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См. также в других словарях:

  • service provider — ➔ provider * * * service provider UK US noun [C] INTERNET ► INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER(Cf. ↑internet service provider) …   Financial and business terms

  • service provider — (computing) see ↑ISP • • • Main Entry: ↑service * * * ˈservice provider 7 [service provider] noun a business company that provides a service to customers, especially one that connects customers to the Internet …   Useful english dictionary

  • service provider — service providers N COUNT A service provider is a company that provides a service, especially an Internet service …   English dictionary

  • Service Provider — Service Provider,   so viel wie Internet Provider …   Universal-Lexikon

  • service provider — A company providing a network service (for example, a company which provides internet connections). Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010 …   Law dictionary

  • service provider — ► NOUN Computing ▪ a company which gives its subscribers access to the Internet …   English terms dictionary

  • Service-Provider — Internetdienst(e)anbieter oder Internetdienstleister (engl.: Internet Service Provider, abgekürzt ISP), im deutschsprachigen Raum auch oft nur Provider, weniger häufig auch nur Internetanbieter oder Internetprovider genannt, sind Anbieter von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Service provider — A service provider is an entity that provides services to other entities. Usually this refers to a business that provides subscription or web service to other businesses or individuals. Examples of these services include Internet access, Mobile… …   Wikipedia

  • Service-Provider — Ser|vice|pro|vi|der, Ser|vice Pro|vi|der [ sə:vɪsprova̮idɐ], der [engl. service provider, aus: service (↑ 2Service) u. provider, ↑ Provider]: an den entsprechenden Netzbetreuer weitervermittelnder Anbieter von Kommunikationsdiensten, z. B. bei… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • service provider — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms service provider : singular service provider plural service providers 1) computing a company that provides customers with a connection to the Internet 2) a company that provides a service, for example insurance …   English dictionary

  • service provider — /ˈsɜvəs prəvaɪdə/ (say servuhs pruhvuyduh) noun 1. a company which provides a specified government or government funded service, as an employment agency. 2. → internet service provider …  

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