1 serviceable time
2 serviceable time
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > serviceable time
3 serviceable time
время обслуживания пользователей; полезное [эффективное\] времяАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > serviceable time
4 serviceable time
1) Техника: время обслуживания пользователей, полезное время, эффективное время2) Вычислительная техника: машинное время, предназначенное для обслуживания пользователей, (машинное) время, предназначенное для (обслуживания) пользователей -
5 serviceable time
(машинное) время, предназначенное для (обслуживания) пользователейEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > serviceable time
6 serviceable time
bruikbare tijd -
7 serviceable time
hizmet verebilme zamani -
8 serviceable time (машинное)
Вычислительная техника: время, предназначенное для (обслуживания) пользователейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > serviceable time (машинное)
9 time
1) время || измерять [определять\] время; отмечать время; хронометрировать2) период [интервал\] времени4) срок; длительность, продолжительность5) темп; такт6) хронировать; синхронизировать; осуществлять привязку по времени7) регулировать взаимное положение фаз периодических процессов•time on — время включения; продолжительность пребывания во включенном состоянии;time to failure — наработка на отказ;time to repair — 1. наработка до ремонта 2. время ремонта-
absolute time
acceleration time
acceptance time
access time
acquisition time
action time
active repair time
actual airborne time
actual time
actuation time
addition time
add time
addressing time
administrative time
advance time
ageing time
aging time
air cutting time
air time
alignment time
annealing time
apparent time
arcing time
arc time
arrestment time
arrival time
assembly time
astronomical time
atomic time
attack time
attenuation time
average time
averaging time
backup time
baking time
base transit time
basin lag time
batch-free time
block-to-block time
blowing time
braking time
break contact release time
bridging time
bubble penetration time
bubble waiting time
build up time
burning time
burn-off time
burst time
caging time
calendar time
capture time
carbonizing time
carrier transit time
cell production time
chambering time
changeover time
characteristic time
charge time
check-in time
chill time
chock-to-chock time
civil time
clear time
clearing time
clipping time
closing time
compilation time
computer time
conditioning time
contact time
continuous recording time
continuous time
conversion time
cooking time
cool time
critical time
cumulative cutting time
cumulative operating time
cure time
current impulse time
current time
current-rise time
cutoff time
cutting time
cutting-in time
cycle time
damping time
data-hold time
daylight saving time
dead time
debatable time
debugging time
debug time
decay time
deceleration time
definite minimum inverse operating time
definite operating time
deionization time
delay time
departure time
detention time
development time
discharge time
disconnection time
discrete time
divide time
door-to-door time
down time
drift-transit time
drift time
drive time
dropout time
dust-free time
dwelling time
dwell time
early finish time
early start time
effective time
elapsed time
emptying time
engine ground test time
engine operating time
engine run-in time
engineering time
entry time
ephemeris time
erase time
error-free running time
estimated elapsed time
estimated time of checkpoint
execution time
exposure time
extinction time
fall time
fast time
fault clearing time
fault time
fetch time
firing time
first copy-out time
flash-off time
flight block time
flight dual instruction time
flight duty time
flight time
flooding time
floor-to-floor time
flotation time
flushing time
flyover time
forepumping time
forge time
freezing time
fuel-doubling time
fueling time
fuel-residence time
full operating time
fusing time
gate-controlled delay time
gate-controlled rise time
gate-controlled turn-on time
gate-controlled-turn-off time
gating time
generation time
Greenwich mean time
gross-coking time
ground operating time
group delay time
guard time
gyro erection time
handling time
heat time
high-water time
holding time
hold time
hold-off time
idle running time
idle time
ignition time
impulse front time
impulse tail time
incidental time
ineffective time
initial setting time
in-pile time
installation time
instruction time
instrument flight time
interaction time
interarrival time
interpulse time
interrupting time
intrinsic time
ionization time
keeping time
lag time of flow
lag time
landing gear extension time
latency time
lead time
leading-edge time
life time
local time
lockage time
locking time
low-water time
machine time
maintenance time
make contact operating time
make contact release time
make time
make-break time
manipulation time
Markov's time
Markov time
maximum permissible short-circuit clearing time
mean time between failures
mean time between power failures
melting time
mill delay time
mill pacing time
mixing time
modal transit time
monolayer time
moving time
multiplication time
near-real time
Newtonian time
no-load running time
nonreal time
normally-closed contact release time
nuclear time
nucleation time
object time
observation time
off time
off-stream time
on time
on-stream time
opening time
operating time
operator's time
optimized contact time
orbit phasing time
outage time
output voltage setup time
overall cycle time
paralysis time
partial operating time
particle residence time
peak-load time
periodic time
pickup time
plasma time
playing time
poison override time
predetermined time
preroll time
