1 silk-screening printing
English-Russian electronics dictionary > silk-screening printing
2 silk-screening printing
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > silk-screening printing
3 silk-screening printing
1) Техника: шелкография шёлк2) Электроника: шелкография, шелкотрафаретная печатьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > silk-screening printing
4 silk-screening printing
————————English-Russian dictionary of electronics > silk-screening printing
5 silk-screen printing
= silk-screening printing трафаретная печатьEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > silk-screen printing
6 silk-screen printing
= silk-screening printing трафаретная печатьThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > silk-screen printing
7 printing
1) полиграфия; типографское дело3) печать; печатание6) вчт распечатывание7) получение фотографического отпечатка ( с негатива), проф. печатание фотографии8) получение оттиска; отпечатывание9) штемпелевание; постановка штампа или печати10) тиснение11) получение изображения (на твёрдом носителе) любым способом (напр. с помощью фотолитографии)12) запечатление; сохранение образа13) фильмокопирование, тиражирование фильма14) тираж ( печатного издания)15) pl бумага для печатания•- background printing
- bilevel printing
- black-write printing
- chain printing
- charge-deposition printing
- color printing
- contact printing
- detail printing
- double-sided printing
- draft printing
- duplex printing
- electrostatic printing
- hard contact printing
- immediate printing
- ink-jet printing
- landscape printing
- laser printing
- letter printing
- lithographic printing
- magnetic printing
- magnetographic printing
- multiple-pass printing
- near-letter printing
- noncontact printing
- nonimpact printing
- off-line printing
- offset printing
- one-sided printing
- on-line printing
- phosphor printing
- portrait printing
- projection printing
- screen printing
- shaded printing
- shadow printing
- side-by-side printing
- silk-screen printing
- silk-screening printing
- thermal printing
- thermographic printing
- white-write printing -
8 printing
1) полиграфия; типографское дело3) печать; печатание6) вчт. распечатывание7) получение фотографического отпечатка ( с негатива), проф. печатание фотографии8) получение оттиска; отпечатывание9) штемпелевание; постановка штампа или печати10) тиснение11) получение изображения (на твёрдом носителе) любым способом (напр. с помощью фотолитографии)12) запечатление; сохранение образа13) фильмокопирование, тиражирование фильма14) тираж ( печатного издания)15) pl. бумага для печатания•- background printing
- bilevel printing
- black-write printing
- chain printing
- charge-deposition printing
- color printing
- contact printing
- detail printing
- double-sided printing
- draft printing
- duplex printing
- electrostatic printing
- hard contact printing
- immediate printing
- ink-jet printing
- landscape printing
- laser printing
- letter printing
- lithographic printing
- magnetic printing
- magnetographic printing
- multiple-pass printing
- near-letter printing
- noncontact printing
- nonimpact printing
- off-line printing
- offset printing
- one-sided printing
- on-line printing
- phosphor printing
- portrait printing
- projection printing
- screen printing
- shaded printing
- shadow printing
- side-by-side printing
- silk-screen printing
- silk-screening printing
- thermal printing
- thermographic printing
- white-write printingThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > printing
9 трафаретная печать
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > трафаретная печать
10 технология трафаретной печати
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > технология трафаретной печати
11 technique
2) технология; (технологический) приём3) алгоритм4) оборудование; технические средства; техника•-
active neutron technique
Afmag technique
airborne technique
air-conditioning technique
alignment technique
alloy-diffusion technique
anchoring technique
angled-lapping technique
angle-lapping technique
angled-lap technique
angle-lap technique
apertured-detector technique
arc-melting technique
assembly technique
audio record cutting technique
audio-frequency magnetic technique
batch-fabrication technique
batch technique
beam-lead microcircuit technique
birefringent coating technique
bonding technique
brittle coating technique
broadside technique
BTR technique
carbon extraction technique
cementing technique
check summation technique
check sum technique
chemiluminescence technique
cine technique
circuit technique
CM technique
collector-diffusion isolation technique
computer simulation techniques
computing technique
conformable masking technique
coring technique
cryogenic technique
crystal growth technique
crystal-pulling technique
curing technique
curve-fitting technique
Czochralski growth technique
Czochralski technique
decoration technique
design technique
destructive inspection technique
diffusion technique
direct writing technique
diversity technique
doping technique
dot-and-dash technique
double-specimen technique
double-theodolite technique
drilling technique
dry etching technique
dry etch technique
echo-sounding technique
editing technique
electrodeless technique
electron channeling technique
electron-ion storage technique
electroplating technique
encapsulation technique
energy conservation technique
energy conversion technique
epitaxial growth technique
epitaxial technique
etching technique
etch technique
evaporation technique
expanding-spread technique
fabrication technique
face-down technique
Fane knit technique
figure-of-eight technique
film technique
film-carrier technique
fine-line technique
fixed-abrasive machining technique
flip-chip technique
floating-zone technique
float-zone technique
floating-charge technique
flood routing technique
fluidization technique
folded-spectrum technique
forecasting technique
fracture replica technique
freezing technique
gamma-ray technique
geomagnetic induction technique
graphical design technique
gravity anchoring technique
growing technique
head space technique
heat pulse technique
heuristic technique
