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  • 121 extricate

    (to set free: He extricated her from her difficulties.) befri; udfri af
    * * *
    (to set free: He extricated her from her difficulties.) befri; udfri af

    English-Danish dictionary > extricate

  • 122 eye

    1. noun
    1) (the part of the body with which one sees: Open your eyes; She has blue eyes.) øje
    2) (anything like or suggesting an eye, eg the hole in a needle, the loop or ring into which a hook connects etc.) nåleøje; -øje
    3) (a talent for noticing and judging a particular type of thing: She has an eye for detail/colour/beauty.) have øje for
    2. verb
    (to look at, observe: The boys were eyeing the girls at the dance; The thief eyed the policeman warily.) få øje på; betragte
    - eyebrow
    - eye-catching
    - eyelash
    - eyelet
    - eyelid
    - eye-opener
    - eye-piece
    - eyeshadow
    - eyesight
    - eyesore
    - eye-witness
    - before/under one's very eyes
    - be up to the eyes in
    - close one's eyes to
    - in the eyes of
    - keep an eye on
    - lay/set eyes on
    - raise one's eyebrows
    - see eye to eye
    - with an eye to something
    - with one's eyes open
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the part of the body with which one sees: Open your eyes; She has blue eyes.) øje
    2) (anything like or suggesting an eye, eg the hole in a needle, the loop or ring into which a hook connects etc.) nåleøje; -øje
    3) (a talent for noticing and judging a particular type of thing: She has an eye for detail/colour/beauty.) have øje for
    2. verb
    (to look at, observe: The boys were eyeing the girls at the dance; The thief eyed the policeman warily.) få øje på; betragte
    - eyebrow
    - eye-catching
    - eyelash
    - eyelet
    - eyelid
    - eye-opener
    - eye-piece
    - eyeshadow
    - eyesight
    - eyesore
    - eye-witness
    - before/under one's very eyes
    - be up to the eyes in
    - close one's eyes to
    - in the eyes of
    - keep an eye on
    - lay/set eyes on
    - raise one's eyebrows
    - see eye to eye
    - with an eye to something
    - with one's eyes open

    English-Danish dictionary > eye

  • 123 flat

    [flæt] 1. adjective
    1) (level; without rise or fall: a flat surface.) flad; jævn; plan; lige
    2) (dull; without interest: She spent a very flat weekend.) kedelig; død
    3) ((of something said, decided etc) definite; emphatic: a flat denial.) ubetinget; kategorisk; pure
    4) ((of a tyre) not inflated, having lost most of its air: His car had a flat tyre.) flad; punkteret
    5) ((of drinks) no longer fizzy: flat lemonade; ( also adverb) My beer has gone flat.) flad; doven
    6) (slightly lower than a musical note should be: That last note was flat; ( also adverb) The choir went very flat.) for lav; ikke ren
    2. adverb
    (stretched out: She was lying flat on her back.) udstrakt
    3. noun
    1) ((American apartment) a set of rooms on one floor, with kitchen and bathroom, in a larger building or block: Do you live in a house or a flat?) lejlighed
    2) ((in musical notation) a sign (♭) which makes a note a semitone lower.) (med b for)
    3) (a level, even part: the flat of her hand.) håndflade
    4) ((usually in plural) an area of flat land, especially beside the sea, a river etc: mud flats.) fladt land; slette; marsk
    - flatten
    - flat rate
    - flat out
    * * *
    [flæt] 1. adjective
    1) (level; without rise or fall: a flat surface.) flad; jævn; plan; lige
    2) (dull; without interest: She spent a very flat weekend.) kedelig; død
    3) ((of something said, decided etc) definite; emphatic: a flat denial.) ubetinget; kategorisk; pure
    4) ((of a tyre) not inflated, having lost most of its air: His car had a flat tyre.) flad; punkteret
    5) ((of drinks) no longer fizzy: flat lemonade; ( also adverb) My beer has gone flat.) flad; doven
    6) (slightly lower than a musical note should be: That last note was flat; ( also adverb) The choir went very flat.) for lav; ikke ren
    2. adverb
    (stretched out: She was lying flat on her back.) udstrakt
    3. noun
    1) ((American apartment) a set of rooms on one floor, with kitchen and bathroom, in a larger building or block: Do you live in a house or a flat?) lejlighed
    2) ((in musical notation) a sign (♭) which makes a note a semitone lower.) (med b for)
    3) (a level, even part: the flat of her hand.) håndflade
    4) ((usually in plural) an area of flat land, especially beside the sea, a river etc: mud flats.) fladt land; slette; marsk
    - flatten
    - flat rate
    - flat out

    English-Danish dictionary > flat

  • 124 flounced

    adjective (decorated with a flounce.) flæset
    * * *
    adjective (decorated with a flounce.) flæset

