1 severe shock
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > severe shock
2 severe shock
Метрология: резкий удар, сильный удар -
3 severe shock
глубокое, ужасное потрясение, глубокий шокАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > severe shock
4 shock
̈ɪʃɔk I
1. сущ.
1) удар, толчок;
сотрясение to absorb, cushion a shock ≈ смягчить удар Syn: concussion, shaking
2) перен. потрясение, удар;
шок (at) to feel a shock ≈ испытывать потрясение to get, have a shock ≈ получить потрясение to give smb. a shock ≈ потрясти кого-л. His arrest was a shock to everybody. ≈ Его арест был ударом для всех. It was a shock to learn of his death./It was a shock learning of his death. ≈ Известие о его смерти было потрясением. Everyone expressed shock at the hijacking. ≈ Все были потрясены угоном самолета. culture shock ≈ "культурное" потрясение, шок;
потрясение, шок от встречи с чужой культурой emotional shock ≈ эмоциональное потрясение nervous shock ≈ нервное потрясение profound shock, severe shock ≈ глубокое, ужасное потрясение, глубокий шок rude shock ≈ внезапный удар shell shock ≈ военный невроз;
психическая травма, полученная во время боя Syn: shake, upheaval
3) мед. шок to administer shock ≈ применять шокотерапию to get, receive shock ≈ получать шокотерапию shock treatment ≈ шокотерапия electric shock ≈ электрошок insulin shock ≈ инсулиновый шок
4) физ. ударная волна
5) амер. амортизатор Syn: shock absorber
2. гл.
1) а) производить сильное впечатление, поражать, потрясать б) возмущать, шокировать
2) спец. а) сотрясать, ударять;
сотрясаться, ударяться б) вызывать шок
3) поэт. приходить в столкновение, быть в коллизии Syn: impact ∙ shock into
3. прил.
1) ударный shock wave ≈ ударная волна shock resistant ≈ ударостойкий
2) шоковый shock therapy ≈ шоковая терапия II
1. сущ.
1) копна, скирда( из снопов)
2) перен. масса, куча;
2. гл. укладывать в копны, скирды III
1. сущ.
1) копна волос
2) мохнатая собака (тж. shock dog)
2. прил. мохнатый, лохматый I reached through the water to his shock pate and drew him up. ≈ Я дотянулся в воде до его лохматой головы и вытянул его на поверхность. удар;
толчок - terrific * ужасный удар - to absorb a * смягчить удар толчок, удар (при землетрясении) - the cars collided with a great * удар при столкновении машин был большой силы электрический удар (тж. electric *) (военное) отдача (тж. * of discharge) потрясение, удар - * of laughter приступ смеха - mental * психологическое потрясение - his death was a * to me меня потрясла его смерть - his departure was a sad * to his mother его отъезд был боьшим ударом для его матери - the news came to me with a rude * эта новость совершенно ошеломила меня (медицина) шок - he's suffering from * он (находится) в шоке (разговорное) (апоплексический) удар - he died of * он умер от удара (физическое) ударная волна (американизм) (техническое) амортизатор поражать, потрясать - to * profoungly глубоко потрясти - to be *ed at the news быть потрясенным новостью возмущать, шокировать - to * the ear резать слух - to be *ed to hear smth. с возмущением услышать о чем-либо - I am *ed at his conduct я нахожу его поведение возмутительным - I'm not easily *ed, but... меня трудно шокировать, но... (специальное) ударять (специальное) вызывать шок сталкиваться, приходить в столкновение( сельскохозяйственное) копна;
бабка (хлеба, льна) ;
скирда толпа масса, уйма копна волос косматый, лохматый to collide (или to clash) with a tremendous ~ столкнуться со страшной силой inflationary ~ инфляционный импульс ~ потрясение;
the news came upon him with a shock новость потрясла его shock возмущать, шокировать ~ копна, скирда (из снопов) ~ копна волос ~ мохнатая собака (тж. shock dog) ~ потрясать, поражать ~ потрясение;
the news came upon him with a shock новость потрясла его ~ ставить в копны, скирды ~ поэт. сталкиваться ~ столкновение ~ удар, толчок;
shocks of earthquake подземные толчки( при землетрясении) ~ удар ~ мед. шок ~ attr. ударный;
