1 serial encryption
Безопасность: поточное шифрование -
2 serial encryption
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > serial encryption
3 encryption
a) прибор шифрования (обозначение в схеме)b) (encryption)1) шифрование; зашифрование; операция (за) шифрования2) криптография; криптографическая защита; криптографическое сокрытие информации3) шифротекст- hardware encryption- hardware assisted encryptionАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > encryption
4 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- adaptive algorithm
- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm - CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm - greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm - iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm - min-cut algorithm - nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- Q-R-algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm - routing algorithm
- Rprop algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm - self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm - shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithm -
5 algorithm
1) алгоритм2) правило; процедура; метод•- Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- aim algorithm
- algorithm of doubtful convergence
- annealing algorithm
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- autoregressive algorithm
- back propagation of error algorithm
- backoff algorithm
- batch algorithm
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- best cost path algorithm
- bisection algorithm
- branch and bound algorithm
- British Telecom Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- BTLZ algorithm
- CART algorithm
- channel algorithm
- channel routing algorithm
- Cholesky algorithm
- classification and regression tree algorithm
- clustering algorithm
- Cochran-Orcutt algorithm
- compression algorithm
- conjugate directions algorithm
- conjugate gradients algorithm
- constructive algorithm
- contour following algorithm
- control algorithm
- convolution algorithm
- Cooley-Tuckey algorithm
- cryptographic algorithm
- deflation compression algorithm
- differential synthesis algorithm
- Diffie-Hellman algorithm
- digital signal processing algorithm
- digital signature algorithm
- Dijkstra algorithm
- distance vector algorithm
- DSP algorithm
- dynamic programming algorithm
- edge-tracking algorithm
- evolutionary algorithm
- exact embedding algorithm
- expansion algorithm
- fast algorithm
- fast convolution Agarval-Cooley algorithm
- fixed-weight algorithm
- Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- fundamental algorithm
- fuzzy algorithm
- general algorithm
- genetic algorithm
- graph search algorithm
- greedy algorithm
- Gummel's algorithm
- hashing algorithm
- heuristic algorithm
- ID3 algorithm
- identification algorithm
- initialization algorithm
- integer algorithm
- international data encryption algorithm
- iterative algorithm
- iterative dichotomizer 3 algorithm
- k-means algorithm
- learning algorithm
- least frequently used algorithm
- least recently used algorithm
- Lee-algorithm
- Lee-Moore algorithm
- Lee-type algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv algorithm
- Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- LFU algorithm
- line-probe algorithm
- link state algorithm
- LU decomposition algorithm
- LZ algorithm
- LZW algorithm
- MacQueen's k-means algorithm
- McCulloch-Pitts algorithm
- memetic algorithm
- message authentication algorithm
- metaheuristic algorithm
- min-cut algorithm
- modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm
- Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
- nested algorithm
- numerical algorithm
- Oja iterative algorithm
- on-line algorithm
- optimization algorithm
- ordering algorithm
- painter's algorithm
- parallel algorithm
- pattern classification algorithm
- pattern recognition algorithm
- pel-recursive estimation algorithm
- placement algorithm
- planning algorithm
- polynomial algorithm
- predictive algorithm
- preemptive algorithm
- Prim algorithm
- production rule based algorithm
- pruning algorithm
- pseudo least recently used algorithm
- Q-R-algorithm
- quantum search algorithm
- quick-union algorithm with path compression
- quick-union algorithm
- radix sorting algorithm
