1 semiprecious stone
semiprecious stone самоцвет -
2 semiprecious stone
3 semiprecious stone
4 semiprecious stone
5 semiprecious stone
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > semiprecious stone
6 semiprecious stone
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > semiprecious stone
7 semiprecious stone
8 semiprecious stone
самоцветАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > semiprecious stone
9 semiprecious stone
n. самоцвет -
10 semiprecious stone
полудрагоценный камень, самоцвет -
11 semiprecious stone
поделочный камень, полудрагоценный камень -
12 semiprecious stone
English-Russian architecture dictionary > semiprecious stone
13 semiprecious
14 semiprecious
ˈsemɪˌpreʃəs прил. полудрагоценный;
самоцветный semiprecious stone полудрагоценный (о камне) ;
самоцветный - * stone самоцвет semiprecious полудрагоценный;
semiprecious stone самоцвет semiprecious полудрагоценный;
semiprecious stone самоцветБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > semiprecious
15 semiprecious
[ˈsemɪˌpreʃəs]semiprecious полудрагоценный; самоцветный; semiprecious stone самоцвет semiprecious полудрагоценный; самоцветный; semiprecious stone самоцвет -
16 stone
1) камень || облицовывать камнем; выстилать камнем2) оселок; абразивный брусок || править [доводить\] на оселке3) "камень" ( дефект стекла)4) жернов, жерновой камень5) стоун ( единица массы)6) извлекать [удалять\] косточки ( из плодов)•to dress stone — отёсывать камень;to dry stone — класть камень насухо;to surface-tool stone — подвергать камень фактурной обработке, отделывать камень по лицевой поверхности-
abutment stone
arch stone
artificial stone
batch stone
bed stone
block stone
bond stone
border stone
broken stone
building glass stone
building stone
cast stone
choke stone
coping stone
crushed stone
curb stone
curved stone
cut stone
devitrification stone
drafted stone
dressed stone
edge stone
emery stone
facing stone
footing stone
foundation stone
hand-placed stone
honing stone
lithographic stone
natural stone
pad stone
patent stone
pave stone
paving stone
pebble stone
perpend stone
precast stone
precious stone
projecting stone
pudding stone
quarry stone
reconstructed stone
rock-face stone
rolled stone
rough-hewn stone
rubble stone
runner stone
run-of-quarry stone
sawn stone
semiprecious stone
square stone
synthetic stone
through stone
trim stone
untooled stone
work stone -
17 semiprecious
18 semiprecious
adjectiveполудрагоценный; самоцветный; semiprecious stone самоцвет* * *(a) полудрагоценный; самоцветный* * *полудрагоценный; самоцветный* * *adj. полудрагоценный, самоцветный* * ** * *полудрагоценный -
19 semiprecious
[ˌsemɪ'preʃəs]прил.полудрагоценный; самоцветныйsemiprecious stone — полудрагоценный камень, самоцвет
20 semiprecious
a полудрагоценный; самоцветный
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
semiprecious stone — n. gemstone that is not commercially valuable but is as expensive or rare as a precious stone … English contemporary dictionary
semiprecious — adjective Sort of or somewhat precious or valuable. Usually used as part of the terms semiprecious stone or semiprecious gem. See Also: semiprecious stone, semiprecious gem … Wiktionary
semiprecious — sem|i|pre|cious [ ,semi preʃəs, ,semaı preʃəs ] adjective a semiprecious stone is one that is used in jewelry and is valuable, but not as valuable as a precious stone such as a DIAMOND or EMERALD … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stone — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, Lydian stone, Tarmac, Tarvia, aa, abyssal rock, acorn, adamant, adamantine, adobe, agate, alexandrite, amethyst, anklet, anthraconite, aplite, aquamarine, arch, armlet, ashlar, asphalt, aventurine,… … Moby Thesaurus
stone — noun 1) someone threw a stone at me Syn: rock, pebble, boulder 2) a commemorative stone Syn: tablet, monument, monolith, obelisk; gravestone, headstone, tombstone 3) … Thesaurus of popular words
stone — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. coblestone, pebble; mineral; gem, jewel; gravestone, tombstone, millstone, whetstone, hearthstone, flagstone, etc.; pit, endocarp, pyrene; concretion, calculus. See density, ornament. II (Roget s IV)… … English dictionary for students
semiprecious — adjective Date: 1858 of a gemstone of less commercial value than a precious stone … New Collegiate Dictionary
semiprecious — /sem ee presh euhs, sem uy /, adj. (of a stone) having commercial value as a gem but not classified as precious, as the amethyst or garnet. [1885 90; SEMI + PRECIOUS] * * * … Universalium
semiprecious — adj. (of a gem) less valuable than a precious stone … Useful english dictionary
precious stone — noun a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry • Syn: ↑jewel, ↑gem • Derivationally related forms: ↑jeweler (for: ↑jewel), ↑jeweller (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
precious stone — Synonyms and related words: anklet, armlet, bangle, beads, bijou, bracelet, breastpin, brooch, chain, chaplet, charm, chatelaine, circle, coronet, crown, crystal, diadem, earring, fob, gem, gem stone, jewel, locket, necklace, nose ring, pin,… … Moby Thesaurus