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  • 101 כפה

    כִּיפָּה, כִּפָּהf. (b. h.; כָּפַף) 1) arch, doorway, bow. Yeb.80b עושה כ׳ forms a bow (when urinating). Yoma 11b; Erub.11b כ׳ר״מוכ׳ as to an arched doorway R. M. says, it requires a Mzuzah. Tosef. ib. VII (V), 2 עד מקום הכי׳ (ed. Zuck. הקופא) to the site of the (now ruined) arch (of Tiberias); Y. ib. V, 22d bot. עד הכ׳. Y.Naz.VII, 56a top הגיעו לכ׳ when they arrived at the arch (or arcade). Ab. Zar.I, 7 (16a) כ׳ שמעמידיןוכ׳ the arched chamber in the bath where they put up idolatrous statues. Pesik. R. s. 41 כ׳ של חשבונות … אותה כ׳ an arcade named Arch of Accounts (a sort of Exchange) existed outside of Jerusalem, and they used to go out and settle their accounts under this arcade Tanḥ. Bshall. 17 (ref. to קפאו, Ex. 15:8) כמין כפה (Mekh. ib., Shir. s.6 קופה) like a vault; a. e.Esp. כִּיפַּת הרקיע, or כִּופָּה the heavenly arch, sky (believed to be a solid mass). (Gen. R. s. 48, beg. Ib. s. 4 הרקיע … ולמעלה … כ׳וכ׳ the firmament is like a lake, and above the lake is the arch, and owing to the heat of the lake the arch exudes drops B. Bath.25b אחורי כ׳ back of (above) the sky. Meg.11a ג׳ מלכו תחת הכ׳ Ms. M. 2 (ed. בכ׳, Ms. M. 1 בקופה) three persons ruled over the whole world; a. e. 2) a vaulted chamber, prison. Snh.IX, 3 כונסין אותן לכ׳ they put them in prison (for life). Ib. 5. 3) skull-cap, cap. Y.Gitt.IV, 45d bot.; Bab. ib. 20a; v. אנדכתרי; Treat. ʿĂbadim ch. III (ed. Kirchh.) קיפה. Sabb.57b כ׳ של צמר a woolen cap, v. כָּבוּל II. Y. ib. V, end, 7c כ׳ של צמר a woolen cap on the head of a lamb, v. חָנוּן I; a. e.Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. infra.4) (cmp. קוּפָּה) heap, pile. Y.Snh.X, 27d bot.; Y.M. Kat. III, 83c top כ׳ של אבנים a heap of stones; Gen. R. s. 100 כִּיפַּת אבנים Ḥull.129a כִּיפַּת שאורוכ׳ a heap (lump) of leavened dough which one intended to use as a block to sit on; Pes.45b כופת some ed. (corr. acc.; Ms. M. 2 כי׳; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90); v. כּוֹפֶת.Pl. כִּיפִּין, כִּפִּים (or כֵּיפִ׳ fr. כֵּיף) a) top-branches ( arches) of palm-trees. Tosef.Shebi., VII, 16 על (של) בין הכֵּיפִ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. על מה שבכי׳, שבכופין); Pes.53a על של בין הכ׳ as long as there are fruits in the tops. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath, II, 1 שכיפת שת׳ כ׳של תמרהוכ׳ (R. S. to Kel. XXII, 9 כופות) who tied together two palm branches and sat upon them. Sabb.XXIV, 2 מפספסין את הכ׳ you may spread the bunches of branches (for fodder), contrad. to זִירִין a. פְּקִיעִין. Ib. 155a כ׳ תלתא bunches are called kippin when tied with three bands.b) billow-crests, surf. Sot.34a. Ḥag.19a; Ḥull.31b אין מטבילין בכ׳ you must not immerse vessels in the surf (caps of waves), contrad. to ראשין; Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5 בכיפא ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. בכיפה).