preset time
press down time
pressure resistance time
prestrike time
production pitch time
productive time
program fetch time
program testing time
propagation delay time
propagation time
proper time
pulling-out time
pull-out time
pull-in time
pull-up time
pulse fall time
pulse rise time
pulse time
ramp time
reaction time
read time
readiness time
reading readout time
reading time
real time
recession time
reclosing dead time
reclosing time
recovery time
reference time
release time
remaining life time
repair time
reset time
residence time
response time
restoration time
retention time
retrace time
retrieval time
reverberation time
reversal time
rewind time
rig time
rig total operating time
rig-down time
rig-up time
rise time
rolling time
roughing time
round-trip time
route-setting time
run time
run-down time
running time
running-down time
running-in time
run-up time
scheduled departure time
screen time
search time
seed-free time
seek time
selection time
self-extinction time
service time
serviceable time
servicing time
set time
setting time
settling time
setup time
shelf time
shipping time
ship time
shot time
sidereal time
signal modulation time
signal transit time
simulated time
sludging time
snubbing time
soaking time
solar time
sowing time
specified time
spending time
spray-on time
stabilization time
standard time
standing time
starting time
start time
station time
stay-down time
stock-descent time
stop time
stopping time
storage time
subtraction time
subtract time
succession time
summer time
sweep time
switchgear operating time
switching time
switchover time
tack-free time
takedown time
tap-to-tap time
task time
thermal death time
throughput time
time of arrival
time of coincidence
time of delivery
time of fall
time of flight
time of persistence
time of swing
tool-in-cut time
track time
traffic release time
trailing-edge time
trailing time
transfer time
transient time
transit time
transition time
translating time
transmission time
traveling time
travel time
trigger time
trip time
troubleshooting time
true time
turnaround time
turn-off time
turn-on time
turnover time
turnround time
unit time
universal time
up time
useful time
vehicle-off-the-road time
viewing time
waiting time
wait time
waiting-on-cement time
warm-up time
wavefront time
wavetail time
write time
Zebra time
zero time
zonal time
Zulu time -
10 time
1) время; период времени2) момент времени || отмечать время3) хронометрировать; рассчитывать по времени4) синхронизировать; согласовывать во времени•- access time
- accumulated operating time
- action time
- activity slack time
- actual activity completion time
- actual time
- actuation time
- addition time
- add time
- add-subtract time
- arrival time
- assembly time
- attended time
- available machine time
- average operation time
- awaiting-repair time
- binding time
- bit time
- build-up time
- calculating time
- carry-over time
- carry time
- chip-access delay time
- circuit time
- clear-write time
- coding time
- compile time
- computation time
- computer dead time
- computer time
- computer useful time
- computing time
- connect time
- control time
- crash time
- crisis time
- cycle time
- data time
- data-retention time
- dead time
- debatable time
- debugging time
- debug time
- decay time
- deceleration time
- delay time
- design time
- destination time
- development time
- digit time
- discrete time
- divide time
- down time
- earliest expected time
- effective time
- engineering time
- entry time
- error-free running time
- estimated time
- event scheduled completion time
- event slack time
- event time
- execution cycle time
- execution time
- expected activity time
- fall time
- fault correction time
- fault location time
- fault time
- fetch time
- float time
- form movement time
- forward-current rise time
- gate time
- good time
- guard time
- handshaking time
- holding time
- hold time
- idle time
- improvement time
- incidental time
- ineffective time
- inoperable time
- installation time
- instruction time
- integrator time
- interaction time
- interarrival time
- interrogation time
- latency time
- latest allowable event time
- load time
- lock-grant time
- lock-holding time
- logarithmic time
- machine available time
- machine spoiled work time
- machine spoiled time
- machine time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- manual time
- mean error-free time
- mean repair time
- mean time between errors
- mean time between failures
- mean time to repair
- memory cycle time
- miscellaneous time
- mission time
- most likely time
- multiply time
- no-charge machine fault time
- no-charge non-machine-fault time
- no-charge time
- nonfailure operating time
- nonreal time
- nonscheduled down time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- object time
- occurrence time
- off time
- on time
- one-pulse time
- operating time
- operation time
- operation-use time
- optimistic time
- out-of-service time
- peaking time
- peak time
- pessimistic time
- polynomial time
- pool time
- positioning time
- power up time
- pre-assembly time
- precedence waiting time
- preset time
- preventive maintenance time
- print interlock time
- problem time
- processing time
- process time
- processor cycle time
- production time
- productive time
- program execution time
- program fetch time
- program testing time
- progration time
- propagation delay time
- proving time
- pulse time
- punch start time
- read time
- reading access time
- readout time
- read-restore time
- real time
- record check time
- recovery time
- reference time
- refresh time
- reimbursed time
- repair delay time
