1 shape of interface
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > shape of interface
2 shape of interface
форма поверхности разных флюидовБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shape of interface
3 shape of interface
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > shape of interface
4 shape of interface
5 shape
1. форма, вид; очертание; конфигурация || формовать2. образец, модель3. профиль4. pl. фасонные части; профильный [сортовой] материал
* * *
форма, профиль, конфигурация
* * *
форма; конфигурация || придавать форму; принимать форму- shape of individual pore
- shape of interface
- correlation wavelet shape
- cuttings particle shape
- flaw shape
- lenticular shape
- matrix face shape
- reflection pulse shape
- refraction pulse shape
- refractor shape
- rhombic-dodecahedron shape
- round shape
- round-stepped shape
- trap shape
- velocity wavelet shape
- wavelet shape* * * -
6 interface-shape control
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > interface-shape control
7 interface-shape control
крист. регулирование формы межфазной границы, регулирование формы менискаEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > interface-shape control
8 interface-shape control
крист. регулирование формы межфазной границы, регулирование формы менискаThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > interface-shape control
9 interface-shape control
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > interface-shape control
10 ASI
1) Компьютерная техника: Automatic Scanning Input2) Авиация: указатель воздушной скорости3) Военный термин: Additional Skill Indicator, Advanced Study Institute, Aerospace Studies Institute, Alarm Status Indicator, All-Source Intelligence, Army Space Institute, U.S. Army Space Institute, additional skill identifier, amended shipping instruction, ammunition supply installation, annual supply inspection, armaments standardization and interoperability, azimuth/speed indicator4) Техника: Audience Studies Inc., adverse systems interaction, air speed indicator, axial shape index5) Автомобильный термин: Acceleration Severity Index (Индекс Тяжести Травм)6) Биржевой термин: accumulation swing index7) Грубое выражение: Another Shitty Investment8) Оптика: American Standards Institute9) Телекоммуникации: Alternate Space Inversion10) Сокращение: Advanced Scientific Instrument, Advanced Scientific Instruments, Aerospace Industry, Aerospace Studies Institute (USA), Airspeed Indicator, Armored Systems Integration, Australian Shipbuilding Industries (WA) Pty Ltd, Aviation Services International (Benelux) BV (Netherlands), Avionics Specialist Inc. (USA), Italian Space Agency, air-speed indicator11) Университет: Advertising Specialties Institute12) Физиология: Addiction Severity Index, Adrenal Stress Index13) Электроника: Actuator Sensor Interface14) Вычислительная техника: Asynchronous SCSI Interface, Automatic System Installation, Aquarius Systems International (Hersteller), Adapter Support Interface (IBM, LAN), Amorphous SIlicon drum (Kyocera)15) Нефть: Американский институт стандартов (American Standards Institute), Array Seismic Imager16) Транспорт: Aircraft Security International17) Фирменный знак: Aerospace Sales Industries, Inc., Agri Synthesis Inc, Air Serv International, Al Shugart International, Assessment Systems Inc, Avocet Systems, Inc., Axiom Sect Incorporated18) Экология: Air Sea Interaction19) СМИ: Artistic Skin Illustrations20) Деловая лексика: Advanced Solutions Inc, American Share Insurance, Inc.21) Сетевые технологии: Advanced Server Interface, asynchronous serial interface, асинхронный последовательный интерфейс22) Расширение файла: Assembler Include file23) МИД: Asian Statistical Institute24) Общественная организация: American SIDS Institute25) Должность: Aerospace Science Instructor26) NYSE. American Safety Insurance Group, LTD. -
11 SSI
1) Общая лексика: мелкомасштабное производство (Small Scale Industry), индекс чувствительности графика (рабочий вариант перевода), Schedule Sensitivity Index, Shell Services International2) Компьютерная техника: Synchronous Serial Interface3) Авиация: основной конструкционный элемент4) Медицина: surgical site infection (инфекция послеоперационной раны)5) Американизм: Supplemental Security Income Program6) Военный термин: Safety, Security and Intelligence, Secret Special Intelligence, Section For Searching And Intercepting, Soldier( or Sensor) System Interface, Special Skill Identifier, Strategic Studies Institute, sector scan indicator, shoulder sleeve insignia, spares status inquiry, specialty skill identifier, staff sergeant instructor, standing signal instruction, stockpile surveillance inspection, surprise security inspection7) Техника: safe-shutdown impoundment, small-scale integration, soil-structure interaction, standard scale integration, standard signal instructions, steady state irradiation8) Химия: (shape-selectivity isomerization) конфигурационная селективность при изомеризации9) Юридический термин: Supplementary Security Income Program10) Автомобильный термин: solid State ignition (Ford)11) Сокращение: Sensor System Interface, Small Scale Integration, Space Services Incorporated, Space Studies Institute, Staff Sergeant Instructor (British Army), Solid-State Imager (on Galileo), Solid State Imaging, Supplemental Security Income, shear stability index12) Физиология: Sore Shoulder Improved13) Электроника: малая степень интеграции14) Вычислительная техника: Server Side Includes, Server-Side Include, Software Systems Interface, single system image, small scate integration, Space Services Incorporated (Corporate name, Space), Space Studies Institute (Space), Solid-State Imager (on Galileo, Space), Server Side Include (script, HTTPD, CGI), server-side includes15) Радиология: Государственный институт по радиационной безопасности Швеции (Statens strålskyddsinstitut)16) Банковское дело: Стандартные платежные инструкции (Standard Settlement Instructions)17) Фирменный знак: Software Services, Inc., Strategic Systems International, Structural Systems, Inc.18) Бытовая техника: низкий уровень интеграции19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: structure-soil interaction20) Сетевые технологии: System Services Interface21) Макаров: circuit small-scale integration circuit22) Расширение файла: HTML with server side includes23) Подводное плавание: SCUBA Schools International24) Должность: Social Security Income25) NYSE. Sunstone Hotel Investments, Inc.26) Аэропорты: Brunswick, Georgia USA -
12 asi
1) Компьютерная техника: Automatic Scanning Input2) Авиация: указатель воздушной скорости3) Военный термин: Additional Skill Indicator, Advanced Study Institute, Aerospace Studies Institute, Alarm Status Indicator, All-Source Intelligence, Army Space Institute, U.S. Army Space Institute, additional skill identifier, amended shipping instruction, ammunition supply installation, annual supply inspection, armaments standardization and interoperability, azimuth/speed indicator4) Техника: Audience Studies Inc., adverse systems interaction, air speed indicator, axial shape index5) Автомобильный термин: Acceleration Severity Index (Индекс Тяжести Травм)6) Биржевой термин: accumulation swing index7) Грубое выражение: Another Shitty Investment8) Оптика: American Standards Institute9) Телекоммуникации: Alternate Space Inversion10) Сокращение: Advanced Scientific Instrument, Advanced Scientific Instruments, Aerospace Industry, Aerospace Studies Institute (USA), Airspeed Indicator, Armored Systems Integration, Australian Shipbuilding Industries (WA) Pty Ltd, Aviation Services International (Benelux) BV (Netherlands), Avionics Specialist Inc. (USA), Italian Space Agency, air-speed indicator11) Университет: Advertising Specialties Institute12) Физиология: Addiction Severity Index, Adrenal Stress Index13) Электроника: Actuator Sensor Interface14) Вычислительная техника: Asynchronous SCSI Interface, Automatic System Installation, Aquarius Systems International (Hersteller), Adapter Support Interface (IBM, LAN), Amorphous SIlicon drum (Kyocera)15) Нефть: Американский институт стандартов (American Standards Institute), Array Seismic Imager16) Транспорт: Aircraft Security International17) Фирменный знак: Aerospace Sales Industries, Inc., Agri Synthesis Inc, Air Serv International, Al Shugart International, Assessment Systems Inc, Avocet Systems, Inc., Axiom Sect Incorporated18) Экология: Air Sea Interaction19) СМИ: Artistic Skin Illustrations20) Деловая лексика: Advanced Solutions Inc, American Share Insurance, Inc.21) Сетевые технологии: Advanced Server Interface, asynchronous serial interface, асинхронный последовательный интерфейс22) Расширение файла: Assembler Include file23) МИД: Asian Statistical Institute24) Общественная организация: American SIDS Institute25) Должность: Aerospace Science Instructor26) NYSE. American Safety Insurance Group, LTD. -
13 SIT
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Suppressor Of Initiation Of Transcription, толар (денежная единица Словении)2) Компьютерная техника: Software Image Transitions, Some Image Type, System Initialization Table3) Медицина: specific immunotherapy4) Спорт: Skater In Training5) Военный термин: School of Instructional Technology, Sensory Integration Training, Short Intensive Training, Slayers In Training, Specialized Investigations Team, simple initial threat, special identification techniques, special intelligence team, system integration test, systems interface test, специальные методы опознавания ( СМО) (special identification techniques)6) Техника: Servizio Italiano di Taratura, Shuttle infrared telescope, Shuttle interface test, Spacelab infrared telescope, safety injection tank, safety injection transmitter, self-induced transparency, shuttle integrated test, silicon-intensifier target, silicon-intensifier target vidicon, single intensity technology detector, social implications of technology, software integrated test, spaceborne infrared tracker, spontaneous ignition temperature, static-induction transistor, structural integrity test7) Юридический термин: Self Inflicted Trial, Special Intervention Team, Specialized Intervention Team8) Грубое выражение: Slut In Training9) Музыка: Stay In Tune10) Оптика: silicon intensifier target11) Телекоммуникации: Special Information Tones12) Сокращение: Shape Intersection Technique (source location), Silicon Intensified Target, Slovenian Tolar, Systeme d'Information Terminal. (French Army), situation, Sino-Tibetan (Other), special information tone13) Университет: School For International Training, School Of Information Technology, Student Intervention Team14) Физиология: Situational15) Электроника: Static Induction Transistor16) Сленг: stay in touch17) Нефть: Stuck-Point Indicator18) Иммунология: СИТ- специфическая иммунная терапия19) Транспорт: Storage In Transit21) Деловая лексика: Scaffold Inspection And Testing, Staff In Training, Systematic Inventive Thinking22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: simulation infra-red thermography23) Образование: Smart Intense Training24) Сетевые технологии: Simple Interface Tunnel, Subsidiary Integrity Token, communication and information technology, технология связи и передачи информации25) Полимеры: self-ignition temperature26) Расширение файла: Archive format (Macintosh, STUFFIT)27) Аэропорты: Sitka, Alaska USA29) Программное обеспечение: System Integration Testing -
14 sit
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Suppressor Of Initiation Of Transcription, толар (денежная единица Словении)2) Компьютерная техника: Software Image Transitions, Some Image Type, System Initialization Table3) Медицина: specific immunotherapy4) Спорт: Skater In Training5) Военный термин: School of Instructional Technology, Sensory Integration Training, Short Intensive Training, Slayers In Training, Specialized Investigations Team, simple initial threat, special identification techniques, special intelligence team, system integration test, systems interface test, специальные методы опознавания ( СМО) (special identification techniques)6) Техника: Servizio Italiano di Taratura, Shuttle infrared telescope, Shuttle interface test, Spacelab infrared telescope, safety injection tank, safety injection transmitter, self-induced transparency, shuttle integrated test, silicon-intensifier target, silicon-intensifier target vidicon, single intensity technology detector, social implications of technology, software integrated test, spaceborne infrared tracker, spontaneous ignition temperature, static-induction transistor, structural integrity test7) Юридический термин: Self Inflicted Trial, Special Intervention Team, Specialized Intervention Team8) Грубое выражение: Slut In Training9) Музыка: Stay In Tune10) Оптика: silicon intensifier target11) Телекоммуникации: Special Information Tones12) Сокращение: Shape Intersection Technique (source location), Silicon Intensified Target, Slovenian Tolar, Systeme d'Information Terminal. (French Army), situation, Sino-Tibetan (Other), special information tone13) Университет: School For International Training, School Of Information Technology, Student Intervention Team14) Физиология: Situational15) Электроника: Static Induction Transistor16) Сленг: stay in touch17) Нефть: Stuck-Point Indicator18) Иммунология: СИТ- специфическая иммунная терапия19) Транспорт: Storage In Transit21) Деловая лексика: Scaffold Inspection And Testing, Staff In Training, Systematic Inventive Thinking22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: simulation infra-red thermography23) Образование: Smart Intense Training24) Сетевые технологии: Simple Interface Tunnel, Subsidiary Integrity Token, communication and information technology, технология связи и передачи информации25) Полимеры: self-ignition temperature26) Расширение файла: Archive format (Macintosh, STUFFIT)27) Аэропорты: Sitka, Alaska USA29) Программное обеспечение: System Integration Testing -
15 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт контроллер10) pl вчт методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl вчт позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- access controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- ActiveX control - airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio-fidelity control
- audio volume control
- automatic control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control - automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control - automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume -control
- automatic volume expansion control - balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control - computerized numerical control
- concurrency control
- concurrency control and recovery
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data-link control
- data recording control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- directional control
- direct manual control - distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control - feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field-effect conductivity control
- field linearity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control - focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control - framing control
- frequency control - front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control - global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control - high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal-linearity control
- horizontal parabola control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control - intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control - keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control - loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control - master brightness control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control - microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control - radar traffic control - random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control - servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control - surge control
- swept gain control - tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control - touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control - volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width control
- μP control -
16 control
1) управление; регулирование, регулировка || управлять; регулировать2) орган управления; регулятор; орган настройки3) система управления; система регулирования4) pl. средства управления; средства регулирования5) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять6) система контроля; система проверки7) pl. средства контроля; средства проверки8) pl. методы контроля; рычаги управления9) вчт. контроллер10) pl.; вчт. методы управления данными и контроля данных в процессе обработки11) pl.; вчт. позиции управления экранного меню12) управляющий провод ( криотрона)•- acceptance controlcontrol during material — регулирование ( уровня громкости) во время передачи сигнала
- access control
- ActiveX control
- adaptive control
- aids-to-navigation radio control
- airport ground traffic control
- airport radar control
- air-traffic control
- amplitude balance control
- ANSI screen control
- antenna position control
- anticipatory control
- anticlutter gain control
- approach control
- armature voltage control
- artistic effect control
- astatic control
- attitude control
- audible control
- audio volume control
- audio-fidelity control
- automatic background control
- automatic bandwidth control
- automatic bias control
- automatic brightness control
- automatic chroma control
- automatic chrominance control
- automatic color control
- automatic contrast control
- automatic control
- automatic fine-tuning control
- automatic flight control
- automatic frequency control
- automatic gain control
- automatic knee control
- automatic level control
- automatic light control
- automatic load control
- automatic modulation control
- automatic overload control
- automatic peak search control
- automatic pedestal control
- automatic phase control
- automatic picture control
- automatic range control
- automatic recording level control
- automatic remote control
- automatic selectivity control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic tint control
- automatic voltage control
- automatic volume expansion control
- automatic volume level control
- automatic volume-control
- background control
- balance control
- bandspread tuning control
- bang-bang control
- bass control
- beam-rider control
- bilateral control
- black level control
- blue-gain control
- breath control
- brightness control
- brilliance control
- bumped phase control
- camera control
- carrier-current control
- Cartesian control
- cascade control
- centering control
- charge control
- chroma control
- chromaticity control
- chrominance-gain control
- closed-loop control
- coarse control
- color-saturation control
- command control
- compensated volume control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer-aided quality control
- computerized numerical control
- concurrency control and recovery
- concurrency control
- continuity control
- continuous control
- continuous feedback control
- contouring control
- contrast control
- convergence control
- convergence phase control
- counter control
- crystal control
- cue control
- cursor control
- cybernetic control
- data acquisition control
- data recording control
- data-link control
- dc motor control
- delayed automatic volume control
- depth control
- derivative control
- differential gain control
- digital control
- digital remote control
- direct digital control
- direct manual control
- direct numerical control
- directional control
- distributed control
- distribution control
- domain-wall state control
- dramatic effect control
- drive control
- dual control
- dynamic astigmatism control
- dynamic contrast control
- echo duration control
- echo return control
- echo tone control
- electrical control
- electronic control
- electronic motor control
- embedded control
- end-point control
- end-to-end control
- environmental control
- error control
- external control
- fail-safe control
- fast automatic gain control
- feedback control
- feedback tone control
- feedforward control
- field linearity control
- field-effect conductivity control
- fine-tuning control
- finite control
- flight control
- flow control
- focus control
- focusing control
- follow-up control
- foot control
- forms control
- forward error control
- frame control
- framing control
- frequency control
- frequency monitoring and interference control
- frequency-response control
- front-panel control
- full-wave control
- fuzzy control
- gain control
- gain-sensitivity control
- gain-time control
- ganged volume control
