1 side-wall lining
Алюминиевая промышленность: бортовая футеровка -
2 side(-wall) lining
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side(-wall) lining
3 side(-wall) lining
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > side(-wall) lining
4 method
метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокconstant casing pressure method — метод борьбы с выбросом поддержанием постоянного давления в затрубном пространстве
displacement method of plugging — цементирование через заливочные трубы (без пробок, с вытеснением цементного раствора буровым)
gas-drive liquid propane method — процесс закачки в пласт газа под высоким давлением с предшествующим нагнетанием жидкого пропана
single core dynamic method — динамический метод определения относительной проницаемости по отдельному образцу
transient method of electrical prospecting — метод электроразведки, использующий неустановившиеся электрические явления
— colour band method
* * *
метод; способ; приёмbullhead well control method — способ глушения скважины с вытеснением пластового флюида в пласт из кольцевого пространства
constant bottomhole pressure well control method — способ глушения скважины при постоянном забойном давлении
driller's well control method — способ глушения скважины с раздельным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
one-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
reliability matrix index method — метод контроля за обеспечением надёжности путём задания показателей надёжности
two-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с разделёнными удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
Vlugter method of structural group analysis — структурно-групповой метод анализа (углеводородов) по Флюгтеру
wait and weight well-control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
* * *
метод, способ
* * *
метод; способ; приём- method of assurancemethod for determination relative water wettability — метод определения относительной водосмачиваемости ( пород);
- method of borehole section correlation
- method of calculating gas reserves
- method of circles
- method of defining petroleum reserves
- method of defining reserves
- method of determining static corrections
- method of drilling
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole motor
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole unit
- method of estimating reserves
- method of evaluating petroleum reserves
- method of formation
- method of formation damage analysis
- method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- method of formation nonuniformity analysis
- method of increasing oil mobility
- method of limiting well production rate
- method of liquid saturation determination
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by air injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by gas injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection
- method of measuring critical water saturation
- method of mirror
- method of operation
- method of planting
- method of sample taking
- method of sampling
- method of sharpening
- method of stimulating production
- method of strong formation explosions
- method of testing
- method of three coefficients
- airborne magnetometer method
- air-hammer drilling method
- airlift well operation method
- alcohol-slug method
- arc refraction method
- aromatic adsorption method
- average velocity method
- average velocity approximation method
- bailer method of cementing
- band method
- barrel per acre method
- Barthelmes method
- basic volume method of estimating reserves
- beam pumping well operation method
- blasthole method
- bomb method
- borderline method
- borehole method
- borehole wall consolidation method
- bottom-packer method
- bottom water isolation method
- bottom water shutoff method
- bottomhole pressure build-up method
- broadside refraction method
- cable tool percussion drilling method
- Cabot method
- building method
- bullhead well control method
- capillarimetric method for determination wettability
- carbonized water injection method
- casing method of cementing
- casing-pressure method
- catenary pipe laying method
- cementing method
- cetane test method
- charcoal method
- chemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- chemical method of borehole wall lining
- circulating method
- clean recirculation method
- cold method of oil fractionation
- combination drilling method
- common-depth-point method
- common-midpoint method
- common-reflection-point method
- compressional-wave method
- concurrent method
- concurrent method of well killing
- constant bottomhole pressure well control method
- constant casing pressure method
- constant pit level method
- continuous-correlation method
- continuous-profiling method
- controlled directivity reception method
- converted wave method
- copper dish method
- correlation method of refracted waves
- correlation refraction method
- countercirculation-wash-boring method
- crosshole method
- cube method
- curved-path method
- cyclic steam-soaking secondary oil recovery method
- cycloidal ray-path method
- cylinder method
- deep-hole method
- deep-refraction method
- delay-and-sum method
- derrick assembling method
- derrick erection method
- desalting method
- development method
- dewatering method
- diesel cetane method
- differential liberation method
- diffraction stack method
- dipole profiling method
- direct method of orientation
- directional survey method
- dispersed gas injection method
- displacement method of plugging
- distillation method
- distillation method of liquid saturation determination
- double control method
- downhole method
- downhole sucker-rod pump well operation method
- down-the-hole induced polarization method
- drill steam method of coke removal
- driller's method
- driller's well control method
- drilling method
- drilling-in method
- dual coil ratiometer method
- effusion method
- electrical method of geophysical prospecting
- electrical-audibility method
- electrical-exploration method
- electrical-logging method
- electrical-prospecting method
- electrical-sounding method
- electrical-surveying method
- electrochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- electrochemical method of borehole wall lining
- electromagnetic method of orientation
- electromagnetic-exploration method
- electromagnetic-prospecting method
- electromagnetic-profiling method
- electromagnetic-sounding method
- electromagnetic-surveying method
- enhanced recovery method
- enriched gas injection method
- Eshka method
- evaporation method of measuring critical water saturation
- exploration method
- exploration prospecting survey method
- exploration seismic method
- explosion drilling method
- explosion seismic method
- express method
- express method of production calculation
- filter-and-sum method
- fire flooding method
- firing line method
- first-break method
- first-event method
- float-and-chains method
- float-on method
- formation evaluation method
- four-point control method
- fracture method
- freepoint-string shot method
- freezing method
- freezing point depression method
- from-bottom-upward method of derrick assembling
- from-top-downward method of derrick assembling
- frontal advance gas-oil displacement method
- Galician method
- gamma-ray method
- gas blow-around method
- gas-chromatography method
- gas-drive liquid propane method
- gaslift well operation method
- gas-production test method
- gas-recovery method
- geological petroleum exploration method
- geological petroleum prospecting method
- geophysical petroleum exploration method
- grasshopper pipeline coupling method
- gravity method of geophysical prospecting
- gravity exploration method
- heat injection secondary oil recovery method
- hectare method of estimating reserves
- hesitation method
- high-pressure dry gas injection method
- high-resolution method
- hit-and-miss method
