1 shared backbone
Компьютерная техника: общая магистраль -
2 backbone network
1. основная сеть; базовая сеть2. базовая сеть -
3 switch
1) выключатель, переключатель2) коммутаторсм. тж. switcher•- access switch
- air-break switch
- air-pressure switch
- alignment switch
- allotter switch
- analog switch
- analog-digital switch
- antenna switch
- antitransmit-receive switch
- ATM-switch
- automatic reclosing switch
- backbone switch
- band switch
- battery switch
- branch switch
- bus-bar sectionalizing switch
- call switch
- change-tune switch
- coaxial switch
- code switch
- communication switch
- congested switch
- controlled switch
- cord switch
- cradle switch
- crossbar switch
- cross-point switch
- data transfer switch
- decimal-binary switch
- deck switch
- desktop switch
- differential switch
- digital switch
- discharge switch
- disconnecting switch
- discriminating switch
- distribution switch
- electronic switch
- emergency switch
- emulation switch
- engineering communication switch
- Ethernet switch
- fallback switch
- fax-to-telephone switch
- feeder switch
- ferrite switch
- fiber-optic switch
- field-discharge switch
- forward/reverse switch
- four-layer switch
- fuse switch
- gang switch
- gate-controlled switch
- group switch
- Hall-effect switch
- heterodyne/exciter switch
- hitless switch
- hook switch
- hunting switch
- input-buffer switch
- instant-on switch
- key switch
- lightning switch
- light-operated switch
- line switch
- line-finder switch
- load switch
- local switch
- logic switch
- loudness switch
- magnetic-reed switch
- magnetooptical switch
- mains switch
- master switch
- memory-time switch
- mode select switch
- multiple-contact switch
- multiple-way switch
- multiplex switch
- multiplexer switch
- muting switch
- n-channel switch
- nonblocking switch
- n-port managed switch
- n-way switch
- on-off switch
- option switch
- optoelectronical switch
- output buffer switch
- ovonic memory switch
- packet switch
- pilot switch
- polarity switch
- power switch
- programmed switch
- pull switch
- pull-cord switch
- push-button switch
- push-to-talk switch
- quick-break switch
- quick-make switch
- radio aids switch
- radiotelephone switch
- reciprocal ferrite switch
- redundancy switch
- reed switch
- reset switch
- resonator-chamber switch
- reversing switch
- ring switch
- rotary-stepping switch
- routing switch
- sampling switch
- selector switch
- self-restoring switch
- sensor mode switch
- sequence switch
- shared-buffer switch
- shared-medium switch
- shared-memory switch
- sharing-selector switch
- short-circuiting line switch
- shuttle switch
- silicon-symmetrical switch
- single-pole switch
- snap switch
- snap-acting switch
- solid-state switch
- source switch
- step-by-step switch
- stud switch
- subscriber line switch
- system switch
- talk-listen switch
- terminal switch
- test-mode switch
- thin-film optical switch
- thyristor switch
- time switch
- time-delay switch
- toggle switch
- toll offering switch
- touch switch
- touch-sensitive switch
- transfer switch
- transistor switch
- trigger switch
- trunk switch
- tumbler switch
- turbo switch
- unmanaged switch
- wave-band switch
- waveguide switchEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > switch
4 line
I1) линияа) одномерный геометрический объект; прямая; криваяв) линия связи; канал связи; линия передачи; канал передачи3) строка4) провод; шина5) спектральная линия; линия поглощения; линия испускания6) соединение (напр. телефонное)7) контур; очертание8) штрих || штриховой9) линейка ( нотного стана)10) партия; серия11) конвейер; поточная линия12) очередь•line in — вход сигнала с линии (напр. от радиоприёмника)
- lines of forceline out — выход сигнала на линию (напр. на внешний усилитель)
- line of graph
- line of position
- line of sight
- lines per inch
- lines per minute
- absorption line
- access line
- aclinic line
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic transmission line
- active line
- active acoustoelectric delay line
- address line
- addressing line
- aerial line
- agonic line
- analog line
- analog delay line
- antiferromagnetic-resonance line
- anti-Stokes line
- artificial delay line
- ascender line
- assembly line
- associated line
- asymmetric digital subscriber line
- available line
- backbone line
- background line
- backward-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- balanced line
- balanced multiphase line
- balanced transmission line
- base line
- beaded transmission line
- bit line
- blank line
- Bloch line
- bridging line
- bucket-brigade delay line
- bulk-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- bus line
- busy line
- bypass line
- cache line
- called line
- calling line
- carrier line
- clean line
- clock line
- closed-loop delay line
- club line
- coaxial line
- coaxial transmission line
- comb line
- command line
- common-talking line
- common-use line
- communication line
- concentric line
- conductor line
- control line
- coplanar transmission line
- coupled transmission lines