    Jewish literature > כפה

  • 102 כִּיפָּה

    כִּיפָּה, כִּפָּהf. (b. h.; כָּפַף) 1) arch, doorway, bow. Yeb.80b עושה כ׳ forms a bow (when urinating). Yoma 11b; Erub.11b כ׳ר״מוכ׳ as to an arched doorway R. M. says, it requires a Mzuzah. Tosef. ib. VII (V), 2 עד מקום הכי׳ (ed. Zuck. הקופא) to the site of the (now ruined) arch (of Tiberias); Y. ib. V, 22d bot. עד הכ׳. Y.Naz.VII, 56a top הגיעו לכ׳ when they arrived at the arch (or arcade). Ab. Zar.I, 7 (16a) כ׳ שמעמידיןוכ׳ the arched chamber in the bath where they put up idolatrous statues. Pesik. R. s. 41 כ׳ של חשבונות … אותה כ׳ an arcade named Arch of Accounts (a sort of Exchange) existed outside of Jerusalem, and they used to go out and settle their accounts under this arcade Tanḥ. Bshall. 17 (ref. to קפאו, Ex. 15:8) כמין כפה (Mekh. ib., Shir. s.6 קופה) like a vault; a. e.Esp. כִּיפַּת הרקיע, or כִּופָּה the heavenly arch, sky (believed to be a solid mass). (Gen. R. s. 48, beg. Ib. s. 4 הרקיע … ולמעלה … כ׳וכ׳ the firmament is like a lake, and above the lake is the arch, and owing to the heat of the lake the arch exudes drops B. Bath.25b אחורי כ׳ back of (above) the sky. Meg.11a ג׳ מלכו תחת הכ׳ Ms. M. 2 (ed. בכ׳, Ms. M. 1 בקופה) three persons ruled over the whole world; a. e. 2) a vaulted chamber, prison. Snh.IX, 3 כונסין אותן לכ׳ they put them in prison (for life). Ib. 5. 3) skull-cap, cap. Y.Gitt.IV, 45d bot.; Bab. ib. 20a; v. אנדכתרי; Treat. ʿĂbadim ch. III (ed. Kirchh.) קיפה. Sabb.57b כ׳ של צמר a woolen cap, v. כָּבוּל II. Y. ib. V, end, 7c כ׳ של צמר a woolen cap on the head of a lamb, v. חָנוּן I; a. e.Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. infra.4) (cmp. קוּפָּה) heap, pile. Y.Snh.X, 27d bot.; Y.M. Kat. III, 83c top כ׳ של אבנים a heap of stones; Gen. R. s. 100 כִּיפַּת אבנים Ḥull.129a כִּיפַּת שאורוכ׳ a heap (lump) of leavened dough which one intended to use as a block to sit on; Pes.45b כופת some ed. (corr. acc.; Ms. M. 2 כי׳; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90); v. כּוֹפֶת.Pl. כִּיפִּין, כִּפִּים (or כֵּיפִ׳ fr. כֵּיף) a) top-branches ( arches) of palm-trees. Tosef.Shebi., VII, 16 על (של) בין הכֵּיפִ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. על מה שבכי׳, שבכופין); Pes.53a על של בין הכ׳ as long as there are fruits in the tops. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath, II, 1 שכיפת שת׳ כ׳של תמרהוכ׳ (R. S. to Kel. XXII, 9 כופות) who tied together two palm branches and sat upon them. Sabb.XXIV, 2 מפספסין את הכ׳ you may spread the bunches of branches (for fodder), contrad. to זִירִין a. פְּקִיעִין. Ib. 155a כ׳ תלתא bunches are called kippin when tied with three bands.b) billow-crests, surf. Sot.34a. Ḥag.19a; Ḥull.31b אין מטבילין בכ׳ you must not immerse vessels in the surf (caps of waves), contrad. to ראשין; Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5 בכיפא ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. בכיפה).