shock wave физ. ударная взрывная волна;
shock adsorber амортизатор ~ attr. ударный;
shock wave физ. ударная взрывная волна;
shock adsorber амортизатор ~ attr. мед. шоковый;
shock treatment шокотерапия ~ tactics воен. тактика сокрушительных ударов;
shock troops воен. ударные войска ~ attr. мед. шоковый;
shock treatment шокотерапия ~ tactics воен. тактика сокрушительных ударов;
shock troops воен. ударные войска ~ attr. ударный;
shock wave физ. ударная взрывная волна;
shock adsorber амортизатор ~ удар, толчок;
shocks of earthquake подземные толчки (при землетрясении) -
5 shock
[ʃɔk] I 1. сущ.1) удар, толчок; сотрясениеto absorb / cushion a shock — смягчить удар
Syn:2) потрясение, удар; шокprofound / severe shock — глубокое, ужасное потрясение; сильный шок
to get / have a shock — получить потрясение
to give smb. a shock — потрясти кого-л., вызвать у кого-л. потрясение
His arrest was a shock to everybody. — Его арест был ударом для всех.
It was a shock to learn of his death. / It was a shock learning of his death. — Известие о его смерти стало потрясением.
- emotional shockEveryone expressed shock at the hijacking. — Все были потрясены угоном самолёта.
- nervous shockSyn:3) мед. шок4) физ. ударная волна5) амер.; = shock absorber2. гл.1)а) производить сильное впечатление, поражать, потрясатьб) возмущать, шокироватьJane's last school report shocked her parents into action. — Последняя школьная ведомость Джейн заставила её родителей действовать.
2)а) сотрясать, ударятьб) сотрясаться, ударятьсяв) вызывать шок3) уст. приходить в столкновение, быть в коллизииSyn:impact 2.II 1. сущ.1) копна, скирда2) масса, куча; множество2. гл.укладывать в копны, скирды -
6 shock
A n1 ( psychological) choc m ; to get ou have a shock avoir un choc ; to give sb a shock faire un choc à qn ; the shock of seeing/hearing le choc de voir/d'entendre ; it came as a bit of a shock cela m'a fait comme un choc ; her death came as a shock to us sa mort a été un choc pour nous ; it's a shock to the system when… c'est un vrai choc quand… ; to recover from ou get over the shock surmonter le choc ; a sense of shock un choc ; he's in for a nasty ○ shock when he gets the bill il va avoir un sacré ○ choc quand il recevra la note ; to express one's shock ( indignation) exprimer son indignation ; ( amazement) exprimer sa surprise ; his shock at their mistreatment son indignation en apprenant leur mauvais traitement ; her shock at her surprisingly good results sa surprise en apprenant ses bons résultats ; shock! horror! journ ou hum scandale épouvantable! ; minister's resignation shock! journ coup de théâtre: le ministre démissionne! ;2 Med état m de choc ; to be in (a state of) shock être en état de choc ; to go into shock entrer en état de choc ; to treat sb for shock soigner qn en état de choc ; in deep shock en grave état de choc ; to be suffering from shock souffrir d'un choc ; severe/mild shock choc grave/léger ;3 Elec décharge f ; electric shock décharge électrique ; to get/receive a shock prendre/recevoir une décharge ; to give sb a shock donner une décharge à qn ;4 ( physical impact) ( of collision) choc m ; ( of earthquake) secousse f ; ( of explosion) souffle m ;D shocked pp adj ( distressed) consterné ; ( scandalized) choqué ; to be shocked at ou by sth être choqué or consterné par qch ; to be shocked to hear ou learn that… être choqué or consterné d'apprendre que… ; she's not easily shocked on ne la choque pas facilement. -
7 severe
severe [sɪˈvɪər]a. ( = serious) [problems, damage, shortage, injury, illness] grave ; [blow, loss] sévère ; [hardship, setback] sérieux ; [pain, frost] fort ; [migraine] violent ; [climate, winter] rigoureux ; [cold] intenseb. ( = strict) [person, expression, measure] sévèrec. [clothes] sévère* * *[sɪ'vɪə(r)]1) ( extreme) [problem, damage, shortage, injury, depression, shock] grave; [weather, cold, winter] rigoureux/-euse; [headache] violent; [loss] lourd2) ( harsh) sévère3) ( austere) austère -
8 severe
9 shock
I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) chok2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) stød3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) chok4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) chok2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) chokere- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) manke* * *I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) chok2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) stød3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) chok4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) chok2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) chokere- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) manke -
10 shock
1. ʃok noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) conmoción, golpe2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) descarga3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) choque, impacto, golpe4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) shock, choque
2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) conmocionar, conmover, afectar- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber
II ʃok noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) matashock1 n1. golpe2. susto3. descarga eléctrica / calambredon't touch that wire, you'll get a shock no toques ese cable, te dará un calambreshock2 vb1. afectar / conmover / trastornar2. escandalizar
shock /ʃok/ sustantivo masculinoa) (Med) shock;
shock m (choque, impresión) shock ' shock' also found in these entries: Spanish: amortiguador - batatazo - calambre - choque - conmoción - electrochoque - electroshock - escandalizar - escopetazo - espanto - impactar - impresión - impresionar - rebotar - rehacerse - sacudir - sacudida - turbar - balde - chingar - chocar - corriente - descarga - onda - patada - toque English: culture shock - electric shock - fall back - rude - set out - shock - shock absorber - shock tactics - shock therapy - shock treatment - shock wave - suffer - a - absorb - bloody - culture - devastating - electric - fright - get - give - scare - shake - shell - stuntr[ʃɒk]1 (jolt, blow) choque nombre masculino, impacto, golpe nombre masculino; (of explosion etc) sacudida; (electric) descarga1 (upset) conmocionar, conmover, afectar, sacudir2 (startle) asustar, sorprender, sobresaltar; (scandalize) escandalizar, horrorizar1 impresionar, impactar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLshock absorber amortiguador nombre masculinoshock therapy / shock treatment electrochoque nombre masculinoshock wave onda expansiva————————tr[ʃɒk]1 (of corn) fajina————————tr[ʃɒk]1 (of hair) matashock ['ʃɑk] vt1) upset: conmover, conmocionar2) startle: asustar, sobresaltar3) scandalize: escandalizar4) : darle una descarga eléctrica ashock n1) collision, jolt: choque m, sacudida f2) upset: conmoción f, golpe m emocional3) : shock m (en medicina)5) sheaves: gavillas fpl6)shock of hair : mata f de pelon.• choque s.m.• conmoción s.f.• conmoción desagradable s.f.• golpe s.m.• greña s.f.• hacina s.f.• impacto (Física) s.m.• sacudida s.f.• shock s.m.• sobresalto s.m.• susto s.m.v.• chocar v.• conmover v.• sobresaltar v.ʃɑːk, ʃɒk
1) ca) ( of impact) choque m, impacto m; (of earthquake, explosion) sacudida fb) ( electric shock) descarga f (eléctrica), golpe m de corrienteI got a shock — me dio una descarga or un golpe de corriente, me dio corriente
2)a) u ( Med) shock mto be in (a state of) shock — estar* en estado de shock
b) u c (distress, surprise) shock m, impresión fto get a shock — llevarse un shock or una impresión
I nearly died of shock — por poco me muero del shock or de la impresión
he's in for a shock when he finds out — se va a llevar un shock cuando se entere; (before n) (journ)
a shock announcement — un anuncio sorprendente, un bombazo (fam)
c) ( scare) susto mwhat a shock you gave me! — qué susto me diste or me pegaste!