- course line
- credit line
- cryogenic delay line
- current line
- current-flow line
- customer line
- D-line
- date line
- data line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- dee line
- descender line
- delay line
- DEW line
- dial-up line
- diffraction delay line
- digital line
- digital delay line
- digital subscriber line
- direct line
- direction line
- dirty line
- disengaged line
- disk delay line
- dislocation line
- dispersive SAW delay line
- dispersive transmission line
- display line
- dissipation line
- dissipationless line
- distant early-warning line
- distributed-constant line
- Doppler-broadened line
- drive line
- dual-use line
- duplex artificial line
- dynamic-load line
- E-lines
- echo delay line
- edit line
- electric lines of force
- electric delay line
- electric field lines
- electric flux lines
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- electronically variable delay line
- emission line
- empty line
- engaged line
- entry line
- equipotential line
- equivalent periodic line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- exclusive line
- exclusive exchange line
- exponential transmission line
- feed line
- feedforward delay line
- ferrimagnetic-resonance line
- ferrite delay line
- ferrite-dielectric transmission line
- ferromagnetic-resonance line
- fiber delay line
- fiber-optic delay line
- field line
- flat line
- flux line
- flyback line
- folded delay line
- forbidden line
- foreign exchange line
- forward magnetostatic-wave delay line
- Fraunhofer lines
- frozen field line
- G-line
- generation line
- ghost lines
- global data line
- Goubau line
- grating delay line
- grid line
- guide line
- Guillemin line
- H-lines
- half-wave transmission line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- helix transmission line
- hidden line
- high data-rate digital subscriber line
- home line
- horizontal line
- horizontal Bloch line
- horizontal retrieval line
- hot line
- hyperfine line
- idle line
- incoming line
- individual line
- infinite line
- inhibit line
- inhibiting line
- inhomogeneously broadened line
- interdigital line
- interrupt request line
- interswitchboard line
- invalid line
- IRQ line - isocandela line
- isochromatic line
- isoclinic line
- isocost line
- isolux line
- isomagnetic line
- junction line
- Kikuchi lines
- Kossel lines
- ladder line
- laser line
- LD line
- leased line
- Lecher line
- liquid delay line
- liquidus line
- load line
- loaded line
- local line
- localizer on-course line
- locked-in line
- long line
- long-distance line
- long-transmission line
- loran line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- low-loss line
- luminescence line
- lumped-constant line
- MAD line
- magnetic lines of force
- magnetic-core delay line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetic field lines
- magnetic flux lines
- magnetoacoustic delay line
- magnetoelastic delay line
- magnetostatic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- main line
- matched transmission line
- meander line
- mercury delay line
- metastable Bloch line
- microstrip line
- microstrip transmission line
- microwave acoustic delay line
- microwave relay line
- modified line
- monolithic delay line
- MOS neuristor line
- multiconductor transmission line
- multidrop line
- multilayer delay line
- multiplexed line
- multipoint line
- multistation party line
- multitapped delay line
- narrow-band data line
- Neel line
- neutral line
- new line
- nondispersive delay line
- nonresonant line
- nonspectral line
- nonswitched line - omnibearing line
- one-port delay line
- one-way line
- one-way transmission line
- open-wire transmission line
- operating line
- optical delay line
- optical transmission line
- order-wire line
- orphan line
- oscillating line
- outgoing line
- outward line
- overhead line
- overhead transmission line
- parallel-wire line
- party line
- periodic line
- perpendicular diffraction delay line
- phase equilibrium line
- phase transition line
- phasing line
- piled-up Bloch lines
- point-to-point line
- pole line
- polygonal delay line
- potted line
- power line
- printer line
- private line
- privately leased line
- production line
- propagation line
- pulse-forming line
- punched-through Bloch line
- quantized-flux line
- quarter-wave line
- quarter-wave transmission line
- quartz delay line
- quasi-digital delay line
- radar line of sight
- radial transmission line
- radio line of position
- radio-frequency line
- radio-frequency transmission line
- Raman line
- Ramsey line
- rate adaptive digital subscriber line
- Rayleigh line
- recirculating delay line
- recoil line
- recording line
- reference line
- regression line
- relay line
- repeater line
- resonance line
- resonant line
- retrace line
- return line
- rhumb line
- satellite communications line
- SAW delay line
- scanning line
- scribe line
- sense line
- serial line
- service line
- shared line
- shared service line
- shebang line
- shielded transmission line
- signal line
- single-ended echo line