    Jewish literature > כִּיפָּה

  • 103 כִּפָּה

    כִּיפָּה, כִּפָּהf. (b. h.; כָּפַף) 1) arch, doorway, bow. Yeb.80b עושה כ׳ forms a bow (when urinating). Yoma 11b; Erub.11b כ׳ר״מוכ׳ as to an arched doorway R. M. says, it requires a Mzuzah. Tosef. ib. VII (V), 2 עד מקום הכי׳ (ed. Zuck. הקופא) to the site of the (now ruined) arch (of Tiberias); Y. ib. V, 22d bot. עד הכ׳. Y.Naz.VII, 56a top הגיעו לכ׳ when they arrived at the arch (or arcade). Ab. Zar.I, 7 (16a) כ׳ שמעמידיןוכ׳ the arched chamber in the bath where they put up idolatrous statues. Pesik. R. s. 41 כ׳ של חשבונות … אותה כ׳ an arcade named Arch of Accounts (a sort of Exchange) existed outside of Jerusalem, and they used to go out and settle their accounts under this arcade Tanḥ. Bshall. 17 (ref. to קפאו, Ex. 15:8) כמין כפה (Mekh. ib., Shir. s.6 קופה) like a vault; a. e.Esp. כִּיפַּת הרקיע, or כִּופָּה the heavenly arch, sky (believed to be a solid mass). (Gen. R. s. 48, beg. Ib. s. 4 הרקיע … ולמעלה … כ׳וכ׳ the firmament is like a lake, and above the lake is the arch, and owing to the heat of the lake the arch exudes drops B. Bath.25b אחורי כ׳ back of (above) the sky. Meg.11a ג׳ מלכו תחת הכ׳ Ms. M. 2 (ed. בכ׳, Ms. M. 1 בקופה) three persons ruled over the whole world; a. e. 2) a vaulted chamber, prison. Snh.IX, 3 כונסין אותן לכ׳ they put them in prison (for life). Ib. 5. 3) skull-cap, cap. Y.Gitt.IV, 45d bot.; Bab. ib. 20a; v. אנדכתרי; Treat. ʿĂbadim ch. III (ed. Kirchh.) קיפה. Sabb.57b כ׳ של צמר a woolen cap, v. כָּבוּל II. Y. ib. V, end, 7c כ׳ של צמר a woolen cap on the head of a lamb, v. חָנוּן I; a. e.Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5, v. infra.4) (cmp. קוּפָּה) heap, pile. Y.Snh.X, 27d bot.; Y.M. Kat. III, 83c top כ׳ של אבנים a heap of stones; Gen. R. s. 100 כִּיפַּת אבנים Ḥull.129a כִּיפַּת שאורוכ׳ a heap (lump) of leavened dough which one intended to use as a block to sit on; Pes.45b כופת some ed. (corr. acc.; Ms. M. 2 כי׳; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90); v. כּוֹפֶת.Pl. כִּיפִּין, כִּפִּים (or כֵּיפִ׳ fr. כֵּיף) a) top-branches ( arches) of palm-trees. Tosef.Shebi., VII, 16 על (של) בין הכֵּיפִ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. על מה שבכי׳, שבכופין); Pes.53a על של בין הכ׳ as long as there are fruits in the tops. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath, II, 1 שכיפת שת׳ כ׳של תמרהוכ׳ (R. S. to Kel. XXII, 9 כופות) who tied together two palm branches and sat upon them. Sabb.XXIV, 2 מפספסין את הכ׳ you may spread the bunches of branches (for fodder), contrad. to זִירִין a. פְּקִיעִין. Ib. 155a כ׳ תלתא bunches are called kippin when tied with three bands.b) billow-crests, surf. Sot.34a. Ḥag.19a; Ḥull.31b אין מטבילין בכ׳ you must not immerse vessels in the surf (caps of waves), contrad. to ראשין; Tosef.Mikv.IV, 5 בכיפא ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. בכיפה).