- repair time
- representative computing time
- request-response time
- resetting time
- resolution time
- resolving time
- response time
- restoration time
- restoring time
- retrieval time
- reversal time
- reverse-current fall time
- rewind time
- rise time
- round-trip time
- routine maintenance time- run time- sampling time
- scaled real time
- scheduled time
- schedule time
- scheduled down time
- scheduled operating time
- scramble time
- screen storage time
- search time
- seek time
- send-receive-forward time
- sensitive time
- service time
- serviceable time
- setting time
- settling time
- setup time
- simulated time
- s-n transition time
- standby time
- starting time
- start time
- start-up time
- stop time
- storage cycle time
- storage time
- subtraction time
- subtract time
- superconducting-normal transition time
- supplementary maintenance time
- swap time
- switch delay time
- switch time
- switching time
- system time
- takedown time
- task time
- testing time
- throughput time
- time between failures
- time for motion to start
- time now
- total time
- track-to-track move time
- transfer time
- transit time
- transition time
- translating time
- true time
- turnaround time
- turnoff time
- turnon time
- turnover time
- unacked time
- unattended standby time
- unattended time
- unavailable time
- unit time
- unused time
- up time
- useful time
- user time
- variable dead time
- waiting time
- word time
- word-addressing time
- write timeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > time
11 time
1. n время выполнения2. n период времениit took him a long time to do it, he took a long time doing it — ему потребовалось немало времени, чтобы сделать это; он немало с этим провозился
all the time, the whole time — всё время, всегда
all the time we were working — в течение всего времени, что мы работали
at one time — одно время, когда-то
for the time being — пока, до поры до времени
I think that we may win in time — думаю, что со временем нам удастся победить
in no time, in less than no time — очень быстро, мигом, в два счёта
in the same flash of time — в то же мгновение, в тот же миг
to tell the time — показывать время; показывать, который час
time interrupt — временное прерывание; прерывание по времени
3. n сезон, пора, времяsowing time — время сева, посевной период, посевная
4. n долгое времяhe was gone time before you got there — он ушёл задолго до того, как вы туда явились
settling time — время установления сигнала; время успокоения
reversal time — время реверсирования; время перемагничивания
5. n час, точное времяwhat time, at what time — в какое время, в котором часу; когда
6. n момент, мгновение; определённый момент, определённое времяsome time — в какой-то момент, в какое-то время
some time — когда-нибудь, рано или поздно
at times — по временам, время от времени
at the time — в тот момент, в то время
at the same time — в то же самое время, одновременно; в тот же момент
at any time you like — в любой момент, когда вам будет удобно
at the proper time, when the time comes — в своё время, когда придёт время
we shall do everything at the proper time — мы всё сделаем, когда нужно;
between times — иногда, временами
block-to-block time — время, затраченное на выполнение рейса
travel time — время, необходимое на переходы в часы работы
time modulation — временная модуляция; модуляция по времени
7. n время прибытия или отправления8. n срок, времяin time — в срок, вовремя
in due time — в своё время, своевременно
I was just in time to see it — я успел как раз вовремя, чтобы увидеть это
behind time, out of time — поздно, с опозданием
high time — давно пора, самое время
time! — время вышло!; ваше время истекло
time is drawing on — времени остаётся мало, срок приближается
9. n подходящий момент, подходящее время10. n времена, пора; эпоха, эраour time — наше время, наши дни
the times we live in — наши дни; время, в которое мы живём
at all times, all the time — всегда, во все времена
a book unusual for its time — книга, необычная для своего времени
from time immemorial — с незапамятных времён, испокон веку ; искони, исстари
old time — старое время; в древности, в стародавние времена, во время оно
in happier times — в более счастливые времена, в более счастливую пору
in times to come — в будущем, в грядущие времена
abreast of the times — вровень с веком; не отставая от жизни
to be abreast of the times, to move with the times — стоять вровень с веком, не отставать от жизни, шагать в ногу со временем
ahead of the time — опередивший свою эпоху, передовой
other times, other manners — иные времена — иные нравы
11. n возрастat his time of life — в его возрасте, в его годы
12. n период жизни, векit was before her time — это было до её рождения; она этого уже не застала
he died before his time — он безвременно умер;
debug time — время отладки; период отладки
13. n свободное время; досугto have no time, to be hard pressed for time — совершенно не иметь времени, торопиться
to make up for lost time — наверстать упущенное; компенсировать потери времени
to save time — экономить время, не терять попусту времени
I need time to rest — мне нужно время, чтобы отдохнуть
switching time — время переключения; время перемагничивания
response time — время ответа, время реакции; время отклика
14. n время; времяпрепровождениеto have a good time — хорошо провести время, повеселиться
one-pulse time — время действия импульса; импульсный период
15. n рабочее времяGreenwich time — время по Гринвичу, среднеевропейское время
16. n плата за работу17. n интервал между раундами18. n тайм; период, половина игрыTime Inc. — Тайм инк.