- single-line digital subscriber line
- single-pair symmetrical digital subscriber line
- single-wire line
- single-wire transmission line
- slip line
- slotted line
- solid line
- solid-state transmission line
- solidus line
- sonic delay line
- space communications line
- spectral line
- spectrum line
- spin delay line
- spiral delay line
- spontaneous line
- spur line
- staff line
- status line
- Stokes line
- strip line
- strip delay line
- strip transmission line
- strobe line
- strong line
- stub-supported line
- subscriber line
- superconducting coaxial delay line
- surface-acoustic-wave delay line
- surface-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- surface-wave delay line
- surface-wave transmission line
- survey line
- switched line
- symmetrical digital subscriber line
- T1 line
- T-1 line
- T1C line
- T-1C line
- T2 line
- T-2 line
- T3 line
- T-3 line
- T4 line
- T-4 line
- tapered transmission line
- tapped delay line
- telegraph line
- terminated line
- terrestrial line
- thin line
- tie line
- time line
- time-delay line
- toll line
- transmission line
- transmission test line
- trend line
- trough line
- trunk line
- twin line
- two-port delay line
- ultrasonic delay line
- unbalanced line
- unconditioned line
- unicursal line
- uniform line
- universal asymmetric digital subscriber line
- unwinding Bloch line
- variable delay line
- vector line
- vertical line
- vertical Bloch line
- vertical return line
- very high data-rate digital subscriber line- W-line- waveguide delay line
- wedge dispersive delay line
- weighted tapped line
- widow line
- word line
- wrap-around delay line
- write line
- x-digital subscriber line II = Ln -
5 line
1) линияа) одномерный геометрический объект; прямая; криваяв) линия связи; канал связи; линия передачи; канал передачи3) строка4) провод; шина5) спектральная линия; линия поглощения; линия испускания6) соединение (напр. телефонное)7) контур; очертание8) штрих || штриховой9) линейка ( нотного стана)10) партия; серия11) конвейер; поточная линия12) очередь•line in — вход сигнала с линии (напр. от радиоприёмника)
- access lineline out — выход сигнала на линию (напр. на внешний усилитель)
- aclinic line
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic transmission line
- active acoustoelectric delay line
- active line
- address line
- addressing line
- aerial line
- agonic line
- analog delay line
- analog line
- antiferromagnetic-resonance line
- anti-Stokes line
- artificial delay line
- ascender line
- assembly line
- associated line
- asymmetric digital subscriber line
- available line
- backbone line
- background line
- backward-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- balanced line
- balanced multiphase line
- balanced transmission line
- base line
- beaded transmission line
- bit line
- blank line
- Bloch line
- bridging line
- bucket-brigade delay line
- bulk-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- bus line
- busy line
- bypass line
- cache line
- called line
- calling line
- carrier line
- clean line
- clock line
- closed-loop delay line
- club line
- coaxial line
- coaxial transmission line
- comb line
- command line
- common-talking line
- common-use line
- communication line
- concentric line
- conductor line
- control line
- coplanar transmission line
- coupled transmission lines
- course line
- credit line
- cryogenic delay line
- current line
- current-flow line
- customer line
- data line
- date line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- dee line
- delay line
- descender line
- DEW line
- dial-up line
- diffraction delay line
- digital delay line
- digital line
- digital subscriber line
- direct line
- direction line
- dirty line
- disengaged line
- disk delay line
- dislocation line
- dispersive SAW delay line
- dispersive transmission line
- display line
- dissipation line
- dissipationless line
- distant early-warning line
- distributed-constant line
- D-line
- Doppler-broadened line
- drive line
- dual-use line
- duplex artificial line
- dynamic-load line
- echo delay line
- edit line
- electric delay line
- electric field lines
- electric flux lines
- electric lines of force
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- electronically variable delay line
- E-lines
- emission line
- empty line
- engaged line
- entry line
- equipotential line
- equivalent periodic line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- exclusive exchange line
- exclusive line
- exponential transmission line
- feed line
- feedforward delay line
- ferrimagnetic-resonance line
- ferrite delay line
- ferrite-dielectric transmission line
- ferromagnetic-resonance line
- fiber delay line
- fiber-optic delay line
- field line
- flat line
- flux line
- flyback line
- folded delay line
- forbidden line
- foreign exchange line
- forward magnetostatic-wave delay line
- Fraunhofer lines
- frozen field line
- G line
- generation line
- ghost lines
- global data line
- Goubau line
- grating delay line
- grid line
- guide line
- Guillemin line
