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См. также в других словарях:

  • shipping conference — UK US noun [C] (also liner conference) COMMERCE, TRANSPORT ► two or more shipping companies who agree to offer their services on particular routes for the same price and with the same conditions: »Some people argue strongly against shipping… …   Financial and business terms

  • shipping conference — An association of shipowners whose liners ply the same routes. They combine to fix freight rates, passenger rates, and terms of contracts. Not all liners belong to conferences; those that do are called conference line ships …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • conference lines — See shipping conference …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS — (Presidents Conference). The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations was organized in 1955 out of a growing awareness that unified action by major American Jewish organizations was essential to help strengthen American… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Shipping Control Authority for the Japanese Merchant Marine — (SCAJAP) was an organization established by Allied occupation forces in Japan at the end of World War II.Purpose1. control over all ships greater than 100 gross tons operated by the Japanese.2. to provide the Japanese with a repatriation fleet,… …   Wikipedia

  • conference — /ˈkɒnfərəns / (say konfuhruhns) noun 1. a meeting for consultation or discussion. 2. the act of conferring or consulting together; consultation, especially on an important or serious matter. 3. Ecclesiastical a. an official assembly of clergy, or …  

  • be in conference — FORMAL ► to be in a meeting: »She directed him into a meeting room, where a number of executives were in conference. → See also NEWS CONFERENCE(Cf. ↑news conference), PRESS CONFERENCE(Cf. ↑ …   Financial and business terms

  • Nyon Conference — The Nyon Conference, held in Nyon, Switzerland, in September 1937, addressed international piracy in the Mediterranean Sea, especially piracy aimed at intervention in the Spanish Civil War. The United Kingdom and France led the conference, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Imperial Japanese Army Railways and Shipping Section — The Imperial Japanese Army Railway and Shipping Section was the logistics unit of the Imperial Japanese Army charged with shipping personnel, materiel and equipment from metropolitan Japan to the combat front overseas. TOC RailwayUnder it were… …   Wikipedia

  • Nigerian National Shipping Line — Former type Shipping line Founded 1959 Defunct 1995 Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Danube River Conference of 1948 — “ [For Russia, the Danube has always been] the life line of the Empire! It is also the symbol of her historic Drang nach Western an extension of the Czarist policies originating in the 18th Century. ” …   Wikipedia

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