3) c ( bushy mass)
transitive verb (stun, appal) horrorizar*; ( scandalize) escandalizar*, horrorizar*; ( scare) asustarmy mother is easily shocked — mi madre se escandaliza or se horroriza por cualquier cosa
vi impactar, impresionar
I [ʃɒk]1. Nto come as a shock — resultar sorprendente or asombroso, causar estupefacción
it comes as a shock to hear that... — resulta sorprendente or asombroso saber que..., causa estupefacción saber que...
frankly, this has all come as a bit of a shock — con toda franqueza, para mí esto ha sido un duro golpe
to get a shock — llevarse or pegarse un susto
what a shock you gave me! — ¡qué susto me diste!, ¡me has asustado!
2) (lit) (=impact) sacudida f ; (fig) (=shakeup) choque m, sacudida fthe shock of the explosion was felt five miles away — la sacudida de la explosión se sintió a una distancia de cinco millas
it was a shock to the establishment — sacudió el sistema, fue un serio golpe para el sistema
3) (Elec) descarga fshe got a shock from the refrigerator — la nevera le dio una descarga or un calambre
4) (Med) shock m, postración f nerviosa•
to be suffering from shock, be in (a state of) shock — estar en estado de shock, padecer una postración nerviosa2. VT1) (=startle) sobresaltar, asustar2) (=affect emotionally) (=upset) conmover, chocar; (=offend) escandalizar3.VI causar escándalo, chocar4.CPDshock absorber N — (Aut) amortiguador m
shock jock * N — (esp US) presentador(a) polémico/a de coloquios radiofónicos abiertos al público
shock tactics NPL — (lit) (Mil) táctica fsing de choque; (fig) provocación f
to use shock tactics — (fig) recurrir a la provocación, provocar
shock therapy, shock treatment N — (Med) (also: electric shock treatment) tratamiento m por electrochoque
shock troops NPL — guardias mpl de asalto
shock wave N — onda f de choque
[ʃɒk]N (also: shock of hair) mata f de pelo
III [ʃɒk] (Agr)1.N tresnal m, garbera f2.* * *[ʃɑːk, ʃɒk]
1) ca) ( of impact) choque m, impacto m; (of earthquake, explosion) sacudida fb) ( electric shock) descarga f (eléctrica), golpe m de corrienteI got a shock — me dio una descarga or un golpe de corriente, me dio corriente
2)a) u ( Med) shock mto be in (a state of) shock — estar* en estado de shock
b) u c (distress, surprise) shock m, impresión fto get a shock — llevarse un shock or una impresión
I nearly died of shock — por poco me muero del shock or de la impresión
he's in for a shock when he finds out — se va a llevar un shock cuando se entere; (before n) (journ)
a shock announcement — un anuncio sorprendente, un bombazo (fam)
c) ( scare) susto mwhat a shock you gave me! — qué susto me diste or me pegaste!
3) c ( bushy mass)
transitive verb (stun, appal) horrorizar*; ( scandalize) escandalizar*, horrorizar*; ( scare) asustarmy mother is easily shocked — mi madre se escandaliza or se horroriza por cualquier cosa
vi impactar, impresionar -
11 shock
1. noun1) Schock, derI got the shock of my life — ich erschrak zu Tode
he's in for a [nasty] shock! — er wird eine böse Überraschung erleben!
