1 consideratie
♦voorbeelden:1 consideratie tonen • show consideration (for), be considerate (towards)iets in consideratie nemen • take something into account, consider somethingconsideratie met iemand hebben • make allowances for someoneiemand met consideratie bejegenen • treat someone considerately; 〈 hoogachting〉 treat someone with deference -
2 kiesheid
2 [kieskeurigheid] fastidiousness♦voorbeelden: -
3 consideratie tonen
consideratie tonenshow consideration (for), be considerate (towards)Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > consideratie tonen
4 eerbiedigen
♦voorbeelden:1 God eerbiedigen • worship/honour Godiemands verdriet eerbiedigen • show consideration for someone's griefde wetten eerbiedigen • obey the law -
5 iemands verdriet eerbiedigen
iemands verdriet eerbiedigenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > iemands verdriet eerbiedigen
6 van kiesheid getuigen
van kiesheid getuigenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > van kiesheid getuigen
7 eerbied
1 respect ⇒ 〈 achting〉 esteem, regard, 〈 diepe eerbied〉 reverence, 〈 diepe eerbied〉 veneration, 〈 diepe eerbied〉 worship♦voorbeelden:eerbied betonen/betuigen/bewijzen aan • show respect for/toward(s)iemand eerbied verschuldigd zijn • owe someone respectuit eerbied voor het leven • out of/in respect for lifeuit eerbied voor zijn leeftijd • out of consideration for his age -
8 je moet een beetje rekening houden met je ouders
je moet een beetje rekening houden met je oudersVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > je moet een beetje rekening houden met je ouders
9 rekening
2 [staat met debet- en creditzijde] account4 [+ voor] [op kosten/ter verantwoording van de genoemde] expense♦voorbeelden:te betalen rekeningen • accounts payableeen rekening betalen/voldoen • pay/settle an account/a billte innen rekeningen • accounts receivableober, mag ik de rekening? • waiter, may I have the bill please?een lopende rekening • current accounteen rekening openen (bij een bank) • open an account (at a bank)iemand iets in rekening brengen • charge something to someone, charge someone for somethingop rekening kopen • buy on accountop rekening van • at the expense ofgeld op een rekening hebben/storten • have money in/pay money into an accountdat is voor mijn rekening • I'll get the bill; 〈 figuurlijk〉 I'll take care of that, leave that to mekosten voor zijn rekening nemen • pay the costs, take care of the costs4 voor eigen rekening • at one's own expense, out of one's own pocket; 〈 handel〉 for (their) own accountdat is geheel voor rekening van de schrijver • that is (entirely) the author's viewde VS nemen 35 % van het wereldverbruik van vlees voor hun rekening • the U.S. accounts for 35 % of the world's meat consumptionje moet een beetje rekening houden met je ouders • you should show some consideration for your parentsrekening rijden • pay-as-you-drive〈 figuurlijk〉 een oude rekening vereffenen • pay off an old grudge, settle an old score -
10 respect
♦voorbeelden:respect inboezemen • evoke respectvoor iets/iemand respect tonen • show respect for something/someone(het zij) met alle respect (gezegd) • with all (due) respect (it should be said)uit respect voor haar • out of consideration/respect for herdaar heb ik respect voor • I respect that
См. также в других словарях:
show consideration for — index favor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
consideration — n. thought concern 1) to give consideration to (to give some consideration to a matter) 2) to show consideration for 3) to take smt. into consideration 4) to deserve; require consideration (the matter requires careful consideration) 5) careful;… … Combinatory dictionary
consideration — [[t]kənsɪ̱dəre͟ɪʃ(ə)n[/t]] ♦♦♦ considerations 1) N UNCOUNT Consideration is careful thought about something. He said there should be careful consideration of the future role of the BBC. 2) N UNCOUNT: under N If something is under consideration,… … English dictionary
consideration — noun 1 THOUGHT (U) formal careful thought and attention: under consideration (=being discussed and thought about so that an official decision can be made): There are several amendments under consideration. | due/long consideration: After due… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
consideration */*/*/ — UK [kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms consideration : singular consideration plural considerations 1) a) [uncountable] careful thought before making a decision or judgment about something give consideration to something: We have given… … English dictionary
consideration — con|sid|er|a|tion [ kən,sıdə reıʃn ] noun *** 1. ) uncount careful thought before making a decision or judgment about something: give consideration to something: We have given careful consideration to your claim for compensation. after… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
consideration — noun 1 careful thought about sth ADJECTIVE ▪ careful, detailed, full, serious ▪ After careful consideration, I have decided to resign. ▪ What is needed is a full consideration of the dilemma … Collocations dictionary
consideration — con|sid|e|ra|tion W2S1 [kənˌsıdəˈreıʃən] n 1.) [U] formal careful thought and attention, especially before making an official or important decision ▪ proposals put forward for consideration under consideration ▪ There are several amendments under … Dictionary of contemporary English
show — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 on TV, radio, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ live, recorded ▪ family ▪ cable (AmE), network (esp. AmE), radio, television … Collocations dictionary
consideration — noun 1) your case needs careful consideration Syn: thought, deliberation, reflection, contemplation, rumination, meditation; examination, inspection, scrutiny, analysis, discussion; attention, regard; formal cogitation 2) his health is the prime… … Thesaurus of popular words
consideration — noun 1) your case needs careful consideration Syn: thought, deliberation, reflection, contemplation, examination, inspection, scrutiny, analysis, discussion, attention 2) his health is the prime consideration Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary