1 sewer brick
- sewer brick
- nкирпич для канализационных сооружений (высокой плотности и прочности, с низкой водопоглощающей способностью)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 sewer brick
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sewer brick
3 sewer brick
4 sewer brick
1) Техника: синий высокопрочный кирпич2) Строительство: кирпич для канализационных сооружений (высокой плотности и прочности, с низкой водопоглощающей способностью), клинчатый кирпич (для кладки печных сводов и водосточных коллекторов) -
5 sewer brick
* * *кирпич для канализационных сооружений (высокой плотности и прочности, с низкой водопоглощающей способностью) -
6 brick
- brick
- n1. кирпич
2. закладывать кирпичом (напр. проём); заполнять кирпичом (напр. фахверк); облицовывать кирпичом; мостить кирпичом; замуровывать в кирпичной кладке; возводить конструкцию из кирпича; придавать внешний вид кирпичной кладки, делать разрезку (напр. стены) под кирпич
brick on bed — кирпич, уложенный плашмя [на постель]
brick on edge — кирпич, уложенный на ребро
- acid-proof brick
- acid-resistant brick
- adobe brick
- aerated brick
- air-dried brick
- aluminous fire brick
- aluminous brick
- angle brick
- arch brick
- ashlar brick
- axed brick
- backing brick
- back-up brick
- basic brick
- beam brick
- blue brick
- body brick
- bonder brick
- building common brick
- bullnose brick
- burnt brick
- calcium silicate brick
- cant brick
- cavity brick
- cellular brick
- clay brick
- clinker brick
- common brick
- compass brick
- concrete brick
- crushed bricks
- cut brick
- diatomaceous brick
- Dutch brick
- economy brick
- enameled brick
- engineered brick
- engineering brick
- face brick
- featheredge brick
- fire brick
- floor brick
- frog brick
- furring brick
- gauged brick
- glass brick
- glazed brick
- half brick
- header brick
- hollow brick
- internal-quality brick
- key brick
- kieselguhr brick
- kieselgur brick
- kiln brick
- lightweight building brick
- lime-sand brick
- lining brick
- modular brick
- molded brick
- moler brick
- no frogs brick
- paving brick
- perforated brick
- pressed brick
- radial brick
- radius brick
- refractory brick
- rock-faced brick
- rough-axed brick
- rubbing brick
- sand-lime brick
- sewer brick
- solid brick
- splay brick
- three-quarter brick
- unfired brick
- V brick
- ventilation brick
- vertical-fiber brick
- vitrified brick
- voussior brick
- wedge-shaped brick
- wire-cut brick
- wood brick
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
7 brick
1) кирпич; клинкер2) брус; брусок; брикет3) класть кирпичи; выкладывать, мостить, облицовывать•to brick in — вмазывать, вмуровывать
to brick up — перекрывать кирпичной кладкой, закладывать кирпичами
to bond brick — класть кирпич "на ребро"
to dead-burn brick — обжигать кирпич "намертво"
- acid brick - acidproof brick - adobe brick - aerated brick - air-dried brick - American brick - angle brick - arch brick - ashlar brick - axed brick - backing brick - back-up brick - basic brick - bauxite brick - beam brick - bloating brick - blue brick - body brick - bonder brick - bottom brick - broken brick - building common brick - bullnose brick - burnt brick - calcium-silicate brick - cant brick - capping brick - cavity brick - cellular brick - cement brick - chemically bonded brick - chimneys brick - chrome brick - circle brick - clay brick - closer brick - cob brick - compass brick - concrete brick - coping brick - cork brick - curved brick - diatomite brick - dome brick - double bullnose brick - double standard brick - dry-pressed brick - Dutch brick - edge brick - engineering brick - English brick - erosion-resistant brick - face brick - facing brick - fashioned brick - fixing brick - frog brick - front brick - green brick - grizzle brick - hollow brick - insulating brick - key brick - light brick - lime-sand brick - lining brick - loam brick - lugless brick - malm brick - medium brick - medium-baked brick - medium-burned brick - metal-cased brick - modular brick - molded brick - oversize brick - pale brick - panel brick - paving brick - perforated brick - porous brick - pressed brick - radial brick - radial chimney brick - refractory brick - reinforced brick - Roman brick - rough brick - rough-axed brick - sand-faced brick - sand-lime brick - scrap brick - second-hand brick - sewer brick - slaking resistant brick - solid brick - spalled brick - spent brick - sun-dried brick - tar-bonded brick - timber brick - used brick - veneered brick - vitrified brick - voussoir brick - wall brick - wood brickto lay brick on end — класть кирпич "на торец"