3) (Electr.) Schlag, der4) (Med.) Schock, derbe in [a state of] shock — unter Schock[wirkung] stehen
2. transitive verb[electric] shock — Elektroschock, der
1)shock somebody [deeply] — ein [schwerer] Schock für jemanden sein
2) (scandalize) schockierenI'm not easily shocked — mich schockiert so leicht nichts
be shocked by something — über etwas (Akk.) schockiert sein
* * *I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) der Schock2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) der Schlag3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) der Stoß4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) der Schock2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) schockieren- academic.ru/66739/shocker">shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun* * *shock1[ʃɒk, AM ʃɑ:k]I. nbe prepared for a \shock mach dich auf etwas Schlimmes gefasstshe slowly recovered from the \shock of losing her husband sie erholte sich nur langsam von dem Schock, den der Verlust ihres Mannes für sie bedeuteteit was a \shock to see her look so ill es war erschreckend, sie so krank zu sehenthis gave me a \shock das hat mir einen Schock versetztthe \shock of one's life der Schock seines Lebensto give sb the \shock of their life jdn zu Tode erschreckenlook of \shock entsetzter Blicka \shock to the system eine schwierige Umstellungto come as a \shock ein Schock [o schwerer Schlag] seinto get a \shock einen Schock bekommenthe survivors were taken to hospital suffering from \shock die Überlebenden wurden mit einem Schock ins Krankenhaus eingeliefertin [a state of] \shock in einem Schockzustandto be in [a state of] \shock unter Schock stehen6.II. vt▪ to \shock sb jdn schockierenit \shocks him to hear women talking about sex es schockiert ihn, Frauen über Sex reden zu hörento \shock sb deeply [or profoundly] jdn zutiefst erschütternthe play is intended to \shock das Stück soll schockieren [o provozieren\shock defeat völlig unerwartete Niederlage; (frightening) erschreckendanother \shock fall in the value of the euro wieder ein erschreckender Kursverlust des Euroshock2[ʃɒk, AM ʃɑ:k]n\shock of hair [Haar]schopf m* * *I [ʃɒk]1. nthe shock killed him —
rabbits can die of shock — für ein or bei einem Kaninchen kann ein Schock tödlich sein
a feeling of shock spread through the town — Entsetzen nt verbreitete sich in der Stadt
it comes as a shock to hear that... — mit Bestürzung höre ich/hören wir, dass...
it gave me a nasty shock — es hat mir einen bösen Schreck( en) eingejagt
to get the shock of one's life — den Schock seines Lebens kriegen
I got the shock of my life when I heard... — ich dachte, mich trifft der Schlag, als ich hörte... (inf)
2. vt(= affect emotionally) erschüttern, bestürzen; (= make indignant) schockieren, schocken (inf)to be shocked by sth — über etw (acc) erschüttert or bestürzt sein; (morally) über etw (acc) schockiert or geschockt (inf) sein
he was shocked when they took his passport away — es hat ihn geschockt, dass man ihm den Pass abgenommen hat (inf)
to shock sb into doing sth — jdm eine solche Angst einjagen, dass er etw tut
to shock sb into action/out of his/her etc complacency — jdn zum Handeln/aus seiner Selbstzufriedenheit aufrütteln
3. vi(film, writer etc) schockieren, schocken (inf) IIn (AGR)Garbenbündel nt, Hocke f IIIn(Haar)schopf m* * *shock1 [ʃɒk; US ʃɑk]A s1. (heftiger) Stoß, Erschütterung f (auch fig des Vertrauens etc)the shock of the waves der Anprall der Wellenget the shock of one’s lifea) zu Tode erschrecken,b) sein blaues Wunder erleben umg;with a shock mit Schrecken;she is in (a state of) shock sie hat einen Schock;the news came as a (great) shock to him die Nachricht war ein (großer) Schock für ihn oder traf ihn (sehr) schwerto für)6. MEDc) plötzliche Lähmungd) umg Schlag(anfall) m7. PSYCH Schockreaktion fB v/t1. erschüttern, erbeben lassen2. fig schockieren, schocken:at, by über akk)shocked schockiert, entgeistert;I was shocked to hear zu meinem Entsetzen hörte ich4. jemandem einen Nervenschock versetzen5. jemandem einen (elektrischen) Schlag versetzen6. MED schocken, einer Schockbehandlung unterziehenC v/i MIL zusammenstoßen, -prallenshock2 [ʃɒk; US ʃɑk] AGRA s Mandel f, Hocke f, (aufgeschichteter) GarbenhaufenB v/t in Mandeln aufstellenshock3 [ʃɒk; US ʃɑk]B adj zottig:shock head Strubbelkopf m umg* * *1. noun1) Schock, derhe's in for a [nasty] shock! — er wird eine böse Überraschung erleben!
