout-signaling device
- logical device
- low-noise start-control device
- low-noise start-controlling device
- low-voltage device
- magnetic device
- magnetic tape sound recording device
- magnetic-wave device
- magnetoelectric device
- magnetoelectronic sparkproof device
- master device
- matching device
- measuring device
- mechanical switching device
- memory device
- message broadcasting device
- metering device
- microelectronic device
- microphone switching device
- mobile speaking device
- modem encryption device
- motor synchronizing device
- multicommunications device
- multifunction device
- multirange measuring device
- n-color device
- network section checkout device
- network synchronizing device
- noncontrolled semiconductor device
- nonlinear four-terminal device
- numbered data requiring and receiving device
- on-off device
- optical-to-optical interface device
- optimal receiving device
- optoelectronic device
- output device
- partial four-terminal device
- partially-controlled semiconductor device
- passive device
- peripheral control device
- peripheral device
- persistent-image device
- phase sensitivity protecting device
- phase shifting device
- photoconductive device
- photoelectric device
- photoemissive device
- photogalvanic device
- photosensitive device
- photothyristor electronic device
- planar device
- polarized device
- power supply device
- primary signal device
- printing device
- protection device
- protective cutout device
- pulse distributing device
- pulse firing device
- pulse semiconductor device
- pulse shortening device
- radio broadcasting device
- radioelectronic device
- real device
- receiving device
- recognition device
- recovering device
- regulating device
- release device
- remote alarm device
- remote control device
- remote network tripping device
- remote positioning device
- remote signaling device
- reserve switching device
- restricted radiation device
- ringing device
- rotary device
- routing device
- safety device
- safety-alarm device
- scanning device
- sealed distribution device
- selective call device
- semiconductor device
- semiconductor switching device
- sensing device
- signal transducing device
- signaling control device
- signaling device
- silicon imaging device
- single chip alarm device
- sizing device
- slave device
- solid optoelectronic device
- spark-protecting device
- spark-safe testing device
- speaking device
- special phototelegraph device
- spectrum transfer device
- start-control device
- start-controlling device
- starter-controlled device
- static protection device
- station HF-device
- stationary station automatic selection device
- stationary-electrical device
- storage device
- strobing device
- subscriber distribution device
- supporting device
- suppression device
- surface acoustic wave device
- surface communication device
- switching device
- sync device
- synthesized-radio device
- tap changing device
- tapping device
- tariff device
- telecontrol device
- teledata transmission device
- telegram format conversion device
- telemetric transmission device
- telephone device
- telephone periphery device
- telering device
- teletex device
- terminal device
- terminal telegraph device
- test device
- thermal regulation device
- three-terminal device
- threshold device
- time-delay device
- timing device
- touch-input device
- transceiving diving device
- transcient telegraph device
- transit device
- transmitter connecting device
- transmitting device
- trunk-encryption device
- two-terminal device
- ultrasonic imaging device
- universal calling device
- universal telegraph device
- videotex device
- voice-control device
- voice-operated gain-adjusting device
- voltage-sensing device
- warning device
- wire speaking device
- wireless speaking deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > device
20 rnethod
метод, способamplitude (comparison) radio direction finding rnethod — амплитудный метод радиопеленгации (измерением амплитуд принимаемых сигналов)
battlebook calculus (operations simulation) rnethod — метод моделирования боевых операций (по перечню основных операционных принципов)
fording rnethod for (water obstacle) crossing — форсирование водной преграды с переправой (машин) вброд
graphic traverse rnethod of obtaining (position) coordinates — полигонометрический метод определения координат (ОП)
one-man, one-sight rnethod — способ наводки (орудия) одним наводчиком с одним прицелом
two-men, two-sights rnethod — способ наводки (орудия) взаимным визированием (двумя наводчиками с двумя прицелами)
visual (nuclear) damage estimation rnethod — визуальный метод определения вероятного поражения цели при ЯУ
— clock face rnethod— two-station observation rnethod
См. также в других словарях:
Encryption software — is software whose main task is encryption and decryption of data, usually in the form of files on (or sectors of) hard drives and removable media, email messages, or in the form of packets sent over computer networks. Contents 1 Security 2… … Wikipedia
encryption — n. the process of converting messages in ordinary language, or other information into a secret coded form that cannot be interpreted without knowing the secret method for interpretation, called the key. Note: Encryption is used commonly to allow… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Encryption layer in storage stack — There is a plurality of terms that are used to describe implementations of disk encryption: on the fly encryption (OTFE); full disk encryption (FDE), whole disk encryption; filesystem level encryption, encrypted filesystem, cryptographic… … Wikipedia
Encryption — Encrypt redirects here. For the film, see Encrypt (film). This article is about algorithms for encryption and decryption. For an overview of cryptographic technology in general, see Cryptography. In cryptography, encryption is the process of… … Wikipedia
Disk encryption theory — Disk encryption is a special case of data at rest protection when the storage media is a sector addressable device (e.g., a hard disk). This article presents cryptographic aspects of the problem. For discussion of different software packages and… … Wikipedia
public-key encryption — encryption encryption n. the process of converting messages in ordinary language, or other information into a secret coded form that cannot be interpreted without knowing the secret method for interpretation, called the key. Note: Encryption is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Data Encryption Standard — The Feistel function (F function) of DES General Designers IBM First publis … Wikipedia
Format-preserving encryption — In cryptography, format preserving encryption (FPE) refers to encrypting in such a way that the output (the ciphertext) is in the same format as the input (the plaintext). The meaning of format varies. Typically only finite domains are discussed … Wikipedia
Full disk encryption — (or whole disk encryption) is a kind of disk encryption software or hardware which encrypts every bit of data that goes on a disk or disk volume. The term full disk encryption is often used to signify that everything on a disk, including the… … Wikipedia
Disk encryption — uses disk encryption software or hardware to encrypt every bit of data that goes on a disk or disk volume. Disk encryption prevents unauthorized access to data storage. The term full disk encryption (or whole disk encryption) is often used to… … Wikipedia
NSA encryption systems — The National Security Agency took over responsibility for all U.S. Government encryption systems when it was formed in 1952. The technical details of most NSA approved systems are still classified, but much more about its early systems has become … Wikipedia