- holoseismic method
- horizontal-loop method
- hot-water drive method
- hydraulic drilling method
- hydraulic fracturing method
- hydraulic hammer drilling method
- hydraulic jet drilling method
- hydrodynamic method of calculating oil production
- hydrodynamic drilling method
- ice-plug method
- image method
- indirect method of orientation
- induction logging method
- infiltration method
- injection flow method
- in-situ combustion method
- interval change method
- isolation method
- isoline method of reserves estimation
- Kiruna method
- knock intensity method
- lamp method
- lean mixture rating method
- liquid solvent injection method
- logging method
- long-hole method
- long-interval method
- long-wire transmitter method
- luminescent-bitumen method
- magnesium-hydroxide method
- magnetic method of geophysical prospecting
- magnetic-exploration method
- magnetic-flaw detection method
- magnetic-particle method
- magnetic-particle flaw detection method
- magnetoelectrical control method
- magnetometrical method
- magnetotelluric method
- magnetotelluric-exploration method
- magnetotelluric-sounding method
- maintenance method
- mercury injection method of measuring critical water saturation
- micrometric method of rock analysis
- microseismic method
- migration method
- mining method
- moving-plug method of cementing
- moving-source method
- mud-balance method
- mudcap method
- mudflush drilling method
- multiple detection method
- nonionic surfactant water solution injection method
- nonreplacement method
- Norwegian method
- oil drive method
- oil production method
- oil recovery method
- oil withdrawal method
- one-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- one-agent borehole wall lining method
- one-circulation well control method
- outage method
- oxygen-bomb method
- parabolic method
- passive method
- pattern method
- pattern-type gas injection method
- penetration method
- penetrating fluid method
- percussion method
- perforation method
- Perkins method
- phase-velocity method
- physicochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- physicochemical method of borehole wall lining
- picric acid method
- pipe-bridge method
- pipe-driving method
- pipeline-assembly method
- pipeline-coupling method
- placement method
- plane front method
- plasma drilling method
- polarization method
- Poulter method
- pour point depression method
- pressure build-up method of formation damage analysis
- pressure build-up method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- pressure-drop method of estimating gas reserves
- primary oil recovery method
- probe method
- producing method
- producing well testing method
- production method
- production test method
- profiling method
- projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
- prospecting method
- pump-out method
- punching method
- radioactive method
- radioactive method of geophysical prospecting
- radio-direction-finder method
- ray-path method
- ray-stretching method
- ray-tracing method
- record presentation method
- recovery method
- rectilinear ray-path method
- reflection method
- reflection interpretation method
- refracted wave method
- refraction method
- refraction correlation method
- refraction interpretation method
- reliability method
- reliability matrix index method
- remedial cementing method
- replacement method
- repressuring method
- resistivity method
- restored-state method of measuring critical water saturation
- retort method of liquid saturation determination
- reversed refraction method
- ring-and-ball method
- rod tool percussion drilling method
- rodless pump well operation method
- roll-on method
- rope-and-drop pull method
- rotary drilling method
- rotation drilling method
- sampling method
- sand jet method
- saturation method
- saturation method of pore volume measurement
- secondary oil recovery method
- sectional method of pipeline assembly
- sectional pipe-coupling method
- sectorial pipe-coupling method
- sedimentology method of measuring particle size distribution
- seismic method
- seismic method of geophysical prospecting
- seismic-detection method
- seismic-exploration method
- seismic-identification method
- seismic-interpretation method
- seismic-reflection method
- seismic-refraction method
- self-potential method
- sequence firing method
- shear-wave method
- short-hole method
- shot-drilling method
- shot-popping method
- side-tracking method
- side-wall coring method
- single-core dynamic method
- single-fold continuous-coverage method
- slalom-line method
- small-bore deep-hole method
- soap suds method
- sounding method
- spontaneous polarization method
- squeeze cementing method
- squeezing method
- standardizing performance method
- standby method
- stationary liquid method of relative permeability determination
- statistical method of calculating oil production
- statistical method of estimating reserves
- steam oil drive method
- stepwise method of McCabe and Thiele
- stimulation method
- stove pipe method
- stove pipe flange method of rolling beams
- straight ray-path method
- subsurface method of geophysical prospecting
- suction method of cleaning
- summation method
- surface method of geophysical prospecting
- surface-wave method
- swabbing method
- swinging-gage method
- tertiary oil recovery method
- testing method
- thermal-acid formation treatment method
- thermal-recovery method
- thickened water injection method
- three-dimensional seismic method
- thumper method
- top-packer method
- towing method
- transient method of electrical prospecting
- transmitted wave method
- transposed method
- triaxial test method
- tubing method of cementing
- two-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- two-agent borehole wall lining method
- two-circulation well control method
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasonic flaw detection method
- variable-area method
- velocity-analysis method
- vertical loop method
- Vibroseis method
- Vlugter method of structural group analysis
- volume method of estimating reserves
- volume-statistical method of estimating reserves
- volume-weight method of estimating reserves
- volumetric method of estimating reserves
- volumetric-genetic method of estimating reserves
- wait-and-weight well-control method
- Walker's method
- wash-and-drive method
- washing method
- water flooding method
- water influx location method
- weathering computation method
- weight-drop method
- weight-saturation method
- well-casing method
- well-completion method
- well-control method
- well-drill method
- well-geophone method
- well-operation method
- well-shooting method
- well-testing method
- wireline method
- X-ray diffraction method* * * -
5 paper
1) бумага2) газета; журнал3) лист бумаги4) документ5) бумажные деньги6) пакет7) статья; научный доклад8) обои9) папье-маше10) завёртывать в бумагу11) подклеивать форзацАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > paper
6 back
1. n спина, спинка2. n спинной хребет; позвоночникback fat — шпиг, спинной жир, хребтовый шпиг, хребтовое сало
3. n поясница, крестец4. n задняя, тыльная часть5. n тех. задняя грань; затылок или обух инструмента6. n задняя часть; задний планat the back of — сзади, позади
7. n оборотная сторона; оборот, изнанкаkeep back — держаться сзади, в стороне, в отдалении
8. n гребень9. n нагота, неприкрытое тело; одежда10. n спорт. защитник11. n мор. киль; кильсон12. n нижняя дека13. a заднийback elevation — вид сзади, задний фасад
back pay — уплата задним числом; задержанная зарплата
14. a отдалённый, дальний15. a обратный16. a запоздалый, отсталыйto feel oneself a back number — чувствовать, что отстал от жизни
17. a старый18. a преим. амер. задержанный, просроченный; уплачиваемый за прошлое времяreach back — уходить назад, в прошлое
19. a воен. тыловойback areas — тыл, тыловые районы
20. adv сзади, позадиkeep back! — не подходи!, отойди!