- randomized algorithm
- rank algorithm
- Read-Solomon cyclic redundancy compression algorithm
- recognition algorithm
- recurrent algorithm
- recursive algorithm
- resilient propagation algorithm
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
- robust algorithm
- routing algorithm
- RProp algorithm
- RSA algorithm
- scheduling algorithm
- search algorithm
- search network algorithm
- secure hash algorithm
- selective-trace algorithm
- self-organizing algorithm
- semi-numerical algorithm
- sequential algorithm
- sequential leader clustering algorithm
- serial algorithm
- shortest path algorithm
- sieving algorithm
- simulated annealing training algorithm
- simulation algorithm
- smoothing algorithm
- software algorithm
- spanning tree algorithm
- spline algorithm
- splitting algorithm
- stack algorithm
- statistical algorithm
- stochastic algorithm
- supervised training algorithm
- symmetric encryption algorithm
- time-wheel algorithm
- training algorithm
- universal algorithm
- unsupervised training algorithm
- van der Waerden algorithm
- variational algorithm
- vector distance algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- VLSI algorithm
- weighted quick-union algorithm
- working algorithmThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > algorithm
1) Общая лексика: East-Siberian Pipeline (Восточно-сибирский трубопровод)2) Авиация: Engine Service Plan3) Медицина: Extra Sprite Palette4) Американизм: Energy Saving Product, Enhanced Strategic Planning6) Военный термин: Electro Selective Pattern, Eliminate Service Problems, Emergency Special Measures, Engineer Supply Point, Extended Service Plan, electronic standard procedure, engineering service project, engineering service publication, equipment status panel, экстрасенсорное восприятие7) Техника: econometric software package, effective surface permittivity, electrostatic probe, engineering safety procedures, evoked synaptic potential, exchangeable sodium percentage, expanding-spread profile, Electrostatic precipitator (электростатический фильтр)8) Шутливое выражение: Extra Smooth Pub9) Химия: Enhanced System Protocols10) Лингвистика: end of segment punctuation (Wordfast.net)11) Страхование: Estonian Shipping Company12) Автомобильный термин: Electronic Stability Program (Krokodil), (Electronic Stability Program) Электронная система курсовой устойчивости, система контроля устойчивости (electronic stability programme), cистема курсовой устойчивости, система динамической стабилизации13) Биржевой термин: Exchange Stock Portfolio, Express Stock Position14) Грубое выражение: Especially Stupid People, Extra Sex Please, Extra Stupid Person, Extra Stupid Personality15) Металлургия: электростатический осадитель (electrostatic precipitator)16) Телекоммуникации: Easy Software Products, Enhanced Service Provider17) Сокращение: Electrical Submersible Pump, Electronic Sort Processor, English for Specific Purposes, Entry Schedule for Periodicals (tracks periodicals on-time service), Ergonomic Strategic Partnership (April 4, 2003), Expendable Signal Processor, Expendables System Programmer, Extended Service Program (USA), Extra Sensory Perception, Spanish Peseta, equipment and spare parts, Extended Self-Contained Prolog, (Electronic Stability Program) программа электронной стабилизации движения; электронная система динамической стабилизации (Krokodil), Электростатический электрофильтр (electrostatic precipitator)18) Университет: English For Special Purposes, Exchange Student Project19) Физика: Electron Spin Polarization20) Электроника: Electronic Shock Protection, Electronic Skip Protection21) Вычислительная техника: Encapsulating Security Payload, Enterprise Service Provider, Expert System Protocol, electrostatic protection, emulation sensing processor, Electronic Stability Program (Auto), EFI System Partition (EFI), Ethernet Serial Port (Ethernet), Extreme Support through Personalization (IBM), (IP) Encapsulating Security Payload (IPSEC, IP, RFC 1825/1827, VPN), Emulation Sensing Processor (QMS), emergency shutdown pilot, Embedded Services Processor22) Нефть: electrically driven centrifugal pump, expanding spread profile, measured spontaneous potential, spontaneous potential, точечное зондирование удлинёнными годографами (expanding-spread profile)23) Иммунология: Effectiveness Safety