19. n скорость, темп; такт; размер; ритмto keep time — отбивать такт; выдерживать такт
20. n стих. мора21. n библ. год22. a связанный с временем23. a снабжённый часовым механизмом24. a связанный с покупками в кредит или с платежами в рассрочкуseeding time — время сева, посевная страда, сев
time base — временная ось; масштаб по оси времени
25. a подлежащий оплате в определённый срокtime wage — повременная, подённая оплата
26. v выбирать время; рассчитыватьturnover time — время переключения; время перемагничивания
to snooze time away — бездельничать, растранжиривать время
27. v назначать или устанавливать время; приурочиватьseasoning time — время, необходимое для полного увлажнения
28. v ставить29. v задавать темп; регулировать30. v отмечать по часам; засекать; определять время; хронометрироватьcore time — часы, когда все сотрудники должны быть на работе
mercifully, he came in time — к счастью, он пришёл вовремя
31. v рассчитывать, устанавливать продолжительностьclockwork apparatus timed to run for forty-eight hours — часовой механизм, рассчитанный на двое суток работы
32. v выделять время для определённого процесса33. v делать в такт34. v редк. совпадать, биться в унисонin double-quick time — быстро, в два счёта
35. v тех. синхронизироватьСинонимический ряд:1. duration (noun) continuance; duration; future; interval; lastingness; past; present; span; stretch; term; year2. era (noun) age; cycle; date; day; days; epoch; era; generation; period; season3. go (noun) bout; go; hitch; innings; shift; spell; stint; tour; trick; turn; watch4. hour (noun) hour; instant; minute; moment; occasion5. opportunity (noun) break; chance; leisure; liberty; look-in; opening; opportunity; shot; show; squeak6. tempo (noun) beat; cadence; measure; pace; rate; rhythm; swing; tempo7. while (noun) bit; space; spell; stretch; while8. adjust (verb) adjust; set; synchronize9. book (verb) book; schedule10. gauge (verb) clock; gauge; measure; regulate -
12 serviceable life
ресурс; срок службы; продолжительность службы; срок жизни; долговечность; срок работы; продолжительность жизни; кампания; продолжительность кампании; эксплуатационная наработка; полный ресурс[lang name="English"]t.b.o. life — ресурс
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > serviceable life
13 user serviceable
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > user serviceable
14 время обслуживания пользователей
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > время обслуживания пользователей
15 время обслуживания пользователей
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > время обслуживания пользователей
16 полезное время
17 срок годности
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > срок годности
18 good
I [gʊd]1) (enjoyable) [ news] buono; [book, joke, weather, party] bello2) (happy)to feel good about, doing — essere contento di, di fare
3) (healthy) [eye, leg] sano, buono; [hearing, memory] buono4) (high quality) [condition, degree, score] buono; [photo, hotel, coat] belloI'm not good enough for her — non vado abbastanza bene per lei, non sono alla sua altezza
5) (prestigious) attrib. [ marriage] buono6) (obedient) [child, dog] buono, bravo; [ manners] buono7) (favourable) [impression, sign] buono8) (attractive) [legs, teeth] belloto look good with — [garment, accessories] andare o stare bene con
she looks good in blue — sta bene col blu, il blu le dona
9) (tasty) [ meal] buono, gustoso; (fit to eat) [ meat] buonoto taste, smell good — avere un buon sapore, odore
10) (virtuous) attrib. [ person] buono, virtuoso; [ life] morigeratothe good guys — (in films) i buoni
11) (kind) [person, deed] buono, gentileto do sb. a good turn — fare un favore a qcn.
