Перевод: с русского на французский

с французского на русский


См. также в других словарях:

  • short run — UK US noun [S] (also short term) ► a short period of time: »For now he is concentrating on the short run. »We are very pleased with the short run, and in particular, the performance of this quarter. ● in/over the short run Cf. over the short run… …   Financial and business terms

  • short-run — UK US adjective [before noun] ► continuing to exist or have an effect for a short period of time: »The value of shares depends little on short run company earnings. »So the best short run forecast of the exchange rate is whatever it happens to be …   Financial and business terms

  • short-run — [shôrt′run′] adj. lasting for a short period of time; short term …   English World dictionary

  • short-run — adjective relating to or extending over a limited period (Freq. 2) short run planning a short term lease short term credit • Syn: ↑short term • Similar to: ↑short * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • Short-run — In economics, the concept of the short run refers to the decision making time frame of a firm in which at least one factor of production is fixed. Costs which are fixed in the short run have no impact on a firms decisions. For example a firm can… …   Wikipedia

  • short run — noun Date: 1879 a relatively brief period of time often used in the phrase in the short run • short run adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • short-run — /shawrt run /, adj. happening or presented for a short period of time: a short run motion picture. [1935 40] * * * …   Universalium

  • short run — n. brief period in the short run * * * [ˌʃɔːt rʌn] [ brief period ] in the short run …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Short Run — A period of time in which the quantity of some inputs cannot be increased beyond the fixed amount that is available. For example,what quantity of inventory to order is a short run decision. Whether or not to build a new factory would be… …   Investment dictionary

  • short-run — adjective see short run …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • short run — noun 1. : a period during which the factors in a situation remain relatively stable 2. : a run in cricket that is invalidated by the failure of a batsman to touch the ground inside the popping crease at one end before he starts to run to the… …   Useful english dictionary

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