1 shrinkage
['shrink·age || 'ʃrɪŋkɪdʒ]◙ n. התכווצות, הצטמקות, כיווץ; ירידה, ירידת ערך* * *◙ ךרע תדירי,הדירי ;ץוויכ,תוקמטצה,תוצווכתה◄ -
2 shrink factor
= shrinkage factor усадка; коэффициент усадкиEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > shrink factor
3 shrink hole
= shrinkage hole усадочная раковина ( в отливке)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > shrink hole
4 shrinkage factor
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > shrinkage factor
5 shrinkage hole
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > shrinkage hole
6 shrinkage
7 shrinkage/shrink (shrinkage/shrink of rammed block joints)
усадка (shrinkage/shrink shrinkage/shrink of rammed block joints межблоковых набоечных/набивных швов)Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > shrinkage/shrink (shrinkage/shrink of rammed block joints)
8 shrinkage/shrink (shrinkage/shrink of rammed block joints)
усадка (shrinkage/shrink shrinkage/shrink of rammed block joints межблоковых набоечных/набивных швов)Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > shrinkage/shrink (shrinkage/shrink of rammed block joints)
9 shrink
1. intransitive verb,1) (grow smaller) schrumpfen; [Person:] kleiner werden; [Kleidung, Stoff:] einlaufen; [Holz:] sich zusammenziehen; [Handel, Einkünfte:] zurückgehen2) (recoil) sich zusammenkauernshrink from somebody/something — vor jemandem zurückweichen/vor etwas (Dat.) zurückschrecken
2. transitive verb,shrink from doing something — sich scheuen, etwas zu tun
shrank, shrunk sich zusammenziehen lassen [Holz]; einlaufen lassen [Textilien]Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/120764/shrink_away">shrink away* * *I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?)3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.)•- shrinkage- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.)* * *[ʃrɪŋk]I. vito \shrink dramatically ( fig) drastisch zusammenschrumpfen [o sinken3. (pull back)▪ to \shrink away zurückweichen, zurückschrecken▪ to \shrink away from sb/sth vor jdm/etw zurückschrecken4. (show reluctance)to \shrink from a difficulty einer Schwierigkeit aus dem Weg gehenII. vt▪ to \shrink sth etw schrumpfen lassenI shrank another shirt today mir ist heute schon wieder ein Hemd eingegangento \shrink costs die Kosten senken* * *[ʃrɪŋk] vb: pret shrank, ptp shrunk1. vteinlaufen lassenthe fabric is shrunk before it is used —
2. vi1) (= get smaller) kleiner werden, schrumpfen; (clothes etc) einlaufen; (metal etc) sich zusammenziehen, schrumpfen; (wood) schwinden; (fig, popularity) abnehmen, schwinden; (trade) zurückgehen2) (fig: recoil) zurückschreckento shrink from doing sth — davor zurückschrecken, etw zu tun
to shrink from saying sth — sich davor scheuen, etw zu sagen
3. n (inf)Seelenklempner( in) m(f) (inf), Psychiater(in) m(f)* * *shrink [ʃrıŋk]shrink from doing sth etwas nur widerwillig tun;shrink into o.s. fig sich in sich selbst zurückziehenfrom, at vor dat):shrink from doing sth davor zurückschrecken, etwas zu tun4. (zusammen-, ein)schrumpfen5. einlaufen, -gehen, krumpfen (Stoff)6. abnehmen, schwinden:shrink with age alt und runz(e)lig werdenB v/t1. (ein-, zusammen)schrumpfen lassen2. fig zum Schwinden bringenhot water shrinks wool in heißem Wasser läuft Wolle einC s sl Psychiater(in)* * *1. intransitive verb,1) (grow smaller) schrumpfen; [Person:] kleiner werden; [Kleidung, Stoff:] einlaufen; [Holz:] sich zusammenziehen; [Handel, Einkünfte:] zurückgehen2) (recoil) sich zusammenkauernshrink from somebody/something — vor jemandem zurückweichen/vor etwas (Dat.) zurückschrecken
2. transitive verb,shrink from doing something — sich scheuen, etwas zu tun
shrank, shrunk sich zusammenziehen lassen [Holz]; einlaufen lassen [Textilien]Phrasal Verbs:* * *v.(§ p.,p.p.: shrank, shrunk)= eingehen (Kleidung) v.einschrumpfen v.schrumpfen v.verkleinern v. -
10 shrink
I ʃriŋk verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) encoger2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) retroceder, echarse atrás3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) esquivar•- shrunken