* * *1. кирпич2. закладывать кирпичом (напр. проём); заполнять кирпичом (напр. фахверк); облицовывать кирпичом; мостить кирпичом; замуровывать в кирпичной кладке; возводить конструкцию из кирпича; придавать внешний вид кирпичной кладки, делать разрезку (напр. стены) под кирпичbrick on bed — кирпич, уложенный плашмя [на постель]
- acid-proof brickbrick on edge — кирпич, уложенный на ребро
- acid-resistant brick
- adobe brick
- aerated brick
- air-dried brick
- aluminous fire brick
- aluminous brick
- angle brick
- arch brick
- ashlar brick
- axed brick
- backing brick
- back-up brick
- basic brick
- beam brick
- blue brick
- body brick
- bonder brick
- building common brick
- bullnose brick
- burnt brick
- calcium silicate brick
- cant brick
- cavity brick
- cellular brick
- clay brick
- clinker brick
- common brick
- compass brick
- concrete brick
- crushed bricks
- cut brick
- diatomaceous brick
- Dutch brick
- economy brick
- enameled brick
- engineered brick
- engineering brick
- face brick
- featheredge brick
- fire brick
- floor brick
- frog brick
- furring brick
- gauged brick
- glass brick
- glazed brick
- half brick
- header brick
- hollow brick
- internal-quality brick
- key brick
- kieselguhr brick
- kieselgur brick
- kiln brick
- lightweight building brick
- lime-sand brick
- lining brick
- modular brick
- molded brick
- moler brick
- no frogs brick
- paving brick
- perforated brick
- pressed brick
- radial brick
- radius brick
- refractory brick
- rock-faced brick
- rough-axed brick
- rubbing brick
- sand-lime brick
- sewer brick
- solid brick
- splay brick
- three-quarter brick
- unfired brick
- V brick
- ventilation brick
- vertical-fiber brick
- vitrified brick
- voussior brick
- wedge-shaped brick
- wire-cut brick
- wood brick -
8 brick
1) кирпич || класть кирпичи; выкладывать кирпичом || кирпичный2) блок (бетонный, песчаника, известняка)3) стеклоблок4) пищ. брикет•to bond brick — класть кирпич вперевязку;to extrude brick — получать кирпич на ленточном прессе;to fix bricks together — класть кирпич вперевязку;to brick in — закладывать кирпичом (напр. отверстие);to mold brick — формовать кирпич;to press brick — прессовать кирпич;to repress brick — допрессовывать кирпич;to brick up — закладывать кирпичом (напр. отверстие)-
acidproof brick
adobe brick
air brick
air-dried brick
alumina brick
American brick
antracite-base carbon brick
arch brick
ashlar brick
backing brick
blue brick
body brick
broken brick
broken fireclay brick
broken silica brick
building brick
bullnose brick
burnt brick
calcareous brick
capping brick
cavity brick
chamotte brick
checker brick
chrome-magnesite brick
circle brick
clay brick
clinker brick
closer brick
cob brick
compass brick
concrete brick
coping brick
cored brick
cove header brick
cove stretcher brick
crown brick
crushed brick
curved brick
deaerated brick
dolomite brick
double bullnose brick
dry-pressed brick
Dutch brick
economy brick
enameled brick
engineering brick
English brick
engobed brick
face brick
feather-edge brick
fire brick
fire-clay brick
fixing brick
fountain brick
fritted brick
full brick
gaged brick
glass brick
glazed brick
green brick
grog brick
gun-flue brick
hard brick
hard-burnt brick
high-duty fireclay brick
hollow brick
hot repair brick
internal bullnose brick
jumbo brick
key brick
keyed brick
kiln brick
lightweight brick
lime-sand brick
low-duty fireclay brick
magnesia brick
magnesite-chrome brick
metal-cased magnesite brick
modular brick
nailable brick
nonspalling brick
Norman brick
pale brick
paving brick
perforated brick
porous brick
powder-pressed brick
press brick
radial brick
radiating brick
radius brick
refractory brick
rider brick
Roman brick
runner brick
sanding brick
sawdust brick
second-hand brick
sewer brick
shale brick
shaped brick
silica brick
slag brick
soft-mud brick
spalling-resistant brick
steel-plate jointed bricks
stiff-mud brick
stock brick
sun-dried brick
suspension-roof brick
tapestry brick
tar-bonded brick
tar-dolomite brick
timber brick
unburnt brick
used brick
vitrified brick
voussoir brick
wall brick
wet-mud brick
whole brick
wire-cut brick
wood brick -
9 brick
