Перевод: с английского на русский

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segmented leukocyte

См. также в других словарях:

  • leukocyte — A type of cell formed in the myelopoietic, lymphoid, and reticular portions of the reticuloendothelial system in various parts of the body, and normally present in those sites and in the circulating blood (rarely in other tissues). Under various… …   Medical dictionary

  • Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… …   Medical dictionary

  • neutrophil, neutrophile — 1. A mature white blood cell in the granulocytic series, formed by myelopoietic tissue of the bone marrow (sometimes also in extramedullary sites), and released into the circulating blood, where they normally represent 54–65% of the total …   Medical dictionary

  • cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… …   Universalium

  • diagnosis — /duy euhg noh sis/, n., pl. diagnoses / seez/. 1. Med. a. the process of determining by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition. b. the decision reached from such an examination. Abbr.: Dx 2. Biol. scientific… …   Universalium

  • Neutrophil — A type of white blood cell, specifically a form of granulocyte, filled with neutrally staining granules, tiny sacs of enzymes that help the cell to kill and digest microorganisms it has engulfed by phagocytosis. The mature neutrophil has a… …   Medical dictionary

  • metamyelocyte — A transitional form of myelocyte with nuclear construction that is intermediate between the mature myelocyte (myelocyte C of Sabin) and the two lobed granular leukocyte. SYN: juvenile cell. [meta …   Medical dictionary

  • vertebrate — /verr teuh brit, brayt /, adj. 1. having vertebrae; having a backbone or spinal column. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Vertebrata (or Craniata), a subphylum of chordate animals, comprising those having a brain enclosed in a skull or cranium… …   Universalium

  • Appendicitis — Classification and external resources An acutely inflamed and enlarged appendix, sliced lengthwise. ICD 10 K …   Wikipedia

  • Frank Macfarlane Burnet — Infobox Scientist name = Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet box width = image width =170px caption = At the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, 1945 birth date = birth date|1899|9|3|df=y birth place = Traralgon, Victoria death date = Death date and… …   Wikipedia

  • basophil — (ba so fil) A phagocytic leukocyte whose granules stain bluish black with a basic dye. It has a segmented nucleus. The granules contain histamine and heparin …   Dictionary of microbiology

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