Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 dollar

    ((usually abbreviated to $ when written) the standard unit of currency in several countries, eg the United States, Australia, Singapore: It costs ten dollars / $10.) dólar
    * * *
    [d'ɔlə] n 1 dólar: moeda dos EUA, do Canadá, Austrália, Barbados, Cingapura e da Libéria. 2 old sl moeda de 5 xelins.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dollar

  • 2 entrepôt

    (a seaport through which exports and imports pass without incurring duty: Singapore is an entrepot.) entreposto
    * * *
    ['6ntr2pou] n Fr entreposto, armazém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > entrepôt

  • 3 equator

    ((with the) an imaginary line (or one drawn on a map etc) passing round the globe, at an equal distance from the North and South poles: Singapore is almost on the equator.) equador.
    * * *
    [ikw'eit2] n equador: linha imaginária da esfera terrestre.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > equator

  • 4 hemisphere

    (one half of the Earth: Singapore and the British Isles are in the northern hemisphere.) hemisfério
    * * *
    [h'emisfiə] n hemisfério.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hemisphere

  • 5 sarong

    (in Singapore and Malaysia sarung) noun
    (a kind of skirt worn by Malay men and women.) sarongue
    * * *
    [sær'ɔŋ] n sarongue: pano usado como vestuário pelos habitantes da Malaia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sarong

  • 6 stage

    I 1. [stei‹] noun
    (a raised platform especially for performing or acting on, eg in a theatre.) estrado
    2. verb
    1) (to prepare and produce (a play etc) in a theatre etc: This play was first staged in 1928.) representar
    2) (to organize (an event etc): The protesters are planning to stage a demonstration.) organizar
    - stage direction
    - stage fright
    - stagehand
    - stage manager
    - stagestruck
    II [stei‹]
    1) (a period or step in the development of something: The plan is in its early stages; At this stage, we don't know how many survivors there are.) momento
    2) (part of a journey: The first stage of our journey will be the flight to Singapore.) etapa
    3) (a section of a bus route.) zona
    4) (a section of a rocket.) secção
    * * *
    [steidʒ] n 1 palco. 2 teatro, drama. he has been on the stage for twenty years now / ele já trabalha no teatro há vinte anos. 3 profissão de ator, elenco. she goes on the stage / ela vai ser atriz. 4 cena de ação. 5 plataforma, tablado. 6 andaime, estrado. 7 trecho, distância parcial percorrida em viagem, etapa. they travelled by easy stages / viajaram em etapas folgadas. 8 período, passo, estágio, fase. 9 degrau. 10 platina de microscópio. 11 cadafalso, patíbulo. 12 diligência, carruagem, ônibus. 13 parada. I shall get down at the next stage / vou descer na próxima parada. • vt+vi 1 encenar, arranjar. 2 prestar-se para o teatro. at this stage of development nesta fase do desenvolvimento. at this stage of life neste período da vida. back stage bastidor (de teatro). stage by stage passo a passo. stages of appeal instâncias de apelação. to hold the stage fig formar o ponto de atração. to set the stage preparar o terreno, tornar possível.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stage