back hang — вис сзади,
21. adv обратно, назадback there! — осади!; назад!
I knew him back home — я знал его, когда жил на родине
to sit back — откинуться на спинку кресла; удобно усесться
back pullover — три четверти (/сальто назад со спины на ноги
22. adv снова, опять23. adv тех. против часовой стрелки24. adv назадif we go back a few years … — если вернуться к тому, что было несколько лет назад …
25. adv с опозданием; с отставанием26. v поддерживать, подкреплять27. v закреплять28. v укреплять; подпирать29. v наклонять; прислонять30. v субсидировать; финансировать31. v ставить32. v надеяться наI backed on his ability to get out of scrapes — я рассчитывал на его способность выходить сухим из воды
33. v двигать в обратном направлении; осаживать; отводить34. v двигаться в обратном направлении; идти задним ходом; отходить; отступать; пятитьсяhe backed a step or two to let them pass — он отступил на несколько шагов, чтобы пропустить их
35. v садиться на лошадь; ехать верхом; объезжать лошадьdrive back — возвращаться, ехать обратно
36. v покрывать; снабжать спинкой37. v ставить на подкладкуturn back — заставить повернуть назад, прогнать
38. v примыкатьthe hills backed the town — за городом раскинулись холмы, город стоял у подножия холмов
39. v подписывать, скреплять подписью; утверждать; визироватьback a bill — поставить подпись на оборотной стороне векселя; подпись на оборотной стороне векселя; гарантировать оплату векселя
40. v фин. индоссироватьto back a bill — поставить свою подпись на оборотной стороне векселя, гарантировать оплату векселя
41. v аккомпанировать; сопровождать музыкой42. n корыто; чан; большой бакСинонимический ряд:1. delayed (adj.) delayed; late; overdue2. frontier (adj.) frontier; outlandish; unsettled3. minor (adj.) minor; remote; untraveled4. old (adj.) old; out-of-date; past; previous5. posterior (adj.) after; hind; hinder; hindmost; posterior; postern; rear; retral6. flip side (noun) flip side; reverse7. rear (noun) end; heel; hind part; posterior; rear; rearward8. spine (noun) backbone; rachis; spinal column; spine; vertebrae; vertebral column9. capitalize (verb) bankroll; capitalize; grubstake; stake10. finance (verb) finance; sponsor; subsidize11. fund (verb) capitalise; fund; subsidise12. justify (verb) attest; authenticate; bear out; confirm; corroborate; justify; substantiate; testify; validate; verify; warrant13. mount (verb) bestride; mount14. recede (verb) backtrack; fall back; recede; retract; retreat; retrocede; retrograde; retrogress15. reverse (verb) go backward; move backward; push backward; repel; repulse; retire; reverse; withdraw16. support (verb) abet; advocate; aid; assist; backstop; champion; endorse; favor; favour; further; get behind; help; plump for; promote; side with; stand behind; succor; support; uphold17. about (other) about; again; around; in reverse; round; round about18. away (other) away; far-off; off; out19. backward (other) away; backward; backwards; off; rearward; rearwards; to the rearАнтонимический ряд:advance; anterior; contradict; current; fore; front; major; oppose; repudiate -
7 panel
2) панель ( конструкции)3) панель ( обшивки); филёнка || обшивать панелями; отделывать филёнками4) панель управления; пульт( управления)6) электрон., эл. стенд12) секция (крыла, фюзеляжа)13) небольшой грузовой автомобиль с закрытым кузовом14) мн. ч. обивочный картон15) сторонка ( тарной коробки)17) швейн. продольная деталь ( полочка или спинка); основная деталь ( брюк)18) группа экспертов, совет консультантов, советников•-
ac plasma display panel
ac plasma panel
acoustic panel
aerodynamic panel
air control panel
air-conditioning control panel
airframe inspection panel
alarm panel
albedocollecting panel
alphanumeric display panel
alphameric display panel
alphanumeric panel
alphameric panel
annunciator panel
audio selector panel
autopilot control panel
back panel
battery holder panel
blowout preventer control panel
body outer panel
body panel
ceiling panel
charging panel
contactor panel
control panel
cowl panel
cylinder block panel
dash panel
dead-front panel
dispatcher panel
display panel
distribution panel
door panel
drop panel
EL panel
electroluminescent display panel
electroluminescent panel
electronic monitoring system panel
engine compartment side panel
engine start control panel
exterior panel
extraction panel
face panel
fault annunciation panel
feeder panel
fielded panel
fired magnesite block panel
flat display panel
flat panel
floor panel
fluorescent display panel
fluorescent panel
flush panel
foam sandwich panel
focusing panel
folding solar panel
fold-out solar panel
form panel
frieze panel
front panel
fuse panel
gas discharge panel
gas panel
glass panel
graphic panel
guard panel
gusset panel
gypsum panel
heating panel
heat-pipe panel
hood perforated panel
horizontal stabilizer panel
hydraulic mounting panel
image-converter panel
image-intensifier panel
indicating panel
instrument panel
insulating panel
interlocking panel
jack panel
jacket side panel
landing gear control panel
landing gear position panel
leg panel
lens panel
light panel
lining panel
liquid-crystal panel
liquid-metal heat-pipe panel
louver solar panel
magnesite panel
magnetic panel
main control panel
maintenance control panel
maintenance panel
manual override panel
masonry panel
master control panel
master warning light panel
membrane panel
message panel
meter panel
mining panel
modesty panel
motorman's control panel
mounting panel
multicore panel
navigating panel
operator's control panel
panty panel
passenger service panel
patching panel
patch panel
photovoltaic cell solar panel
photovoltaic panel
plasma display panel
plasma panel
precast panel
prefabricated masonry panel
