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  • 1 common

    ['komən] 1. adjective
    1) (seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.) κοινός, συνηθισμένος
    2) (belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.) κοινός
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) κοινόχρηστος
    4) (coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.) λαϊκός
    5) (of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.) κοινός, λαϊκός
    6) (of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.) κοινό (ουσιαστικό)
    2. noun
    ((a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.) κοινόχρηστος υπαίθριος χώρος κοινότητας
    - common knowledge
    - common law
    - common-law
    - commonplace
    - common-room
    - common sense
    - the Common Market
    - the House of Commons
    - the Commons
    - in common

    English-Greek dictionary > common

  • 2 phrase

    [freiz] 1. noun
    1) (a small group of words (usually without a finite verb) which forms part of an actual or implied sentence: He arrived after dinner.) φράση
    2) (a small group of musical notes which follow each other to make a definite individual section of a melody: the opening phrase of the overture.) μουσική φράση
    2. verb
    (to express (something) in words: I phrased my explanations in simple language.) εκφράζω,διατυπώνω
    - phrasing
    - phrase-book
    - phrasal verb

    English-Greek dictionary > phrase

См. также в других словарях:

  • Language arts — is the general academic subject area dealing with developing comprehension and capacity for use of written and oral language. The five strands of the Language arts are reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing (visual literacy), as… …   Wikipedia

  • Sentence completion tests — are a class of semi structured projective techniques. Sentence completion tests typically provide respondents with beginnings of sentences, referred to as “stems,” and respondents then complete the sentences in ways that are meaningful to them.… …   Wikipedia

  • Language education — Language Teaching redirects here. For the journal, see Language Teaching (journal). Linguistics …   Wikipedia

  • Language module — refers to a hypothesized structure in the human brain (anatomical module) or cognitive system (functional module) that some psycholinguists (e.g., Steven Pinker) claim contains innate capacities for language. According to Jerry Fodor the sine qua …   Wikipedia

  • Language survey — Language surveys are conducted around the world for a variety of reasons, by a variety of agencies and people. *measuring people’s ability to speak and understand another language (usually community based, not school based) (multilingualism)… …   Wikipedia

  • Sentence case — in a general sense describes the way that capitalization is used within a sentence. Sentence case also describes the standard capitalization of an English sentence, i.e. the first letter of the sentence is capitalized, with the rest being lower… …   Wikipedia

  • sentence — 1. Many users of this book will have been taught that a sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense, contains a main verb, and when written begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (or a question mark if it is a question… …   Modern English usage

  • Sentence — or sentencing may refer to:* Sentence (linguistics), a grammatical unit of language * Sentence (mathematical logic), a formula with no free variables * Sentence (music), the smallest period in a musical composition * Sentence (law), the final act …   Wikipedia

  • Language delay — is a failure to develop language abilities on the usual developmental timetable. Language delay is distinct from speech delay, in which the speech mechanism itself is the focus of delay. Thus, language delay refers specifically to a delay in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Language change — is the manner in which the phonetic, morphological, semantic, syntactic, and other features of a language are modified over time. All languages are continually changing. At any given moment the English language, for example, has a huge variety… …   Wikipedia

  • Language Weaver — is a Los Angeles, California–based company that was founded in 2002 by the University of Southern California s Kevin Knight and Daniel Marcu, to commercialize a statistical approach to automatic language translation and natural language… …   Wikipedia

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