II ʃriŋk noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) psiquiatra, loqueroshrink vb encogertr[ʃrɪŋk]1 (clothes etc) encoger2 (savings, numbers, profits, etc) disminuir, reducirse3 (move back) retroceder, echarse atrás\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto shrink from doing something no tener valor para hacer algo, acobardarse ante algo1) recoil: retrocederhe shrank back: se echó para atrás2) : encogerse (dícese de la ropa)n.• encogimiento s.m.v.(§ p.,p.p.: shrank, shrunk) = achicarse v.• acobardarse v.• acortarse v.• arrugarse v.• contraerse v.(§pres: -traigo, -traes...) pret: -traj-•)• disminuirse v.• encogerse v.• mermarse v.• minorarse v.• rehuirse v.• retirarse v.• revenirse v.(§pres: -vengo, -vienes...-venimos) pret: -vin-fut: -vendr-•)
1. ʃrɪŋk1) ( diminish in size) \<\<clothes/fabric\>\> encoger(se)*; \<\<meat\>\> achicarse*; \<\<wood/metal\>\> contraerse*; \<\<area\>\> reducirse*, verse* reducido (frml); \<\<amount/number\>\> reducirse*, disminuir*; \<\<person\>\> achicarse*2) ( recoil) retroceder, recular (fam)to shrink back o away from something/somebody — echarse atrás or retroceder ante algo/alguien
to shrink FROM something/-ING: I will not shrink from the truth no me voy a acobardar ante la verdad; he will not shrink from doing his duty — no rehuirá cumplir con su obligación
vt \<\<clothes/fabric\>\> encoger*; \<\<costs\>\> reducir*, recortar
noun (colloq) loquero, -ra m,f (fam), psiquiatra mf[ʃrɪŋk] (pt shrank) (pp shrunk)1. VI1) (=get smaller) encogersewill not shrink — no se encoge, inencogible
to shrink away to nothing — reducirse a nada, desaparecer
2) (also: shrink away, shrink back) retroceder, echar marcha atrás2.VT encogerto shrink a part on — (Tech) montar una pieza en caliente
3.N ** (=psychiatrist) psiquiatra mf4.CPD* * *
1. [ʃrɪŋk]1) ( diminish in size) \<\<clothes/fabric\>\> encoger(se)*; \<\<meat\>\> achicarse*; \<\<wood/metal\>\> contraerse*; \<\<area\>\> reducirse*, verse* reducido (frml); \<\<amount/number\>\> reducirse*, disminuir*; \<\<person\>\> achicarse*2) ( recoil) retroceder, recular (fam)to shrink back o away from something/somebody — echarse atrás or retroceder ante algo/alguien
to shrink FROM something/-ING: I will not shrink from the truth no me voy a acobardar ante la verdad; he will not shrink from doing his duty — no rehuirá cumplir con su obligación
vt \<\<clothes/fabric\>\> encoger*; \<\<costs\>\> reducir*, recortar
noun (colloq) loquero, -ra m,f (fam), psiquiatra mf -
11 shrink
I [ʃrɪŋk] II 1. [ʃrɪŋk] 2.1) [ fabric] restringersi, ritirarsi; [forest, area] ritirarsi; [ boundaries] avvicinarsi, restringersi; [economy, sales] essere in calo; [resources, funds] restringersi, diminuire; [old person, body] rattrappirsito have shrunk to nothing — [team, household] essere ridotto a poche persone o a quattro gatti colloq.; [ person] essere solo pelle e ossa
2) (recoil)to shrink from — rifuggire da [conflict, responsibility]
* * *I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?)2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.)3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.)•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.)* * *[ʃrɪŋk] shrank vb: pt shrunk pp1. vt(wool) far restringere2. vi1) (clothes) restringersi, ritirarsi, (metal) contrarsi, (gums) ritirarsi, (piece of meat) ridursi, (area, person) rimpicciolirsi2) (also: shrink away, shrink back) ritrarsi, tirarsi indietro3. nfam pej strizzacervelli m/f inv* * *shrink /ʃrɪŋk/n.1 contrazione; restringimento● (mecc.) shrink fit, calettamento forzato a caldo □ shrink-resistant, irrestringibile □ (mecc.) shrink ring, anello di forzamento □ (edil.) non-shrink grout, malta senza ritiro.