1 shield method
access method — метод выборки; метод доступа
2 shield method
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shield method
3 shield method
4 shield method
5 shield method
1) Геология: щитовой метод проходки2) Техника: щитовой способ проходки3) Горное дело: метод проходки с помощью щита -
6 shield method
7 shield method
щитовой метод проходки; щитовой способ -
8 shield method
9 shield method of mining
10 method
метод; способ; система; порядок•
- alternate method of charging
- approximation method
- ascending method
- back-filling method
- ball method
- bank method of attack
- barrier method
- batterybreast method
- bench method
- benching method
- beneficiating method
- block-and pillar method
- block-caving method
- block shrinkage method
- blow-in method
- board-and-pillar method
- board-and-stall method
- board-and-wall method
- boring method
- bottom slicing method
- breast-and-pillar method
- bulk-caving method
- bulk method of mining
- bulk sampling coal method
- caisson method
- cap-and-fuse method
- caving method
- chamber-and-pillar method
- chilling method
- coal-mining method
- combined method
- combined mining method
- conventional method
- core-drilling method
- cut-and-fill method
- cut-and-try method
- deep-hole method
- dense-medium method
- development method
- draw mining method
- drifting method
- drill-and-fire method
- drilling method
- drivage method
- drop-shaft method
- dry method of preparation
- exhaust method
- filling method
- flat-back method
- flushing method
- forcing method
- honeycomb method
- indirect method
- infusion method
- instantaneously primed blasting method
- ion-exchange method
- jetting method of drilling
- loading method
- long-face method
- long-pillar method
- longwall method
- longwall retreat method
- longwall stall method
- manual method
- milling method
- mining method
- multiple-heading method
- multiple-row method
- multi-slice mining method
- open-cut method
- open-pit method
- open-stope method
- overlap method
- panel method
- pillar-and-bord method
- pillar-and-breast meast
- pillar-and-room method
- pillar-and-stall method
- pillar method
- plain blow-in method
- planing method
- pneumatic method of sinking
- pressing-in method
- productivity method
- prospecting method
- raising method
- rigorous method
- room-and-pillar method
- rule-of-thumb method
- safety methods
- sampling method
- scientific method
- scratch-method
- shaft-sinking method
- shield method
- shield mining method
- short-hole method
- shrinkage method
- shrinkage stoping method
- single-road stall method
- single-row method
- single-stall method
- sink-and-float method
- sinking method
- sinking drum method
- slicing method
- slusher method
- small-hole method
- sonic method
- square-chamber method
- stoop method
- stoop-and-room method
- stope-caving method
- stoping method
- stowing method
- strip method
- stripping method
- sublevel method
- sublevel blast-hole method
- sublevel caving method
- sublevel open stope method
- suction method
- top-slicing method
- trial method
- trial-and-error method
- triaxial test method
- two-two-pass method
- two-row method
- undercut-caving method
- underground method
- wall method
- washing method
- water method
- weight method
- well-drill method
- wet method
- wet method of mining
- wet-mechanical method
- wind method -
11 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
12 shield mining method
English-Russian dictionary of geology > shield mining method
13 shield mining method
Геология: щитовая система разработки -
14 shield mining method
15 shield mining method
16 щитовой способ проходки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > щитовой способ проходки
17 double
двойное количество; II удваивать; дублировать; складывать вдвое; двойной; сдвоенный; сложенный вдвое; II двойной; сдвоенный- double-acting forcemeter - double-acting regulator - double-acting rotary engine - double amplitude - double angular ball bearing - double-arm - double-arm lever - double-back - double-ball pitman arm - double-bank - double-bank radial engine - double-beat - double-bend - double-bolted schackle - double-braid covering - double-chain drive - double-charge - double-chart recorder - double-check - double-cheek snow plough - double-clutch method - double-concave - double-cylinder engine - double-deck - double-deck bridge - double-dial - double dipole - double-drive bogie - double drop frame - double-drum hoist - double duty - double-edge - double elliptic spring - double-ended spanner - double ender - double-flange wheel - double-flanged - double flat - double-fork lever - double-gap - double governor - double-heading - double-head wrench - double helical gear - double helical tooth - double-hook piston ring - double-hulled - double-hung - double ignition - double-level bridge - double-lift cam - double-line traffic - double-motor drive - double over - double-piston - double-piston engine - double-piston-type engine - double-pitch roller chain - double-rate meter - double-reduction gear - double-reduction shaft - double-reduction spur pinion - double-row - double-seal bearing - double-sealed bearing - double seam - double-seat valve - double-shaft drive - double-sided impeller - double-side tipping - double-slot piston ring - double-spark ignition - double spiral gear - double-stage - double staining - double steering - double stroke - double swing door - double T-section - double-taper-faced piston ring - double thread - double-throw - double-tracked - double tread - double-tube tyre - double-type - double-tyre wheel - double universal joint - double-V engine - double-V joint - double-walled piston - double-way - double wing door - double-wire system - double-wound -
18 beat
1. n удар; бойhip beat — удар о н.ж.
2. n спец. пульсация; колебание3. n муз. ритм; такт4. n муз. отсчитывание такта5. n муз. доля6. n муз. взмах дирижёрской палочки7. n муз. дозор, обход; маршрут дозора; район патрулирования8. n муз. охот. место облавы9. n муз. амер. сл. сенсационное сообщение10. n муз. разг. нечто выдающееся, невиданноеhe believes that it is perfectly scriptural for a man to beat his wife — он считает, что священное писание отнюдь не запрещает мужчине бить свою жену
11. n амер. разг. мошенник, обманщикhotel beats — постояльцы, уезжающие из гостиницы, не уплатив по счёту
12. n амер. разг. тунеядец13. n амер. разг. разг. надувательство; мошенничество14. n амер. разг. убытки15. n амер. разг. батман16. n амер. разг. мор. лавирование; курс против течения или ветракино «хлопушка»
to beat a parley — давать сигнал барабанным боем или звуком трубы о желании вступить в переговоры
17. n амер. разг. физ. биенияit is off my beat altogether — это не по моей части; это не моё дело
18. a амер. разг. усталый, измотавшийся, разбитый, выдохшийся19. a амер. разг. ошарашенный20. a относящийся к битникам21. v бить, ударять; колотить, стучатьbeat down — сбить; свалить с ног, столкнуть
22. v бить, побить; избиватьto beat with a whip — хлестать, стегать кнутом
23. v колоть, измельчатьto beat to powder, to beat small — истолочь в порошок
24. v побить, победить25. v разг. превосходить; быть лучше, выше26. v амер. разг. обойти, надуть, обмануть27. v обогнать28. v разг. озадачить29. v биться; трепетать; пульсироватьthe flag was beating in the wind — флаг развевался по ветру, ветер трепал флаг
30. v обыскивать, обшаривать, устраивать облаву31. v амер. разг. убегать, удиратьbeat it! — убирайся!, пошёл вон!, отвали!
32. v физ. создавать биения33. n сорняки, сжигаемые для удобренияСинонимический ряд:1. tired (adj.) bushed; fatigued; tired; weary; worn out2. accent (noun) accent; stress3. blow (noun) blow; hit; pounding; punch; strike; stroke; thump4. patrol (noun) patrol; post; precinct; walk5. rhythm (noun) cadence; cadency; count; measure; meter; metre; number; palpitation; pulsation; pulse; rhyme; rhythm; rhythmus; swing; tattoo; throb; tick; vibration6. round (noun) circuit; province; round; route7. scoop (noun) exclusive; scoop8. baste (verb) baste; belabor; lam; lambaste; malleate; paste; pelt; tromp; wallop; whop9. basted (verb) basted; battered; belabored; buffeted; drubbed; hammered; lambasted; lammed; pasted; pelted; pounded; pummeled; thrashed; walloped; whopped10. best (verb) best; conquer; defeat; outdo; overcame; rout; subdue; trounce; vanquish; worst11. cheat (verb) boodle; cheat; chisel; chouse; cozen; defraud; diddle; do; flimflam; gyp; overreach; ream; sucker; swindle; take12. frustrate (verb) baffle; balk; bilk; circumvent; dash; disappoint; foil; frustrate; ruin; thwart13. frustrated (verb) baffled; balked; bilked; circumvented; dashed; disappointed; foiled; frustrated; ruined; thwarted14. mark (verb) count; mark15. nonplus (verb) buffalo; get; nonplus; stick; stump16. nonplused (verb) buffaloed; got; nonplused; stuck; stumped17. pound (verb) belabour; break; drub; forge; hammer; pound; pummel; stamp18. pulsate (verb) palpitate; pulsate; pulse; throb; thump; vibrate19. pulsated (verb) palpitated; pulsated; pulsed; throbbed20. scoop (verb) scoop21. scooped (verb) scooped22. scour (verb) comb; finecomb; fine-tooth-comb; forage; grub; rake; ransack; rummage; scour; search23. scoured (verb) combed; foraged; grubbed; raked; ransacked; rummaged; scoured; searched24. strike (verb) batter; buffet; club; cudgel; hit; knock; punch; strike25. surpass (verb) better; cap; cob; ding; exceed; excel; outgo; outmatch; outshine; outstrip; pass; surpass; top; transcend; trump26. surpassed (verb) bested; bettered; capped; exceeded; excelled; outdid; outshone or outshined; outstripped; outwent; passed; surpassed; topped; transcended; trumped27. wag (verb) flap; flop; flutter; lash; switch; wag; waggle; wave; woggle28. wagged (verb) lashed; switched; wagged; waggled; waved29. whip (verb) blast; blend; curry; dust; flog; lay into; lick; mix; mop up; overrun; overwhelm; shellac; skunk; smear; smother; steamroller; thrash; trim; upend; whip; whisk; whomp30. whipped (verb) blasted; curried; dusted; licked; mopped up; overran; overwhelmed; routed; shellacked; smeared; smothered; trimmed; trounced; upended; whipped31. win (verb) overcome; prevail; triumph; winАнтонимический ряд:help; pat; protect; shelter; shield; stroke; surrender -