2) (violent impact) Erschütterung, die (of durch)3) (Electr.) Schlag, der4) (Med.) Schock, derbe in [a state of] shock — unter Schock[wirkung] stehen
2. transitive verb[electric] shock — Elektroschock, der
1)shock somebody [deeply] — ein [schwerer] Schock für jemanden sein
2) (scandalize) schockierenbe shocked by something — über etwas (Akk.) schockiert sein
* * *n.Betroffenheit f.Erschütterung f.Schlag -¨e m.Schock -s m.Stoß ¨-e m. v.erschüttern v. -
12 shock
I 1. [ʃɒk]1) (psychological) shock m.to get o have a shock avere uno shock; to give sb. a shock provocare uno shock a o scioccare qcn.; her death came as a shock to us la sua morte ci ha scioccato; to recover from o get over the shock riprendersi da o superare uno shock; he's in for a nasty shock colloq. gli prenderà un colpo; to express one's shock (indignation) esprimere la propria indignazione; (amazement) esprimere il proprio stupore; shock! horror! — giorn. scherz. scandalo! orrore!
2) med. shock m.in (a state of) shock — in stato di o sotto shock
3) el. scossa f.to give sb. a shock — dare la scossa a qcn
4) (impact) (of collision) colpo m.; (of earthquake) scossa f.; (of explosion) urto m.6) colloq. shock absorber2.modificatore colloq. [ effect] shock; [decision, result] scioccanteII [ʃɒk]* * *I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.)2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.)3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.)4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.)2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.)- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.)* * *I 1. [ʃɒk]1) (psychological) shock m.to get o have a shock avere uno shock; to give sb. a shock provocare uno shock a o scioccare qcn.; her death came as a shock to us la sua morte ci ha scioccato; to recover from o get over the shock riprendersi da o superare uno shock; he's in for a nasty shock colloq. gli prenderà un colpo; to express one's shock (indignation) esprimere la propria indignazione; (amazement) esprimere il proprio stupore; shock! horror! — giorn. scherz. scandalo! orrore!
2) med. shock m.in (a state of) shock — in stato di o sotto shock
3) el. scossa f.to give sb. a shock — dare la scossa a qcn
4) (impact) (of collision) colpo m.; (of earthquake) scossa f.; (of explosion) urto m.6) colloq. shock absorber2.modificatore colloq. [ effect] shock; [decision, result] scioccanteII [ʃɒk] -
13 shock
I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) pretres2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) sunek3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) sunek4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) šok2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) pretresti- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) čop* * *I [šɔk]nountrk, trčenje, trzaj, (močan) sunek, udarec; (živčni) zlom; (pretres), šok; military spopad; (močno) razburjenje, izbruh; electrical elektrošok; zgražanje, šokiranje, pohujšanje, prepalost, osuplostto get the shock of one's life figuratively biti kot od strele zadet, zelo se ustrašitiit gave his father quite a shock — to je njegovega očeta zelo prizadelo (pretreslo, ogorčilo)II [šɔk]transitive verbpretresti, presuniti, ogorčiti, globoko užaliti, mučno prizadeti, šokirati, škandalizirati, povzročiti zgražanje; medicine pretresti (živce); zadeti (komu) udarec (električni šok); intransitive verb trčiti (skupaj), zaleteti sea sight that would shock you — prizor, ki bi vas presunil (pretresel, šokiral, ogorčil)she was shocked to find him so pale and thin — bila je zaprepadena, ko ga je videla tako bledega in shujšanegaI am shocked at you! — zgražati se moram nad vami!to shock a secret out of s.o. — s šokom koga pripraviti do tega, da pove tajnostto shock s.o. into telling the truth — s šokom koga privesti do tega, da pove resnicoIII [šɔk]1.nounčop ( of hair las);2.adjectivekuštrav, skuštranIV [šɔk]1.nounkopa snopov (navadno 12); zložena koruzna stebla;2.transitive verb & intransitive verbzložiti (snope) v kope -
14 shock