would you be good enough to do, would you be so good as to do — saresti tanto o così gentile da fare
12) (pleasant)to be very good about — essere molto buono o comprensivo riguardo a [ mistake]
13) (competent) [accountant, teacher] buono, bravoto be good at — essere bravo in [ Latin]; essere bravo o forte a [ chess]
he's good at dancing — balla bene, è bravo a ballare
to be no good at — essere una schiappa in [ chemistry]; essere una schiappa a [ tennis]
to be good with — saperci fare con [children, animals]; essere bravo con [ numbers]
14) (beneficial)to be good for — fare bene a [person, plant, health]; giovare a [business, morale]
say nothing if you know what's good for you — per il tuo bene, non dire niente
15) (effective, suitable) [ method] buono, efficace; [ shampoo] buono; [ knife] adatto; [name, book, moment] buono, adatto; [idea, investment, question] buono; [ point] giustorésumé — AE questo farà bella figura sul tuo curriculum
16) (accurate) [ description] buono, preciso; (fluent) [ language] buonoto keep good time — [ clock] essere preciso
17) (fortunate)it's a good job o thing (that) fortuna che, meno male che; we've never had it so good colloq. le cose non sono mai andate così bene; it's too good to be true — è troppo bello per essere vero
19) (serviceable)the car is good for another 10,000 km — la macchina può fare ancora altri 10.000 km
20) (substantial) attrib. [salary, size] buono; [ hour] buono, abbondanteit must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — deve valere almeno 2.000 dollari
21)as good as — (virtually) praticamente
it's as good as saying yes — (tantamount to) è come o equivale a dire di sì
••good for you! — (approvingly) bravo! sono contento o buon per te! (sarcastically) tanto meglio per te!
good on you! — BE colloq. bravo!
good thinking — buona o bella idea!
II 1. [gʊd]to be onto a good thing, to have a good thing going — colloq. avere per le mani qualcosa di buono
1) (virtue) bene m.to be up to no good — colloq. combinare qualche guaio
to come to no good — finire male, fare una brutta fine
2) (benefit) bene m.for all the good it did me — per quel che mi è servito, per il bene che mi ha fatto
to do sb., sth. good — fare bene a qcn., qcs. ( to do fare)
no good can o will come of it non ne uscirà niente di buono; no good will come of waiting aspettare non servirà a nulla; to be all to the good — essere tutto di guadagnato
3) (use)4) BE (profit)5)2.nome plurale the good (virtuous people) i buoni m.III [gʊd]interiezione (expressing satisfaction) bene; (with relief) tanto meglio; (to encourage, approve) bene, ben fatto* * *[ɡud] 1. comparative - better; adjective1) (well-behaved; not causing trouble etc: Be good!; She's a good baby.) buono, bravo2) (correct, desirable etc: She was a good wife; good manners; good English.) buono3) (of high quality: good food/literature; His singing is very good.) buono4) (skilful; able to do something well: a good doctor; good at tennis; good with children.) bravo, buono5) (kind: You've been very good to him; a good father.) buono6) (helpful; beneficial: Exercise is good for you.; Cheese is good for you.) buono7) (pleased, happy etc: I'm in a good mood today.) buono8) (pleasant; enjoyable: to read a good book; Ice-cream is good to eat.) buono9) (considerable; enough: a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.) buono; molto10) (suitable: a good man for the job.) adatto11) (sound, fit: good health; good eyesight; a car in good condition.) buono12) (sensible: Can you think of one good reason for doing that?) buono13) (showing approval: We've had very good reports about you.) buono14) (thorough: a good clean.) buono; bello15) (healthy or in a positive mood: I don't feel very good this morning.) bene2. noun1) (advantage or benefit: He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?) bene; utilità2) (goodness: I always try to see the good in people.) bene; buono3. interjection(an expression of approval, gladness etc.) bene- goodness4. interjection((also my goodness) an expression of surprise etc.) santo Cielo!, buon Dio!- goods- goody
- goodbye
- good-day
- good evening
- good-for-nothing
- good humour
- good-humoured
- good-humouredly
- good-looking
- good morning
- good afternoon
- good-day
- good evening
- good night
- good-natured
- goodwill
- good will
- good works
- as good as
- be as good as one's word
- be up to no good
- deliver the goods
- for good
- for goodness' sake
- good for
- good for you
- him
- Good Friday
- good gracious
- good heavens
- goodness gracious
- goodness me
- good old
- make good
- no good
- put in a good word for
- take something in good part
- take in good part
- thank goodness
- to the good* * *I [gʊd]1) (enjoyable) [ news] buono; [book, joke, weather, party] bello2) (happy)to feel good about, doing — essere contento di, di fare
3) (healthy) [eye, leg] sano, buono; [hearing, memory] buono4) (high quality) [condition, degree, score] buono; [photo, hotel, coat] belloI'm not good enough for her — non vado abbastanza bene per lei, non sono alla sua altezza
5) (prestigious) attrib. [ marriage] buono6) (obedient) [child, dog] buono, bravo; [ manners] buono7) (favourable) [impression, sign] buono8) (attractive) [legs, teeth] belloto look good with — [garment, accessories] andare o stare bene con
she looks good in blue — sta bene col blu, il blu le dona
9) (tasty) [ meal] buono, gustoso; (fit to eat) [ meat] buonoto taste, smell good — avere un buon sapore, odore
10) (virtuous) attrib. [ person] buono, virtuoso; [ life] morigeratothe good guys — (in films) i buoni
11) (kind) [person, deed] buono, gentileto do sb. a good turn — fare un favore a qcn.
