1 shell-shock neurosis
English-Russian big medical dictionary > shell-shock neurosis
2 shell-shock neurosis
Медицина: коммоционный невроз, травматический невроз -
3 shell shock
neurosis nombre femenino de guerra -
4 shell shock
5 shell shock
s.1 condición psiconeurótica que sufren soldados expuestos a los peligros de la guerra moderna.2 neurosis de guerra, conmoción debida a bombardeos, neurosis causada por bombardeo, trauma causado por la guerra. -
6 shell
1. noun1) (the hard outer covering of a shellfish, egg, nut etc: an eggshell; A tortoise can pull its head and legs under its shell.) concha, caracol2) (an outer covering or framework: After the fire, all that was left was the burned-out shell of the building.) armazón3) (a metal case filled with explosives and fired from a gun etc: A shell exploded right beside him.) cartucho
2. verb1) (to remove from its shell or pod: You have to shell peas before eating them.) desvainar, quitar la concha2) (to fire explosive shells at: The army shelled the enemy mercilessly.) bombardear•- come out of one's shell
- shell out
shell n1. cáscara2. concha3. caparazóntr[ʃel]1 (of egg, nut) cáscara; (of pea) vaina; (of tortoise, lobster, etc) caparazón nombre masculino; (of snail, oyster, etc) concha2 (of building) armazón nombre masculino, esqueleto, estructura; (of vehicle) armazón nombre masculino; (of ship) casco3 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL (for explosives) proyectil nombre masculino, obús nombre masculino; (cartridge) cartucho2 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL bombardear\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLit's as easy as shelling peas es coser y cantarto come out of one's shell salir del cascarónto go/retire/withdraw into one's shell retraerseshell shock neurosis nombre femenino de guerrashell suit chándal nombre masculinoshell ['ʃɛl] vt1) : desvainar (chícharos), pelar (nueces, etc.)2) bombard: bombardearshell n1) seashell: concha f2) : cáscara f (de huevos, nueces, etc.), vaina f (de chícharos, etc.), caparazón m (de crustáceos, tortugas, etc.)3) : cartucho m, casquillo ma.45 caliber shell: un cartucho calibre.45n.• armazón s.m.• camisa s.f.• caparazón s.m.• carapacho s.m.• casco s.m.• concha s.f.• coraza s.f.• cáscara s.f.• granada s.f.• obús s.m.• proyectil s.m.• vaina s.f.• yola s.f.v.• bombardear v.• descascar v.• descascarar v.• descascarillar v.• desenvainar v.• desgranar v.• desvainar v.ʃel
1)a) (of egg, nut) cáscara f; ( of sea mollusk) concha f; (of tortoise, turtle, snail, crustacean) caparazón m or f, carapacho mpastry shell — ( Culin) base f ( de masa)
to come out of one's shell — salir* del cascarón
to go back o retreat into one's shell — retraerse*
b) ( of building) estructura f, armazón m or f, esqueleto m; ( of vehicle) armazón m or f2) ( Mil)a) ( for artillery) proyectil m, obús mb) ( for small arms) cartucho m
1) ( Culin) \<\<peas\>\> pelar, desvainar; \<\<nuts/eggs/prawns\>\> pelar; \<\<mussel/clam\>\> quitarle la concha a, desconchar2) ( Mil) \<\<positionoops/city\>\> bombardear
vi ( Mil) bombardearPhrasal Verbs:[ʃel]1. N1) [of egg, nut] cáscara f ; [of tortoise, turtle] caparazón m, carapacho m ; [of snail, shellfish] concha f, caracol m (LAm); [of pea] vaina f ; [of coconut] cáscara f leñosa- come out of one's shell- crawl or go into one's shell3) (=artillery round) obús m, proyectil m ; (US) [of shotgun] cartucho m4) (Culin) [of pie, flan] masa f2. VT1) [+ peas] pelar, desvainar; [+ nuts] pelar, descascarar; [+ mussels, cockles] quitar la concha a; [+ prawns] pelar; [+ eggs] quitar la cáscara ashelled prawns — gambas fpl peladas
2) (Mil) bombardear3.CPDshell game N — (US) (lit) (=trick) juego consistente en adivinar en cuál de tres cubiletes se esconde un objeto, triles ** fpl ; (fig) (=fraud) artimaña f
shell hole N — hoyo que forma un obús al explotar
shell shock N — neurosis f inv de guerra
shell suit N — tipo de chandal
* * *[ʃel]
1)a) (of egg, nut) cáscara f; ( of sea mollusk) concha f; (of tortoise, turtle, snail, crustacean) caparazón m or f, carapacho mpastry shell — ( Culin) base f ( de masa)
to come out of one's shell — salir* del cascarón
to go back o retreat into one's shell — retraerse*
b) ( of building) estructura f, armazón m or f, esqueleto m; ( of vehicle) armazón m or f2) ( Mil)a) ( for artillery) proyectil m, obús mb) ( for small arms) cartucho m