19 tax depreciation
гос. фин., учет налоговая амортизация (метод амортизации основных средств, применяемый с целью сокращения налоговых выплат в будущем)See: -
20 copper
2) медь; красная медь- copper-asbestos-type gasket - copper cable - copper carbon brush - copper-chromium steel - copper-clad - copper-coated - copper coating - copper conductor - copper-cored electrode - copper covering - copper dish gum evaporation test - copper dish gums - copper dish method - copper dish residue test - copper fitting - copper-graphite brush - copper-lead alloy - copper-nickel - copper-nickel alloy - copper-nickel steel - copper pipe - copper-plated - copper-plated steel - copper plating - copper-platinum couple - copper-sheathed cable - copper sheet - copper shield - copper-slug relay - copper strand - copper-tin alloy - copper vitriol - copper-zinc alloy - blister copper - electrolytic copper - refined copper - standard copper
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Shield (Archie Comics) — Superherobox| caption= Pep Comics #1 (January 1940), first appearance of The Shield, drawn by Irv Novick. comic color=background:#c0c0c0 character name=The Shield real name=Joe Higgins publisher=MLJ (Archie Comics) debut= Pep Comics #1 (January… … Wikipedia
Shield — A shield is a protective device, meant to intercept attacks. The term often refers to a device that is held in the hand, as opposed to armour or a bullet proof vest.Prehistoric and AntiquityThe oldest form of shield was a protection used to block … Wikipedia
Shield wall — The formation of shield wall, or Skjaldborg in Old Norse, is a military tactic that was common in many cultures in the Pre Early Modern warfare age. There were many slight variations of this tactic among these cultures, being called by many… … Wikipedia
tax shield — method of reducing the income that is taxed or of reducing the tax percentage … English contemporary dictionary
Golden Shield Project — The Golden Shield Project (zh cp|c=|p=jīndùn gōngchéng), sometimes referred to as the Great Firewall of China, is a censorship and surveillance project operated by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of the People s Republic of China. The… … Wikipedia
Cactus Data Shield — (CDS) is a form of CD/DVD copy protection for audio compact discs developed by Midbar Tech now owned by Macrovision. It has been used extensively by EMI and BMG and their subsidiaries, see Copy Control. CDS relies on two components: multiple… … Wikipedia
Human shield action to Iraq — was a group of people who travelled to Iraq to act as human shields with the purpose of preventing the U.S. led coalition troops from bombing certain locations during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. Chronology… … Wikipedia
Human shield — is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of civilians in or around combat targets to deter an enemy from attacking those targets. It may also refer to the use of civilians to literally shield combatants during attacks … Wikipedia
Operation Defensive Shield — Part of the Second Intifada Israeli tanks in Ramallah … Wikipedia
List of The Shield characters — The following is a list of character summaries from the FX Networks television series, The Shield. Contents 1 Main characters 2 Supporting characters 2.1 … Wikipedia
Kuban Shield — ( de. Ärmelschild Kuban) is a German military award instituted on September 21, 1943 to commemorate those who fought to preserve the bridgeheads in the Kuban region from February 1943 until they were abandoned in October. Luftwaffe and… … Wikipedia