1 serrate
adj. \/ˈserət\/, \/ˈsereɪt\/ eller serrated1) (sag)tagget, (sag)tannet, sagtakket2) (botanikk, om blad) sagtagget, sagtakket, tannet -
2 serrated
См. также в других словарях:
Serrate — Ser rate, Serrated Ser ra*ted, a. [L. serratus, fr. serra a saw; perhaps akin to secare to cut, E. saw a cutting instrument. Cf. {Sierra}.] 1. Notched on the edge, like a saw. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Beset with teeth pointing forwards or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
serrate — ⇒SERRATE, adj. NUMISM. Monnaies serrates. Monnaies romaines d argent pur, dont le bord est découpé en dents de scie. (Dict. XIXe et XXe s.). Prononc.:[ ]. Étymol. et Hist. 1832 (RAYMOND). Empr. au lat. serratus « en forme de scie; dentelé » (dér … Encyclopédie Universelle
serrate — [ser′āt΄, ser′it; ] for v., [ser′āt΄, sə rāt′] adj. [L serratus < serra, a saw] having sawlike notches along the edge, as some leaves: see LEAF: also serrated vt. serrated, serrating to make serrate … English World dictionary
serraté — serraté, ée (sè rra té, tée) adj. Le même que SERRÉ 2 … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
serrate — 1660s, from L. serratus “notched like a saw,” from serra “saw,” of unknown origin. Related: Serrated; serrating … Etymology dictionary
serrate — adjective /ˈsɛreɪt/ (say serayt), / rət/ (say ruht) 1. having notches or teeth along the edge like a saw: a serrate leaf; a serrate blade. 2. having a grooved edge, as certain coins. 3. having notches or teeth along the edge. –verb (t) /səˈreɪt/… …
serrate — adj. /ser ayt, it/; v. /ser ayt, seuh rayt /, adj., v., serrated, serrating. adj. 1. Chiefly Biol. notched on the edge like a saw: a serrate leaf. 2. Numis. (of a coin) having a grooved edge. 3. serrated. v.t. 4. to make serrate or serrated: He… … Universalium
serrate — 1. adjective a) Having tooth like projections on one side, as in a saw. Many click beetles have serrate antennae. b) Having tooth like projections pointed away from the petiole. See Also: dentate, runcinate 2 … Wiktionary
serrate — ser·rà·te s.m.inv. TS sport 1. azione d attacco confusa e affannata che, verso la fine della partita, una squadra conduce per ottenere un pareggio o una vittoria, a seconda che si trovi in svantaggio o in parità Sinonimi: serrate finale. 2. nel… … Dizionario italiano
serrate — ser•rate adj. [[t]ˈsɛr eɪt, ɪt[/t]] v. [[t]ˈsɛr eɪt, səˈreɪt[/t]] adj. v. rat•ed, rat•ing 1) bio frm notched on the edge like a saw: a serrate leaf[/ex] 2) num (of a coin) having a grooved edge 3) serrated 4) to make serrate or serrated •… … From formal English to slang
serrate — I. adjective Etymology: Latin serratus, from serra saw Date: 1668 notched or toothed on the edge; specifically having marginal teeth pointing forward or toward the apex < a serrate leaf > II. transitive verb (serrated; serrating) Etymolo … New Collegiate Dictionary