- gate mobile communications control
- generator field control
- global control
- green-gain control
- grid control
- ground control
- guidance control
- half-wave control
- hardware error control
- height control
- hierarchical control
- hierarchically intelligent control
- higher-level intelligent control
- high-level data link control
- high-level data-link control
- hold control
- holding control
- homing control
- horizontal centering control
- horizontal convergence control
- horizontal drive control
- horizontal hold control
- horizontal parabola control
- horizontal-amplitude control
- horizontal-linearity control
- hue control
- illumination control
- independent control
- inertial control
- infinitely fast control
- infinity control
- in-process control
- instantaneous automatic gain control
- integral control
- intelligent control
- intensity control
- interface-shape control
- interference control
- intermediate control
- intermittent control
- internal control
- interrupt control
- inventory control
- ISDN data link control
- ISDN media access control
- keyboard control
- keyboard reset control
- learning control
- linear control
- linearity control
- local control
- logical control
- logical link control
- long-range control
- loop control
- loudness control
- lower-level intelligent control
- manual control
- manual gain control
- mass storage volume control
- master brightness control
- master control
- master gain control
- material gap control
- mechanical fader control
- medium access control
- message data link control
- microcomputer control
- microprocessor control
- microprogrammed control
- middle control
- MIDI control
- mission control
- mobile communications control
- mode control
- motor control
- motor-concatenation control
- motor-field control
- motor-voltage control
- multicoordinate control
- multivariable control
- musical instrument digital interface control
- narrow control
- neighboring optimal control
- neuromuscular control
- noise gain control
- nuclear level control
- numerical control
- off-line control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open-loop control
- optimal control
- organizational control
- overtemperature control
- parametric control
- parity control
- partitioned adaptive control
- passively adaptive control
- pattern control
- peaking control
- peripheral control
- phase control
- phase-shift control
- photoelectric control
- photoelectric loop control
- photoelectric register control
- pin control
- plugged control
- point-to-point control
- portamento control
- positioning control
- power up/down control
- precision control
- presence control
- priority control
- process control
- program control
- programmable gain control
- project control
- proportional control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus integral plus derivative control
- PTP control
- purity control
- push-button control
- quality control
- quiet automatic volume control
- radar control
- radar traffic control
- radio control
- radio-frequency interference control
- random decision-directed adaptive control
- range control
- rate control
- ratio control
- ray-control
- real-time control
- recording control
- red-gain control
- reflexive control
- regeneration control
- regional playback control
- reject control
- relay control
- relay directional control
- reliability control
- remote control
- retarded control
- rewind control
- RFI control
- ringing control
- robot control
- roll-and-pitch control
- rounding control
- saturation control
- screen control
- security controls
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-organizing control
- semiremote control
- sensitivity control
- sensitivity-time control
- sequence control
- sequential control
- servo control
- servo-loop control
- set-point control
- sidetone control
- single-dial control
- size control
- slide control
- software error control
- sound control
- sound volume control
- speech control
- speed control
- spin control
- squelch control
- static control
- statistical process control
- statistical quality control
- stored-program control
- supervisory control
- surge control
- swept gain control
- synchronous data link control
- system-wide control
- tapped control
- temperature control
- temporal gain control
- time polarity control
- time-schedule control
- time-varied gain control
- titration control
- tone control
- tone-compensated audio volume control
- total distributed control
- total quality control
- touch-sensitive control
- traffic control
- treble control
- trigger control
- tuning control
- undertemperature control
- unilateral control
- usage parameter control
- variable speech control
- vertical convergence control
- vertical-amplitude control
- vertical-centering control
- vertical-hold control
- vertical-linearity control
- video gain control
- visit mobile communications control
- voice control
- volume control
- white-level control
- wide control
- width controlThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > control
17 ASI
- коэфиициент осевого распределения
- асинхронный последовательный интерфейс
- асинхронный интерфейс для DVB
асинхронный интерфейс для DVB
(МСЭ-T G.7041/ Y.1303).