    Jewish literature > כִּפָּה

  • 104 עכר

    עָכַר(b. h.) to stir up, disturb; to trouble, make turbid; to sadden. Sot.5a כל אדם … עוֹכַרְתּוֹ if a man has swelling of wind (haughtiness) in him, the slightest breeze will trouble him (the slightest adversity will upset him); מה ים … עוכרתווכ׳ if the sea … is stirred up by the slightest breeze Y.Keth.I, 25b bot. לעוֹכֵר את העיןוכ׳ (not לעובר) like one troubling the eye, which becomes clear again. Ber.25b עוֹכְרָן ברגלו he must stir them up with his foot. Gen. R. s. 80, end (ref. to עכרתם, Gen. 34:30) צלולה היתה החבית ועֲכַרְתֶּם אותה the wine in the cask was clear, and you have troubled it; Yalk. ib. 135 ועֲכַרְתּוּהָ. Nidd.20a צללו חוזר ועוכרן if the mixture became clear (the earth settled), he must stir it again; a. fr.Part. pass. עָכוּר; f. עֲכוּרָה; pl. עֲכוּרִים, עֲכוּרִין; עֲכוּרוֹת. Ib. אין … צלולין אלא ע׳ you must not examine the mixture when it is clear, but when it is turbid; Tosef. ib. III, 11. Gen. R. l. c. ע׳ היתה … וצללנו אותה the wine was turbid, and we cleared it (we redeemed our honor). Snh.44b; Lev. R. s. 9 (ref. to Josh. 7:25) היום הזה אתה ע׳ ואי אתה ע׳וכ׳ thou art troubled (punished) this day, but thou shalt not be troubled in the hereafter. Sifré Deut. 48 שתה ממים של בוראך … מים ע׳וכ׳ drink of the water of thy Creators well, and drink not muddy water, nor be attracted by the words of the heretics; Yalk. Prov. 937; a. fr.Ex. R. s. 22 (ref. to Job 16:17) וכי יש תפלה ע׳ is there also a turbid prayer? Ib. מנין … שתפלתו ע׳ where is it intimated that the prayer of him in whose hand is robbery, is turbid (rejected)? Nif. נֶעְכָּר to be stirred up; to become turbid, dreggy, foul. Nidd.9a דם נ׳ ונעשה חלב the blood (of a pregnant animal) is disturbed (decomposed), and turns into milk. Y.Sot.IV, 19c bot. אין החלב נ׳וכ׳ the milk (of a nursing woman) becomes turbid only after three months (after conception). Y.Nidd.II, end, 50b יצללו ולא יֵעָכְרוּ the water mixed with earth must settle and not be stirred up again; a. fr.Men.IX, 5 (90a) הלח נ׳ היבש אינו נ׳ (Bab. ed. נעקר; Ms. M. נעבר, corr. acc.; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) liquid emptied from a large measure into a smaller one is stirred up (and what remains in the large measure partakes of the sacred character of the liquid in the smaller, sacred vessels), whereas dry objects are not stirred up.