1. закладывать кирпичом; заполнять кирпичом; облицовывать кирпичом; мостить кирпичом; замуровывать в кирпичной кладке; возводить конструкцию из кирпича; придавать внешний вид кирпичной кладки, делать разрезку под кирпичbrick on bed — кирпич, уложенный плашмя
brick on edge — кирпич, уложенный на ребро
2. вентилируемый кирпич3. вентиляционная решётка в стенеaluminous brick — алюминатный кирпич; шамотный кирпич
angle brick — косоугольный кирпич, кирпич со скошенным тычком
clinker brick — клинкерный кирпич, клинкер
common brick — обыкновенный кирпич, рядовой кирпич
compass brick — клиновой кирпич; лекальный кирпич
crushed bricks — кирпичный щебень; кирпичный бой
Dutch brick — клинкерный кирпич, клинкер
4. кирпич, скошенный по ширине; клиновой кирпич5. ребровый клиновой кирпич6. клиновой кирпич для арок7. кирпич, механически обработанный до заданных размеров; лекальный кирпичhalf brick — половняк, полкирпича
hollow brick — пустотный кирпич с площадью пустот не более 40% или не более 25% от площади постели кирпича
internal-quality brick — кирпич для забутки, забутовочный кирпич
lining brick — лицевой кирпич; футеровочный кирпич
8. фасонный декоративный кирпич, профильный лицевой кирпич9. обычный формованный кирпичmoler brick — диатомитовый кирпич; теплоизолирующий кирпич
radial brick — лекальный кирпич; клиновой кирпич
radius brick — лекальный кирпич; клиновой кирпич
10 синий высокопрочный кирпич
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > синий высокопрочный кирпич
11 синий высокопрочный кирпич
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > синий высокопрочный кирпич
12 pipe
1) труба; трубка; трубопровод3) бочка4) прокладывать трубопровод; пускать по трубам (напр. газ, воду)•- admission pipe - admitting pipe - air pipe - air-supply pipe - angle pipe - antisiphonage pipe - asbestos-cement pipe - ascending pipe - bare pipe - bent pipe - bifurcated pipe - bleeder pipe - blind pipe - blow-off pipe - branch pipe - branched pipe - brick culvert pipe - bulged-in pipe - buried pipe - bypass pipe - cash pipe - casing pipe - cast-in-place concrete pipe - ceramic pipe - channel pipe - charging pipe - circular pipe - circulation pipe - clay pipe - clogged pipe - coil pipe - cold-drawn pipe - collapsed pipe - collecting pipe - compensating pipe - concrete pipe - connecting pipe - cooling pipe - corrodible pipe - corrugated pipe - corrugated-iron pipe - cracky pipe - curved pipe - customer's service pipe - delivery pipe - discharge pipe - distributing pipe - double branch pipe - double-elbow pipe - down pipe - drag pipe - drain pipe - drawn pipe - dribble pipe - drill pipe - drive pipe - dropping pipe - drowning pipe - dry condensate return pipe - eduction pipe - elbow pipe - elbow bend pipe - electric-welded pipe - exhaust pipe - expansion pipe - expanding pipe - extraction pipe - fabricated pipe - fall pipe - feed pipe - filter pipe - fitting pipe - flanged pipe - flattened pipe - flexible pipe - flow pipe - flue pipe - flush pipe - force pipe - free-flow pipe - gas pipe - gas-cleaning pipe - gas-service pipe - gas-supply pipe - gilled pipe - glazed pipe - header pipe - hot pipe - hot-water pipe - influent pipe - inlet pipe - inserted-joint pipe - installation gas pipe - insulated pipe - intake pipe - knee pipe - land pipe - lavatory waste pipe - leader pipe - leaky pipe - line pipe - low-head pipe - main pipe - manifold pipe - mantle pipe - metal pipe - muffler pipe - network pipe - non-pressure pipe - offset pipe - open-jointed pipe - outfall pipe - outlet pipe - overflow pipe - overhead pipe - perforated pipe - plastic pipe - PPRC pipe - pressure pipe - puff pipe - pumpcrete pipe - PVC pipe - rainwater pipe - reducing pipe - reinforced-concrete pipe - return pipe - ribbed heating pipe - riser pipe - rolled pipe - run pipe - rust-eaten pipe - sag pipe - scour pipe - screen pipe - screwed pipe - seamed pipe - seamless pipe - serpentine pipe - service pipes - sewer pipe - shunt pipe - siphon pipe - slotter pipe - sludge discharge pipe - sluice pipe - smoke pipe - smooth pipe - socket pipe - soil pipe - soil and vent pipe - sparge pipe - spun pipe - stand pipe - stave pipe - steel pipe - steel galvanized pipe - stoneware pipe - stove pipe - suction pipe - supply pipe - surge pipe - swan-neck pipe - sweep-up pipe - take-off pipe - taper pipe - tee branch pipe - thick-walled pipe - thin-walled pipe - threaded pipe - three-way pipe - tile pipe - valve-controlled pipe - ventilation pipe - vitrified-clay pipe - warm-air pipe - warning pipe - wash pipe - waste-water pipe - water pipe - water-discharge pipe - water-distributing pipe - water-drain pipe - water-inlet pipe - water-service pipe - weep pipe - welded pipe - weldless drawn pipe - worm pipe* * *труба- air pipe
