1 settings
2 settings
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > settings
3 settings
4 settings
Gegebenheiten, Verhältnisse, ZuständeEnglish-German dictionary of linguistics and dialectology > settings
5 margin settings
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > margin settings
6 menu settings
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > menu settings
7 printer settings
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > printer settings
8 print settings
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > print settings
9 proxy settings
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > proxy settings
10 accurately known frequency settings
accurately known frequency settings definierte Frequenzeinstellung fEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > accurately known frequency settings
11 temperature settings
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > temperature settings
12 user-defined settings
English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > user-defined settings
13 aperture with click settings
< phot> ■ rastende Blende fEnglish-german technical dictionary > aperture with click settings
14 atmosphere settings
15 factory settings
16 recommended settings
<tech.gen> ■ empfohlene Einstellungen fpl -
17 machine settings
deutsch: Maschineneinstellung fespañol: parámetros de la máquinafrançais: réglage de la machineitaliano: messa a punto della macchina中文: 机械设置русский: монтаж оборудованияMultilingual plastics terminology dictionary > machine settings
18 jumper and switch settings
n ELECTRON Brücken-und Schaltereinstellungen f plDictionary English-German Informatics > jumper and switch settings
19 margin settings
n pl PRINT Randeinstellung f -
20 setting
noun1) (Mus.) Vertonung, die2) (frame for jewel) Fassung, die* * *1) (a background: This castle is the perfect setting for a murder.) der Hintergrund2) (an arrangement of jewels in eg a ring.) das Einfassen3) (music composed for a poem etc: settings of folk songs.) die Vertonung* * *set·ting[ˈsetɪŋ, AM ˈset̬ɪŋ]n usu singto adjust the \setting die Einstellung anpassen7. (fixing/arranging) Einstellung f* * *['setɪŋ]n2) (= background, atmosphere) Rahmen m; (= environment, surroundings) Umgebung f; (of novel etc) Schauplatz ma film with a medieval setting — ein Film, der im Mittelalter spielt
3) (of jewel) Fassung f4) (= place setting) Gedeck nt5) (= position on dial etc) Einstellung f (ALSO COMPUT)6) (= musical arrangement) Vertonung f* * *setting [ˈsetıŋ] s1. (Ein)Setzen n, Einrichten n:setting of type TYPO (Schrift)Setzen;the setting of a gem das (Ein)Fassen eines Edelsteins2. (Gold- etc) Fassung f3. Abziehen n, Schärfen n (eines Messers)4. a) Hintergrund mb) fig Rahmen mc) Schauplatz m:the novel has its setting in Spain der Roman spielt in Spanien5. szenischer Hintergrund:a) THEAT Bühnenbild nb) FILM Ausstattung f6. MUSa) Vertonung fb) Satz m, Einrichtung f7. TECH Bettung f, Sockel m (einer Maschine)8. TECHa) Einstellung f:b) Ablese-, Messwert m9. ASTRON (Sonnen- etc) Untergang m10. TECH Abbinden n (von Zement etc):setting point Stockpunkt m11. Schränkung f (einer Säge)13. Gelege n (alle für eine Brut gelegten Eier)14. Gedeck n* * *noun1) (Mus.) Vertonung, die2) (frame for jewel) Fassung, die4) (plates and cutlery) Gedeck, das* * *adj.gesetzt adj. n.Einstellung f.Vertonung f.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
settings — nustatymo parametrai statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. settings vok. Stellgrößen, f rus. установочные параметры, m pranc. paramètres de référence, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Settings in The Adventures of Tintin — Fictional settings in The Adventures of Tintin:* Syldavia in the Balkans is by Hergé s own admission modelled on Albania [Letter from Hergé to Charles Lesne, 12 June 1939, cit. Assouline, Pierre (1996) Hergé , Folio (p218)] , and is threatened by … Wikipedia
settings import — nuostatų importas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Programos ↑nuostatų perkėlimas į programą iš kitos programos arba failo. Tam, kad programa galėtų importuoti, ji turi turėti tokias nuostatas ir jai turėtų būti priimtinas importuojamų… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Settings — Установочные параметры … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
settings — See format … Dictionary of telecommunications
settings — set·ting || setɪŋ n. environment, time and place of the action in a book (or film, etc.); set, scenery used in a dramatic production; complete set of tableware for one person; arrangement, position; melody accompanying a poem; frame in which a … English contemporary dictionary
settings — testings … Anagrams dictionary
Settings adjustment — Задание установок; Настройка параметров … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
List of campaign settings — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings — The flexibility of the Dungeons Dragons rules means that Dungeon Masters are free to create their own fantasy campaign settings. For those who wanted a pre packaged setting in which to play, TSR, Wizards of the Coast (WotC), and other publishers… … Wikipedia
Behavior settings — are theorized entities that help explain the relationship between individuals and the environment particularly the social environment. This topic is typically indexed under the larger rubric of Ecological (or Environmental) Psychology . However,… … Wikipedia