1 short-term usage
кратковременная эксплуатация
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > short-term usage
2 short-term usage
Электроника: кратковременная эксплуатация -
3 short-term usage
4 short-term usage
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > short-term usage
5 short-term usage
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > short-term usage
6 short-term usage
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > short-term usage
7 usage
1) применение; использование; употребление; эксплуатация2) коэффициент использования; коэффициент загрузки, загрузка3) способ применения, использования или употребления•- long-term usage
- resource usage
- short-term usage -
8 term
[təːm]n1) срок, период, время, продолжительность- long-term agreementHis term of imprisonment runs out in two month. — Его срок заключения истекает через два месяца.
- life prison term
- term of office
- term of a loan
- extend the terms of payment
- be elected for a term of five years
- serve a short prison term2) семестр, учебная четверть, судебная сессия- three months termWe'll have no lectures next (this, for another) term. — У нас не будет лекций в следующем (в этом, еще в одном) семестре.
- six months term
- spring term
- first week of the term3) (только pl) условияWe cannot buy on terms mentioned. — Мы не можем купить на указанных условиях.
- exceptional termsIf I agree to sell it will be on my own terms. — Если я соглашусь продать это, то только на моих условиях.
- easy terms
- suitable terms
- acceptable terms
- unacceptable terms
- unfavorable terms
- usual terms
- reasonable terms
- moderate terms
- peace terms
- surrender terms
- credit terms
- payment terms
- discount terms
- terms of contract
- terms of repayment of credit
- on favourable terms
- on smb's terms
- according to the terms of the agreement
- on acceptable terms
- on easy terms
- sell smth at reasonable terms
- accept the terms of an agreement
- dictate one's own terms
- agree to President's terms
- study the terms offered closely
- clarify the terms
- come to terms with smb
- make terms with smb
- bring smb to terms
- offer better terms
- make better terms4) (только pl) отношенияWe're on calling (visiting) terms. — Мы в приятельских отношениях. /Мы бываем друг у друга дома.
We're on nodding terms. — У нас шапочное знакомство.
5) термин, выражение, названиеIt is not a fortunate term for smth — Это неудачное обозначение/название для чего-либо.
He knows all medical terms. — Он знает все медицинские термины.
- scientific term- bookish term
- every day term
- vulgar terms
- in terms of science
- in terms of our experience
- speak in general terms
- speak in vague terms
- speak of smb, smth in very flattering terms
- speak of smb in terms of respect
- express smth in terms of lines•USAGE: -
9 factor
фактор; коэффициент; множитель; показатель
* * *
1. фактор2. показатель; коэффициент; множитель
* * *
фактор, коэффициент, множитель
* * *
фактор, множитель
* * *
1) фактор; составной элемент2) показатель; коэффициент; множитель•- factor of porosity
- factor of saturation
- ability factor
- absorption factor
- acceleration factor
- activity factor
- anisotropic factor
- anisotropy factor
- apparent formation factor
- apparent metal factor
- array factor
- atmospheric gas factor
- availability factor
- availability degradation factor
- balance factor
- borehole geometric factor
- bubble-point gas-in-oil solubility factor
- buffer factor
- calculated gas factor
- capacity factor
- catalyst carbon factor
- catalyst gas factor
- cement shrinkage factor
- cementation factor
- change rate factor
- characteristic factors
- characterization factors
- coagulation factor
- coke-permeability factor
- compacting factor
- compressibility factor
- condensate recovery factor
- corrosion factor
- coverage factor
- criticality factor
- degradation factor
- demand factor
- dependability factor
- derating factor
- derrick efficiency factor
- design factor
- design load factor
- detectability factor
- deterioration factor
- deviation factor
- drainage-recovery factor
- duty factor
- effective porosity factor
- engineering factors
- exposure factor
- failure factor
- failure rate acceleration factor
- fatigue factor
- fault factor
- fault coverage factor
- field-geological factor
- field-usage factor
- filtration factor
- flow resistance factor
- flowing gas factor
- formation factor
- formation cementation factor
- formation compressibility factor
- formation drillability factor
- formation porosity factor
- formation pressure conductivity factor
- formation resistivity factor
- formation volume factor
- freeze-proof factor
- gas factor
- gas-compressibility factor
- gas-deviation factor
- gas-formation volume factor
- gas-in-oil solubility factor
- gas-input factor
- gas-in-water solubility factor
- gas-producing factor
- gas-recovery factor
- gas-saturation factor
- geological factor
- geometrical divergence factor
- geometrical formation factor
- geometrical factor
- geotectonical factor
- gradient correction factor
- hydrogeological factor
- inherent reliability factor
- initial gas-in-oil solubility factor
- input gas factor
- instantaneous gas factor
- integrated pseudogeometrical factor
- invariable gas factor
- invasion factor
- life factor
- limit load factor
- limiting formation factor
- lithological factor
- lithological-and-temperature factor
- load factor
- maintainability factor
- maintenance factor
- maintenance priority factor
- maintenance replacement factor
- modal attenuation factor
- Murphree efficiency factor
- oil recovery factor
- oil saturation factor
- oil shrinkage factor
- oil formation volume factor
- operating gas factor
- operational factor
- output factor
- output gas factor
- packing factor
- permeability stratification factor
- plate efficiency factor
- porosity stratification factor
- pressure conductivity factor
- pressure loss factor
- productivity factor
- pseudogeometrical factor
- radial geometrical factor
- radial pseudogeometrical factor
- readiness factor
- real gas factor
- recovery factor
- redundancy improvement factor
- reflection factor
- reflectivity factor
- reliability factor
- reliability improvement factor