would you be good enough to do, would you be so good as to do — saresti tanto o così gentile da fare
12) (pleasant)to be very good about — essere molto buono o comprensivo riguardo a [ mistake]
13) (competent) [accountant, teacher] buono, bravoto be good at — essere bravo in [ Latin]; essere bravo o forte a [ chess]
he's good at dancing — balla bene, è bravo a ballare
to be no good at — essere una schiappa in [ chemistry]; essere una schiappa a [ tennis]
to be good with — saperci fare con [children, animals]; essere bravo con [ numbers]
14) (beneficial)to be good for — fare bene a [person, plant, health]; giovare a [business, morale]
say nothing if you know what's good for you — per il tuo bene, non dire niente
15) (effective, suitable) [ method] buono, efficace; [ shampoo] buono; [ knife] adatto; [name, book, moment] buono, adatto; [idea, investment, question] buono; [ point] giustorésumé — AE questo farà bella figura sul tuo curriculum
16) (accurate) [ description] buono, preciso; (fluent) [ language] buonoto keep good time — [ clock] essere preciso
17) (fortunate)it's a good job o thing (that) fortuna che, meno male che; we've never had it so good colloq. le cose non sono mai andate così bene; it's too good to be true — è troppo bello per essere vero
19) (serviceable)the car is good for another 10,000 km — la macchina può fare ancora altri 10.000 km
20) (substantial) attrib. [salary, size] buono; [ hour] buono, abbondanteit must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — deve valere almeno 2.000 dollari
21)as good as — (virtually) praticamente
it's as good as saying yes — (tantamount to) è come o equivale a dire di sì
••good for you! — (approvingly) bravo! sono contento o buon per te! (sarcastically) tanto meglio per te!
good on you! — BE colloq. bravo!
good thinking — buona o bella idea!
II 1. [gʊd]to be onto a good thing, to have a good thing going — colloq. avere per le mani qualcosa di buono
1) (virtue) bene m.to be up to no good — colloq. combinare qualche guaio
to come to no good — finire male, fare una brutta fine
2) (benefit) bene m.for all the good it did me — per quel che mi è servito, per il bene che mi ha fatto
to do sb., sth. good — fare bene a qcn., qcs. ( to do fare)
no good can o will come of it non ne uscirà niente di buono; no good will come of waiting aspettare non servirà a nulla; to be all to the good — essere tutto di guadagnato
3) (use)4) BE (profit)5)2.nome plurale the good (virtuous people) i buoni m.III [gʊd]interiezione (expressing satisfaction) bene; (with relief) tanto meglio; (to encourage, approve) bene, ben fatto -
19 срок
1) term;
date, deadline в срок, к сроку ≈ in time к условленному сроку, в указанный срок ≈ by the time/date fixed, by a specified date;
to time срок аренды ≈ term of lease срок платежа ≈ date/term of payment
2) (период) period срок военной службы ≈ call-up period избирать сроком на два года ≈ to elect for a term of two years сроком до трех месяцев ≈ within three months в кратчайший срок ≈ in the shortest possible time срок действия ≈ period of validity по истечении срока ≈ when the time expires, at the expiration of the period;
when the time is up за короткий срок ≈ in a short/brief space of time ∙ не давать ни отдыху, ни сроку (кому-л.) ≈ to give no peace дайте срокм.
