1 service industry
service industry♦voorbeelden: -
2 service industry
- service industry
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > service industry
3 service industry
service industry ECON, IND Dienstleistungsgewerbe n, Dienstleistungsindustrie f, Dienstleistungssektor mEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > service industry
4 service industry
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > service industry
5 service industry
6 service industry
nounDienstleistungsindustrie, die* * *ˈser·vice in·dus·try* * *1. meist pl Dienstleistungsbetriebe pl, -gewerbe n2. Zulieferindustrie f* * *nounDienstleistungsindustrie, die* * *n.Dienstleistungsgewerbe n. -
7 service industry
8 service industry
nservice industries — usługi pl
9 service industry
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > service industry
10 service industry
отрасль сферы услуг ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > service industry
11 service industry
индустрия обслуживанияАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > service industry
12 service industry
1) Общая лексика: индустрия обслуживания2) Техника: сфера обслуживания3) Строительство: индустрия сервиса4) Реклама: отрасль инфраструктуры (например, служба быта, транспорт)5) Деловая лексика: отрасль, производящая услуги, сфера услуг -
13 service industry
14 service industry
subst.serviceindustri, servicenæring -
15 service industry
16 service industry
сфера послуг; побутове обслуговування -
17 service industry
serv.ice in.dus.try[s'ə:vis indəstri] n Econ indústria de prestação de serviços. -
18 service industry
n. hizmet sektörü, servis endüstrisi* * *servis endüstrisi -
19 service industry
[con.] industrie des services; secteur tertiaireEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > service industry
20 Service industry
قطاع ثالث(تجارة وخدمات)
См. также в других словарях:
service industry — ➔ industry * * * service industry UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS ► all the businesses that provide services, or a particular group of these businesses: »It is the service industry that accounts for the most jobs in Utah. »Job gains in service… … Financial and business terms
service industry — service industries N COUNT A service industry is an industry such as banking or insurance that provides a service but does not produce anything … English dictionary
service industry — service .industry n [U and C] an industry that provides a service rather than a product, for example insurance or advertising … Dictionary of contemporary English
service industry — service ,industry noun count an industry that provides services instead of producing goods, for example banks, hospitals, and hotels … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
service industry — ► NOUN ▪ a business that provides a service for a customer, but is not involved in manufacturing … English terms dictionary
service industry — noun an industry that provides services rather than tangible objects • Hypernyms: ↑industry • Hyponyms: ↑management consulting * * * ˈservice industry 7 [service industry] noun … Useful english dictionary
service industry — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms service industry : singular service industry plural service industries an industry that provides services instead of producing goods, for example banks, hospitals, and hotels … English dictionary
service industry — Industry that provides services rather than goods. Economists divide the products of all economic activity into two broad categories, goods and services. Industries that produce goods (tangible objects) include agriculture, mining, manufacturing … Universalium
service industry — noun An industry that does not produce any goods, but only provides a service such as a bank or insurance company … Wiktionary
service industry — noun (C, U) an industry that provides a service such as insurance, bank accounts, or advertising rather than a product … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
service industry — / sɜ:vɪs ˌɪndəstri/ noun an industry which does not produce raw materials or manufacture products but offers a service (such as banking, retailing or accountancy) … Dictionary of banking and finance