1 shaking
shaking этол. встряхиваниеreciprocating shaking возвратно-поступательное перемешиваниеEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > shaking
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3 shaking
shaking трясти потрясающий см. также shake -
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shaking nтряска(штурвала) -
6 shaking
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking[Swahili Word] masuko[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 6[Derived Word] suka V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking[Swahili Word] mkung'uto[Swahili Plural] mikung'uto[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4[Derived Word] kung'uta V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking[English Plural] shakings[Swahili Word] msukosuko[Swahili Plural] misukosuko[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4[Derived Word] suka V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking[English Plural] shaking[Swahili Word] tetemeko[Swahili Plural] matetemeko[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] tetema------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking (act of)[Swahili Word] mtikiso[Swahili Plural] mitikiso[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] tikisa V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking (act of)[Swahili Word] mtitio[Swahili Plural] mititio[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] tita------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking (of vessels)[Swahili Word] mbumburisho[Swahili Plural] mibumburisho[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4[Swahili Example] sauti ya mbumburisho wa hando [Moh]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] shaking off (act of)[Swahili Word] mkupuo[Swahili Plural] mikupuo[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] kupua V------------------------------------------------------------ -
7 shaking
noun (an act of shaking or state of being shaken, shocked etc: They got a shaking in the crash.) scossone* * *shaking /ˈʃeɪkɪŋ/A a.B n.1 [uc] scuotimento; scrollata; scossone; scossa2 [u] tremito; tremore● (med.) shaking palsy, paralisi agitante; morbo di Parkinson □ (relig.) shaking Quaker ► Shaker □ shaking screen, vaglio a scosse. -
8 shaking
noun (an act of shaking or state of being shaken, shocked etc: They got a shaking in the crash.) die Erschütterung* * *shak·ing[ˈʃeɪkɪŋ]to give sb/sth a good \shaking jdn/etw kräftig schüttelnII. adj zitterndwith \shaking knees/hands mit zitternden Knien/Händen* * *['ʃeIkɪŋ]nZittern ntto give sb/sth a good shaking — jdn/etw kräftig schütteln; (fig) jdn kräftig treten
a nasty experience, it gave me a shaking — ein unangenehmes Erlebnis, das sitzt mir immer noch in den Knochen
* * *shaking [ˈʃeıkıŋ]A s1. Schütteln n2. Erschütterung fB adj (adv shakingly)1. Schüttel…:2. wackelnd* * *adj.erschütternd adj.schüttelnd adj. n. -
9 shaking
10 shaking
1) сотрясение
2) болтание
3) взбалтывание
4) встряхивание
5) встряхивающий
6) сотрясательный
7) сотрясающийся
8) тряска
9) трясучий
10) трясущийся
– shaking forehearth
– shaking grizzly
– shaking screen
– shaking table
– shaking tray
– shaking up -
11 shaking
12 shaking
noun (an act of shaking or state of being shaken, shocked etc: They got a shaking in the crash.) sacudidaadj.• temblón, -ona adj.n.• bazuqueo s.m.• meneo s.m.• sacudimiento s.m.['ʃeɪkɪŋ]N1) (=trembling) temblor m2) (=jolting)to give sb a good shaking — zarandear bien a algn, sacudir violentamente a algn
13 shaking
noun (an act of shaking or state of being shaken, shocked etc: They got a shaking in the crash.) risting, sjokksubst. \/ˈʃeɪkɪŋ\/1) rystelse, skaking, vibrering2) malaria3) ( overført) omveltningget a shaking bli rystetgive something a good shaking riste noe godt -
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n1) струс2) дрижання, тремтіння, вібрація3) мед. тремтючий параліч (тж shaking palsy)4) pl приступ (припадок) малярії, пропасний озноб5) вет. вертячка6) збирання урожаю (плодів, злаків)1) pl мор. ганчір'я, лахміття* * *n1) струс, струшування2) тремтіння, вібрація3) тремтючий параліч ( shaking palsy); pl гарячковий озноб, напад малярії4) вeт. вертячка5) збір урожаю (плодів, злаків) -