Personality, eosinophil-stimulation promoter24) Связь: Established Service Provider25) Банковское дело: испанская песета26) Транспорт: Electronic Stability Program, En Route Spacing Program, Encapsulation Security Payload, электронная система динамической стабилизации27) Фирменный знак: Electric Sound Products, Enterprise Services Partner, Eric Shinn Productions, Expressive Software Projects Company28) Холодильная техника: external static pressure (внешнее статическое давление)29) Экология: Endowment For Special Protections, electrostatic precipitator (электрофильтр)30) Энергетика: ( Electrostatic precipitator) Электрофильтр31) Бурение: УЭЦН, установка электроцентробежного погружного насоса, ПЭН, погружной электроцентробежный насос, electric submersible centrifugal pump, electrical submersible centrifugal pump32) Менеджмент: (Primavera Enterprise Summary Performance) Информационная система, основанная на Web технологиях, обеспечивающая актуальной информацией по выполнению проекта, включая бюджеты и отклонения.33) Образование: Education Support Professional, Employability Skills Program34) Инвестиции: Enterprises Support Project35) Сетевые технологии: Encryption Security Protocol, Enhanced Synchronization Protocol36) Программирование: Enable SPrinkler, Extended Stack Pointer, Extra Simple Programming37) Сахалин Р: Electric submersible pump38) Океанография: Economical Space Position39) Медицинская техника: end-systolic pressure (ЭхоКГ)40) Авиационная медицина: extrasensory perception41) Макаров: electron spin resonance, electrostatic precipitator, электронный парамагнитный резонанс, электронный спиновый резонанс42) Расширение файла: Enterprise System Platform, Estimated Selling Price, Enhanced Serial Port (Hayes), Eudora Sharing Protocol (Qualcomm), Encapsulating Security Payload (header)43) Нефть и газ: ESP unit, ESP installation, electric submersible pump installation, ЭЦН, агрегат ЭЦН, электрический погружной насос, электропогружное устройство, электропогружной насос, электроцентробежный погружной насосный агрегат, ESCP, ЭПУ44) Яхтенный спорт: Испания (Обозначения на парусах)45) Каспий: emergency supply vessel46) Судостроение: enhanced survey program (согласно российскому судовому регистру)47) Электротехника: earth-surface potential48) Чат: Extra Sensual People -
7 esp
1) Общая лексика: East-Siberian Pipeline (Восточно-сибирский трубопровод)2) Авиация: Engine Service Plan3) Медицина: Extra Sprite Palette4) Американизм: Energy Saving Product, Enhanced Strategic Planning6) Военный термин: Electro Selective Pattern, Eliminate Service Problems, Emergency Special Measures, Engineer Supply Point, Extended Service Plan, electronic standard procedure, engineering service project, engineering service publication, equipment status panel, экстрасенсорное восприятие7) Техника: econometric software package, effective surface permittivity, electrostatic probe, engineering safety procedures, evoked synaptic potential, exchangeable sodium percentage, expanding-spread profile, Electrostatic precipitator (электростатический фильтр)8) Шутливое выражение: Extra Smooth Pub9) Химия: Enhanced System Protocols10) Лингвистика: end of segment punctuation (Wordfast.net)11) Страхование: Estonian Shipping Company12) Автомобильный термин: Electronic Stability Program (Krokodil), (Electronic Stability Program) Электронная система курсовой устойчивости, система контроля устойчивости (electronic stability programme), cистема курсовой устойчивости, система динамической стабилизации13) Биржевой термин: Exchange Stock Portfolio, Express Stock Position14) Грубое выражение: Especially Stupid People, Extra Sex Please, Extra Stupid Person, Extra Stupid Personality15) Металлургия: электростатический осадитель (electrostatic precipitator)16) Телекоммуникации: Easy Software Products, Enhanced Service Provider17) Сокращение: Electrical Submersible Pump, Electronic Sort Processor, English for Specific Purposes, Entry Schedule for Periodicals (tracks periodicals on-time service), Ergonomic Strategic Partnership (April 4, 2003), Expendable Signal Processor, Expendables System Programmer, Extended Service Program (USA), Extra Sensory Perception, Spanish Peseta, equipment and spare parts, Extended Self-Contained Prolog, (Electronic Stability Program) программа электронной стабилизации движения; электронная