- repair efficiency factor
- repairability factor
- replacement factor
- reserve factor
- reservoir factor
- reservoir volume factor
- residual gas saturation factor
- residual oil saturation factor
- residual water saturation factor
- restorability factor
- retardation factor
- rope safety factor
- safe-load factor
- safety factor
- service factor
- severity factor
- single-phase oil formation volume factor
- sliding factor
- solubility factor
- sonic compaction correction factor
- stabilization factor
- static safety factor
- steam-zone shape factor
- stratigraphical factor
- strength factor
- structure factor
- technical replacement factor
- temperature factor
- testability factor
- total gas factor
- total oil formation volume factor
- toughness factor
- two-phase oil formation volume factor
- ultimate gas recovery factor
- ultimate oil recovery factor
- unification factor
- unit geometrical factor
- use degradation factor
- utilization factor
- viscosity factor
- void factor
- warning factor
- water encroachment factor
- water formation volume factor
- water saturation factor
- wear-out factor
- well flow factor
- well productivity factor
- zero viscosity factor* * *• фактор -
10 factor
n1) фактор, движущая сила2) фактор, составной элемент3) фактор; агент; комиссионер4) коэффициент5) множитель
- adjustment factor
- aircraft safety factor
- amortization factor
- annual growth factor
- availability factor
- break-even load factor
- capacity factor
- climatic factor
- concomitant factor
- constant factor
- consumption factor
- consumption-boosting factors
- conversion factor
- cost factor
- damage factor
- deciding factor
- defective factor
- demographic factor
- design factor
- discount factor
- duty factor
- ecological factor
- economic factor
- economy factors
- efficiency factor
- engineering factors
- environmental factor
- external factor
- feedback factor
- financial factor
- fixed conversion factor
- forecasting factor
- growth factors
- human factor
- important factor
- institutional factor
- internal factors
- key factor
- leverage factor
- limiting factor
- load factor
- long-term factor
- lost factor
- market factor
- mitigating factor
- monetary factor
- natural factor
- objective factor
- operating factor
- operating factors
- operational factors
- output factor
- performance factor
- pipeline factor
- plant-load factor
- principal factor
- production factors
- productivity factor
- psychological factor
- quality factor
- readiness factor
- recovery factor
- reliability factor
- risk factor
- safety factor
- scale factor
- seasonal factor
- service factor
- short-term factor
- social factor
- socioeconomic factor
- sociological factor
- statistical factor
- stowage factor
- technical factor
- time factor
- transient factor
- transitory factor
- uncontrolled factor
- usage factor
- use factor
- utilization factor
- variable factor
- vitiating factors
- wear factor
- weight factor
- work factor
- by a factor of ten
- assess factorsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > factor
11 factor
n1) фактор, движущая сила3) фактор, коэффициент•
См. также в других словарях:
Term life insurance — or term assurance is life insurance which provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time, the relevant term. After that period expires coverage at the previous rate of premiums is no longer guaranteed and the client… … Wikipedia
Short message service — (SMS) is a communications protocol allowing the interchange of short text messages between mobile telephone devices. SMS text messaging is the most widely used data application on the planet, with 2.4 billion active users, or 74% of all mobile… … Wikipedia
term of art — term of art: a word having a particular meaning in a field (as the law) – called also word of art; Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. term of art … Law dictionary
Short rotation coppice — (SRC) is grown as an energy crop. This woody solid biomass can be used in applications such as heating, electric power generating stations, alone or in combination with other fuels. Species used SRC uses high yield varieties of poplar and willow … Wikipedia
Short sea shipping — The modern terms Short sea shipping and marine highway refer to the historical terms coastal trade, coasting trade and coastwise trade, which encompass the movement of cargo and passengers mainly by sea, without directly crossing an ocean.[1]… … Wikipedia
Short story — The short story is a literary genre of fictional prose narrative that tends to be more concise and to the point than longer works of fiction such as novellas (in the modern sense of the term) and novels.OverviewShort stories have their origins in … Wikipedia
Usage of the terms railroad and railway — The terms railroad and railway generally describe the same thing, a guided means of land transport, designed to be used by trains, for transporting passengers and freight. Etymologically both words derive from Old English; a road being something… … Wikipedia
Term of disparagement — Terms of disparagement are pejorative words and phrases which are either intended to be or are often regarded as insulting, impolite or unkind.While terms with a negative connotation are available for the discussion of many subjects (such as… … Wikipedia
Long and short scales — The long and short scales are two of several different large number naming systems used throughout the world for integer powers of ten. Many countries, including most in continental Europe, use the long scale whereas most English speaking… … Wikipedia
List of English words with disputed usage — Some English words are often used in ways that are contentious between writers on usage and prescriptive commentators. The contentious usages are especially common in spoken English. While in some circles the usages below may make the speaker… … Wikipedia
Common English usage misconceptions — Text from Robert Louis Stevenson s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as it would appear in a professionally published edition in the United States today, featuring one sentence paragraphs, sentences beginning with the conjunctions but and and … Wikipedia