- half-wave transmission line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- helix transmission line
- hidden line
- high data-rate digital subscriber line
- H-lines
- home line
- horizontal Bloch line
- horizontal line
- horizontal retrieval line
- hot line
- hyperfine line
- idle line
- incoming line
- individual line
- infinite line
- inhibit line
- inhibiting line
- inhomogeneously broadened line
- interdigital line
- interrupt request line
- interswitchboard line
- invalid line
- IRQ line
- ISDN digital subscriber line
- isobathic line
- isocandela line
- isochromatic line
- isoclinic line
- isocost line
- isolux line
- isomagnetic line
- junction line
- Kikuchi lines
- Kossel lines
- ladder line
- laser line
- LD line
- leased line
- Lecher line
- line of code
- line of graph
- line of position
- line of sight
- lines of force
- lines per inch
- lines per minute
- liquid delay line
- liquidus line
- load line
- loaded line
- local line
- localizer on-course line
- locked-in line
- long line
- long-distance line
- long-transmission line
- loran line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- low-loss line
- luminescence line
- lumped-constant line
- MAD line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetic field lines
- magnetic flux lines
- magnetic lines of force
- magnetic-core delay line
- magnetoacoustic delay line
- magnetoelastic delay line
- magnetostatic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- main line
- matched transmission line
- meander line
- mercury delay line
- metastable Bloch line
- microstrip line
- microstrip transmission line
- microwave acoustic delay line
- microwave relay line
- modified line
- monolithic delay line
- MOS neuristor line
- multiconductor transmission line
- multidrop line
- multilayer delay line
- multiplexed line
- multipoint line
- multistation party line
- multitapped delay line
- narrow-band data line
- Neel line
- neutral line
- new line
- nondispersive delay line
- nonresonant line
- nonspectral line
- nonswitched line
- nonuniform transmission line
- null line
- omnibearing line
- one-port delay line
- one-way line
- one-way transmission line
- open-wire transmission line
- operating line
- optical delay line
- optical transmission line
- order-wire line
- orphan line
- oscillating line
- outgoing line
- outward line
- overhead line
- overhead transmission line
- parallel-wire line
- party line
- periodic line
- perpendicular diffraction delay line
- phase equilibrium line
- phase transition line
- phasing line
- piled-up Bloch lines
- point-to-point line
- pole line
- polygonal delay line
- potted line
- power line
- printer line
- private line
- privately leased line
- production line
- propagation line
- pulse-forming line
- punched-through Bloch line
- quantized-flux line
- quarter-wave line
- quarter-wave transmission line
- quartz delay line
- quasi-digital delay line
- radar line of sight
- radial transmission line
- radio line of position
- radio-frequency line
- radio-frequency transmission line
- Raman line
- Ramsey line
- rate adaptive digital subscriber line
- Rayleigh line
- recirculating delay line
- recoil line
- recording line
- reference line
- regression line
- relay line
- repeater line
- resonance line
- resonant line
- retrace line
- return line
- rhumb line
- satellite communications line
- SAW delay line
- scanning line
- scribe line
- sense line
- serial line
- service line
- shared line
- shared service line
- shebang line
- shielded transmission line
- signal line
- single-ended echo line
- single-line digital subscriber line
- single-pair symmetrical digital subscriber line
- single-wire line
- single-wire transmission line
- slip line
- slotted line
- solid line
- solid-state transmission line
- solidus line
- sonic delay line
- space communications line
- spectral line
- spectrum line
- spin delay line
- spiral delay line
- spontaneous line
- spur line
- staff line
- status line
- Stokes line
- strip delay line
- strip line
- strip transmission line
- strobe line
- strong line
- stub-supported line
- subscriber line
- superconducting coaxial delay line
- surface-acoustic-wave delay line
- surface-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- surface-wave delay line
- surface-wave transmission line
- survey line
- switched line
- symmetrical digital subscriber line
- T1 line
- T-1 line
- T1C line
- T-1C line
- T2 line
- T-2 line
- T3 line
- T-3 line
- T4 line
- T-4 line
- tapered transmission line
- tapped delay line
- telegraph line
- terminated line
- terrestrial line
- thin line
- tie line
- time line
- time-delay line
- toll line
- transmission line
- transmission test line
- trend line
- trough line
- trunk line
- twin line
- two-port delay line
- ultrasonic delay line
- unbalanced line
- unconditioned line
- unicursal line
- uniform line
- universal asymmetric digital subscriber line
- unwinding Bloch line
- variable delay line
- vector line
- vertical Bloch line
- vertical line
- vertical return line