(to) shrink /ʃrɪŋk/A v. i.1 restringersi; contrarsi ( anche fig.); accorciarsi; rimpicciolire, ritirarsi: This cloth won't shrink in the wash, questa stoffa non si restringe al lavaggio; This jacket has shrunk, questa giacca s'è accorciata; Alice began to shrink again, Alice cominciò a rimpicciolire di nuovo ( nel classico di letteratura fantastica di Lewis Carroll); The number of the unemployed is shrinking, il numero dei disoccupati si sta contraendo2 indietreggiare; rinculare; ritrarsi; tirarsi (o farsi) indietro; essere riluttante; rifuggire: I shrank at the sight, a quella vista indietreggiai (o mi ritrassi); They do not shrink from danger, non si tirano indietro di fronte al pericolo3 ridursi; diminuire; assottigliarsi; calare: Our profits are shrinking, i nostri profitti diminuiscono (o calano); ( sport) The gap has shrunk to two minutes, il distacco si è ridotto a due minutiB v. t.1 far restringere; far ritirare: This soap won't shrink woollen clothes, questo sapone non fa restringere i capi di lana● to shrink into a corner, rincantucciarsi □ to shrink into oneself, chiudersi in sé; chiudersi nel riserbo.* * *I [ʃrɪŋk] II 1. [ʃrɪŋk] 2.1) [ fabric] restringersi, ritirarsi; [forest, area] ritirarsi; [ boundaries] avvicinarsi, restringersi; [economy, sales] essere in calo; [resources, funds] restringersi, diminuire; [old person, body] rattrappirsito have shrunk to nothing — [team, household] essere ridotto a poche persone o a quattro gatti colloq.; [ person] essere solo pelle e ossa
2) (recoil)to shrink from — rifuggire da [conflict, responsibility]
12 shrink
сокращаться глагол:давать усадку (shrink, contract)сморщивать (shrivel, shrink, corrugate, curl up, crimple)имя существительное: -
13 shrink
I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) krympe2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) vige tilbage3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) vige tilbage•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) hjernevrider; psykiater* * *I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) krympe2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) vige tilbage3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) vige tilbage•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) hjernevrider; psykiater -
14 shrink
I ʃriŋk verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) krympe2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) vike, rygge tilbake3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) kvie seg for, grue seg til•- shrunken II ʃriŋk noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) psykiaterkrympe--------psykiaterIsubst. \/ʃrɪŋk\/1) krymping, sammentrekning, innskrumping2) ( slang) psykiater, psykologII1) (få til å) krympe, (få til å) krype2) ( overført) minske, synke sammen, skrumpe inn3) rygge tilbake, vike tilbake, sky, unngåshrink away\/back rygge tilbake, vike tilbakeshrink back at\/from vike tilbake for, rygge tilbake vedshrink back into oneself eller shrink back into one's shell trekke seg inn i sitt skall, krype inn i seg selvshrink something on ( teknikk) krympe noe på -
15 shrink
I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) skrčiti (se)2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) odskočiti3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) nerad kaj napraviti•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) psihiater* * *I [šriŋk]nounskrčenje, zoženje, uskočenje; zgrozitev, oplašitevII [šriŋk]1.intransitive verbumakniti se, odmakniti se, odskočiti ( from od, pred); uskočiti se, skrčiti se (tkanina pri pranju), zmanjšati se; zapreti se vase; figuratively plašiti se, bati se, zgroziti se, zlesti vase (od strahu), nerad, proti svoji volji napraviti;2.transitive verbpustiti, da se kaj uskoči, skrči, stisne; dekatirati (blago); zožiti, skrajšati, zmanjšatito shrink back — ustrašiti se, zgroziti se ( from ob, pred)to shrink from doing s.th. — nerad kaj napravitithey shrank under his glance — videti je bilo, da bi se pod njegovim pogledom najrajši udrli v zemljoto shrink on a hoop — napeti, montirati obroč (na kolo) -
16 shrinkage
усадка имя существительное: -
17 shrink
I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?)2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.)3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.)•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.)* * *shrink1[ʃriŋk] n encolhimento. • vt+vi (ps shrank, shrunk, pp shrunk, shrunken) 1 retrair, recolher, puxar para trás. 2 encolher, diminuir, contrair. 3 diminuir, fazer menor, fazer contrair. 4 recuar. to shrink at ter pavor de. to shrink back assustar-se, recuar. to shrink from evitar, retroceder diante de, recuar diante de.————————shrink2[ʃriŋk] n sl psiquiatra. -