propulsion panel
raised panel
rear panel
rectangular panel
refrigeration panel
remote operator's panel
robot-operating panel
sandwich panel
schedule panel
secondary control panel
self-regulating voltage solar
sheathing panel
side panel
slat control panel
solar energy collecting panel
solar collecting panel
solar energy collecting roof panel
solar collecting roof panel
solar heating panel
solar panel
sound-absorbing panel
spandrel panel
spoiler control panel
subdivided panel
sunk panel
switchboard panel
testing panel
test panel
touch-sensitive panel
touch panel
truss panel
vibrated brickwork panel
wall panel
wing-like solar panel
wood-based panel -
8 bearing
опора; подшипник; вкладыш (подшипника); цапфа; опорная площадь; точка опоры; II направляющий; опорный; несущий; содержащий; поддерживающий- bearing body - bearing bolt - bearing bond - bearing box - bearing burning-out - bearing bush - bearing bushing - bearing cage - bearing cap - bearing capacity - bearing capacity of soil - bearing carrier - bearing clearance - bearing cone - bearing cup - bearing cup inserter - bearing cup inserter set - bearing disc - bearing driver - bearing driver set - bearing edge - bearing extractor - bearing face - bearing feed pipe - bearing flange - bearing friction - bearing friction loss - bearing housing - bearing journal - bearing lining - bearing load - bearing metal - bearing oil - bearing oil pipe - bearing oil pipe union - bearing plate - bearing power - bearing preload indicator - bearing pressure - bearing puller - bearing race - bearing reaction - bearing release lever - bearing remover - bearing replacer - bearing retainer puller - bearing roller - bearing saddle bore - bearing seat - bearing shell - bearing spring - bearing strip - bearing stud - bearing support - bearing surface - bearing surface area - bearing take-up - bearing tension indicator - bearing-up pulley - bearing value - bearing wheel - bearing with side plate - bearing with taper bore - bearing wrench - line up the bearing - air-lubricated thrust bearing - big-end bearing - blade bearing - block bearing - bottom-end bearing - bracket bearing - bronze bearing - bronze-backed bearing - bush bearing - cadmium-alloy bearing - cageless bearing - camshaft bearing - central bearing - centre bearing - centre main bearing - clearance bearing - clutch bearing - clutch pilot bearing - clutch release bearing - clutch throwout bearing - clutch thrust bearing - clutch withdrawal bearing - collar bearing - collar step bearing - collar thrust bearing - composite bearing - compound bearing - conical bearing - conical roller bearing - conical roller thrust bearing - connecting rod bearing - connecting rod big-end bearing - copper-lead bearing - crank bearing - crankpin bearing - crankshaft bearing - crankshaft main bearing - cup-and-cone bearing - cylindrical roller bearing - cylindrical roller bearing with long rollers - cylindrical roller bearing without inner and outer rings - deep-groove bearing - differential bearing - discoloured bearing - divided bearing - double angular bearing - double-cone bearing - double-cup bearing - double-plate bearing - double-row bearing - double-row angular contact ball bearing - double-row radial-thrust ball bearing - double seal bearing - double sealed bearing - double-shield bearing - double-shield ball bearing - double-thrust bearing - drop-hanger bearing - duplex bearing - elastically yielding bearing - end bearing - end journal bearing - end thrust bearing - even bearing - fabri-seal bearing - fan and pump shaft bearing - fan spindle bearing - filling slot-type bearing - fitted bearing - fixed bearing - flanged cup bearing - flat bearing - flexible roller bearing - floating bearing - foot-step bearing - fork bearing - free bearing - front main bearing - front-wheel bearing - fulcrum bearing - full-journal bearing - full-type bearing without retainer - graphite bearing - graphited oilless bearing - gudgeon bearing - guide bearing - half-bearing - hanger-bearing - head bearing - heavy-duty bearing - high-speed bearing - hot bearing - inner bearing - intermediate bearing - iron base bearing - jeweled bearing - journal bearing - king-pin bearing - king pin thrust bearing - knife bearing - knife-edge bearing - knuckle bearing - lay shaft bearing - leading-screw bearing - lignum vital bearing - locating bearing - location bearing - lower bearing - lubri-seal bearing - magneto bearing - main bearing - main shaft pilot bearing - middle bearing - nail bearing - narrow-type bearing - neck journal bearing - needle bearing - needle bearing with closed end - needle roller bearing - non-filling slot-type bearing - notched type bearing - oblique pillow-block bearing - oblique plummer-block bearing - oilless bearing - oil-ring bearing - one-shield bearing - oscillation bearing - outboard bearing - outborne bearing - outer bearing - overhung bearing - oversize bearing - parallel bearing - parallel roller bearing - partial journal bearing - pedal bearing - pedestal bearing - pendulum bearing - permanently sealed bearing - pilot bearing - pin rocker bearing - pivot bearing - pivoted bearing - plain bearing - plain-and-ball bearing - plain journal bearing - pockwood bearing - preloaded bearing - prelubricated bearing - primary shaft bearing - propeller shaft centre bearing - quarter box bearing - quill bearing - radial bearing - radial ball bearing - radial-thrust bearing - radial-thrust ball bearing - rear main bearing - reciprocating bearing - release bearing - reverse idler gear bearing - rigid-type bearing - ring lubricating bearing - ring oiling bearing - ring step bearing - rocker bearing - roller bearing - roller bearing with