1. (промежуток времени) period;
(тюремного заключения тж.) stretch разг. ;
~ оплаты пять дней to be paid within five days;
в кратчайший ~ within the shortest possible time, in a very short (space of) time;
по истечении ~a when the term expires;
даю им ~у три часа you have three hours;
2. (предельный момент) deadline, date, time;
амортизационный ~ службы service life;
гарантийный ~ службы warranty life;
долгий, короткий ~ long/short term;
~ исполнения deadline, time allowed;
конечный ~ действия expiry date;
нормативный ~ normative period;
(общий) ~ службы service life;
~ окупаемости фин. pay-back time (period) ;
~ оплаты due date;
~ платежа date of payment, due date, payment period, date fixed for payment;
~ поставки delivery time( date) ;
предельный ~ службы time limit;
средний ~ службы average service life;
~ службы durability, endurance, life, lifetime, service life, time limit, working time;
~ амортизации эк. depreciable life;
~ капиталовложений эк. life of investments;
~ векселя эк. term of a bill;
~ годности эк. serviceable life, applicable time;
~ действия (документа) duration;
~ действия патента licence term;
~ действия соглашения period of validity of an agreement;
~ доставки delivery date;
~ кредита credit period, term of credit;
эксплуатационный ~ службы useful life;
~ хранения storage (shelf) life;
в ~ in/on time;
до ~а before( its) time, early;
к ~у to time;
явиться к ~у arrive on time;
пришёл ~ the moment has arrived;
представить работу в ~ do* the work in time;
все ~и прошли time ran out long ago;
на ~ for a certain period;
дай(те) ~! give me time!;
(как угроза) just you wait! -
20 good
good [gʊd]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adjective2. noun3. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adjective━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. bonb. ( = kind) gentil• I tried to find something good to say about him j'ai essayé de trouver quelque chose de bien à dire sur luic. ( = well-behaved) [child, animal] sage• be good! sois sage !d. ( = at ease) I feel good je me sens biene. ( = attractive) joli• you look good! ( = healthy) tu as bonne mine ! ; ( = well-dressed) tu es très bien comme ça !f. ( = thorough) to have a good cry pleurer un bon coup━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Verb + adverb may be used in French, instead of adjective + noun. For combinations other than the following, look up the noun.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━h. (in exclamations) good! bien !• that's a good one! [joke, story] elle est bien bonne celle-là ! (inf)• good old Charles! (inf) ce bon vieux Charles !• this ticket is good for three months ( = valid for) ce billet est valable trois mois• my car is good for another few years ma voiture tiendra bien encore quelques années► what's good for• what's good for the consumer isn't necessarily good for the economy ce qui bon pour le consommateur ne l'est pas forcément pour l'économie► more than is good for• they tend to eat and drink more than is good for them ils ont tendance à boire et à manger plus que de raison• some children know more than is good for them certains enfants en savent plus qu'ils ne devraient► as good as ( = practically) pratiquement• she as good as told me that... elle m'a dit à peu de chose près que...• it's as good as saying that... autant dire que...• in a day or so he'll be as good as new dans un jour ou deux il sera complètement rétabli► to make good ( = succeed) faire son chemin ; [ex-criminal] s'acheter une conduite (inf) ; ( = compensate for) [+ deficit] combler ; [+ deficiency, losses] compenser ; [+ expenses] rembourser ; [+ injustice, damage] réparer2. nouna. ( = virtue) bien mb. ( = good deeds) to do good faire le bienc. ( = advantage, profit) bien m• a lot of good that's done! nous voilà bien avancés !• what good will that do you? ça t'avancera à quoi ?• a fat lot of good that will do you! (inf) tu seras bien avancé !• a lot of good that's done him! le voilà bien avancé !d. ( = use) what's the good? à quoi bon ?• what's the good of hurrying? à quoi bon se presser ?• it's not much good to me [advice, suggestion] ça ne m'avance pas à grand-chose ; [object, money] ça ne me sert pas à grand-chose• is he any good? [worker, singer] qu'est-ce qu'il vaut ?► no good ( = useless)• it's no good, I'll never get it finished in time il n'y a rien à faire, je n'arriverai jamais à le finir à tempse. ► for good pour de bon3. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Le Good Friday Agreement (« Accord du Vendredi saint »), également appelé le Belfast Agreement, a été signé le 10 avril 1998 dans le cadre du processus de paix qui devait mettre fin aux « Troubles » en Irlande du Nord. Il avait pour but de régler les relations entre l'Irlande du Nord et la République d'Irlande et entre ces deux pays et l'Angleterre, l'Écosse et le pays de Galles. Il a mis en place la « Northern Ireland Assembly » et lui a délégué certains pouvoirs. L'accord fut soumis à référendum le 22 mai 1998 et la population vota majoritairement pour.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━* * *[gʊd] 1.1) ( virtue) bien mto be up to no good — (colloq) mijoter quelque chose (colloq)
2) ( benefit) bien mfor the good of his health — lit pour sa santé
no good can ou will come of it — rien de bon n'en sortira
3) ( use)4) GB ( profit)2.to be £20 to the good — avoir 20 livres sterling à son crédit
goods plural noun1) ( for sale) gen articles mpl, marchandise felectrical goods — appareils mpl électro-ménagers
goods and services — biens mpl de consommation et services
2) GB Railways marchandises fpl3) ( property) affaires fpl, biens mpl4) (colloq)3. 4.to deliver ou come up with the goods — répondre à l'attente de quelqu'un
1) ( enjoyable) gen bon/bonne; [party] réussi2) ( happy)to feel good about/doing — être content de/de faire
3) ( healthy) [eye, ear etc] bon/bonne4) ( high quality) bon/bonne; ( best) [coat, china] beau/belle; [degree] avec mention (after n)5) ( prestigious) (épith) [address, marriage] bon/bonne6) ( obedient) [child, dog] sage; [manners] bon/bonnethere's a good boy ou girl! — c'est bien!