    English-Danish dictionary > flounced

  • 125 for

    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) til
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) til; i retning af
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) i; over
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) om
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) for
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) til
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) for
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) for
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) for
    10) (because of: for this reason.) af
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) til
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) for
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) for
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) for
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) på trods af
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) for
    * * *
    [fo:] 1. preposition
    1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) til
    2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) til; i retning af
    3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) i; over
    4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) om
    5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) for
    6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) til
    7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) for
    8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) for
    9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) for
    10) (because of: for this reason.) af
    11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) til
    12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) for
    13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) for
    14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) for
    15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) på trods af
    2. conjunction
    (because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) for

    English-Danish dictionary > for

  • 126 for the hell of it

    (for no particular reason; just for fun: The boys said they had set fire to the house just for the hell of it.) for sjov
    * * *
    (for no particular reason; just for fun: The boys said they had set fire to the house just for the hell of it.) for sjov

    English-Danish dictionary > for the hell of it

  • 127 formula

    plurals - formulae; noun
    1) (an arrangement of signs or letters used in chemistry, arithmetic etc to express an idea briefly: the formula for water is H2O.) formel
    2) (a recipe or set of instructions for making something: The shampoo was made to a new formula.) recept; opskrift; formel
    * * *
    plurals - formulae; noun
    1) (an arrangement of signs or letters used in chemistry, arithmetic etc to express an idea briefly: the formula for water is H2O.) formel
    2) (a recipe or set of instructions for making something: The shampoo was made to a new formula.) recept; opskrift; formel

    English-Danish dictionary > formula

  • 128 frequency

    plural - frequencies; noun
    1) (the state of happening often: The frequency of her visits surprised him.) hyppighed
    2) ((in electricity, radio etc) the number of waves, vibrations etc per second: At what frequency does the sound occur?) frekvens
    3) (a set wavelength on which radio stations regularly broadcast: I regularly listen to this frequency in order to hear my favourite music.) frekvens; bølgelængde
    * * *
    plural - frequencies; noun
    1) (the state of happening often: The frequency of her visits surprised him.) hyppighed
    2) ((in electricity, radio etc) the number of waves, vibrations etc per second: At what frequency does the sound occur?) frekvens
    3) (a set wavelength on which radio stations regularly broadcast: I regularly listen to this frequency in order to hear my favourite music.) frekvens; bølgelængde

    English-Danish dictionary > frequency

См. также в других словарях:

  • set — set …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Set — (s[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Set}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Setting}.] [OE. setten, AS. setton; akin to OS. settian, OFries. setta, D. zetten, OHG. sezzen, G. setzen, Icel. setja, Sw. s[ a]tta, Dan. s?tte, Goth. satjan; causative from the root of E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Set — (s[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Set}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Setting}.] [OE. setten, AS. setton; akin to OS. settian, OFries. setta, D. zetten, OHG. sezzen, G. setzen, Icel. setja, Sw. s[ a]tta, Dan. s?tte, Goth. satjan; causative from the root of E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • set — /set/, v., set, setting, n., adj., interj. v.t. 1. to put (something or someone) in a particular place: to set a vase on a table. 2. to place in a particular position or posture: Set the baby on his feet. 3. to place in some relation to something …   Universalium

  • set — [ sɛt ] n. m. • 1893; mot anglais I ♦ Anglic. Manche d un match de tennis, de ping pong, de volley ball. Gagner le premier set. Partie de tennis en cinq sets. Balle de set, qui décide du gain du set. II ♦ Set ou set de table : ensemble des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • set — Ⅰ. set [1] ► VERB (setting; past and past part. set) 1) put, lay, or stand in a specified place or position. 2) put, bring, or place into a specified state. 3) cause or instruct (someone) to do something. 4) give someone (a task) …   English terms dictionary

  • set — [set] vt. set, setting [ME setten < OE settan (akin to Ger setzen & Goth satjan < Gmc * satjan), caus. formation “to cause to sit” < base of SIT] 1. to place in a sitting position; cause to sit; seat 2. a) to cause (a fowl) to sit on… …   English World dictionary

  • set*/*/*/ — [set] (past tense and past participle set) verb I 1) [T] to put someone or something in a position, or to be in a particular place or position Tea s ready, he told them and set down the tray.[/ex] She set the baby on the floor to play.[/ex] 2)… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Set — (s[e^]t), v. i. 1. To pass below the horizon; to go down; to decline; to sink out of sight; to come to an end. [1913 Webster] Ere the weary sun set in the west. Shak. [1913 Webster] Thus this century sets with little mirth, and the next is likely …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Set — has 464 separate definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary, the most of any English word; its full definition comprises 10,000 words making it the longest definition in the OED. Set may refer to:In mathematics and science:*Set (mathematics), a …   Wikipedia

  • Set! — jeu de société Trouverez vous les 4 sets ? (solution en bas de page) {{{licence}}} Auteur Marsha Falco Éditeur …   Wikipédia en Français

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