16 shaking
noun (an act of shaking or state of being shaken, shocked etc: They got a shaking in the crash.) tresenje* * *[šéikiŋ]1.nountresenje, majanje; drgetanje, trepetanjeit needs a good shaking — to je treba dobro pretresti;2.adjectivestresajoč; majavshaking palsy — tresavica, Parkinsonova bolezen -
17 shaking up
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > shaking up
18 shaking
[ʹʃeıkıŋ] n1. встряска2. дрожание, вибрация3. 1) дрожательный паралич (тж. shaking palsy)2) обыкн. pl лихорадочный озноб, припадок малярии4. вет. вертячка5. сбор урожая (плодов, злаков)♢
shaking of the dry bones - проблески жизни -
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1. n встряска2. n дрожание, вибрация3. n дрожательный паралич4. n обыкн. лихорадочный озноб, припадок малярии5. n вет. вертячка6. n сбор урожаяСинонимический ряд:1. tremulous (adj.) aquake; aquiver; ashake; ashiver; quaking; quaky; quivering; quivery; shaky; shivering; shivery; trembling; tremorous; tremulant; tremulous2. blow (noun) blow; bump; concussion; hit; impact; jarring; jolt; punch; shock3. churning (verb) agitating; churning; convulsing4. clearing (verb) clearing; releasing; relieving; ridding; unburdening5. dithering (verb) dithering; jarring; quaking; quavering; quivering; shaking; shivering; shuddering; trembling; twittering; vibrating6. jiggling (verb) jiggling; joggling7. losing (verb) eluding; evading; losing; slipping; throw off; throwing off8. moving (verb) dislocating; displacing; disturbing; moving; shifting9. rocking (verb) bothering; disquieting; flurrying; flustering; perturbing; rocking; ruffling; tossing; unsettling; upsetting10. shocking (verb) appalling; consternating; daunting; dismaying; horrifying; shocking
См. также в других словарях:
shaking — index trepidation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
shaking — встряхивающийся; встряхивающий shaking off стряхивающий; стряхивание shaking up встряхивающий; встряхивание sleeve cleaning shaking mechanism встряхивающий механизм … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Shaking — Shake Shake, v. t. [imp. {Shook}; p. p. {Shaken}, ({Shook}, obs.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Shaking}.] [OE. shaken, schaken, AS. scacan, sceacan; akin to Icel. & Sw. skaka, OS. skakan, to depart, to flee. [root]161. Cf. {Shock}, v.] 1. To cause to move… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shaking — adj. Shaking is used with these nouns: ↑arm, ↑finger, ↑hand … Collocations dictionary
shaking — suplakimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Indo su medžiaga smarkus purtymas. atitikmenys: angl. agitation; churning; shaking; shakingup rus. взбалтывание … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
shaking — noun 1. the act of causing something to move up and down (or back and forth) with quick movements (Freq. 2) • Derivationally related forms: ↑shake • Hypernyms: ↑agitation • Hyponyms: ↑joggle, ↑jiggle … Useful english dictionary
Shaking the dust from the feet — was a practice of pious Jews during New Testament times. When Jesus called his twelve disciples, he told them to perform the same act against the non believing Jews. In the early Latter Day Saint movement of the 19th century, it was practiced… … Wikipedia
Shaking Hell — «Shaking Hell» Sencillo de Sonic Youth Lado A «Shaking Hell» (en vivo) Lado B «Little Jammy Thing» Publicación Marzo de 1992 Formato 7 … Wikipedia Español
Shaking rat Kawasaki — (SRK) is an autosomal recessive mutant rat that has a short deletion in the reelin gene. Kikkawa S, Yamamoto T, Misaki K, Ikeda Y, Okado H, Ogawa M, Woodhams PL, Terashima T. (2003) Missplicing resulting from a short deletion in the reelin gene… … Wikipedia
Shaking Rock Park — is located in Oglethorpe County, off Highway 78 in Lexington, Georgia. Before being settled by American pioneers and European emigrants, the area around Shaking Rock was a camping ground of the Cherokee and Creek Indians.Shaking Rock derived its… … Wikipedia
Shaking the Tree — Shaking the Tree : Sixteen Golden Greats Album par Peter Gabriel Sortie 20 Novembre 1990 Enregistrement 1976 1990 Durée 77:05 Genre … Wikipédia en Français