1 shallow laterolog curve
- кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная зондом с малым радиусом исследования
кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная зондом с малым радиусом исследования
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > shallow laterolog curve
2 shallow laterolog curve
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shallow laterolog curve
3 shallow laterolog curve
кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная зондом с малым радиусом исследования* * *• кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная зондом с малым радиусом исследования• кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная коротким зондомАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > shallow laterolog curve
4 shallow laterolog curve
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > shallow laterolog curve
5 shallow laterolog curve
кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная зондом с малым радиусом исследованияАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > shallow laterolog curve
6 curve
1. кривая2. эпюра, характеристика, график3. дугаair-brine capillary pressure curve — кривая соотношения солёного раствора и воздуха в пористой среде в зависимости от капиллярного давления
drainage relative permeability curve — кривая относительной проницаемости в зависимости от изменения насыщенности в результате дренирования
imbibition relative permeability curve — кривая относительной проницаемости, характеризующая изменение насыщенности в результате вытеснения; кривая относительной проницаемости при всасывании
— SP curve
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1. кривая || строить кривую2. характеристическая кривая, характеристика3. график
* * *
* * *
* * *
1) кривая || строить кривую2) характеристическая кривая, характеристика3) график•- curve of borehole
- curve of fold
- curve of maximum convexity
- acoustic curve
- actual time-distance curve
- air-brine capillary pressure curve
- aplanatic curve
- appraisal curve
- array response curve
- arrival-time curve
- availability curve
- averaged T-X curve
- bathtub curve
- borderline knock curve
- borehole correction curve
- brine-into-oil curve
- calibrated gamma-ray curve
- caliper curve
- caliper log curve
- catching-up time-distance curve
- cement-bond-log curve
- common-midpoint time-distance curve
- common-receiver time-distance curve
- common-shot time-distance curve
- composite decline curve
- composite time-distance curve
- continuous T-X curve
- cost-reliability curve
- cumulative production curve
- cumulative property curves
- damage curve
- decline curve
- deep laterolog curve
- departure curve
- depression curve
- diffraction travel time curve
- displaced-depth curve
- distillate yield curve
- drainage relative permeability curve
- drawdown curve
- drawdown bottom pressure curve
- drill time curve
- end-point yield curve
- failure curve
- failure rate curve
- family curve
- first-arrival curve
- flash point yield curve
- flowmeter curve
- fluid composition history curve
- formation resistivity factor curve
- gamma-ray curve
- gas curve
- gradual curve
- gravity drainage curve
- head-capacity curve
- head-flow curve
- head-wave arrival-time curve
- high-resolution microresistivity curve
- hodograph curve
- hyperbolic time-distance curve
- induction curve
- induction conductivity curve
- induction-derived resistivity curve
- infiltration curve
- inhibition relative permeability curve
- interval transit-time curve
- interval velocity curve
- isotime curve
- lateral curve
- lateral logging departure curve
- laterolog curve
- layer velocity curve
- life curve
- load curve
- log curve
- longitudinal travel time curve
- long-spaced curve
- magnetotelluric curve
- maximum departure curve
- microinverse curve
- microlog curve
- micronormal resistivity curve
- microresistivity curve
- mortality curve
- neutron curve
- neutron porosity curve
- normal curve
- normal device curve
- normal moveout curve
- normal time-distance curve
- normal travel time curve
- observed time-distance curve
- percentage decline curve
- percentage production decline curve
- performance curve
- permeability of gas curve
- permeability-ratio curve
- permeability-saturation curve
- phase permeability curve
- phase-velocity curve
- placed depth curve
- porosity curve
- potential decline curve
- pressure curve
- pressure-build-up curve
- production curve
- production-decline curve
- radioactivity curve
- reciprocated induction curve
- redox potential curve
- reduced time-distance curve
- reduced travel-time curve
- reflection time-distance curve
- refraction time-distance curve
- refraction travel time curve
- relative permeability curve
- reliability curve
- reliability-cost curve
- reliability-growth curve
- residual time curve
- reversed time-distance curves
- saturation curve
- seismic detector response curve
- shallow laterolog curve
- short normal curve
- single-receiver travel-time curve
- sonic curve
- sonic amplitude curve
- sonic interval transit-time curve
- standardized reliability curve
- stress-failure-rate curve
- stress-strain curve
- surface-wave dispersion curve
- survival curve
- temperature-pressure curve
- test curve
- theoretical travel-time curve
- three-arm caliper curve
- three-dimensional curve
- time curve
- time-anomaly curve
- time-depth curve
- time-distance curve
- transverse travel-time curve
- travel-time curve
- travel-time-distance curve
- true exponential decay curve
- vertical travel-time curve
- water-into-oil curve
- wavefront curve
- yield curve* * *
См. также в других словарях:
кривая бокового каротажа, зарегистрированная зондом с малым радиусом исследования — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN shallow laterolog curve … Справочник технического переводчика