система динамической стабилизации (Krokodil), Электростатический электрофильтр (electrostatic precipitator)18) Университет: English For Special Purposes, Exchange Student Project19) Физика: Electron Spin Polarization20) Электроника: Electronic Shock Protection, Electronic Skip Protection21) Вычислительная техника: Encapsulating Security Payload, Enterprise Service Provider, Expert System Protocol, electrostatic protection, emulation sensing processor, Electronic Stability Program (Auto), EFI System Partition (EFI), Ethernet Serial Port (Ethernet), Extreme Support through Personalization (IBM), (IP) Encapsulating Security Payload (IPSEC, IP, RFC 1825/1827, VPN), Emulation Sensing Processor (QMS), emergency shutdown pilot, Embedded Services Processor22) Нефть: electrically driven centrifugal pump, expanding spread profile, measured spontaneous potential, spontaneous potential, точечное зондирование удлинёнными годографами (expanding-spread profile)23) Иммунология: Effectiveness Safety Personality, eosinophil-stimulation promoter24) Связь: Established Service Provider25) Банковское дело: испанская песета26) Транспорт: Electronic Stability Program, En Route Spacing Program, Encapsulation Security Payload, электронная система динамической стабилизации27) Фирменный знак: Electric Sound Products, Enterprise Services Partner, Eric Shinn Productions, Expressive Software Projects Company28) Холодильная техника: external static pressure (внешнее статическое давление)29) Экология: Endowment For Special Protections, electrostatic precipitator (электрофильтр)30) Энергетика: ( Electrostatic precipitator) Электрофильтр31) Бурение: УЭЦН, установка электроцентробежного погружного насоса, ПЭН, погружной электроцентробежный насос, electric submersible centrifugal pump, electrical submersible centrifugal pump32) Менеджмент: (Primavera Enterprise Summary Performance) Информационная система, основанная на Web технологиях, обеспечивающая актуальной информацией по выполнению проекта, включая бюджеты и отклонения.33) Образование: Education Support Professional, Employability Skills Program34) Инвестиции: Enterprises Support Project35) Сетевые технологии: Encryption Security Protocol, Enhanced Synchronization Protocol36) Программирование: Enable SPrinkler, Extended Stack Pointer, Extra Simple Programming37) Сахалин Р: Electric submersible pump38) Океанография: Economical Space Position39) Медицинская техника: end-systolic pressure (ЭхоКГ)40) Авиационная медицина: extrasensory perception41) Макаров: electron spin resonance, electrostatic precipitator, электронный парамагнитный резонанс, электронный спиновый резонанс42) Расширение файла: Enterprise System Platform, Estimated Selling Price, Enhanced Serial Port (Hayes), Eudora Sharing Protocol (Qualcomm), Encapsulating Security Payload (header)43) Нефть и газ: ESP unit, ESP installation, electric submersible pump installation, ЭЦН, агрегат ЭЦН, электрический погружной насос, электропогружное устройство, электропогружной насос, электроцентробежный погружной насосный агрегат, ESCP, ЭПУ44) Яхтенный спорт: Испания (Обозначения на парусах)45) Каспий: emergency supply vessel46) Судостроение: enhanced survey program (согласно российскому судовому регистру)47) Электротехника: earth-surface potential48) Чат: Extra Sensual People -
8 unit
1) единица, число 1 ( наименьшее положительное целое число)2) единица (физической) величины; единица измерения ( величины)3) элемент; компонент4) нейрон5) блок; узел; модуль; секция; звено6) прибор; устройство7) аппарат; установка•- unit under test
- abrasive-cleaning unit
- absolute units
- acknowledgement signal unit
- acoustic units
- allocation unit
- angle-tracking unit
- Ångström unit
- answer-back unit
- answering unit
- antenna coupler unit
- anticoincidence unit
- arbitrary unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic and logic unit
- assembly unit
- associative unit
- attached unit
- audio processing unit
- audio-response unit
- automatic calling unit
- automatic lock-on unit
- automatic range tracking unit
- auxiliary power unit
- balanced-armature unit
- balancing unit
- base station unit
- base station control unit
- basic display unit
- basic measurement unit
- basic processing unit
- beam steering unit
- best matching unit
- bistable unit
- break-contact unit