    Jewish literature > עכר

  • 105 עָכַר

    עָכַר(b. h.) to stir up, disturb; to trouble, make turbid; to sadden. Sot.5a כל אדם … עוֹכַרְתּוֹ if a man has swelling of wind (haughtiness) in him, the slightest breeze will trouble him (the slightest adversity will upset him); מה ים … עוכרתווכ׳ if the sea … is stirred up by the slightest breeze Y.Keth.I, 25b bot. לעוֹכֵר את העיןוכ׳ (not לעובר) like one troubling the eye, which becomes clear again. Ber.25b עוֹכְרָן ברגלו he must stir them up with his foot. Gen. R. s. 80, end (ref. to עכרתם, Gen. 34:30) צלולה היתה החבית ועֲכַרְתֶּם אותה the wine in the cask was clear, and you have troubled it; Yalk. ib. 135 ועֲכַרְתּוּהָ. Nidd.20a צללו חוזר ועוכרן if the mixture became clear (the earth settled), he must stir it again; a. fr.Part. pass. עָכוּר; f. עֲכוּרָה; pl. עֲכוּרִים, עֲכוּרִין; עֲכוּרוֹת. Ib. אין … צלולין אלא ע׳ you must not examine the mixture when it is clear, but when it is turbid; Tosef. ib. III, 11. Gen. R. l. c. ע׳ היתה … וצללנו אותה the wine was turbid, and we cleared it (we redeemed our honor). Snh.44b; Lev. R. s. 9 (ref. to Josh. 7:25) היום הזה אתה ע׳ ואי אתה ע׳וכ׳ thou art troubled (punished) this day, but thou shalt not be troubled in the hereafter. Sifré Deut. 48 שתה ממים של בוראך … מים ע׳וכ׳ drink of the water of thy Creators well, and drink not muddy water, nor be attracted by the words of the heretics; Yalk. Prov. 937; a. fr.Ex. R. s. 22 (ref. to Job 16:17) וכי יש תפלה ע׳ is there also a turbid prayer? Ib. מנין … שתפלתו ע׳ where is it intimated that the prayer of him in whose hand is robbery, is turbid (rejected)? Nif. נֶעְכָּר to be stirred up; to become turbid, dreggy, foul. Nidd.9a דם נ׳ ונעשה חלב the blood (of a pregnant animal) is disturbed (decomposed), and turns into milk. Y.Sot.IV, 19c bot. אין החלב נ׳וכ׳ the milk (of a nursing woman) becomes turbid only after three months (after conception). Y.Nidd.II, end, 50b יצללו ולא יֵעָכְרוּ the water mixed with earth must settle and not be stirred up again; a. fr.Men.IX, 5 (90a) הלח נ׳ היבש אינו נ׳ (Bab. ed. נעקר; Ms. M. נעבר, corr. acc.; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) liquid emptied from a large measure into a smaller one is stirred up (and what remains in the large measure partakes of the sacred character of the liquid in the smaller, sacred vessels), whereas dry objects are not stirred up.