I 1. ʃok noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) sjokk2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) støt3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) rystelse4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) sjokk2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) sjokkere, ryste- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II ʃok noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) bustet hårmankesjokk--------sjokkere--------støkkIsubst. \/ʃɒk\/(korn)stakk, såtea shock of hair en kraftig hårmankeIIsubst. \/ʃɒk\/1) (voldsomt) støt, (kraftig) slag, sammenstøt, kollisjon2) sjokk, knekk, slag3) ( medisin) sjokk4) ( elektrisitet) støt, el-sjokkelectric shock eller shock elektrisk støtgo into shock få sjokk, komme i sjokktilstandin shock i sjokktilstandIIIverb \/ʃɒk\/sette, legge i stakkershock the corn sette kornet i stakkIVverb \/ʃɒk\/1) ryste, opprøre, sjokkere, støte2) ( medisin) gi et sjokk3) kollidere -
15 shock
[ʃɔk] 1. nwstrząs m, szok m; (also: electric shock) porażenie nt (prądem)2. vtit came as a shock to hear that … — zaszokowała nas wiadomość, że …
* * *I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) wstrząs2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) porażenie3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) wstrząs4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) szok, wstrząs2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) wstrząsać- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) czupryna -
16 shock
I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) abalo2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) choque3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) choque4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) choque2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) chocar- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) trunfa* * *shock1[ʃɔk] n 1 choque, impacto, encontro, colisão. the walls stood the shock / os muros resistiram ao impacto. 2 distúrbio, abalo. I got the shock of my life / fiquei seriamente chocado. 3 Med choque, colapso. 4 coll paralisia. 5 golpe, desgosto, dissabor. 6 choque elétrico, descarga elétrica. 7 Mil ataque, choque de tropas. • vt 1 chocar-se, colidir, ir de encontro, abalar, bater. 2 surpreender, horrorizar, escandalizar, ofender, melindrar, ferir. he was shocked at or by her behaviour / ele ficou chocado com o comportamento dela. 3 dar choque elétrico.————————shock2[ʃɔk] n meda: pilha de molhos de trigo ou milho no campo, montão de gavelas. • vt+vi juntar em medas, empilhar.————————shock3[ʃɔk] n massa de pêlo ou de cabelo. -
17 shock
bozontos, ijedtség, ütközés, összecsapás, ütődés to shock: megrendít, megrémít, megbotránkoztat, megriaszt* * *I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) megrázkódtatás2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) áramütés3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) rázkódás4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) sokk2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) megrendít, sokkol- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) kócos haj(fürt) -
18 shock
I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) áfall2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) (rafmagns)lost3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) högg, kippur4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) lost, geðshræring2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) fá á, setja úr jafnvægi, hrylla- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) hármakki -
19 shock
n. şok, darbe, sarsıntı, bunalım, sarsılma, utanç, elektrik şoku, elektrik çarpması, demet, balya, taranmamış saç, karışık saç, keçeleşmiş saç————————v. kâlbini kırmak, şok etmek, sarsmak, şaşırtmak, sarsılmak, darıltmak, dehşete düşürmek, elektrik çarpmak, elektroşok uygulamak, demet yapmak, balyalamak* * *1. sarsıntı 2. şok 3. sars (v.) 4. darbe (n.)* * *I 1. [ʃok] noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.) şok, sarsıntı2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.) cereyan çarpması3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.) şok, sarsıntı4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.) şok, travma2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.) şoke etmek/olmak, dehşete düşmek- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II [ʃok] noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.) sert kabarık saç -