spiral - roller step bearing - roller thrust bearing - rolling bearing - rolling contact bearing - round bearing - sealed bearing - self-setting bearing - Seller's bearing - shaft bearing - shielded bearing - shielded ball bearing - single-plate ball bearing - single-row angular contact ball bearing with split outer race - single-row ball bearing - single-row deep groove ball bearing - single-row maximum capacity bearing - single-row radial ball bearing - single-shield bearing - single-thrust bearing - sintered metal powder bearing - sleeve bearing - sleeve half-bearing - sliding bearing - snap-ring bearing - snap-ring ball bearing - solid bearing - solid roller bearing - spherangular roller bearing - spherical bearing - spherical roller bearing - spherical seating ring bearing - spigot bearing - split bearing - split clamping bearing - split inner race bearing - split outer race bearing - spring bearing - steel-backed bearing - steep-angle bearing - steering knuckle thrust bearing - steering shaft thrust bearing - step bearing - straddle-mounted bearings - stuffing box bearing - supporting bearing - swing bearing - swiveling bearing - tail bearing - taper roller bearing - taper roller bearing with flanged cup - taper thrust bearing - tapered bearing - tapered roller bearing - thin wall bearing - thin walled bearing - throw bearing - throw-out bearing - thrust bearing - thrust clutch bearing - thrust roller bearing - thrust taper roller bearing - tilting bearing - Timken bearing - tip bearing - toe bearing - tooth bearing - transmission bearing - transmission countershaft bearing - transmission main drive gear bearing - transmission main shaft pilot bearing - transverse bearing - trunnion bearing - tumbler bearing - two-direction thrust bearing - two-part bearing - unbushed bearing - universal-joint bearing - unnotched bearing - upper bearing - water-cooled bearing - water-sealed bearing - white metal bearing - wide inner ring bearing - wiped bearing - wound roller bearing - wound roller bearing with solid outer race - wound roller bearing with split outer race - wound roller bearing without inner ring - wrist pin bearing -
9 brick
1) кирпич
2) кирпичеобжигательный
3) кирпичный
4) огнеупорный
5) брусок
6) брикет
– abrasive brick
– acid brick
– air-dried brick
– basic brick
– bed of brick
– brick bond
– brick clay
– brick cup
– brick cutter
– brick fuel
– brick in
– brick pavement
– brick up
– building brick
– burn brick
– cast brick
– cast the brick
– cellular brick
– chamotte brick
– circle brick
– clay brick
– clinker brick
– coal brick
– crush the brick
– dead-burn the brick
– dolomite brick
– dry-press brick
– face brick
– face of brick
– feather-edge brick
– fire brick
– fuse the brick
– fusion-cast brick
– glaze the brick
– green brick
– hard-burnt brick
– kiln brick
– ladle brick
– lay brick
– lay brick on edge
– lay brick on end
– light-weight brick
– lime-and-sand brick
– lining brick
– machine-made brick
– magnesia brick
– modular brick
– mould the brick
– nailable brick
– pale brick
– paving brick
– peat brick
– perforated brick
– porous brick
– press the brick
– pressed brick
– radial brick
– refractory brick
– repress the brick
– shale brick
– side of brick
– silica brick
– slag brick
– used brick
– wall brick
– whole brick
10 plate
1) лист; плита; пластинка; пластина2) жесть; листовой металл3) опорный деревянный брус; мауэрлат; верхний брус обвязки4) нижняя обвязка; подстропильная вязка5) сланец6) листовое, зеркальное стекло7) гравюра8) циферблат•- adjusting plate - air diffuser plate - aluminium plate - anchor plate - angular plate - articulated plate - baffle plate - base plate - batten plate - bearing plate - bed plate - bloom base plate - bottom plate - brass plate - buckle plate - capacity plate - card plate - ceiling plate - ceramized plate - channelled plate - chord plate - chuck plate - clad plate - column base plate - composite plate - corner plate - corrugated plate - crawler plate - crown plate - crushing plate - curb plate - curved plate - deck plate - diaphragm plate - distributing plate - door plate - doubling plate - dressing plate - dual-coat plate - earth plate - eaves plate - elastic plate - eliminator plate - end plate - filler plate - finger plate - finishing plate - fixing plate - flange plate - flat plate - flexible plate - flitch plate - folder plates - foundation plate - foundation anchor plate - front plate - fuel plate - glass plate - ground plate - gusset plate - head plate - hinge plate - hitch plate - inner plate - insulating roof deck plate - iron plate - joint plate - key plate - leaded bevelled plate - letter-box plate - letter-drop plate - levelling plate - light plate - light-gauge plate - liner plate - mallet plate - margin plate - masonry plate - metal plate - mop plate - mould plate - orthotropic plate - outside studding plate - partition plate - partition studding plate - patch plate - patent plate - pin plate - poling plate - push plate - rafter plate - raising plate - reinforcement plate - reinforcing plate - return plate - ribbed plate - roadbed base plate - rolled plate - roller plate - sandwich plate - setting plate - side plate - skin plate - sleeper plate - solid plate - splice plate - staff plate - stainless steel plate - stamped plate - stay plate - stiffened plate - stiffening plate - stove plate - straightening plate - strap plate - swash plate - synthetic wool plate - tamping plate - thick plate - thin plate - thin ribbed plate - top flange plate - trimming plates - truss-bearing plate - vibrating plate - wall plate - web plate - wobble plate - zinc plate* * *1. пластина; пластинка; плита2. лист, листовой материал3. опорный деревянный брус; мауэрлат; верхний брус обвязки4. толстолистовая сталь5. электролитическое покрытие6. металлизировать; плакировать- absorber plateplate thickened under column — плитный фундамент (с выступами под колонны, расположенными на нижней поверхности плиты)