1) ( Culin) \<\<peas\>\> pelar, desvainar; \<\<nuts/eggs/prawns\>\> pelar; \<\<mussel/clam\>\> quitarle la concha a, desconchar2) ( Mil) \<\<position/troops/city\>\> bombardear
vi ( Mil) bombardearPhrasal Verbs: -
7 neurosis
n мед. неврозСинонимический ряд:1. emotional disturbance (noun) aberration; compulsion; deviation; emotional disturbance; insanity; instability; mental disorder; neurotic condition2. obsession (noun) complex; delusion; fixation; hang-up; mania; obsession; phobia; repression -
8 obsessional neurosis
мед. навязчивый невроз; навязчивое состояние; невроз одержимости -
9 accident neurosis
10 compensation neurosis
English-Russian big medical dictionary > compensation neurosis
11 craft neurosis
12 obsessive-compulsive neurosis
English-Russian big medical dictionary > obsessive-compulsive neurosis
13 occupation neurosis
English-Russian big medical dictionary > occupation neurosis
14 compulsion neurosis
English-Russian big medical dictionary > compulsion neurosis
15 combat fatigue
сущ.; мед.посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, военный невроз ( развивается у участников боевых действий)Syn:
См. также в других словарях:
shell shock — Synonyms and related words: accident neurosis, anaphylactic shock, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, association neurosis, battle fatigue, blast neurosis, combat fatigue, compensation neurosis, compulsion neurosis, conversion hysteria,… … Moby Thesaurus
shell shock — noun a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare • Syn: ↑battle fatigue, ↑combat fatigue, ↑combat neurosis • Hypernyms: ↑posttraumatic stress disorder, ↑PTSD * * * noun : any of numerous psychoneurot … Useful english dictionary
shell shock — n. combat fatigue; psychosis, neurosis; amnesia. See insanity, fear … English dictionary for students
neurosis — Synonyms and related words: abulia, accident neurosis, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, arteriosclerotic psychosis, association neurosis, battle fatigue, blast neurosis, brain disease, certifiability, combat fatigue, compensation neurosis,… … Moby Thesaurus
neurosis — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. nervous or mental disorder, illness, sickness, or disease; psychoneurosis, melancholia, nervous breakdown; phobia, mania, obsession, compulsion, hypochondria; psychosis, insanity.See fear. II (Roget s … English dictionary for students
war neurosis — noun : a neurosis (as hysteria or anxiety) occurring in soldiers during war and attributable in large measure to their war experiences compare combat fatigue * * * war neurosis noun A more accurate term for shellshock • • • Main Entry: ↑war * * * … Useful english dictionary
combat neurosis — noun a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare • Syn: ↑battle fatigue, ↑combat fatigue, ↑shell shock • Hypernyms: ↑posttraumatic stress disorder, ↑PTSD * * * combat neurosis, = shell shock. (Cf. ↑ … Useful english dictionary
William Rivers — William Rivers. William Halse Rivers (1864 1922) fue un psiquiatra y antropólogo inglés, más conocido por su trabajo con los soldados que sufrieron shell shock (neurosis de guerra) durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. El paciente más famoso de… … Wikipedia Español
W. H. R. Rivers — William Halse Rivers Rivers (1864 1922) fue un psiquiatra y antropólogo inglés, más conocido por su trabajo con los soldados que sufrieron shell shock (neurosis de guerra) durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. El paciente más famoso de Rivers fue… … Enciclopedia Universal
Combat stress reaction — Shell shock and shell shocked redirect here. For other uses, see Shell shock (disambiguation). Image from World War I taken in an Australian dressing station near Ypres in 1917. The wounded soldier in the lower left of the photo has a dazed… … Wikipedia
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder — (PTSD) (See also Psychosis: Emergence: psychogenic [reactive] psychoses [1916].) Interest in the psychiatric consequences of trauma initially arose following the enactment of health and accident insurance systems in the second half of the… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry