Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 seem

    (to have the appearance or give the impression of being or doing: A thin person always seems (to be) taller than he really is; She seems kind; He seemed to hesitate for a minute.) parecer
    - seemingly
    - seemly
    * * *
    [si:m] vt 1 parecer, dar a impressão. it seems impossible to me / parece-me impossível. 2 parecer, existir, parecer ser fato ou verdade. 3 ter a impressão. he seemed angry / ele parecia estar zangado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > seem

  • 2 seem

    (to have the appearance or give the impression of being or doing: A thin person always seems (to be) taller than he really is; She seems kind; He seemed to hesitate for a minute.) parecer
    - seemingly - seemly

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > seem

  • 3 apparently

    adverb (it seems that; I hear that: Apparently he is not feeling well.) aparentemente
    * * *
    [əp'ærəntli] adv 1 aparentemente, evidentemente. 2 claramente, compreensivelmente. 3 visivelmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > apparently

  • 4 basically

    adverb (fundamentally: She seems strict, but basically (= in reality) she's very nice; Her job, basically, is to deal with foreign customers.) basicamente
    * * *
    [b'eisikəli] adv basicamente, de modo essencial ou fundamental.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > basically

  • 5 blind spot

    1) (any matter about which one always shows lack of understanding: She seems to have a blind spot about physics.) ponto fraco
    2) (an area which is impossible or difficult to see due to an obstruction.) área sem visibilidade
    * * *
    blind spot
    [bl'aind spɔt] n 1 ponto cego (na retina). 2 ponto morto (em transmissão de rádio). 3 cegueira, obliteração (de julgamento, discernimento).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blind spot

  • 6 easier said than done

    (more difficult than it at first seems: Getting seats for the theatre is easier said than done.) mais difícil do que parece
    * * *
    easier said than done
    falar é fácil, fazer é que são elas.
    easier said than done
    mais fácil falar do que fazer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > easier said than done

  • 7 feverish

    1) (having a slight fever: She seems a bit feverish tonight.) febril
    2) (restlessly excited: a feverish air.) excitante/exaltado
    * * *
    [f'i:vəriʃ] adj 1 febril. 2 febricitante. 3 fig febril, exaltado, agitado, desassossegado, inconstante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feverish

  • 8 foil

    I [foil] verb
    (to defeat; to disappoint: She was foiled in her attempt to become President.) frustrar
    II [foil] noun
    1) (extremely thin sheets of metal that resemble paper: silver foil.) folha de alumínio
    2) (a dull person or thing against which someone or something else seems brighter: She acted as a foil to her beautiful sister.) contraste QUERY
    III [foil] noun
    (a blunt sword with a button at the end, used in the sport of fencing.) florete
    * * *
    [fɔil] n 1 rasto de caça. 2 derrota, frustração, mau êxito. • vt 1 baldar, frustrar, anular. 2 derrotar, destroçar, repelir, parar, evadir (golpe, pergunta, etc.). 3 despistar, fazer perder o rasto.
    [fɔil] n 1 folha metálica, chapa, lâmina delgada de metal, ouropel. 2 contraste, realce. 3 folheta (em joalharia), amálgama ou aço de espelho. 4 Archit ornamento em forma de folhas, ogiveta. • vt 1 folhetear, pôr folheta em (pedra preciosa), folhear. 2 realçar, dar realce. 3 Archit ornar com ogivetas. it acts as a foil to her isso dá-lhe relevo. to be a foil to dar realce a, realçar.
    [fɔil] n florete embolado, espada preta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > foil

  • 9 foolproof

    adjective (unable to go wrong: His new plan seems completely foolproof.) seguro
    * * *
    [f'u:lpru:f] adj Amer, coll perfeitamente seguro, à prova de acidentes, tão simples e seguro que até um bobo pode usá-lo ou fazê-lo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > foolproof

  • 10 forlorn

    (pitiful; unhappy because left alone: She seems rather forlorn since he left.) desamparado
    * * *
    [fəl'ɔ:n] adj 1 abandonado, desamparado, esquecido, solitário. 2 miserável, infeliz, desconsolado, perdido. 3 desesperançado, desesperado. 4 desolado, aflito, triste, lúgubre, lastimoso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forlorn

  • 11 friction

    1) (the rubbing together of two things: The friction between the head of the match and the matchbox causes a spark.) fricção
    2) (the resistance felt when one object is moved against another (or through liquid or gas): There is friction between the wheels of a car and the road-surface.) fricção
    3) (quarrelling; disagreement: There seems to be some friction between the workmen and the manager.) fricção
    * * *
    [fr'ikʃən] n 1 fricção. 2 atrito: a) Mech esfrega. b) desinteligência.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > friction