7) ( favourable) bon/bonne8) ( attractive) beau/belleto look good with — [garment, accessories] aller bien avec
9) ( tasty) [meal] bon/bonneto smell good — sentir bon inv
10) ( virtuous) (épith) [man, life] vertueux/-euse; [Christian] bon/bonnethe good guys — les bons mpl
11) ( kind) [person] gentil/-illewould you be good enough to do —
12) ( pleasant) [humour, mood] bon/bonne13) ( competent) bon/bonneto be good at — être bon en [Latin, physics]; être bon à [badminton, chess]
to be no good at — être nul/nulle en [tennis, chemistry]; être nul/nulle à [chess, cards]
to be good with — savoir comment s'y prendre avec [children, animals]; aimer [figures]
14) ( beneficial)to be good for — faire du bien à [person, plant]; être bon pour [health, business, morale]
say nothing if you know what's good for you — si je peux te donner un conseil, ne dis rien
15) (effective, suitable, accurate, sensible) bon/bonneto look good — [design] faire de l'effet
this will look good on your CV GB ou résumé US — cela fera bien sur votre CV
16) ( fluent)17) ( fortunate)it's a good job ou thing (that) — heureusement que
it's a good job ou thing too! — tant mieux!
we've never had it so good — (colloq) les affaires n'ont jamais été aussi prospères
18) ( serviceable)this season ticket is good for two more months — cette carte d'abonnement est valable encore deux mois
the car is good for another 10,000 km — la voiture fera encore 10000 km
19) ( substantial) (épith) [salary, size, hour] bon/bonneit must be worth a good 2,000 dollars — ça doit valoir au moins 2000 dollars
5.we had a good laugh — on a bien ri; better, best
as good as adverbial phrase1) ( virtually) quasimentto be as good as new — être comme neuf/neuve
2) ( tantamount to)6.for good adverbial phrase pour toujours7.exclamation (expressing pleasure, satisfaction) c'est bien!; ( with relief) tant mieux!; (to encourage, approve) très bien!••good for you! — ( approvingly) bravo!; ( sarcastically) tant mieux pour toi!
that's a good one! — (of joke, excuse) elle est bonne celle-là!
good on you! — (colloq) GB bravo!
to be onto a good thing (colloq), to have a good thing going — (colloq) être sur un bon filon
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
In good time — Good Good, a. [Compar. {Better}; superl. {Best}. These words, though used as the comparative and superlative of good, are from a different root.] [AS. G[=o]d, akin to D. goed, OS. g[=o]d, OHG. guot, G. gut, Icel. g[=o][eth]r, Sw. & Dan. god, Goth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Luftwaffe serviceable aircraft strengths (1940–1945) — The following tables summarize the operational strength of the German air force, or Luftwaffe , in terms of the number of different aircraft by general category. The period covered is World War II from 1940 to 1945, starting at the time of the… … Wikipedia
Battle of Britain — This article is about the Second World War battle. For other uses, see Battle of Britain (disambiguation). Battle of Britain Part of the Second World War … Wikipedia
Operation Crusader — Part of Western Desert Campaign A Crusader mk.I passes a burning German Panzer IV … Wikipedia
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Second Battle of El Alamein — Part of Western Desert Campaign … Wikipedia
Kampfgeschwader 76 — Infobox Military Unit unit name=Kampfgeschwader 76 caption= dates=1939 1945 country=Germany allegiance=flagicon|Nazi Germany Nazi Germany branch=Luftwaffe type=Bomber Squadron role= Tactical and Direct Ground Support. size=Air Force Wing command… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Iraqi War — Part of the Mediterranean, Middle East and African theatre of the Second World War British troops looking at … Wikipedia
Siege of Malta (World War II) — Siege of Malta Part of the Second World War Mediterranean theatre … Wikipedia
History of the Luftwaffe 1933 - 1945 — The German Luftwaffe was one of the strongest, doctrinally advanced, and battle experienced air forces in the world when World War II started in Europe in September 1939. Officially unveiled in 1935, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, its… … Wikipedia
Wage slavery — is a term first coined by the Lowell Mill Girls in 1836, [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=YXT kSv1btIC pg=PA87 lpg=PA87 dq=lowell+%22wage+slavery%22 source=web ots=WsT3bkI 0G sig=w7N0JGBskFiUHReS 00amVMNaPY hl=en Artisans Into Workers: Labor… … Wikipedia