  • 7 wrong

    [roŋ] 1. adjective
    1) (having an error or mistake(s); incorrect: The child gave the wrong answer; We went in the wrong direction.) errado
    2) (incorrect in one's answer(s), opinion(s) etc; mistaken: I thought Singapore was south of the Equator, but I was quite wrong.) errado
    3) (not good, not morally correct etc: It is wrong to steal.) errado
    4) (not suitable: He's the wrong man for the job.) errado
    5) (not right; not normal: There's something wrong with this engine; What's wrong with that child - why is she crying?) errado
    2. adverb
    (incorrectly: I think I may have spelt her name wrong.) erradamente
    3. noun
    (that which is not morally correct: He does not know right from wrong.) mal
    4. verb
    (to insult or hurt unjustly: You wrong me by suggesting that I'm lying.) ofender
    - wrongfully
    - wrongfulness
    - wrongly
    - wrongdoer
    - wrongdoing
    - do someone wrong
    - do wrong
    - do wrong
    - go wrong
    - in the wrong
    * * *
    [rɔŋ] n 1 injustiça. 2 pecado, iniqüidade. 3 ofensa, injúria, agravo. 4 dano. 5 mal. 6 crime, delito, erro, transgressão de um preceito legal. • vt 1 ser injusto para com. 2 tratar injustamente. 3 proceder mal, fazer mal a. 4 causar dano ou prejuízo a, prejudicar. 5 enganar, defraudar (of por). 6 ofender, injuriar. 7 violar. 8 desonrar (uma mulher). • adj 1 errado, incorreto, errôneo, falso. you are wrong / você está errado. you hit upon the wrong person / você topou com a pessoa errada. 2 que induz em erro, desacertado. 3 impróprio, inconveniente, inoportuno. 4 injusto. 5 mau, iníquo. 6 indevido. 7 ilegal, em desacordo com a lei. 8 em mau estado ou condição, que não funciona (bem), fora de ordem. 9 insatisfatório. • adv (também wrongly) 1 mal, erradamente, ao contrário, erroneamente, incorretamente, desacertadamente, sem razão. I guessed wrong / não acertei em minha suposição, errei em meu palpite. 2 impropriamente. 3 injustamente. 4 indevidamente. 5 iniquamente. 6 ilegalmente. 7 insatisfatoriamente. a wrong guess uma suposição errônea ou um palpite errado. a wrong letter/ font Typogr erro de composição. don’t put him in the wrong não lhe faça injustiça. don’t put him in the wrong with her não o ponha em desarmonia ou evite que se desentenda com ela ou a hostilize. he got him wrong with Mr. A ele o pôs em descrédito com o Sr. A. he got me in wrong ele me desacreditou, minou meu bom conceito. he is in the wrong box ele está numa maçada, num aperto, em dificuldades. he is the wrong side out ele está mal-humorado. I am wronged sou vítima de uma injustiça. in the wrong a) ter uma visão errônea. b) ter uma posição injusta. it was wrong of him foi um erro dele, ele errou (em agir assim). my watch is/ goes wrong meu relógio está errado, não anda bem. now he laughs at the wrong side of his mouth ele perdeu a vontade de rir. on the wrong side of fifty acima dos cinqüenta. rightly or wrongly justa ou injustamente, com ou sem razão. she took it the wrong way ela levou a mal. she was born on the wrong side of the blanket sl ela é filha ilegítima. she was born on the wrong side of the tracks ela nasceu na parte pobre da cidade. something is wrong with this barometer (algo em) este barômetro não está em ordem. the wrong side a) o avesso (pano, tecido). b) o reverso (da medalha). the wrong side out ao avesso. the wrong thing o errado, a coisa errada. they can prove you wrong eles lhe podem provar que você está errado. they told him wrong eles lhe deram informação errada. to be barking up the wrong tree dar murro em ponta de faca, tentar fazer algo sem nenhuma chance de sucesso. to be caught on the wrong foot ter de agir quando não se está preparado. to do wrong agir ilegalmente, imoralmente. to do wrong to someone, to do someone wrong cometer uma injustiça com, ser injusto com. he did me wrong / ele cometeu uma injustiça para comigo, foi injusto. to get hold of the wrong end of the stick entender errado completamente. we got hold of the wrong end of the stick / fig nós pegamos o bonde errado, demos um pulo errado. to get in wrong with, to get on the wrong side of causar antagonismo em, causar má impressão em. we got in wrong with them / nós lhes causamos má impressão. to get out of bed on the wrong side levantar com o pé esquerdo (estar de mau humor). he has got out of bed on the wrong side / ele se levantou com o pé esquerdo (está de mau humor). to get wrong entender mal, não entender, interpretar mal. don’t get me wrong / não me entenda mal. to go wrong a) sair errado, acabar mal. b) errar. c) tomar um mau caminho, desencaminhar. d) funcionar mal. his lungs went wrong / ele começou a sofrer dos pulmões, ficou tuberculoso. to right a wrong corrigir uma injustiça, fazer justiça. to start/ get off on the wrong foot começar mal. two wrongs don’t make a right um erro não justifica o outro. we were in the wrong nós estávamos sem a razão, estávamos errados. we wrong him in thinking that... somos injustos com ele pensando que... what’s wrong? o que há de errado? o que aconteceu? what’s wrong with a cigarette? que tal um cigarro? what’s wrong with N.? o que há com N.? you got it wrong você o entendeu, calculou ou interpretou mal, você se enganou.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wrong

  • 8 destined

    1) ((having a future) organized or arranged beforehand (by a person or by fate): She was destined for success.) destinado
    2) (bound or heading (for a place): destined for Singapore.) destinado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > destined

  • 9 destined

    1) ((having a future) organized or arranged beforehand (by a person or by fate): She was destined for success.) destinado
    2) (bound or heading (for a place): destined for Singapore.) destinado

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > destined

  • 10 dollar

    ((usually abbreviated to $ when written) the standard unit of currency in several countries, eg the United States, Australia, Singapore: It costs ten dollars / $10.) dólar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dollar

  • 11 entrepot

    (a seaport through which exports and imports pass without incurring duty: Singapore is an entrepot.) entreposto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > entrepot

  • 12 equator

    ((with the) an imaginary line (or one drawn on a map etc) passing round the globe, at an equal distance from the North and South poles: Singapore is almost on the equator.) equador