- bubble unit
- bubble storage unit
- buffer unit
- bus interface unit
- camera control unit
- capacitor-resistor unit
- card punch unit
- card punching unit
- card-reader unit
- cassette unit
- central processing unit
- certificate signing unit
- CGS units
- changeover-contact unit
- channel unit
- channel service unit
- channel service unit/digital service unit
- chrominance unit
- clock unit
- cluster unit
- coefficient unit
- coil-spring reverberation unit
- coincidence unit
- communications control unit
- competitive unit
- computer interface unit
- connectionist unit
- control unit
- control-display unit
- converter unit
- conveyorized drying unit
- crosstalk unit
- curve scanning unit
- data unit
- data-acquisition unit
- data-adapter unit
- data-collection unit
- data encryption unit
- data-handling unit
- data transfer unit
- delay unit
- derived units
- developer unit
- dialing unit
- differentiating unit
- digital reverberation-echo unit
- digital service unit
- digital storage unit
- discrete unit
- disk unit
- display unit
- driver unit
- dual processing unit
- electron unit
- ENIGMA duration unit
- ENIGMA virtual page unit
- execution unit
- expansion unit
- experimental unit
- failed unit
- failure unit
- fixed-head disk unit
- floating-point processing unit
- forming unit
- frequency identification unit
- fuel-cell unit
- function unit
- fundamental units
- GeForce graphics processing unit
- geometrical unit
- graphics processing unit
- hidden unit
- hidden-layer unit
- Horner unit
- imaginary unit
- inductive energy storage unit
- inertial measurement unit
- information unit
- in-order retirement unit
- input unit
- input/output unit
- inquiry unit
- instruction unit
- instruction fetch unit
- integrating unit
- interface unit
- internetwork unit
- interrogating unit
- I/O control unit
- LAN access unit
- language unit
- line terminal unit
- logical unit
- magnetic-core storage unit
- magnetic tape unit
- mains unit
- make-contact unit
- matching unit
- matrix unit
- maximum transmission unit
- measurement unit
- medium attachment unit
- memory unit
- memory management unit
- microcontrol unit
- microprocessing unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor control unit
- microprocessor-controlled unit
- microprogrammed unit
- MKS units
- mobile TV unit
- modular unit
- motor unit
- movable-head disk unit
- multiple unit
- multiplier unit
- multiply/accumulate unit
- multipoint control unit
- multistation access unit
- near-eye unit
- nerve unit
- network interface unit
- neural-like unit
- neuromotor unit
- numeric processing unit
- observation unit
- off-line unit
- on-line unit
- orderwire unit
- output unit
- paged memory management unit
- parallel arithmetic unit
- perceptual unit
- peripheral unit
- peripheral interface unit
- peripheral processing unit
- permanent storage unit
- piezoelectric-crystal unit
- pluggable unit
- plug-in unit
- processing unit
- processor unit
- producer's desk unit
- program-control unit
- protected data unit
- protocol data unit
- prototype unit
- quartz-crystal unit
- radio channel unit
- random-access storage unit
- reader unit
- read-write unit
- receptor unit
- recording unit
- register, arithmetic and logic unit
- reproducing unit
- reserve unit
- resistor-capacitor unit
- response unit
- reverberation unit
- sample unit
- sampling unit
- satellite delay compensation unit
- secure access unit
- secure telephone unit
- self-contained unit
- semantic unit
- sensory unit
- serial arithmetic unit
- service unit
- service protocol unit
- shaker unit
- SI units
- six-head tape-loop echo-reverberation unit
- slide unit
- spare unit
- standby unit
- start unit
- stop unit
- storage unit
- summing unit
- system processing unit
- tape unit
- telecine unit
- terminal unit
- terminal-control unit
- terminal-interchange unit
- time-base unit
- time processor unit
- timing unit
- traffic unit
- translation unit
- transmission control unit
- trichromatic unit
- tuning unit
- turntable unit
- ultimate sampling unit
- visual display unit
- voice-response unit
- volume unit
- winning unit
- wire-stripping unit
- word-processing unit
- writing unit -
9 key
