1 sensation
scoop, sensation* * *(en -er) sensation;[ skabe sensation om noget] make a sensation of something;[ vække sensation] cause (el. make el. create) a sensation. -
2 sensation
sensation [sɛnsa'sjoːˀn] <-en; -er> Sensation f, Aufsehen n -
3 sensation
4 sensation
xxxsentiment msensation f -
5 sensation
[sænsα'sjoh] sb. -en, -er, -erneсенсация -
6 sensation
სენსაცია -
7 sensation
8 sensation
сенсація -
9 følesans
sensation, touch* * *sense of touch. -
10 sensationsjournalistik
sensation mongering; yellow journalism. -
11 sultfornemmelse
sensation of hunger. -
12 følelse
sg - fǿlelsen, pl - fǿlelserчу́вство с, ощуще́ние с* * *emotion, expression, feeling, sensation, sense, sentiment* * *(en -r)( fornemmelse, åndelig følelse) feeling ( fx I have a feeling that he does not like me; hurt somebody's feelings; friendly feelings);( følesansen) (sense of) touch;( føleevne, legemlig fornemmelse) feeling, sensation ( fx he has no feeling (el. sensation) in his legs; a sensation of heat);( opfattelse, bevidsthed, forståelse) sense (af, for of, fx have a sense of failure; have no sense of responsibility);( dyb følelse, sindsbevægelse, følelse mods fornuft) emotion ( fxconflicting emotions; an appeal to the emotions);( i sang, tale etc) feeling ( fx try to play with more feeling);[ blandede følelser] mingled (el. mixed) feelings;[ en følelse af] a feeling of ( fx sadness),( bevidsthed) a sense of ( fx one's own importance);[ have en følelse af at] have a feeling that;[ hans følelser for hende] his feelings for her;[ med følelse] with feeling, feelingly;[ tale til deres følelser] appeal to their emotions. -
13 effekt
sg - efféktenэффе́кт мgǿre effékt — произвести́ впечатле́ние
* * *effect, effects, efficacy* * *(en -er) effect;( opsigt) sensation;[ gøre effekt] create a sensation, attract attention;[ for effektens skyld] for effect. -
14 fornemmelse
sg - fornémmelsen, pl - fornémmelserчу́вство с, ощуще́ние с* * *feeling, hunch, sensation* * *(en -r) feeling,(psyk) sensation;[ jeg har en fornemmelse af at] I have the impression (el. a feeling) that, something tells me that,T I have a hunch that;[ have fornemmelse for] have a sense of ( fx what is proper);[pr. fornemmelse] by intuition;[ jeg har det på fornemmelsen] I have a feeling about it;[ det var en flad fornemmelse] it was a letdown;(se også fin). -
15 opsigt
(en)( opmærksomhed) sensation, stir;(se også opsyn);[ vække opsigt] create (el. cause) a stir, attract attention,( stærkere) create (el. make) a sensation. -
16 fornemmelse
nounconcept msensation fdoute mxxxconcept mdoute msensation f -
17 furore
(en) furore;[ vække furore] create (el. make) a sensation. -
18 kvælende
уду́шливый, удуша́ющий* * ** * *adj stifling ( fx heat, embrace), suffocating ( fx heat, smoke), choking ( fx smoke, sensation);[ kvælende varm] stifling (hot), sweltering ( fx day). -
19 lystfølelse
pleasurable sensation. -
20 prikken
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
sensation — [ sɑ̃sasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1370, repris XVIIe; bas lat. sensatio « compréhension » 1 ♦ Phénomène psychophysiologique par lequel une stimulation externe ou interne a un effet modificateur spécifique (⇒ 1. sens, I ) sur l être vivant et conscient; état… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sensation — Sensation ежегодный фестиваль электронной танцевальной музыки, организуемый компанией ID T. До 2005 года проводился исключительно в Нидерландах на стадионе Амстердам АренА. Начиная с 2005 проходил как минимум один раз в Польше, Испании,… … Википедия
Sensation (ID&T) — Sensation (ID T) Sensation est un évènement de la musique électronique, organisée au Pays Bas par ID T depuis l an 2000 au Amsterdam ArenA et depuis lors, chaque année une nouvelle édition est organisée. De nombreux DJ y tournent de la musique du … Wikipédia en Français
sensation — 1 Sensation, percept, sense datum, sensum, image can denote the experience or process which is the result of the activity of a sense organ and its associated neural structures. Sensation (see also SENSATION 2), the most general of these terms, is … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Sensation — White 2007, Letonia … Wikipedia Español
Sensation — Sen*sa tion, n. [Cf. F. sensation. See {Sensate}.] 1. (Physiol.) An impression, or the consciousness of an impression, made upon the central nervous organ, through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sensation — Sf std. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. sensation oder frz. sensation, beides aus l. sēnsātio, aus l. sēnsātus mit Verstand begabt , zu l. sēnsus Verstand , Abstraktum zu l. sentīre (sēnsum) fühlen, denken ; sensibel. Die Bedeutung ist… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
sensation — [sen sā′shən] n. [LL sensatio < sensatus: see SENSATE] 1. the power or process of receiving conscious sense impressions through direct stimulation of the bodily organism [the sensations of hearing, seeing, touching, etc.] 2. an immediate… … English World dictionary
Sensation — »Aufsehen erregendes Ereignis; Riesenüberraschung; verblüffende Leistung«: Das Fremdwort wurde im 18. Jh. – zunächst in der Bedeutung »Empfindung, Sinneseindruck« – aus gleichbed. frz. sensation entlehnt. Später (18./19. Jh.) übernahm es dann die … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
sensation — 1610s, a reaction to external stimulation of the sense organs, from M.L. sensationem (nom. sensatio), from L.L. sensatus endowed with sense, sensible, from L. sensus feeling (see SENSE (Cf. sense)). Meaning state of shock, surprise, in a… … Etymology dictionary
sensation — [n1] feeling, perception awareness, consciousness, emotion, gut reaction*, impression, passion, response, sense, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sentiment, susceptibility, thought, tingle, vibes*; concepts 34,410,529 sensation [n2]… … New thesaurus