1 seral stage
2 stage
stage 1. стадия; период; фаза; этап; 2. столик (микроскопа)stage of latency латентный период, скрытый периодabult stage имаго, фаза взрослого насекомогоactivation stage стадия актива цииascigerous stage сумчатая стадия (грибов)assimilating stage фаза ассимиляцииblooming stage фаза цветенияbouquet stage стадия "букета"; особое петлеобразное расположение хромосом, встречающееся у некоторых организмов во время зиготенной и пахитенной стадий мейозаbud stage фаза бутонизацииdevelopmental stage стадия развитияdivision stage стадия деленияdough stage фаза восковой спелостиembryonal stage эмбриональная стадия, зародышевая стадияexcitement stage стадия возбужденияfixed stage неподвижный столик (микроскопа)flowering stage фаза цветенияfruit ripening stage фаза созревания плодовfruiting stage стадия плодоношенияgermination stage стадия прорастанияgonidial stage гонидиальная стадияgrowth stage стадия ростаheading stage фаза колошения; фаза вымётыванияherbaceous stage травянистая фазаincubative stage стадия инкубацииleafing stage фаза распускания листьевlimiting velocity stage скорость-лимитирующая стадияmultiplicative stage стадия размноженияmultiplicative stage стадия размноженияpalmelloid stage пальмеллевидная стадия (водорослей)paniculation stage фаза колошения; фаза вымётыванияphenological stage фенофаза, фенологическая фазаpioneer stage стадия зарастания обнажённого субстрата (почвы), инициальная стадияpostconception stage стадия после зачатияpreconceptive stage стадия, предшествующая зачатиюpupal stage стадия куколкиrate-limiting stage скорость-лимитирующая стадияresting stage стадия покояresting stage стадия покоя, интерфазаseral stage начальная стадия климаксового сообществаsporulation stage стадия спорообразованияstem extension stage стеблевание, стадия выхода в трубкуstooling stage стеблевание, стадия выхода в трубкуsynaptic stage стадия зигонемы в мейозеterminal stage последняя стадия, конечная стадияtillering stage стадия кущенияvegetative stage вегетативная стадия, стадия вегетативного развитияwarm stage нагревательный столик (микроскопа)English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > stage
3 stage
1) стадия; период; фаза; этап2) столик ( микроскопа)•- ascigerous stage
- assimilating stage
- basidial stage
- blooming stage
- booting stage
- bud stage
- conidial stage
- dead-ripe stage
- developmental stage
- division stage
- dormant stage
- dough stage
- embryonal stage
- excitement stage
- fixed stage
- flowering stage
- fruit ripening stage
- fruiting stage
- germination stage
- gonidial stage
- growth stage
- heading stage
- herbaceous stage
- incubative stage
- larval stage
- leafing stage
- light stage
- maturity stage
- milk stage
- multiplicative stage
- palmelloid stage
- paniculation stage
- pegging stage
- phenological stage
- pioneer stage
- postconception stage
- preconceptive stage
- pupal stage
- quiescent stage
- resting stage
- ripeness stage
- seadling stage
- seral stage
- shooting stage
- stage of latency
- stem extension stage
- stooling stage
- tillering stage
- vegetative stage
- vernalization stage
- warm stage
- wax stage* * *
См. также в других словарях:
seral community — noun An ecological community which is not stabilized but represents a stage in a succession • • • Main Entry: ↑sere … Useful english dictionary
Seral community — A seral community (or sere) is an intermediate stage found in ecological succession in an ecosystem advancing towards its climax community. An example of seral communities in secondary succession is a recently logged coniferous forest; during the … Wikipedia
Ecological succession — Succession after disturbance: a boreal forest one (left) and two years (right) after a wildfire. Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which a community progressively transforms itself until a stable community is formed. It is a… … Wikipedia
Hydrosere — A hydrosere is a plant succession which occurs in a freshwater lake.In time, an area of open freshwater such as a lake will naturally dry out, ultimately becoming woodland. During this change, a range of different landtypes such as swamp and… … Wikipedia
Old-growth forest — Old growth redirects here. For the Dead Meadow album, see Old Growth (album). See also: Ancient woodland Old growth European Beech forest in Biogradska Gora National Park, Montenegro … Wikipedia
Ecology — For other uses, see Ecology (disambiguation). Ecology … Wikipedia
Dugong — Dugong[1] Temporal range: Early Eocene–Recent … Wikipedia
Forest — This article is about a community of trees. For other uses, see Forest (disambiguation). A conifer forest in the Swiss Alps (National Park) … Wikipedia
sere — 1. adjective /ˈsɪə,siːr/ Without moisture. 1867 CE: Henry Lonsdale, The worthies of Cumberland 2. noun /ˈsɪə,siːr/ An intermediate stage in an ecosystem prior to advancing to the point of being a climax community … Wiktionary