  • 12 inexhaustible

    (very large; not likely to be used up: an inexhaustible supply; Her energy seems inexhaustible.) inesgotável
    - inexhaustibility
    * * *
    [inigz'ɔ:stəbəl] adj inexaurível, inesgotável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inexhaustible

  • 13 inexperience

    (lack of experience or skilled knowledge: He seems good at the job in spite of his youth and inexperience.) inexperiência
    * * *
    [iniksp'iəriəns] n inexperiência.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inexperience

  • 14 influence

    ['influəns] 1. noun
    1) (the power to affect people, actions or events: He used his influence to get her the job; He should not have driven the car while under the influence of alcohol.) influência
    2) (a person or thing that has this power: She is a bad influence on him.) influência
    2. verb
    (to have an effect on: The weather seems to influence her moods.) influenciar
    - influentially
    * * *
    ['influəns] n influência, preponderância, prestígio. • vt 1 influenciar, influir. 2 persuadir, manipular. to be under the influence of estar sob a influência de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > influence

  • 15 jovial

    (full of good humour: He seems to be in a very jovial mood this morning.) jovial
    - jovially
    * * *
    [dʒ'ouviəl] adj jovial, alegre, bem-disposto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jovial

  • 16 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) julgar
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) julgar
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) julgar
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) julgar
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) juiz
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) juiz
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) juiz
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement
    * * *
    [dʒ∧dʒ] n 1 juiz, árbitro, julgador. 2 Judge Juiz Supremo, Deus. 3 perito, técnico, especialista. he is a good judge of cattle / ele é um perito de gado vacum. • vt+vi 1 julgar, sentenciar. I judge of him from his behaviour / eu o julgo pelo seu comportamento. 2 decidir, concluir, considerar como. 3 avaliar, ajuizar, opinar. he judges the merits of their proposal / ele avalia os méritos de sua proposta. 4 criticar, condenar, censurar. 5 expor, considerar, pensar. as far as I can judge segundo meu modo de pensar. as God is my judge! assim Deus me salve!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > judge

  • 17 method

    1) (the way in which one does something: I don't like his methods of training workers.) método
    2) (an orderly or fixed series of actions for doing something: Follow the method set down in the instruction book.) método
    3) (good sense and a definite plan: Her work seems to lack method.) método
    - methodically
    * * *
    [m'eθəd] n método.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > method

  • 18 paradox

    (a statement etc that seems to contradict itself but which is nevertheless true: If your birthday is on February 29 you could state the paradox that you are thirteen years old although you have only had three birthdays.) paradoxo
    - paradoxically
    * * *
    [p'ærədɔks] n paradoxo. paradox of plenty Com paradoxo da abundância.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > paradox

  • 19 relatively

    adverb (when compared to someone or something else: He seems relatively happy now; This is a fairly unimportant problem, relatively speaking.) relativamente
    * * *
    [r'elətivli] adv relativamente, comparativamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relatively

  • 20 restful

    1) (bringing rest: a restful holiday.) repousante
    2) ((of colours, music etc) causing a person to feel calm and relaxed: Some people find blue a restful colour; After a hard day's work, I like to listen to some restful music.) repousante
    3) (relaxed: at rest: The patient seems more restful now.) repousado
    * * *
    [r'estful] adj tranqüilo, quieto, descansado, sossegado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > restful

См. также в других словарях:

  • seems — me·seems; …   English syllables

  • seems —    Amo, mehe mea lā.    ♦ It seems good, he ano maika i ia …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

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  • Seems Like Old Times (song) — Seems Like Old Times is a popular song, by Carmen Lombardo and John Jacob Loeb.It was originally recorded by Guy Lombardo s orchestra on November 15, 1945 and released by Decca Records as catalog number 18737.It was the theme song of Arthur… …   Wikipedia

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  • Seems Like Old Times (film) — Infobox Film name = Seems Lke Old Times image size = caption = Promotional poster for Seems Like Old Times director = Jay Sandrich producer = Margaret Booth Roger M. Rothstein Ray Stark writer = Neil Simon narrator = starring = Goldie Hawn Chevy… …   Wikipedia

  • Seems Like Fate 1984-1992 — Infobox Album | Name = Seems Like Fate 1984 1992 Type = Compilation Artist = The Grapes of Wrath Released = 1994 Recorded = ? Genre = Folk rock Length = Label = Nettwerk Producer = Various Reviews = Last album = These Days (1991) This album =… …   Wikipedia

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  • seems — sɪːm v. appear to be, look like; give the impression of, have the appearance of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • SEEMS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • seems to him — appears to him, looks to him as if …   English contemporary dictionary

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