20 shock
• hämmästyttää• hämmästys• isku• iskeä• järkyttää• järkytys• tyrmistyttää• tärisyttää• hermojärkytys• hoippua• hirvittää• sokeerata• shokki• shokeerata• sokki• täräys• tärähdys• tärähtää• törmätä• törmäys• pöyristys• pöyristyttää• kauhistuttaa• kammo• mielenjärkytys• paukku• pelästyttää• sysäys• säikähdys• kuontalo• kolaus* * *I 1. ʃok noun1) (a severe emotional disturbance: The news gave us all a shock.)2) ((often electric shock) the effect on the body of an electric current: He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.)3) (a sudden blow coming with great force: the shock of an earthquake.)4) (a medical condition caused by a severe mental or physical shock: He was suffering from shock after the crash.)2. verb(to give a shock to; to upset or horrify: Everyone was shocked by his death; The amount of violence shown on television shocks me.)- shocker- shocking
- shockingly
- shock-absorber II ʃok noun(a bushy mass (of hair) on a person's head.)
См. также в других словарях:
shock — shock1 [shäk] n. [Fr choc < choquer: see SHOCK1 the vt.] 1. the impact of persons, forces, etc. in combat or collision 2. a) a sudden, powerful concussion; violent blow, shake, or jar [the shock of an earthquake] b) the result or effect of s … English World dictionary
Shock — Shock, n. [Cf. D. schok a bounce, jolt, or leap, OHG. scoc a swing, MHG. schoc, Icel. skykkjun tremuously, F. choc a shock, collision, a dashing or striking against, Sp. choque, It. ciocco a log. [root]161. Cf. {Shock} to shake.] 1. A quivering… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shock — Ⅰ. shock [1] ► NOUN 1) a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience, or the resulting feeling. 2) an acute medical condition associated with a fall in blood pressure, caused by loss of blood, severe burns, sudden emotional stress, etc. 3) … English terms dictionary
Shock, hypovolemic — Shock due to a decrease in blood volume. This is the #1 cause of shock. It can be due to loss of blood from bleeding, loss of blood plasma through severe burns, and dehydration. The treatment, first and foremost, is prompt intravenous… … Medical dictionary
shock lung — n a condition of severe pulmonary edema associated with shock * * * acute respiratory distress syndrome … Medical dictionary
shock wave — shock ,wave noun count 1. ) the force of an explosion or EARTHQUAKE, especially when it affects places far away 2. ) a severe effect that something has on people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Shock — In medicine, shock is a critical condition brought on by a sudden drop in blood flow through the body. There is failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate blood flow. This sharply curtails the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to vital … Medical dictionary
Shock (circulatory) — Acute shock redirects here. For the psychological condition, see Acute stress reaction. Shock ICD 10 many incl. R57 ICD 9 785 DiseasesDB … Wikipedia
shock — shock1 shockable, adj. shockability, n. shockedness, n. shocklike, adj. /shok/, n. 1. a sudden and violent blow or impact; collision. 2. a sudden or violent disturbance or commotion: the shock of battle. 3. a sudden or violent disturbance of the… … Universalium
shock — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 extreme surprise ADJECTIVE ▪ awful (esp. BrE), big, considerable (esp. BrE), dreadful (esp. BrE), great, huge, major, massive, nasty … Collocations dictionary
shock — I n. 1) to give smb. a shock 2) to express; feel; get, have a shock 3) to absorb a shock 4) an emotional; mild, slight; profound, rude, severe, terrible shock 5) (a) culture; electric; future; insulin; shell (old fashioned) shock 6) a shock to… … Combinatory dictionary