- access plate
- air diffuser plate
- aluminum plate
- anchor bearing plate
- anchor plate
- angle plate
- armor plate
- articulated plate
- back plate
- baffle plate
- base plate
- batten plate
- beam bearing plate
- beams-to-glulam-column T plate
- beams-to-glulam-column U plate
- bearing plate
- bed plate
- bottom plate
- bottom chord junction plate
- brake plate
- canted tie plate
- capacity plate
- cast-iron plate
- ceiling plate
- cheek plate
- chequered plate
- chequer plate
- chord plate
- clamping plate
- compaction plate
- corner plate
- cover plate
- crawler plate
- curb plate
- curved plate
- deck plate
- diaphragm plate
- diffuser plate
- door plate
- earth plate
- eaves plate
- edge plate
- eliminator plate
- filler plate
- finger plate
- flat plate
- flexible plate
- floor plate
- folded plates
- foundation plate
- glass plate
- grid plate
- ground plate
- gusset plate
- head plate
- hinged plate
- hot rolled steel plate
- infinite plate
- jacking plate
- jack plate
- junction plate
- key plate
- kick plate
- letter-box plate
- liner plate
- lining plate
- masonry plate
- mop plate
- nail plate
- one-way vibrating plate
- orifice plate
- orthotropic plate
- outside studding plate
- partial cover plate
- perforated plate
- porous diffuser plate
- rating plate
- reversible vibration plate
- ribbed plate
- ridge plate
- rigid plate
- saddle plate
- sandwich plate
- semi-infinite plate
- shear plate
- shell plate
- sill plate
- sliding plate
- sole plate
- splice plate
- stay plate
- steel plate
- stressed plate
- switch plate
- tie plate
- top plate
- tube plate
- valve plate
- vibrating plate
- vibrating tamping plate
- walk-behind compacting plate
- wall plate
- web plate
- wing plate
- zinc plate -
11 paper
1) бумага3) газета4) фотобумага6) документ8) обёртывать бумагой; упаковывать в бумагу•-
abrasive paper
absorbent paper
acid-free paper
acidproof paper
active paper
adhesive paper
airmail paper
album paper
alkaliproof paper
all-rag paper
all-wood paper
animal-sized paper
anticorrosive paper
antiseptic paper
antitarnish paper
armature paper
art paper
asbestos paper
ashless filter paper
asphalt paper
asphalt-laminated kraft paper
atlas paper
backing paper
bag paper
bakelized paper
bank-note paper
bark paper
base paper
bast paper
bible paper
binder's paper
black-and-white paper
blade-coated paper
bleached paper
blotting paper
blueprint paper
blue paper
board paper
body paper
bond paper
book paper
bookend paper
book-printing paper
Braille paper
Bristol paper
broken paper
bromide paper
brush-coated paper
building paper
cable paper
calendered paper
calf paper
calking paper
cap paper
capacitor paper
carbon paper
carbonless paper
chalk overlay paper
chart paper
cheque paper
chlorobromide paper
chromatographic paper
coated one-side paper
coated paper
coated two-side paper
coding paper
color paper
common paper
concreting paper
condenser paper
conditioned paper
conducting paper
contact paper
continuous paper
converting paper
coordinate paper
copying paper
copy paper
corrugated paper
cotton rag paper
cover paper
crocus paper
cross-section paper
cut-sized paper
cylinder-dried paper
daily paper
design paper
detail paper
developing-out paper
developing paper
diagram paper
dial paper
diazo-type paper
diazo paper
dielectric paper
drafting paper
drawing paper
drying paper
dull paper
duplicator paper
electrical insulating paper
electrosensitive paper
embossed paper
emery paper
enameled paper
end leaf paper
end paper
envelope paper
epoxide paper
exposed paper
extra-strong paper
facing paper
fan-fold paper
felt paper
filter paper
finishing paper
fish paper
flat paper
foil paper
folded paper
function paper
glass paper
glassine paper
glazed paper
gold paper
graph paper
gravure paper
greaseproof paper
ground paper
groundwood paper
gummed paper
half-tone paper
hand-made paper
hanging paper
hardened paper
heat-sealing paper
heat-softened paper
heavyweight paper
heliographic paper
impregnated paper
indicator paper
insulating paper
interleaved carbon paper
jute butt paper
keyboard paper
kraft paper
label paper
lagging paper
laid paper
laminated paper
layout paper
lead paper
legal paper
letter paper
lightweight paper
lining paper
lithographic paper
litmus paper
loan paper
logarithmic paper
log paper
log-log paper
machine-coated paper
machine-finish paper
machine-made paper
manila paper
map paper
marble paper
mat surface paper
matrix paper
mechanical paper
mellow paper
metal paper
MF paper
mica paper
micanite paper
mimeograph paper
mixed straw paper
mold paper
mold resistant paper
music paper
name paper
napkin paper
negative paper
news print paper
news paper
noncarbon paper
off-quality paper
offset paper
oiled paper
old paper
opaque paper
ordinary paper
package paper
paraffined paper
parchment paper
phenolic paper
photocopying paper
photographic paper
photosensitive paper
photosensitized paper
pigment paper
pitched paper
pitch paper
plain paper
plastic paper
plastic-coated paper
polishing paper
poster paper
pregummed label paper
pressure sensitive paper
primary paper
printing paper
printing-out paper
printout paper
proof paper
publication paper
rag paper
raw paper
reagent paper
recording paper
recycled paper
reel paper
reinforced paper
resin bonded paper
resin impregnated paper
resistance paper
reversal paper
rice paper
roll paper
roofing paper
rope paper
rotogravure paper
ruled paper
rust-preventing paper
satin paper
saturated paper
scaled paper