high-speed motion-picture technique
high-tech machining technique
high-vacuum technique
high-voltage technique
high-voltage testing technique
high-voltage test technique
holographic technique
horizontal stacking technique
hyperflow technique
imaging technique
in-cycle gaging technique
infrared nondestructive technique
in-process gaging technique
integrated-circuit technique
integrated technique
interconnection technique
interference technique
ion implantation technique
ion-exchange technique
isolation technique
isotope correlation technique
job setting technique
junction isolation technique
ladle-degassing technique
layout technique
lift-off technique
lithographic technique
long-hole technique
loose-abrasive machining technique
manufacturing technique
mask technique
masking technique
mass-flow technique
mass-spectrometric technique
matrix technique
microalloy technique
microelectronic technique
microfabrication technique
microprobe technique
microscopic technique
microstructure fabrication technique
microstructure technique
mid-depth tow technique
motion-picture technique
mounting technique
multicamera technique
multichip bonding technique
multiple seismometer technique
multiple-access technique
near-bottom tow technique
nondestructive inspection technique
normal-freezing technique
observing technique
optimizing technique
ordered elimination technique
overlay technique
packaging technique
parallel-line technique
parts classification technique
pattern recognition technique
pattern-defining technique
phase separation and leaching technique
photoelastic technique
photofinishing technique
photographic technique
photolithographic technique
photoprocessing technique
photoresist-processing technique
piled anchoring technique
piled/gravity anchoring technique
pilot technique
potential-drop-ratio technique
preferential etching technique
preferential etch technique
printed-circuit technique
probe technique
processing technique
production technique
program production technique
programming technique
projection technique
pulse-echo technique
pyrometric technique
radioactive tracer technique
radio-echo technique
ramp assisted toil casting technique
refrigeration technique
registration technique
reocasting technique
replica technique
river-basin simulation technique
robotic handling techniques
roll-and-scroll technique
roll technique
round-robin technique
screen-printing technique
selective ion etching technique
selective ion etch technique
self-synchronization technique
side-wall neutron technique
silk-screening technique
simulation technique
spill-cleaning technique
spin-on technique
sputtering technique
stimulation technique
strain anneal technique
structural arrest technique
suction anchoring technique
surface passivation technique
tape-automated-bonding technique
technique of directional crystallization
technique of mold reciprocation
television production technique
television technique
testing technique
thermocompression technique
through-flow line servicing technique
time-lapse technique
touch trigger probing technique
tribometric technique
two-point technique
ultrahigh-vacuum technique
unmanned production technique
vacuum technique
vapor-phase epitaxial technique
vertical crystal pulling technique
vertical pulling technique
video tape editing technique
voltage balancing technique
water allocation technique
water injection-fume exhaustion technique
water-system optimization technique
wet etching technique
wet etch technique
wire-line technique
zone-melting technique -
12 технология трафаретной печати
screen-printing [screen-stencil\] technique, silk-screening techniqueАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > технология трафаретной печати
См. также в других словарях:
silk-screening — trafaretinis spausdinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printing; silk screening vok. Siebdruck, m rus. трафаретная печать, f pranc. impression sérigraphique, f; sérigraphie, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
silk-screen — I. ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: silk screen : of, made or done by, or using a silk screen process silk screen printing silk screen method silk screen color II. ˈ ̷ ̷ … Useful english dictionary
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
screen printing — trafaretinis spausdinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. screen printing; silk screening vok. Siebdruck, m rus. трафаретная печать, f pranc. impression sérigraphique, f; sérigraphie, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Andy Warhol — For the song by David Bowie, see Andy Warhol (song). Andy Warhol … Wikipedia
Needlepoint — cushion Needlepoint is a form of counted thread embroidery in which yarn is stitched through a stiff open weave canvas. Most needlepoint designs completely cover the canvas. Although needlepoint may be worked in a variety of stitches, many… … Wikipedia
Screen — Contents 1 Separation or partitioning 2 Filtration/selection processes 3 Media display … Wikipedia
Tracing paper — is a type of translucent paper. It is made by immersing unsized and unloaded paper of good quality in sulfuric acid for a few seconds. The acid converts some of the cellulose into amyloid form having a gelatinous and impermeable character. When… … Wikipedia
Lapel pin — Lapel pins from North Korea A lapel pin is a small pin often worn on the lapel of a dress jacket. Lapel pins can be purely ornamental or can indicate the wearer s affiliation with an organization or cause; for example, American Flag lapel pins… … Wikipedia
T-shirt — The T shirt originated as a garment of utilitarian purposes, first serving as a piece of men s underwear. Today, it is extremely complex and remains a functional underwear component for men, women, and children and a staple of their sportswear … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Stencil — A stencil is a template used to draw or paint identical letters, symbols, shapes, or patterns every time it is used. Stencil technique in visual art is also referred to as pochoir. Stencils are formed by removing sections from template material… … Wikipedia