    Jewish literature > עָכַר

  • 106 פרע

    פָּרַע(b. h.; cmp. פרם, פרס) 1) to tear, destroy; to loosen, disarrange; to neglect the hair. Pesik. R. s. 29-30-30 (ed. Fr. p. 139b>), v. רָפָא. Sot.III, 8 האיש פּוֹרֵעַ … פּוֹרַעַת, v. פָּרַם. Sifra Emor, ch. I, Par. 2 כדרך שבני אדם פּוֹרְעִיםוכ׳ in the same way that ordinary men (in mourning) neglect their hair and tear their garments; a. fr. 2) to uncover. Ib. (ref. to Lev. 21:10) (read:) אילו אמר ראש לא יפרע ובגד לא יפרוס יכול לא יִפְרַע ולא יפרום של סוטהת״ל ראשו if the text read, the head … and the garment …, I might have thought it meant, he shall not uncover the head, in the sense in which parʿa is used in connection with the faithless wife (Num. 5:18); v. Hor.12b. Pesik. Shor, p. 77a> פּוֹרְעִין את ראשיהםוכ׳ they uncovered their heads (when the royal proclamation was read, v. פְּרוֹסְטַנְמָא); Lev. R. s. 27 ופָרְעוּ אתוכ׳. Ib. לא הטרחתי … ולא פורעיןוכ׳ I have not put you to trouble, I have not ordered you to read the Shmʿa standing on your feet and uncovering your heads, but ‘when thou sittest (Deut. 6:7). Ḥull.91a פְּרַע להן ביה חשחיטה uncover the place of cutting for them (show them that the animal has been cut according to the ritual); a. e.Part. pass. פָּרוּעַ; f. פְּרוּעָה; pl. פְּרוּעִים, פְּרוּעִין; פְּרוּעוֹת. Cant. R. to VIII, 4 (ref. to פָּרֻעַ, Ex. 32:25) אין פ׳ אלא נקוב paruʿa means hollowed (made void); Num. R. s. 7 אין פ׳ אלא לשון צרוע paruʿa is a figurative expression for leprous (v. Lev. 13:45). Ib. פְּרוּעַ ראש, פְּרוּעֵי ראש bareheaded. Ib. s. 19 ונראו כאשה פ׳ and they appeared like a woman with uncovered head; a. fr.Trnsf. to uncover ones self for a human need. Yoma 77a (ref. to Ez. 8:16) שהיו פורעין עצמן והיו … כלפי מטה ( מטה euphem. for מעלה) they uncovered themselves and committed a nuisance towards heaven; Kidd.72b מפְרִיעִין Hif. Gen. R. s. 86 שהיה פורע עצמו לע״ז (Yalk. ib. 145 פוער), v. פּוֹטִינוֹס; a. e. 3) to uncover the corona, to split the membrane and pull it down. Sabb.XIX, 2. Num. R. s. 11; a. fr. 4) ( to solve a connection (Lat. solvo; cmp. לָוָה), a) to pay a debt. B. Bath.5a הקובע … פְּרַעְתִּיךָ בתוך זמניוכ׳ if a person fixes a time (in a note) for his neighbor, and the latter says, I have paid thee within the term assigned to me, he is disbelieved (he is not admitted to an oath); ולואי שיפרע בזמנו (for we say,) would that a man paid his debt when it is due! Ib. 6a כאומר לא פָּרַעְתִּי דמי, v. לָוָה; a. v. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Keth.19b אסור … שטר פ׳ בתוך ביחו a man should not keep a satisfied document of indebtedness in his house. Shebu.VII, 7 ועד אחד מעידה שחיא פ׳ and if there is one witness against her testifying that it (her dowry) has been paid. B. Bath. X, 7; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 78 (play on פ̇ר̇ת עלי עין, Gen. 49:22) עלי לִפְ֗ר̇ו̇עַ לך מן אותה העין it is for me to pay thee for that eye (for protecting thy mother from Esaus lustful eye); ib. s. 98 עלי לפרוע לך אותהוכ׳; Yalk. ib. 133 עלי לארוע אותו עין.b) פ׳ מן to settle with; to punish. Num. R. s. 11 לא פ׳ אלא יחידי … כשפ׳הקב״ה when the Lord punished the generation of the flood, he punished singlehanded (not through several angels). B. Mets.IV, 2 מי שפ׳ מאנשי … חוא עתיד להִפָּרַעוכ׳ he who punished the men of the generation of …, will punish him who does not stand by his word (although the court cannot compel him); Tosef. ib. III, 14; B. Mets.47b, sq. לִפָּרַעוכ׳. Ex. R. s. 10, beg. Cant. R. to VIII, 14 איןהקב״ה פורע מֵאוּמָּהוכ׳ the Lord punishes no nation here below before degrading its genius above; a. fr. Nif. נִפְרַע 1) to uncover ones self (for a human need). Ber.62a אין נִפְרָעִין מעומדוכ׳ you must not uncover yourself standing, but only after you are seated (Ms. F. יִפָּרַע עד שישב), v. Pi. 2) with מן, to collect payment from; trnsf. to call to account, punish. B. Bath.5b, a. e. הבא לִיפָּרַע … לא יִפָּרַע אלא בשבועה he who comes to collect from heirs, cannot collect except on oath. Shebu. l. c. הנִפְרַעַת שלא בפניו לא תִפָּרַע אלאוכ׳ she who claims (her dowry) in the husbands absence (suing the estate), can get it only on oath; וכן היתומים לא יִפָּרְעוּוכ׳ and so heirs cannot collect (from heirs) Ber. l. c. כשם שנִפְרָעִיןוכ׳, v. סַפְדָּן. B. Mets. l. c., v. supra. Sifra Aḥăré, ch. XII, Par. 9 אני דיין להִיפָּרֵעַוכ׳ I am the judge (having the power) to punish, and can be relied upon to pay reward; אני הוא שפרעתי … ועתיד לִיפָּרַעוכ׳ I am he that punished …, and that shall punish you ; a. fr. Pi. פֵּירַע 1) to disarrange, esp. to mutilate, unman. Sot.13b בא … ופֵירְעוֹ Gabriel came and unmanned him (used as play on פטיפ̇ר̇ע̇); Yalk. Gen. 145 בא … וסרסו ופֵרְעוֹ 2) to uncover. Y.Ber.IX, 14c top לא פי׳ עד שישב he did not uncover (himself), v. supra. Midr. Sam. ch. XXXII פֵּירְעָה את עצמהוכ׳ she uncovered herself and sat down &cPart. pass. מְפוֹרָע; f. מְפוֹרֵעַת. Ib. Ḥull.30a, a. e. שחיטה מפ׳ an open (gaping) cut. Hif. הִפְרִיעַ to uncover, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > פרע