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
асинхронный последовательный интерфейс
[Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]Тематики
коэфиициент осевого распределения
(энерговыделений в активной зоне ядерного реактора)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ASI
18 group
army group, Royal Artillery — Бр. армейская группа ПА
army group, Royal Engineers — Бр. армейская инженерная группа
C3 Countermeasures Working group — рабочая группа по вопросам РЭП систем оперативного управления и связи
combat equipment group, Europe — группа обеспечения войск оружием и военной техникой в Европейской зоне (для сил двойного базирования)
European Interdepartment group, NSC — Европейская межведомственная группа СНБ
intelligence data (technical) processing group — группа (технической) обработки разведывательных данных
Standing group, Military Committee — постоянная группа военного комитета НАТО
tactical air (control) group — мор. группа наведения авиации
— address indicating group— FA group— HQ group— launching control group* * *• 1) группа; 2) дивизия• 1) группироваться; 2) группировать -
19 effect
1) эффект; явление2) влияние; (воз)действие || воздействовать3) результат, следствие4) производить; совершать; исполнять; осуществлять•in ground effect — в зоне влияния земли ( о полёте); с учётом влияния земли;effect of force — действие (влияние) силыeffect of loading — следствие приложения нагрузки-
abrasing effect
accordion effect
acoustoelectric effect
acoustoresistive effect
activation effect
adjacency effects
adsorption effect
Albert effect
anode effect
anticrease effect
arch effect
Auger effect
autocatalytic effect
avalanche effect
Barkhausen effect
Becquerel effect
biological effect
blackout effect
blast effect
blockage effect
border effect
boundary effect
Bragg effect
braking effect
branching effect
bulk effect
Callier effect
capillary effect
capture effect
cartooning effect
cartoon effect
caster effect
catalytic effect
cavity resonance effect
changing quality effect
channel effect
channeling effect
chilling effect
chimney effect
chugging effect
Clayden effect
climatic effect
Coanda effect
comet effect
compressibility effect
Compton effect
constant thrust effect
contrast effect
controlled cooling effect
cooling effect
corona effect
corrosive effect
coupling effect
crawling effect
crevice effect
crimping effect
cross effect
cross-magnetizing effect
crowding effect
cryoprotective effect
cushioning effect
damming effect
Debot effect
deleterious effect
Dellinger effect
Dember effect
de-skilling effect
destructive effect
detrimental effect
devastating effect
diffusion effect
digital production effect
digital special effect
digital video effect
directional effect
disordering effect
dispersion effect
dissipative effect
distance effect of damming
disturbing effect
Doppler effect
dynatron effect
echo effect
ecological effect
Ederhard's effect
Ederhard effect
edge effect
Edison effect
electrocaloric effect
electroosmotic effect
electrophonic effect
electrophoretic effect
electroviscous effect
emitter dip effect
end effect
environmental effect
Esaki effect
exposure effect
failure effect
Faraday effect
fatigue effect
feedback effect
Ferranti effect
ferroelectric effect
field effect
flicker effect
flow history effect
flue effect
force-frequency effect
fringe effect
gallery effect
galvanomagnetic effect
gap effect
gettering effect
glint effect
greenhouse effect
ground effect
Gunn effect
gyromagnetic effect
gyroscopic effect
Haas effect
Hall effect
halo effect
heat effect
Herschel effect
high-field effect
hothouse effect
hydration effect
hysteresis effect
image effect
incondensable effect
instability effect
interface effects
interference effect
interline-flicker effect
inverted barometer effect
ionic strength effect
ion strength effect
island effect
Johnson-Rahbek effect
Josephson effect
Joule effect
Joule-Thomson effect
Kelvin effect
Kerr effect
keystone effect
Kostinsky's effect
Kostinsky effect
lag effect
level quantizing effect
long-line effect
lubricating effect
magnetoelastic effect
magnetoelectric effect
magnetoresistive effect
magnetostrictive effect
magnetron effect
mass effect
microphonic effect
minimum-size effect
mirror effect
mixed alkali effect
moire effect
multiaccelerator effect
multipath effect
musical effects
net effect
nonnuclear effect
notch impact effect
nuclear effect
orange-peel effect
pairing effect
Peltier effect
photochemical effect
photochromic effect
photoconductive effect
photoelastic effect
photoelectric effect
photographic effect
photorefractive effect
photovoltaic effect
piezoelectric effect
piezomagnetic effect
piezoresistance effect
pile-up effect
pinch effect
pincushion effect
plastering effect
plastic effect
poisonous effect
polarization effect
pollution effect
posterization effect
postproduction effects
precedence effect
presence effect
printthrough effect
processing effect
promoting effect