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > equator

  • 13 hemisphere

    (one half of the Earth: Singapore and the British Isles are in the northern hemisphere.) hemisfério

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hemisphere

  • 14 sarong

    (in Singapore and Malaysia sarung) noun
    (a kind of skirt worn by Malay men and women.) sarongue

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sarong

  • 15 stage

    I 1. [stei‹] noun
    (a raised platform especially for performing or acting on, eg in a theatre.) palco
    2. verb
    1) (to prepare and produce (a play etc) in a theatre etc: This play was first staged in 1928.) encenar
    2) (to organize (an event etc): The protesters are planning to stage a demonstration.) organizar
    - stage direction - stage fright - stagehand - stage manager - stagestruck II [stei‹]
    1) (a period or step in the development of something: The plan is in its early stages; At this stage, we don't know how many survivors there are.) estádio, fase
    2) (part of a journey: The first stage of our journey will be the flight to Singapore.) etapa
    3) (a section of a bus route.) zona
    4) (a section of a rocket.) seção

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stage

  • 16 wrong

    [roŋ] 1. adjective
    1) (having an error or mistake(s); incorrect: The child gave the wrong answer; We went in the wrong direction.) errado
    2) (incorrect in one's answer(s), opinion(s) etc; mistaken: I thought Singapore was south of the Equator, but I was quite wrong.) errado
    3) (not good, not morally correct etc: It is wrong to steal.) errado
    4) (not suitable: He's the wrong man for the job.) errado
    5) (not right; not normal: There's something wrong with this engine; What's wrong with that child - why is she crying?) errado
    2. adverb
    (incorrectly: I think I may have spelt her name wrong.) erradamente
    3. noun
    (that which is not morally correct: He does not know right from wrong.) erro
    4. verb
    (to insult or hurt unjustly: You wrong me by suggesting that I'm lying.) ofender, caluniar
    - wrongfully - wrongfulness - wrongly - wrongdoer - wrongdoing - do someone wrong - do wrong - do wrong - go wrong - in the wrong

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > wrong

См. также в других словарях:

  • Singapore —    Singapore continues to play an important role in the development of the Protestant community in Southeast ASIA due to its history as a British colony, its present role as an economic powerhouse, and its extremely pluralistic religious… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • SINGAPORE — SINGAPORE, republic; major entrepôt of S.E. Asia, formerly a British crown colony. The first Jews to settle there were of Baghdadi origin, mainly from India, who migrated to Singapore in 1840 when the sassoon family established business interests …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Singapore — [siŋ′ə pôr΄, siŋ′gəpôr΄] 1. island off the S tip of the Malay Peninsula 2. country comprising this island & nearby islets: a former British colony, it became a state of Malaysia (1963 65) & an independent republic & member of the Commonwealth… …   English World dictionary

  • Singapore — from Skt. Simhapuram Lion City, from simhah lion + puram city. The name is perhaps metaphoric of something, as no lions are found there. Singapore sling attested from 1930; said on the island to have been invented there 1915 by a barman named… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Singapore — (spr. Singapur, d.h. Löwenburg), 1) Insel an der Südspitze der hinterindischen Halbinsel Malacca, durch viele Inseln gegen Wind u. Wellen geschützt; 16 QM. mit etwa 90,000 Ew., meist Chinesen; hat wellenförmigen Boden von nur geringer Erhebung,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Singapore — Singapore, 15 QM. große Insel an der Südspitze der Halbinsel Malacca, mit der gleichnamigen Stadt, die einen trefflichen Hafen, über 20000 E. hat u. fortwährend zunimmt, weil sie ein Hauptplatz für den Verkehr zwischen Europa, Hinterindien und… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Singapore — This article is about the city state. For other uses, see Singapore (disambiguation). Coordinates …   Wikipedia

  • Singapore — Singaporean, n., adj. /sing geuh pawr , pohr , sing euh /, n. 1. an island on the Strait of Singapore, off the S tip of the Malay Peninsula. 2. an independent republic comprising this island and a few adjacent islets: member of the Commonwealth… …   Universalium

  • Singapore — Republic of Singapore (engl.) 新加坡共和国 (chin.) Republik Singapura (malai.) சிங்கப்பூர் குடியரசு (Tamil) Republik Singapur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Singapore — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Singapore <p></p> Background: <p></p> Singapore was founded as a British trading colony in 1819. It joined the Malaysian Federation in 1963 but separated two years… …   The World Factbook

  • Singapore —    Indian migrants began to arrive in what was Brit ish Malaya during the 19th century, primarily with the intent of finding employment on the sug arcane and rubber plantations that British entre preneurs had established. The Crown Colony of… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

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