- antisiphonage pipe
- asbestos-cement pipe
- aspiration pipe
- balance pipe
- bare pipe
- bellmouth pipe
- bleed pipe
- bottom pipe
- Bourdon pipe
- branch pipe
- bypass pipe
- cast-iron drain pipe
- centrifugally-cast pipe
- circulation pipe
- clay pipe
- communication pipe
- concrete pipe
- condensate return pipe
- conductor pipe
- connecting pipe
- corrugated pipe
- customer's service pipe
- diminishing pipe
- discharge pipe
- distributing pipe
- double branch pipe
- drain pipe
- draw-off pipe
- dredging pipe
- drill pipe
- drive pipe
- drowning pipe
- dry condensate return pipe
- equivalent pipe
- exhaust steam pipe
- expansion pipe
- fall pipe
- filter pipe
- flexible pipe
- flow pipe
- flush pipe
- furred hot-water pipes
- furred pipes
- galvanized pipe
- gas pipe
- gas service pipe
- gilled pipe
- glazed stoneware pipe
- heat pipe
- ice pipe
- indirect drain pipe
- inspection pipe
- installation pipe
- instrument branch pipe
- intake pipe
- mantle pipe
- outfall pipe
- outlet pipe
- overflow pipe
- penstock pipe
- plain-ended pipe
- plastic pipe
- pressure pipe
- puff pipe
- pumpcrete pipe
- PVC pipe
- rainwater pipe
- ribbed pipe
- riser pipe
- sag pipe
- salt-glazed earthenware pipe
- screwed pipe
- seamless pipe
- service pipe
- sewer pipe
- shunt pipe
- single-hub pipe
- sludge extraction pipe
- sludge pipe
- snorer pipe
- socket pipe
- soil and vent pipe
- sparge pipe
- spray pipe
- stoneware pipe
- suction pipe
- sump pipe
- supply pipe
- supply pipe from source
- surge pipe
- tail pipe
- taper pipe
- thick-walled pipe
- thin-walled pipe
- vent pipe
- ventilating pipe
- ventilation pipe
- Venturi pipe
- vitrified ceramic drain pipe
- vitrified-clay pipe
- vitrified pipe
- warning pipe
- waste pipe
- water pipe
- water distributing pipe
- water service pipe
- well screen pipe
- wet condensate return pipe
- wood-stave pipe
См. также в других словарях:
sewer brick — noun : a brick made from shale or clay, burned to a greenish blue color in a flame of low oxygen in a kiln, and used in drainage structures for the conveyance of sewage, industrial wastes, and storm water called also blue brick … Useful english dictionary
brick and tile — ▪ building material Introduction structural clay products, manufactured as standard units, used in building construction. The brick, first produced in a sun dried form at least 6,000 years ago and the forerunner of a wide range of… … Universalium
blue brick — noun : sewer brick … Useful english dictionary
Combined sewer — This article describes early sewer systems designed to carry both sanitary waste and surface runoff. See sanitary sewer for a description of modern sewers designed to exclude storm water or storm drain for a description of sewers designed to… … Wikipedia
Sanitary sewer — A sanitary sewer (also called, especially in the UK, a foul sewer) is a type of underground carriage system for transporting sewage from houses or industry to treatment or disposal. In some areas, sanitary sewers are separate sewer systems… … Wikipedia
Evens & Howard Fire Brick Co. — Sketch of Evens Howard Fire Brick prior to 1904 … Wikipedia
Outhouse — This article is about a type of building or structure used primarily as a toilet . For other uses, see Outhouse (disambiguation). An outhouse at Goat Peak, 6,305 ft (1,922 m) above sea level An outhouse is a small structure separate from a main… … Wikipedia
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Diffusion of technology in Canada — This article outlines the history of the diffusion or spread of technology in Canada. Technologies chosen for treatment here include, in rough order, transportation, communication, energy, materials, industry, public works, public services… … Wikipedia
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
Gowanus Canal — The Gowanus Canal, also known as the Gowanus Creek Canal, is a canal in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, geographically on the westernmost portion of Long Island. Connected to Gowanus Bay in Upper New York Bay, the canal borders the… … Wikipedia