propagation effect
protective effect
proximity effect
punch-through effect
radiation effect
ram effect
Raman effect
reciprocity effect
refrigerating effect
relief effect
remote effect
residual effect
rewet-conduction effect
rewet-precooling effect
Richardson effect
ringing effect
ripple effect
rocky-point effect
rod shadow effect
roll-over effect
Ross effect
rotary wipe effects
rotational effect
rubberlike effect
S effect
Sabattier effect
salting-in effect
salting-out effect
schlieren effect
Schottky effect
Schwarzschild effect
screening effect
Seebeck effect
selective effect
self-demagnetization effect
self-energizing effect
self-shielding effect
sensible cooling effect
shape memory effect
shattering effect
shot effect
shoulder effect
side effect
sink effect
skin effect
skin-core effect
skinning effect
slipstream effect
smearing effect
solvation effect
sound effects
space-charge effect
spacing effect
spatial defocusing effect
spill effect
spin wipe effects
split-screen effect
stack effect
Stark effect
stereo effect
stiffening effect
streaking effect
stream-line effect
stroboscopic effect
suppressing effect
surface effect
surging effect
swooping effect
synergistic effect
temperature effect
tensoresistive effect
thermal effect
thermal transpiration effect
thermoelectric effect
Thomson effect
threshold effect
time-edge effect
timeedge effect
transients effect
triboelectric effect
trick effects
tunneling effect
tunnel effect
vacancy wind effect
venetian blind effect
video mosaic effect
Villard's effect
Villard effect
Volta effect
volumetric refrigerating effect
wake effect
wall effect
wall-quenching effect
weather effect
wedging effect
white effect
Wigner effect
wipe screen effect -
20 surface
1) поверхность || обрабатывать поверхность3) облицовывать; покрывать поверхность4) выравнивать; сглаживать•- abutment surfaceto dig into rough surface — внедряться в необработанную поверхность (напр. о зажиме)
- actual surface
- adjoining surface
- angled surface
- angularly related surfaces
- annular lapping surface
- antislip surface
- approach surface
- aspheric surface
- aspherical surface
- axial reference surface
- back surface
- base surface
- beam working surface
- bearing surface
- bedding surface
- blast-cleaned surface
- bounded surface
- bounding surface
- calibration surface
- cam surface
- cam-contacting surfaces
- cammed surface
- camming surface
- center surface of blade
- check surface
- chuck-clamping surface
- clamping surface
- clearance surface
- composite surface
- compression surface
- confronting surface
- conical bearing surface
- conical surface
- conjugated surfaces
- contact surface
- conveying surface
- convoluted surface
- cooling surface
- counterformal surfaces
- crooked spatial surface
- curve-based surface
- curved surface
- cut surface
- cut-off surface
- cutter mounting surface
- datum surface
- deck surface
- detecting surface
- developable surface
- diametrical surface
- diamond machined surface
- discontinuous surface
- display surface
- disturbed flow surfaces
- double curved surface
- doubly curved surface
- downwardly directed surface
- downwardly facing surface
- drive surface
- dull surface
- effective surface of action
- emulated surface
- end surface
- end-opening surface of spindle
- end-opening surface
- enveloped surface
- equipotential surface
- equipressure surface
- exposed wear surface
- face plate resting surface
- face surface
- faced surface
- faying surface
- feeling surface
- fillet surface
- flanged bearing surface
- flank surface
- flash melted surface
- flat bearing surface
- flattened surface
- form patch surface
- form surface
- formed surface
- free-form surface
- friction surface
- functional surface
- geometrical surface
- grasping surface
- grip surface
- guide surface
- hand-scraped surface
- heat exchange surface
- heat transfer surface
- helical surface
- helically-cammed surface
- hidden surface
- Hirth coupling surface
- Hirth gear coupling surface
- IGES surface
- inclined surface
- intermittent land surface
- involute helicoid surface
- inward-facing surface
- job surface
- joint surfaces
- laser-exposed surface
- laser-hardened surface
- laser-quenched surface
- lateral surface
- lead face surface
- leading surface
- localized surface
- locating surface
- location surface
- lofted surface
- machined surface
- mating surfaces
- metastable microstructured surface
- milled surface
- mirror image surfaces
- mounting generating surface
- mounting interface surface
- mounting surface
- multipatch surface
- neat surface
- neutral surface
- no-handwork-required surface
- nominal surface
- nonconforming surfaces
- noncontinuous surface
- nonfunctional surface
- nonworking surface
- outer specific surface
- overall specific surface
- particular free form curved surface
- perfectly curved surface
- pilot surface
- pitch surface
- pitted surface
- plain surface
- planar parallel surfaces