18 shrink
[ʃrɪŋk] 1. pt shrank, pp shrunk, vi 2. n ( inf)( pej) psychiatra m* * *I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) kurczyć się2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) cofać się3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) wstrzymywać się•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) psychiatra -
19 shrinkage
noun2) (degree) Schrumpfung, die* * *[-ki‹]noun (the act of shrinking, or the amount by which something shrinks.) das Schrumpfen* * *shrink·age[ˈʃrɪŋkɪʤ]n no pl4. COMM, FIN Schrumpfung, f* * *['ʃrIŋkɪdZ]n(of material, clothes) Einlaufen nt; (of wood) Schwund m; (of metal) Schrumpfung f; (fig of tourism, economic growth etc) Schrumpfung f, Rückgang m; (COMM) Schwund m, Einbußen pl* * *1. (Zs-, Ein)Schrumpfen n2. Schrumpfung f4. Einlaufen n (von Textilien)* * *noun2) (degree) Schrumpfung, die* * *(Textiles) n.Einlaufen n. n.Einschrumpfen n.Schrumpfen n.Schrumpfung f.Schwindung f.Schwund -e m.Verminderung f.Zusammenschrumpfen n. -
20 shrink
összemenés, visszahőkölés, összehúzódás, hátrálás to shrink: visszariad, elfonnyad, összezsugorít, összemegy* * *I [ʃriŋk] verb1) (to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?) összemegy2) (to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.) visszariad3) (to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.) meghátrál•- shrunken II [ʃriŋk] noun((slang) a psychiatrist.) pszichiáter, diliorvos
См. также в других словарях:
shrink — [shriŋk] vi. shrank or shrunk, shrunk or shrunken, shrinking [ME schrynken < OE scrincan, akin to Swed skrynka, to wrinkle < IE * (s)kreng < base * (s)ker , to bend, turn > SHRIMP, Gr kirkos, a ring, L curvus, curved] 1. to become or… … English World dictionary
shrink|age — «SHRIHNG kihj», noun. 1. the act or process of shrinking. 2. a) the amount or degree of shrinking: »a shrinkage of two inches in the length of a sleeve. b) a depreciation or decrease, as in value or power: »the shrinkage of a fortune or a nation… … Useful english dictionary
Shrink — can refer to:* Shrink , a slang term for a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist or psychologist (derived from the word headshrinker ) *Shrinkage (accounting), a retail term for the money lost by undercharged, damaged, or stolen goods … Wikipedia
shrinkage — 1800, from SHRINK (Cf. shrink) + AGE (Cf. age) … Etymology dictionary
Shrink — Shrink, n. 1. The act shrinking; shrinkage; contraction; also, recoil; withdrawal. [1913 Webster] Yet almost wish, with sudden shrink, That I had less to praise. Leigh Hunt. [1913 Webster] 2. [Contraction of head shrinker, a colloquial term for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shrinkage — shrink|age [ ʃrıŋkıdʒ ] noun 1. ) uncount the process of becoming smaller in size: Expect some shrinkage when you wash this garment for the first time. 2. ) singular or uncount a reduction in something: a sharp shrinkage in profits … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Shrinkage — Shrink age, n. 1. The act of shrinking; a contraction into less bulk or measurement. [1913 Webster] 2. The amount of such contraction; the bulk or dimension lost by shrinking, as of grain, castings, etc. [1913 Webster] 3. Decrease in value;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shrinkage — shrink|age [ˈʃrıŋkıdʒ] n [singular, U] the act of shrinking, or the amount that something shrinks ▪ Pollution led to a shrinkage of grasslands … Dictionary of contemporary English
shrinkage — shrink·age (shringґkəj) a reduction in size, extent, or quantity … Medical dictionary
shrinkage — shrink·age … English syllables
shrinkage — shrink•age [[t]ˈʃrɪŋ kɪdʒ[/t]] n. 1) an act or process of shrinking 2) the amount or degree of shrinking 3) tex contraction of a fabric in finishing or washing 4) ahb. the difference between the original weight of livestock and that after it has… … From formal English to slang