self-developing photosensitive paper
semichemical paper
semilogarithmic paper
semilog paper
sensitive paper
separating paper
sheathing paper
sheet paper
shredded paper
sic paper
silver paper
sized paper
slot paper
squared paper
stabilization photographic NK paper
stack-to-stack paper
stencil paper
straw paper
sulfite paper
supercalendered paper
tarred brown paper
teledeltos paper
texture paper
thermal paper
ticket paper
tissue paper
top-quality paper
tracing paper
transfer paper
transparent paper
treated insulating paper
twin-wire paper
typewriter paper
uncoated paper
union paper
unsized paper
untreated paper
varnished paper
vellum paper
wall paper
waste paper
waterproof paper
waxed paper
wet-strength paper
Whatman imitation paper
Whatman paper
Willesden paper
wood pulp paper
wood paper
wood-free paper
wrapping paper
writing paper -
12 plate
1) плита; пластин(к)а4) жесть6) гальваническое [электролитическое\] покрытие || наносить гальваническое [электролитическое\] покрытие; осаждать [выделять\] на электроде8) металлизировать; плакировать9) гидр. стенка10) гидр., мор. обшивка11) обшивать || геод. алидада теодолита12) тарелка ( ректификационной колонны)13) обкладка ( конденсатора)14) амер. анод15) электрон. плата16) электрон. фотошаблон17) решётка ( волчка или мясорубки)18) шайба20) полигр. формная пластина21) гравюра; эстамп23) бтх плоская чашка; планшет (для клонирования, титрования и т. п.)24) табличка25) номерной знак•-
absorber plate
accumulator plate
adapter plate
additive plate
adjustable angle cam plate
advance plate
aluminum plate
anchor plate
anodic plate
anodized plate
antifiring plate
aperture plate
apron plate
aqueous-developed plate
armor plate
autochromatic plate
back plate
backed plate
background plate
backing brake plate
backing plate
baffle plate
barrier plate
base plate
bath plate
batten plate
battery bottom plate
battery plate
bearing plate
bed plate
bench plate
bimetal plate
bit breaker plate
black plate
black-edged plate
blade moldboard plate
blade retaining plate
blank plate
body bolster bottom cover plate
body bolster top cover plate
body bottom plate
body center plate
body front plate
bogie center plate
bolster plate
bottom plate
bottom pouring plate
boundary layer splitter plate
brake plate
brake pressure plate
brake support plate
brass plate
breast plate
bridge plate
brush-holder plate
brush plate
bubble cap plate
bubble plate
bucket top spill plate
buckle plate
buckler plate
buffer plate
bulb plate
bushing plate
butt plate
can body plate
can ends plate
cap plate
capacitor plate
catalyst flow plates
cathodic plate
caution plate
center plate
ceramized plate
chair plate
channeled plate
checkered plate
checker plate
choke plate
chord plate
chromatographic plate
chrome plate
circuit plate
clad plate
clamp plate
clamping plate
claw arm plate
claw plate
clean-out plate
clutch driven plate
clutch plate
clutch pressure plate
coke-wharf plate
cold plate
cold-hold plate
collection plate
collector plate
collodion plate
color plate
color process plate
color-blind plate
color-sensitive plate
composite plate
compound web plate
connecting plate
contact plate
continuous plate
convector plate
cooling plate
core drying plate
core plate
core support plate
core-retainer plate
corner plate
corrosion-resistant plate
corrugated plate
cover plate
crank plate
crown plate
curb plate
curved plate
cushion plate
cutoff plate
cutter plate
cutting plate
cylinder base plate
dam plate
damper plate
data plate
dead plate
deflector plate
descent plate
dial plate
diaphragm plate
die plate
diffuser plate
direct image plate
direct printing plate
distributing plate
distributor plate
dividing plate
double plate
drawing plate
draw plate
dressing plate
drive plate
driving plate
dry offset plate
dry plate
dual-coat plate
dull plate
duplicative cavity plate
dust protection plate
earth plate
eaves plate
edge plate
edge-forming plate
elastic plate
elastically connected plates
elastically restrained plate
electric griddle plate
electrode plate
embossed plate
embossing plate
end brake plate
end plate
etched plate
eutectic plate
exhaustion plate
extendible skid plate
extruder breaker plate
face plate
feed plate
female plate
figured rolled plate
filler plate
filter plate
fish plate
five-play plate
five plate
fixed friction plate
flange plate
flanged plate
flash plate
flat cold-rolled black plate
flat plate
flexographic plate
flitch plate
flush throat plate
foot plate
force plate
fore plate
forged rail car center plate
formed plate
foundation plate
foundation settlement base plate
fractionating plate
frame plate
frame splice plate
Fresnel-zone plate
friction plate
frog plate
fuel plate
geared plate
glass plate
grained plate
green plate
grid plate
ground plate
grounding plate
guard plate
guide plate
gusset plate
half-tone plate
Hall plate
head plate
hearth-cooling plate
heavy plate
heavy-duty flex plate
heel plate
helical plate
hinge plate
hitch plate
hooked sole plate
horizontal plate
hot plate
hot-rolled plate
hub plate
hull plate
hydraulically operated dozer plate
identification plate
image plate
inclined sole plate
indexing plate
ingot mold bottom plate
ink plate
inspection plate
insulating plate
jacking plate
jaw plate
jig plate
joint plate
junction plate
keeper plate
key plate
lapping plate
latch plate
leaded beveled plate
leveling plate
light plate
line plate
liner plate
lining plate
lintel plate
liquid photopolymer plate
load distribution plate
locking plate
machine swivel plate
magnetic holding plate
male plate
mallet plate
manifold back plate
margin plate
master plate
mending plate
mica plate
microchannel plate
modulation plate
mold bottom plate
molding plate
mottled plate
mounting plate
movable friction plate