1) клавишанапример, на компьютерной клавиатуресм. тж. accelerator key, arrow key, autorepeat key, boss key, break key, cursor keys, dead key, help key, hot key, key assignments, key click, key code, key combination, keyboard, key status indicator, pointing key, prominent key, repeat key, sticky key, tabulator key2) [криптографический] ключкод, используемый процедурой шифрования сообщения, т. е. преобразования сообщения в такой вид, чтобы оно казалось как можно более бессмысленным. Ключ необходим также и для расшифровки сообщениясм. тж. disc key, encryption key, hardware key, key escrow, private key, public key, session key, title key3) [конструктивный] ключ, замокконструктивный элемент, не позволяющий, например, неправильно вставить плату, дискету или установить микросхемусм. тж. reference notchтип наложения, при котором участки видеофрагмента, находящегося на переднем плане, делаются прозрачнымисм. тж. keyed overlay5) ключв СУБД - последовательность знаков, используемая для идентификации записи в индексно-последовательном файле и быстрого доступа к ней.Syn:см. тж. alternate key, candidate key, composite key, foreign key, key field, key search, primary key, secondary key, tertiary key6) включать, переключать (например, телефон), устанавливать переключателем (например, частоту спутникового телефона)7) ключ [доступа]серийный, или регистрационный, номер (serial number) для лицензионного приложения, которому он требуется во время инсталляции8) ключевой, основной, базовый, ведущий; командный; главныйАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > key
См. также в других словарях:
Serial ATA — SATA redirects here. For other uses, see SATA (disambiguation). Serial ATA (SATA) From top to bottom, SATA Certification Logo, SATA cable, and two first generation (1.5 Gbit/s) SATA data connectors on a … Wikipedia
Format-preserving encryption — In cryptography, format preserving encryption (FPE) refers to encrypting in such a way that the output (the ciphertext) is in the same format as the input (the plaintext). The meaning of format varies. Typically only finite domains are discussed … Wikipedia
Derived unique key per transaction — In cryptography, Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) is a key management scheme in which for every transaction, a unique key is used which is derived from a fixed key. Therefore, if a derived key is compromised, future and past transaction … Wikipedia
Pirate decryption — most often refers to the reception of compromised pay TV or pay radio signals without authorization from the original broadcaster. The term pirate in this case is used in the sense of copyright infringement and has little or nothing to do with… … Wikipedia
Copy protection — Copy protection, also known as content protection, copy obstruction, copy prevention and copy restriction, refer to techniques used for preventing the reproduction of software, films, music, and other media, usually for copyright reasons.[1]… … Wikipedia
Abkürzungen/Computer — Dies ist eine Liste technischer Abkürzungen, die im IT Bereich verwendet werden. A [nach oben] AA Antialiasing AAA authentication, authorization and accounting, siehe Triple A System AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liste der Abkürzungen (Computer) — Dies ist eine Liste technischer Abkürzungen, die im IT Bereich verwendet werden. A [nach oben] AA Antialiasing AAA authentication, authorization and accounting, siehe Triple A System AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS … Deutsch Wikipedia
USB flash drive — JumpDrive redirects here. For the fictional propulsion system, see Jump drive. SanDisk Cruzer Micro, a brand of USB flash drives … Wikipedia
Bluetooth — This article is about the electronic protocol. For the medieval King of Denmark, see Harald I of Denmark. Bluetooth logo Bluetooth is a proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short wavelength … Wikipedia
One-time pad — Excerpt from a one time pad In cryptography, the one time pad (OTP) is a type of encryption, which has been proven to be impossible to crack if used correctly. Each bit or character from the plaintext is encrypted by a modular addition with a bit … Wikipedia
Cisco PIX — PIX 535 Firewall Cisco PIX (Private Internet eXchange) is a popular IP firewall and network address translation (NAT) appliance. It was one of the first products in this market segment. In 2005, Cisco introduced the newer Adaptive Security… … Wikipedia