1 self
12 -
2 seguro
seguro 1
◊ -ra adjetivo1 esa escalera no está segura that ladder isn't safe o steady ‹ anticonceptivo› safe; 2 seguro DE algo sure o certain of sth ‹ fecha› definite; no te preocupes, seguro que no es nada don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing; seguro que se le olvida he's sure o bound to forget
seguro 2 sustantivo masculino 1 (— de pulsera, collar) clasp, fastener; 2 seguro contra or a todo riesgo comprehensive insurance, all-risks insurance; seguro contra or de incendios fire insurance; seguro de viaje travel insurance; seguro de vida life assurance, life insuranceb) ( Seguridad Social): el seguro or el Sseguro the state health care system, ≈ Medicaid ( in US), ≈ the National Health Service ( in UK)■ adverbio: no lo sabe seguro she doesn't know for sure o certain; seguro que sospecha lo nuestro I'm sure he suspects we're up to something
I adjetivo
1 es una persona muy segura (de sí misma), he's very self-confident
2 (convencido, sin dudas) sure, definite: estaba segura de que vendrías, I was sure you would come
3 (garantizado, cierto) assured: su dimisión es prácticamente segura, his resignation is almost certain
4 (sin peligro) safe
un lugar seguro, a safe place
5 (sin temor, riesgo) secure: no se siente seguro, he doesn't feel secure
es una inversión muy segura, it's a safe investment
6 (paso, voz) steady, firm
II sustantivo masculino
1 Com insurance
seguro a todo riesgo, fully comprehensive insurance
seguro de vida, life insurance
2 (de un arma) safety catch o device (de una puerta) pásale el seguro a la puerta, bolt the door
III adverbio for sure, definitely Locuciones: ir sobre seguro, to play safe
tener algo por seguro, to be sure of sthg ' seguro' also found in these entries: Spanish: asegurarse - cierta - cierto - cobertura - confiada - confiado - esperar - liquidez - ocho - prima - riesgo - santuario - segura - servidor - servidora - sexo - sí - tener - asegurado - bien - confiar - desenfadado - montaje - ojalá - que - tercero English: agenda - assurance - back up - bet - bound - burglar alarm - certain - claim - clear - comprehensive - confident - dead - define - dependable - doubt - endowment - extortionate - insurance - insurance premium - itemize - life insurance - low-cost - ought - overconfident - play - policy - positive - premium - quite - safe - safety - safety catch - secure - self-assured - self-confident - steadily - steady - sure - travel insurance - uncertain - unsure - certainly - certainty - death - definite - definitely - diffident - dollar - health - including
См. также в других словарях:
Power-on self-test — (POST) is the common term for a computer, router or printer s pre boot sequence. The same basic sequence is present on all computer architectures. It is the first step of the more general process called initial program load (IPL), booting, or… … Wikipedia
Power-On-Self-Test — Le Power on self test (POST, l auto test au démarrage) désigne la première étape du processus plus général appelé amorçage. Lors de cette étape, le programme intégré à la carte mère (le BIOS pour Basic Input/Output System ) teste la présence des… … Wikipédia en Français
Power-on self-test — Le Power on self test (POST, l auto test au démarrage) désigne la première étape du processus plus général appelé amorçage. Lors de cette étape, le programme intégré à la carte mère (le BIOS pour Basic Input/Output System ) teste la présence des… … Wikipédia en Français
Power-On Self-Test — Le Power on self test (POST, l’auto test au démarrage) désigne la première étape du processus plus général appelé amorçage. Lors de cette étape, le programme intégré à la carte mère (le BIOS pour Basic Input/Output System) teste la présence des… … Wikipédia en Français
Ship Self Defense System — Das Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) ist ein militärisches System zur integrierten Steuerung von Sensoren und Waffen an Bord eines Kampfschiffes zur Abwehr von feindlichen Angriffen. Es ist primär auf Schiffen der United States Navy zu finden und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Power On Self-Test — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Der Power On Self Test (POST) ist ein Selbsttest nach dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
power-on self-test — Der POST (von englisch power on self test) ist ein Selbsttest nach dem Einschalten des Computers – ein Vorgang, den der Computer beim Hochfahren durchläuft, um zu prüfen, ob die grundlegenden Komponenten des PCs funktionsfähig sind.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology — Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, or S.M.A.R.T. (sometimes written SMART), is a monitoring system for computer hard disks to detect and report on various indicators of reliability, in the hope of anticipating… … Wikipedia
power-on self test — Abbreviated POST. A set of diagnostic programs loaded from ROM before any attempt is made to load the operating system; designed to ensure that the major system components are present and operating. If a problem is found, the POST firmware… … Dictionary of networking
Self (programming language) — Infobox programming language name = Self paradigm = object oriented prototype based year = 1986 designer = David Ungar, Randall Smith developer = David Ungar, Randall Smith, Stanford University, Sun Microsystems latest release version = 4.3… … Wikipedia
Self-replicating machine — A self replicating machine is an artificial construct that is theoretically capable of autonomously manufacturing a copy of itself using raw materials taken from its environment. The concept of self replicating machines has been advanced and… … Wikipedia