- very high data-rate digital subscriber line
- voice over digital subscriber line
- W line
- waveguide delay line
- wedge dispersive delay line
- weighted tapped line
- widow line
- word line
- wrap-around delay line
- write line
- x digital subscriber lineThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > line
6 link
1) связь; соединение || связывать; соединять3) звено (цепи, механизма, линии связи, системы связи)4) кулиса; передаточный рычаг; серьга; шатун; шарнир6) трак ( траковой цепи)7) ответвление (реки, канала)8) эл. плавкая вставка ( предохранителя)9) линия связи; линия передачи ( данных или сигналов); канал связи; канал передачи ( данных или сигналов)13) трик. петля14) плашка, кнопка ( распределительной цепи трикотажной машины)16) трик. кеттлевать•-
aperiodic link
arm link
articulated link
astatic link
axlebox link
backbone link
bandwidth-limited link
bar link
bidirectional link
centershift link
chain link
common link
communications link
communication link
connecting link
counterweight link
coupling link
cutter link
data link
dedicated link
deep heat treated track link
degraded link
disconnecting link
domestic link
double kingbolt link
drag link
drop link
earth-satellite link
elevator link
end link
enlarged link
expansion link
extension link
fiber-optic link
fiber link
forked link
four-wire link
frequency-division data link
fuse link
fusible link
group link
guide link
high body hardness link
hoist link
information link
intercontinental link
internodal link
intersatellite link
intranodal link
ion link
isolating link
joining link
keyed split master link
kinematic link
line-of-sight link
lock differential link
logical link
long-haul link
magnetic link
manipulator link
mastergroup link
meteor-burst link
microwave link
molecular link
motion link
multihop link
nonpolar link
one-way link
open link
optical fiber link
optical link
over-the-horizon link
phasing link
physical link
pipeline link
power link
power-limited link
proportional link
radar link
radio link
radio-relay link
railway link
rail link
rebuildable link
remote control link
repeaterless link
retransmission link
safety link
satellite link
satellite-to-satellite link
screw link
shackle link
shared link
short-haul link
shortwave link
side brace link
signaling link
skywave-radio link
slotted link
sonobuoy communication link
space link
split link
spool connecting link
spur link
stabilizer tag link
static link
steering link
stud link
studio-to-transmitter link
studless link
subscriber link
supergroup link
suspension link
swing link
swivel link
tandem link
telemetering link
telephone link
terminal link
terrestrial link
time-division data link
torque link
towing link
track link
transhorizon link
transmission link
tubing link
two-piece link
two-way link
user access link
valve gear link
virtual link -
7 network
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > network
См. также в других словарях:
Merit Network — Founder(s) Michigan State University, University of Michigan, and Wayne State University Type Non profit member governed Founded 1966 Location … Wikipedia
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen — Eingangsansicht der GWDG in Turm 6 des Max Planck Institut für biophysikalische Chemie Kategorie: Forschungseinrichtung Träger: sind die beide … Deutsch Wikipedia
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
Internet — /in teuhr net /, n. a large computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide (usually prec. by the). [1990 95] * * * Publicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world. It grew out of a U.S.… … Universalium
VRF — Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) is a technology used in computer networks that allows multiple instances of a routing table to co exist within the same router at the same time. Because the routing instances are independent, the same or… … Wikipedia
Computer network — Computer networks redirects here. For the periodical, see Computer Networks (journal). Datacom redirects here. For other uses, see Datacom (disambiguation). Internet map. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that… … Wikipedia
Computers and Information Systems — ▪ 2009 Introduction Smartphone: The New Computer. The market for the smartphone in reality a handheld computer for Web browsing, e mail, music, and video that was integrated with a cellular telephone continued to grow in 2008. According to… … Universalium
Nobel Prizes — ▪ 2009 Introduction Prize for Peace The 2008 Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, former president (1994–2000) of Finland, for his work over more than 30 years in settling international disputes, many involving ethnic,… … Universalium
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
National Science Foundation Network — The National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) was a program of coordinated, evolving projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) beginning in 1985 to promote advanced research and education networking in the United States.[1]… … Wikipedia