  • 107 פָּרַע

    פָּרַע(b. h.; cmp. פרם, פרס) 1) to tear, destroy; to loosen, disarrange; to neglect the hair. Pesik. R. s. 29-30-30 (ed. Fr. p. 139b>), v. רָפָא. Sot.III, 8 האיש פּוֹרֵעַ … פּוֹרַעַת, v. פָּרַם. Sifra Emor, ch. I, Par. 2 כדרך שבני אדם פּוֹרְעִיםוכ׳ in the same way that ordinary men (in mourning) neglect their hair and tear their garments; a. fr. 2) to uncover. Ib. (ref. to Lev. 21:10) (read:) אילו אמר ראש לא יפרע ובגד לא יפרוס יכול לא יִפְרַע ולא יפרום של סוטהת״ל ראשו if the text read, the head … and the garment …, I might have thought it meant, he shall not uncover the head, in the sense in which parʿa is used in connection with the faithless wife (Num. 5:18); v. Hor.12b. Pesik. Shor, p. 77a> פּוֹרְעִין את ראשיהםוכ׳ they uncovered their heads (when the royal proclamation was read, v. פְּרוֹסְטַנְמָא); Lev. R. s. 27 ופָרְעוּ אתוכ׳. Ib. לא הטרחתי … ולא פורעיןוכ׳ I have not put you to trouble, I have not ordered you to read the Shmʿa standing on your feet and uncovering your heads, but ‘when thou sittest (Deut. 6:7). Ḥull.91a פְּרַע להן ביה חשחיטה uncover the place of cutting for them (show them that the animal has been cut according to the ritual); a. e.Part. pass. פָּרוּעַ; f. פְּרוּעָה; pl. פְּרוּעִים, פְּרוּעִין; פְּרוּעוֹת. Cant. R. to VIII, 4 (ref. to פָּרֻעַ, Ex. 32:25) אין פ׳ אלא נקוב paruʿa means hollowed (made void); Num. R. s. 7 אין פ׳ אלא לשון צרוע paruʿa is a figurative expression for leprous (v. Lev. 13:45). Ib. פְּרוּעַ ראש, פְּרוּעֵי ראש bareheaded. Ib. s. 19 ונראו כאשה פ׳ and they appeared like a woman with uncovered head; a. fr.Trnsf. to uncover ones self for a human need. Yoma 77a (ref. to Ez. 8:16) שהיו פורעין עצמן והיו … כלפי מטה ( מטה euphem. for מעלה) they uncovered themselves and committed a nuisance towards heaven; Kidd.72b מפְרִיעִין Hif. Gen. R. s. 86 שהיה פורע עצמו לע״ז (Yalk. ib. 145 פוער), v. פּוֹטִינוֹס; a. e. 3) to uncover the corona, to split the membrane and pull it down. Sabb.XIX, 2. Num. R. s. 11; a. fr. 4) ( to solve a connection (Lat. solvo; cmp. לָוָה), a) to pay a debt. B. Bath.5a הקובע … פְּרַעְתִּיךָ בתוך זמניוכ׳ if a person fixes a time (in a note) for his neighbor, and the latter says, I have paid thee within the term assigned to me, he is disbelieved (he is not admitted to an oath); ולואי שיפרע בזמנו (for we say,) would that a man paid his debt when it is due! Ib. 6a כאומר לא פָּרַעְתִּי דמי, v. לָוָה; a. v. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Keth.19b אסור … שטר פ׳ בתוך ביחו a man should not keep a satisfied document of indebtedness in his house. Shebu.VII, 7 ועד אחד מעידה שחיא פ׳ and if there is one witness against her testifying that it (her dowry) has been paid. B. Bath. X, 7; a. fr.Gen. R. s. 78 (play on פ̇ר̇ת עלי עין, Gen. 49:22) עלי לִפְ֗ר̇ו̇עַ לך מן אותה העין it is for me to pay thee for that eye (for protecting thy mother from Esaus lustful eye); ib. s. 98 עלי לפרוע לך אותהוכ׳; Yalk. ib. 133 עלי לארוע אותו עין.b) פ׳ מן to settle with; to punish. Num. R. s. 11 לא פ׳ אלא יחידי … כשפ׳הקב״ה when the Lord punished the generation of the flood, he punished singlehanded (not through several angels). B. Mets.IV, 2 מי שפ׳ מאנשי … חוא עתיד להִפָּרַעוכ׳ he who punished the men of the generation of …, will punish him who does not stand by his word (although the court cannot compel him); Tosef. ib. III, 14; B. Mets.47b, sq. לִפָּרַעוכ׳. Ex. R. s. 10, beg. Cant. R. to VIII, 14 איןהקב״ה פורע מֵאוּמָּהוכ׳ the Lord punishes no nation here below before degrading its genius above; a. fr. Nif. נִפְרַע 1) to uncover ones self (for a human need). Ber.62a אין נִפְרָעִין מעומדוכ׳ you must not uncover yourself standing, but only after you are seated (Ms. F. יִפָּרַע עד שישב), v. Pi. 2) with מן, to collect payment from; trnsf. to call to account, punish. B. Bath.5b, a. e. הבא לִיפָּרַע … לא יִפָּרַע אלא בשבועה he who comes to collect from heirs, cannot collect except on oath. Shebu. l. c. הנִפְרַעַת שלא בפניו לא תִפָּרַע אלאוכ׳ she who claims (her dowry) in the husbands absence (suing the estate), can get it only on oath; וכן היתומים לא יִפָּרְעוּוכ׳ and so heirs cannot collect (from heirs) Ber. l. c. כשם שנִפְרָעִיןוכ׳, v. סַפְדָּן. B. Mets. l. c., v. supra. Sifra Aḥăré, ch. XII, Par. 9 אני דיין להִיפָּרֵעַוכ׳ I am the judge (having the power) to punish, and can be relied upon to pay reward; אני הוא שפרעתי … ועתיד לִיפָּרַעוכ׳ I am he that punished …, and that shall punish you ; a. fr. Pi. פֵּירַע 1) to disarrange, esp. to mutilate, unman. Sot.13b בא … ופֵירְעוֹ Gabriel came and unmanned him (used as play on פטיפ̇ר̇ע̇); Yalk. Gen. 145 בא … וסרסו ופֵרְעוֹ 2) to uncover. Y.Ber.IX, 14c top לא פי׳ עד שישב he did not uncover (himself), v. supra. Midr. Sam. ch. XXXII פֵּירְעָה את עצמהוכ׳ she uncovered herself and sat down &cPart. pass. מְפוֹרָע; f. מְפוֹרֵעַת. Ib. Ḥull.30a, a. e. שחיטה מפ׳ an open (gaping) cut. Hif. הִפְרִיעַ to uncover, v. supra.

    Jewish literature > פָּרַע

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