1 side-to-side cell
Алюминиевая промышленность: (side by side) поперечное расположение электролизёров -
2 side-by-side cell
Алюминиевая промышленность: электролизёр с боковым подводом тока -
3 side-to-side cell
Aluminium industry: (поперечно расположенные электролизеры) S/S cells -
4 side-to-side (side by side) cell
Алюминиевая промышленность: поперечное расположение электролизёровУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > side-to-side (side by side) cell
5 side-to-side cell (поперечно расположенные электролизеры)
Aluminium industry: S/S cellsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > side-to-side cell (поперечно расположенные электролизеры)
6 cell
7 side walls
2) Алюминиевая промышленность: (of the cell) бортовые стенки (ванны) -
8 side wall
9 side-to-side (side by side) pot/cell
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side-to-side (side by side) pot/cell
10 side-to-side (side by side) pot/cell
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side-to-side (side by side) pot/cell
11 side-by-side electrolyzer/cell/pot
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side-by-side electrolyzer/cell/pot
12 side walls (of the cell)
Алюминиевая промышленность: бортовые стенки (ванны)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > side walls (of the cell)
13 side-worked cell
Алюминиевая промышленность: электролизёр с боковыми токоподводами -
14 side walls (of the cell)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side walls (of the cell)
15 side walls (of the cell)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side walls (of the cell)
16 side-worked pot/cell
электролизер с боковыми токоподводами/подводами тока (БТ) (с горизонтальными штырями;; электролизер, в котором пробойники и бункеры с дозаторами располагаются вдоль продольных стен ванны (с анодом Содерберга))Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side-worked pot/cell
17 cell side
nCINEMAT lado de la celda m -
18 ledgeless (ledgeless cell side-lining)
гладкий, без выступов (бортовая футеровка ванны ledgeless ledgeless cell side-lining)Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > ledgeless (ledgeless cell side-lining)
19 ledgeless (ledgeless cell side-lining)
гладкий, без выступов (бортовая футеровка ванны ledgeless ledgeless cell side-lining)Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > ledgeless (ledgeless cell side-lining)
20 поперечное расположение электролизёров
1) Metallurgy: side-by-side design2) Aluminium industry: side-to-side (side by side) cell, side-to-side ( side by side) potУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > поперечное расположение электролизёров
См. также в других словарях:
cell:burn — is an industrial music project started in 1984 by Craig Anthony Perkins. The original band name was Cybertek until a few years later when members of Front 242 started using the name as a side project (though they later changed the name to C Tec.) … Wikipedia
Cell Genesys — Inc is a San Francisco based biotechnology company . It develops novel therapies for treating cancer. Though its leading immunotherapeutic candidate GVAX has yielded promising results in clinical trials, none of its products has been given… … Wikipedia
Side-chain theory — (German, Seitenkettentheorie ) is a theory proposed by Paul Ehrlich (1854 ndash;1915) to explain the immune response in living cells. Ehrlich theorized from very early in his career that chemical structure could be used to explain why the immune… … Wikipedia
cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… … Universalium
Cell nucleus — HeLa cells stained for the cell nucleus DNA with the Blue Hoechst dye. The central and rightmost cell are in interphase, thus their entire nuclei are labeled. On the left, a cell is going through mitosis and its DNA has condensed ready for… … Wikipedia
Cell membrane — Illustration of a Eukaryotic cell membrane The cell membrane or plasma membrane is a biological mem … Wikipedia
Cell (biology) — Allium cells in different phases of the cell cycle … Wikipedia
Cell surface receptor — The seven transmembrane α helix structure of a G protein coupled receptor Cell surface receptors (membrane receptors, transmembrane receptors) are specialized integral membrane proteins that take part in communication between the cell and the… … Wikipedia
Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… … Medical dictionary
Side population — In flow cytometry, a side population (SP) is a sub population of cells that is distinct from the main population on the basis of the markers employed. By definition, cells in a side population have distinguishing biological characteristics (for… … Wikipedia
Cell division — is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells. Cell division is usually a small segment of a larger cell cycle. This type of cell division in eukaryotes is known as mitosis, and leaves the daughter cell capable of… … Wikipedia