- planar surface
- plane surface
- plane tooth surface
- planed surface
- prevailing surface
- production-quality surface
- profiled surface
- profiling surface
- proof surface
- radial reference surface
- radial surface
- radiating surface
- real surface
- reference surface
- register surface
- registering surface
- resting surface
- resultant cut surface
- revolution surface
- rippled surface
- roller-bed surface
- rolling surface
- root surface
- rough shape surface
- rough work surface
- roughened surface
- ruled surface
- sampling surface
- scale-coated surface
- scaly surface
- sculpted surface
- sculptured surface
- seating surface
- segmental surfaces
- setting surface
- setting-up surface
- skewed end planar surface
- slide surface
- slideway bearing surface
- sliding surface
- slight-shaped surface
- sloping surface
- smooth surface
- specific surface
- spherical bearing surface
- spun surface
- storage surface
- stylus surface
- superfine surface
- support surface
- supporting surface
- surface of action
- surface of equal potentials
- surface of revolution
- swept surface
- table slide bearing surfaces
- table surface
- table working surface
- tapered drive surfaces
- tapered surface
- target surface
- tee-slotted surface
- three-curve surface
- three-dimensional surface
- tip surface
- tooling surface
- tooth surface
- toroidal surface
- touch-sensitive surface
- trailing surface
- transient surface
- translated surface
- trimmed surfaces
- true cylindrical surface
- true surface
- turned surface
- U-line surface
- uncut surface
- undulating surface
- unfinished surface
- upwardly-directed surface
- upwardly-facing surface
- varying angle inclined surface
- V-line surface
- wavy surface
- way surface
- way-locating surface
- wearing surface
- wedge surface
- wedging surface
- wetted surface
- whole surface
- wiping surface of the insert
- work surface
- working surface
- work-supporting surface
- worn-out surfaceEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > surface
См. также в других словарях:
Ecological interface design — (EID) is an approach to interface design that was introduced specifically for complex sociotechnical, real time, and dynamic systems. It has been applied in a variety of domains including process control (e.g. nuclear power plants, petrochemical… … Wikipedia
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User interface — The user interface, in the industrial design field of human–machine interaction, is the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation … Wikipedia
History of the graphical user interface — The graphical user interface, understood as the use of graphic icons and a pointing device to control a computer, has over the last four decades a steady history of incremental refinements built on some constant core principles. Several vendors… … Wikipedia
AS-Interface — (Actuator Sensor Interface, AS i) is the simplest of the industrial networking protocols used in PLC, DCS and PC based automation systems. It is designed for connecting simple field I/O devices (e.g. binary (ON/OFF) devices such as actuators and… … Wikipedia
Tabbed document interface — In the area of graphical user interfaces, a tabbed document interface (TDI) is one that allows multiple documents to be contained within a single window, using tabs to navigate between them. It is an interface style most commonly associated with… … Wikipedia
Aqua (user interface) — Aqua is the graphical user interface and primary visual theme of Apple Inc. s Mac OS X operating system. It is based around the theme of water, as its name suggests,The word aqua is Latin for water.] with droplet like elements and liberal use of… … Wikipedia
Natural user interface — In computing, a natural user interface, or NUI, is the common parlance used by designers and developers of computer interfaces to refer to a user interface that is effectively invisible, or becomes invisible with successive learned interactions,… … Wikipedia
Direct manipulation interface — In computer science, direct manipulation is a human computer interaction style which involves continuous representation of objects of interest, and rapid, reversible, incremental actions and feedback. The intention is to allow a user to directly… … Wikipedia
Attachment Unit Interface — An Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) is a 15 pin connection that provides a path between a node s Ethernet interface and the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU), sometimes known as a transceiver. It is the part of the IEEE Ethernet standard located… … Wikipedia
Surface and Interface Analysis — Infobox Journal discipline = Chemistry abbreviation = Surf. Interface Anal. website = http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi bin/jhome/2009 publisher = John Wiley Sons country = flag|United Kingdom history = 1979 to present ISSN = 1096… … Wikipedia