multimetal plate
nave plate
needle plate
negative plate
nickel-clad steel plate
nog plate
nozzle-retaining plate
number plate
off-gage plate
offset plate
on-gage plate
orifice plate
outside studding plate
partition plate
pasted plate
patent plate
pattern plate
perfect plate
perforated plate
phosphor plate
photographic plate
photopolymer plate
pickup plate
piston base plate
piston cam plate
plate of shoe
pole plate
poling plate
positive plate
positive-electrode plate
presensitized plate
pressure plate
prime plate
printing plate
process plate
profiling plate
pump thrust plate
pusher plate
race plate
rafter plate
raising plate
rapping plate
rating plate
rectifying plate
reinforcement plate
relieving plate
retainer plate
retardation plate
reverberation plate
ribbed sole plate
ring plate
rolled plate
rough plate
rough-rolled plate
rubber plate
runner-shut plate
saddle plate
sandwich plate
Schumann plate
scrap plate
screen plate
scum plate
scupper plate
sealing plate
seeding plate
separable center plate
separating plate
shaft access hole sealing plate
shear cutting plate
shear plate
sheared plate
shoe plate
side plate
side-draw plate
signal plate
sill plate
skid plate
skimming plate
skin plate
slag plate
sleeper plate
smoky-edged plate
sole plate
solid photopolymer plate
solid plate
spacer plate
space plate
spindle plate
splice plate
spring plate
spring support plate
spring-loaded plate
stack-cooling plate
starter plate
stay plate
stealer plate
steam-distribution plate
steel backing plate
steel plate
step plate
stepped plate
stiffening plate
stockline-wearing plate
stonecast plate
storage plate
straight electrolytic plate
strike plate
strike-on plate
strip plate
stripping plate
substractive plate
support plate
surface plate
swash plate
switch plate
tank plate
tank shell plate
tapered plate
target backing plate
terminal plate
terne plate
theoretical plate
thermoplastic plate
thermosetting plate
thick-gage plate
thick plate
thin-gage plate
thin plate
throat plate
throttle plate
thrust plate
tie plate
tinned plate
top plate
tracing-up plate
track shoe plate
trimetal plate
truck spring plate
tube plate
twin fall plate
universal plate
upper flange plate
valve plate
vernier plate
wafer-developed plate
wall plate
warning plate
water-cooled plate
water-jacket plate
wear plate
web plate
weir plate
wheel parabolic plate
wheel plate
wipe-on plate
wiring plate
wobble plate
working plate
wraparound plate -
13 projectile
additional propulsion (cannon) projectile — активно-реактивный снаряд, АРС
laser terminal homing (artillery) projectile — самонаводящийся снаряд с лазерной системой наведения на конечном участке траектории
multilayer (body) wall fragmentation projectile — осколочный снаряд с многослойными стенками корпуса
ready-element scattering (fragmentation) projectile — снаряд, разбрасывающий готовые поражающие элементы
reconnaissance device(s) carrying projectile — снаряд для доставки разведывательных приборов (к цели)
— bomblet-dispensing artillery projectile— contact fuzed projectile— fragmentation projectile— guided cannon projectile— gyroscope stabilized projectile— mass-filled projectile— neutron warhead projectile— noncontact fuzed projectile— nuclear-armed projectile— special purpose projectile
См. также в других словарях:
wall — ► NOUN 1) a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land. 2) a side of a building or room. 3) a protective or restrictive barrier: a wall of silence. 4) Soccer a line of defenders forming a barrier against … English terms dictionary
wall — noun 1》 a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land. ↘a side of a building or room. 2》 a protective or restrictive barrier likened to a wall: a wall of silence. 3》 Soccer a line of defenders forming … English new terms dictionary
Tony Wall — Infobox GAA player code= Hurling sport = Hurling name = Tony Wall irish = Tonaí de Laval fullname = Anthony Wall placeofbirth = Thurles countryofbirth = County Tipperary dyear= dday= dmonth= height = nickname = county = Tipperary province =… … Wikipedia
Foot wall — Foot Foot (f[oo^]t), n.; pl. {Feet} (f[=e]t). [OE. fot, foot, pl. fet, feet. AS. f[=o]t, pl. f[=e]t; akin to D. voet, OHG. fuoz, G. fuss, Icel. f[=o]tr, Sw. fot, Dan. fod, Goth. f[=o]tus, L. pes, Gr. poy s, Skr. p[=a]d, Icel. fet step, pace… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
reproductive system, human — Organ system by which humans reproduce. In females, the ovaries sit near the openings of the fallopian tubes, which carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. The cervix extends from the lower end of the uterus into the vagina, whose opening, as… … Universalium
Regenerative cooling (rocket) — Regenerative cooling in rockets is where some or all of the propellant is passed through tubes, channels or otherwise in a jacket around the combustion chamber or nozzle to cool the engine because the fuel in particular and sometimes the oxidiser … Wikipedia
railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… … Universalium
Kata Noi Beach — Kata Noi is a beach on the southwestern side of the island of Phuket in Thailand. It prolongs the Kata Beach to the south.Kata Noi Beach was ranked 30th in a survey conducted by discovery travel on 100 best beach spots in Australasia.The beach is … Wikipedia
Westminster Cathedral — • A national expression of religious faith given by Roman Catholics to England Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral … Catholic encyclopedia
Eye — For other uses, see Eye (disambiguation), Ocular (disambiguation), Ocular, and Oculus. For taxon specific articles, see human eye, simple eye in invertebrates, mollusc eye, and arthropod eye. Eye … Wikipedia