1 старший судья
2 старший судья
3 старший судья
коррумпирование, подкуп судьи — tampering with a judge
назначал судей; назначенный судей — drawn up judges
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > старший судья
4 старший судья
5 старший
1. bossстарший рабочий; десятник; артельщик — gang boss
2. chief3. eldest4. high-orderцифра старшего разряда; старший разряд — high-order digit
5. oldest6. ranking7. seniors8. superiors9. yardmaster10. elder; older; senior; eldest; oldest; higher; highest; foreman; first11. major12. senior13. superiorСинонимический ряд:взрослый (прил.) большой; взрослыйАнтонимический ряд: -
6 старший судья
7 старший судья
8 старший судья
1) Sports: master judge -
9 старший окружной судья
Law: senior circuit judgeУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > старший окружной судья
10 пост
I(должность, положение) post, office, positionпокидающий свой пост (в связи с уходом на пенсию) — retiring; (в связи с переходом на другую работу) outgoing
быть назначенным на пост — to be named for / appointed / designated / nominated to a post
занимать пост — to hold / to occupy / to take up a post, to hold office
избирать на пост — to vote (smb.) into an office
освободить от всех занимаемых постов — to dismiss (smb.) from all one's offices
оставить свой пост — to leave one's post, to resign from a post
снять с поста — to remove / to discharge (smb.) from one's office, post, to relieve (smb.) of one's post
занимать высокий пост — to hold a senior position / a high cabinet post / position
должностные лица, занимающие высокие посты — top-level officials
ответственный пост — major post; position / post of responsibility
занимать ответственный пост — to hold an important post / position
руководящий пост — top leadership post, leading position
занимать руководящие посты — to occupy leading positions / top leadership posts
лицо, находящееся на данном посту первый год — freshman амер., пост лорд-канцлера (Великобритания) woolsack
IIвыставить свою кандидатуру на пост президента — to run for the office of president / presidency
пост-вьетнамский синдром — post-Vietnam syndrome, PVS
См. также в других словарях:
senior judge — Of several judges composing a court, the one who holds the oldest commission, or who has served the longest time under his present commission. A judge in the federal system who qualifies for senior status and who chooses such status rather than… … Black's law dictionary
Senior status — is a form of semi retirement for judges of United States federal courts. After federal judges have reached a certain combination of age and years of federal service, under the rule of 80, they are allowed to assume senior status. A judge must be… … Wikipedia
Judge (2000 AD) — Judge (or street judge) is a title held by several significant characters in the Judge Dredd series, which appears in the British comics 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine . In the fictional future history of the series, the role of Judge combines… … Wikipedia
Judge Shenker — is a fictional supporting character in the Judge Dredd and Anderson, Psi Division comic strips in British comics 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine . He is the head of Psi Division. He first appeared in 2000 AD prog 457 (1986).He was appointed head … Wikipedia
Judge Niles — Judge Rog Niles is a fictional character in the Judge Dredd comic strip in British comic 2000 AD . He first appeared in 2000 AD prog 706 (1990). He is the current head of the Public Surveillance Unit (PSU). Before that he was head of the Special… … Wikipedia
Judge Dredd — This article is about the comic book character. For the performer, see Judge Dread. For the forthcoming film, see Dredd. Judge Dredd Cover to 2000 AD prog 168 Art by Mike McMahon … Wikipedia
Judge Joseph F. Weis Jr. — Joseph F. Weis, Jr. (born March 12, 1923) is a senior judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Early life Weis grew up in Pittsburgh where he still lives today, inspired by his father s legal career to journey into the… … Wikipedia
Judge — Infobox Occupation name= PAGENAME caption= Sir Lyman Poore Duff, A former judge of the Supreme Court of Canada official names= Judge, justice, magistrate type= Profession activity sector= Law competencies= Analytical mind, critical thinking,… … Wikipedia
Judge Solomon — Superherobox caption = Solomon as chief judge (painted by Carlos Ezquerra) character name = Judge Solomon publisher = Rebellion Developments debut = 2000 AD prog 68 (1978) creators = Pat Mills and Mike McMahon alter ego = full name = Hollins… … Wikipedia
Judge Grice — Superherobox caption = Judge Grice in his chief judge s uniform (painted by Carlos Ezquerra) character name = Judge Grice publisher = Rebellion debut = 2000 AD prog 706 (1990) creators = John Wagner and Steve Dillon alter ego = full name =… … Wikipedia
Senior President of Tribunals — The Senior President of Tribunals is a senior judge in the United Kingdom who presides over the UK tribunal system. The Senior President is appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor. [Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement… … Wikipedia